Cytoscape 2.8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use GraphViewChangeListener
cytoscape.view Classes that provide a window to display a graph and UI components connected to that window, such as the menus. 

Uses of GraphViewChangeListener in cytoscape.view

Classes in cytoscape.view that implement GraphViewChangeListener
 class CyMenus
          Creates the menu and tool bars for a Cytoscape window object.
 class FlagAndSelectionHandler
          This class synchronizes the flagged status of nodes and edges as held by a SelectFilter object of a network with the selection status of the corresponding node and edge views in a GraphView.

Uses of GraphViewChangeListener in ding.view

Methods in ding.view with parameters of type GraphViewChangeListener
 void DGraphView.addGraphViewChangeListener(GraphViewChangeListener l)
          Add GraphViewChangeListener to linked list of GraphViewChangeListeners.
 void DGraphView.removeGraphViewChangeListener(GraphViewChangeListener l)
          Remove GraphViewChangeListener from linked list of GraphViewChangeListeners.

Uses of GraphViewChangeListener in giny.view

Methods in giny.view with parameters of type GraphViewChangeListener
 void GraphView.addGraphViewChangeListener(GraphViewChangeListener listener)
          Adds a new GraphViewChangeListener to this GraphViews list of listeners.
 void GraphView.removeGraphViewChangeListener(GraphViewChangeListener listener)
          Removes a GraphViewChangeListener from this GraphViews list of listeners.

Cytoscape 2.8.0 API

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