Cytoscape 2.6.1 (c) 2006,2007 ISB, MSKCC, UCSD

Package cytoscape.groups

Interface Summary
CyGroup The CyGroup interface provides the methods for a group model that maintains the list of nodes belonging to a group, the parent of a particular group, and the node that represents the group.
CyGroupChangeListener The CyGroupChangeListener interface provides a mechanism for plugins that track group related information to get notified of changes to groups.
CyGroupViewer The CyGroupViewer interface provides a mechanism for group view implementations to register themselves and get notified of group creation and deletion.

Class Summary
CyGroupImpl The CyGroup class provides the implementation for a group model that maintains the list of nodes belonging to a group, the parent of a particular group, and the node that represents the group.
CyGroupManager The CyGroup class provides the implementation for a group model that maintains the list of nodes belonging to a group, the parent of a particular group, and the node that represents the group.

Enum Summary
CyGroupChangeListener.ChangeType The types of notifications we pass to our listeners
CyGroupViewer.ChangeType The change values