Cytoscape 2.8.0 API | |||||||||
Class Summary | |
AlignHorizontalAction | |
AlignVerticalAction | |
AlphabeticalSelectionAction | |
AnimatedLayoutAction | Deprecated. Not apparently used. |
ApplyLayoutAction | |
ApplyVisualStyleAction | Apply Visual Style for a set of selected networks. |
ArrangeAction | |
BackgroundColorAction | Deprecated. Use vizmapper gui to edit background color. |
BendSelectedEdgesAction | |
BirdsEyeViewAction | Deprecated. This class is no longer used since the BirdsEyeView is now always part of the NetworkPanel. |
BookmarkAction | |
CheckBoxFileChooser | Deprecated. This isn't apparently used anywhere. |
CloneGraphInNewWindowAction | |
CreateNetworkViewAction | |
CytoPanelAction | |
DeleteAction | action for deleting selected Cytoscape nodes and edges |
DeselectAllAction | |
DeSelectAllEdgesAction | |
DeSelectAllNodesAction | |
DestroyNetworkAction | |
DestroyNetworkViewAction | |
EdgeManipulationAction | |
ExitAction | |
ExpFileChooser | Deprecated. Not apparently used anywhere. |
ExportAction | |
ExportAsGMLAction | |
ExportAsGraphicsAction | Action for exporting a network view to bitmap or vector graphics. |
ExportAsInteractionsAction | write out the current graph to the specified file, using the standard interactions format: nodeA edgeType nodeB. |
ExportAsXGMMLAction | This action is for exporting network and attributes in XGMML file. |
ExportEdgeAttributesAction | |
ExportNetworksAsNNFAction | This action is for exporting network and attributes in XGMML file. |
ExportNodeAttributesAction | |
ExportVizmapAction | Export visual styles as a vizmap.props file |
FitContentAction | |
GinyUtils | Utility operations for selection and hiding/unhiding nodes and edges in a Giny GraphView. |
GraphObjectSelectionAction | |
HelpAboutAction | |
HelpContactHelpDeskAction | |
HelpContentsAction | Really just a wrapper for the CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource action. |
HideSelectedAction | |
HideSelectedEdgesAction | |
HideSelectedNodesAction | |
ImportEdgeAttributesAction | |
ImportExpressionMatrixAction | User has requested loading of an Expression Matrix File. |
ImportGraphFileAction | Imports a graph of arbitrary type. |
ImportNodeAttributesAction | |
ImportVizmapAction | |
InvertSelectedEdgesAction | |
InvertSelectedNodesAction | |
ListFromFileSelectionAction | Select nodes from a text list of node IDs. |
LoadNetworkTask | Task to load a new network. |
LoggerAction | Created by IntelliJ IDEA. |
MemoryUsageAction | |
NewNetworkAction | creates a new network and associates an editor with it |
NewSessionAction | |
NewWindowSelectedNodesEdgesAction | |
NewWindowSelectedNodesOnlyAction | |
OpenSessionAction | Call the session reader and read everything in the zip archive. |
PluginManagerAction | |
PluginUpdateAction | |
PreferenceAction | |
PrintAction | |
ProxyServerAction | |
RotateSelectedNodesAction | Rotates the given selection by the specified amount. |
SaveSessionAction | Save Session action. Write current states into a CYS file. |
SaveSessionAsAction | Same as SaveSessionAction, but always opens file chooser. |
SelectAdjacentEdgesAction | |
SelectAllAction | |
SelectAllEdgesAction | |
SelectAllNodesAction | |
SelectConnectedNodesAction | select every node connected to the current selected edges. |
SelectFirstNeighborsAction | select every first neighbor (directly connected nodes) of the currently selected nodes. |
SelectionModeAction | |
SetVisualPropertiesAction | |
ShowAllAction | |
ShowCustomGraphicsManagerAction | Display Custom Graphics Manager GUI. |
ShowGraphicsDetailsAction | |
StraightenSelectedEdgesAction | |
ToggleVisualMapperAction | This class implements two menu items that allow enabling and disabling the visual mapper. |
UnHideSelectedAction | |
UnHideSelectedEdgesAction | |
UnHideSelectedNodesAction | |
WebServiceNetworkImportAction | |
ZoomAction | |
ZoomSelectedAction |
UI classes that are attached to menu items in the menu or tool bar of the window. These classes are usually short and delegate to other objects to do the actual work.
Cytoscape 2.8.0 API | |||||||||