Cytoscape 2.2 (c) 2004 ISB, MSKCC, UCSD

Class Misc

  extended bycytoscape.util.Misc

public class Misc
extends Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Vector getPropertyValues(Properties props, String propName)
          return the (possibly multiple) value of the specified property as a vector.
static String getRGBText(Color color)
static boolean isList(String listString, String startToken, String endToken, String delimiter)
          determine whether a string encodes a list
static String[] parseList(String listString, String startToken, String endToken, String delimiter)
          parse and return an array of strings
static Color parseRGBText(String text)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Misc()
Method Detail


public static Color parseRGBText(String text)


public static String getRGBText(Color color)


public static Vector getPropertyValues(Properties props,
                                       String propName)
return the (possibly multiple) value of the specified property as a vector. property values (which typically come from cytoscape.prop files) are usually scalar strings, but may be a list of such strings, surrounded by parentheses, and delimited by the value of a property called 'property.delimiter' (whose value is usually "::") get the property value; check to see if it is a list; parse it if necessary


public static boolean isList(String listString,
                             String startToken,
                             String endToken,
                             String delimiter)
determine whether a string encodes a list

listString - a string containing one or more substrings
startToken - marks the beginning of the list; must be at the very start (except for possible leading whitespace
endToken - marks the end of the list; must be at the very end (except for possible trailing whitespace
delimiter - the string (e.g., "::") which separates the substrings
true or false


public static String[] parseList(String listString,
                                 String startToken,
                                 String endToken,
                                 String delimiter)
parse and return an array of strings

listString - a string containing one or more substrings
startToken - marks the beginning of the list; must be at the very start (except for possible leading whitespace
endToken - marks the end of the list; must be at the very end (except for possible trailing whitespace
delimiter - the string (e.g., "::") which separates the substrings
an array made up of the substrings