Cytoscape 2.6.1 (c) 2006,2007 ISB, MSKCC, UCSD


Classes used to represent generic annotation data in Cytoscape.


Class Summary
Annotation Store any number of classifications for named entities, each of which is from a specified species, and where the classifications are all terms from an ontology (a controlled vocabulary for some subject domain, expressed as a directed acyclic graph).
AnnotationDescription Distinguish among different ontologies, by curator and type.
FlattenIntVectors given a vector which nests other vectors, each resolving eventually to a list of Integers, flatten it out into a simple 1-level-deep vector of Integer vectors.
Ontology Contains a collection of OntologyTerms, each of which may have pointers to other terms, creating a hierarchical controlled vocabulary.
OntologyDescription Distinguish among different ontologies, by curator and type.
OntologyTerm Represents one node in an ontology, which is a hierarchical classification of entities using a controlled vocabulary.

Package Description

Classes used to represent generic annotation data in Cytoscape.