Cytoscape 2.6.1 (c) 2006,2007 ISB, MSKCC, UCSD

Interface TunableListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TunableListener

The TunableListener interface provides a way to encapsulate CyLayoutAlgorithm property and settings values. Each Tunable has a name, which corresponds to the property name, a description, which is used as the label in the settings dialog, a type, a value, and information about the value, such as a list of options or the lower and upper bounds for the value. These are meant to be used as part of the LayoutSettingsDialog (see getPanel).

Method Summary
 void tunableChanged(Tunable tunable)
          The tunableChanged method is called whenever a tunable value has been changed by the user (as opposed to programmatically).

Method Detail


void tunableChanged(Tunable tunable)
The tunableChanged method is called whenever a tunable value has been changed by the user (as opposed to programmatically). It can be used by systems to react to user input to improve interactivity or user feedback.

tunable - the Tunable that was changed