Cytoscape 2.8.2 API


AboutDialog - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
About page for web service clients or other plugins.
AboutDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.AboutDialog
Creates new form WSAboutDialog
AboutDialog(Frame, boolean, String, Icon, URL) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.AboutDialog
Creates a new AboutDialog object.
above - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
ABOVE_VALUE_CHANGED - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
abovePanel - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
Abs - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Abs() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Abs
AbstractCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.calculators
AbstractCalculator(String, ObjectMapping, VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Creates a new AbstractCalculator object.
AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI - Class in cytoscape.visual.calculators
Deprecated. Do not use. This UI was replaced by new VizMap GUI.
AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI(CyAttributes, JDialog, CyNetwork) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI
AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI.AttributeSelectorListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.calculators
Deprecated. AttributeSelectorListener listens for events on the JComboBoxes that select the controlling attribute for mappers contained in each calculator.
AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI.AttributeSelectorListener(JDialog, CyNetwork, int, int, JPanel) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI.AttributeSelectorListener
Deprecated. Constructs an AttributeSelectorListener for the ObjectMapping at index mapIndex.
AbstractCellEditor - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
AbstractCellEditor() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
AbstractCommandHandler - Class in cytoscape.command
This abstract class provides a convenient (but not necessary) base class for writing CyCommandHandlers.
AbstractCommandHandler(CyCommandNamespace) - Constructor for class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
You do not need to call this constructor from you class, but if you don't, you will need to make sure you assign the namespace appropriately.
AbstractDCustomGraphics - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl
AbstractDCustomGraphics(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
AbstractDCustomGraphics(Long, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
Create new object for a given ID.
AbstractFunction - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
AbstractFunction(ArgDescriptor[]) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
AbstractGraphReader - Class in
AbstractGraphReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new AbstractGraphReader object.
AbstractLayout - Class in cytoscape.layout
The AbstractLayout provides nice starting point for Layouts written for Cytoscape.
AbstractLayout() - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
The Constructor is null
AbstractMapping - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
AbstractMapping(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
AbstractParserControl - Class in org.apache.commons.cli.avalon
Class to inherit from so when in future when new controls are added clients will no have to implement them.
AbstractParserControl() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.AbstractParserControl
AbstractScaler - Class in cytoscape.util
Used to scale a list of values to [a,b]
AbstractScaler() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.AbstractScaler
AbstractTreeTableModel - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
AbstractTreeTableModel(Object) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
Creates a new AbstractTreeTableModel object.
AbstractVisualProperty - Class in
AbstractVisualProperty() - Constructor for class
acceleratorSet - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
accept(File) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns true if this class is capable of processing the specified file.
accept(File, String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns true if this class is capable of processing the specified file.
accept(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns true if this class is capable of processing the specified file.
accept(URL, String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns true if this class is capable of processing the specified URL
accept(File) - Method in class cytoscape.util.XGMMLFileFilter
Indicates which files the XGMMLFileFilter accepts.
accept(URL, String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.XGMMLFileFilter
acceptedClasses - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
acceptedDataClasses - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
The domain classes accepted by the mappings underlying this calculator.
acceptsMultipleArgs() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.ArgDescriptor
acceptsMultipleArgs() - Method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.ArgType
ACos - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
ACos() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ACos
ACTION_TITLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.DeleteAction
actionButtonMap - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
actionHelp() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
actionMembersSet - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
actionMembersSet - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
actionMenuItemMap - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.AlignHorizontalAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.AlignVerticalAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.AlphabeticalSelectionAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.AnimatedLayoutAction
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ApplyLayoutAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ApplyVisualStyleAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.BackgroundColorAction
Deprecated. Captures User Menu Selection.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.BendSelectedEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.BirdsEyeViewAction
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.BookmarkAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.CloneGraphInNewWindowAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.CreateNetworkViewAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.CytoPanelAction
Toggles the cytopanel state.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DeleteAction
Delete all selected nodes, edges, edges adjacent to the selected nodes, and any nodes/edges passed as arguments.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DeselectAllAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DeSelectAllEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DeSelectAllNodesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkViewAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.EdgeManipulationAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExitAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsGMLAction
User-initiated action to save the current network in GML format to a user-specified file.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsGraphicsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsInteractionsAction
User-initiated action to save the current network in SIF format to a user-specified file.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsXGMMLAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportEdgeAttributesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportNetworksAsNNFAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportNodeAttributesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportVizmapAction
Get file name and execute the saving task
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.FitContentAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.GraphObjectSelectionAction
This Should go away
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.HelpAboutAction
Show about page.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.HelpContactHelpDeskAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.HelpContentsAction
Merely calls actionPerformed on the CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource object.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedNodesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ImportEdgeAttributesAction
User Initiated Request.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ImportExpressionMatrixAction
User Initiated Request.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ImportGraphFileAction
User-initiated action to load a CyNetwork into Cytoscape.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ImportNodeAttributesAction
User Initiated Request.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ImportVizmapAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.InvertSelectedEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.InvertSelectedNodesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ListFromFileSelectionAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.LoggerAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.MemoryUsageAction
Show memory usage freport.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.NewNetworkAction
create the new network and view
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.NewSessionAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.NewWindowSelectedNodesEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.NewWindowSelectedNodesOnlyAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.OpenSessionAction
Clear current session and open the cys file.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.PluginInstallAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.PluginManagerAction
Gets the lists of plugins and creates the ManagerDialog for users.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.PluginUpdateAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.PreferenceAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.PrintAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ProxyServerAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.RotateSelectedNodesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SaveSessionAction
If no current session file exists, open dialog box to ask user a new session file name, otherwise, overwrite the file.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SaveSessionAsAction
If no current session file exists, open dialog box to save new session, and if it exists, overwrite the file.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectAdjacentEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllNodesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectConnectedNodesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectFirstNeighborsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SetVisualPropertiesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ShowAllAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ShowCustomGraphicsManagerAction
Display custom graphics manager
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ShowGraphicsDetailsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.StraightenSelectedEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ToggleVisualMapperAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.UnHideSelectedAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.UnHideSelectedEdgesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.UnHideSelectedNodesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.WebServiceNetworkImportAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ZoomAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ZoomSelectedAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.EdgeAttributesPopupDetails.OKAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.EditNetworkTitleDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExpressionDataPopupTable.OKAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog.OKAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GraphObjectSelection
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton.ApplyIconAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton.CancelIconAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.LabelTextPanel.BoxAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider.MJTextField
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NewStringPopupDialog.CancelAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NewStringPopupDialog.OkAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PopupTextArea.OKAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.BookmarkDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.ProxyServerDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ShrinkExpandGraph
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method is public as a byproduct of the implementation.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.DynamicLayoutMenu.LayoutAttributeMenuItem
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutSettingsDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.SettingsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.StaticLayoutMenu
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Capture All Action Events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.RedoAction
Tries to run redo() on the top edit of the edit stack.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.UndoAction
Tries to run undo() on the top edit of the edit stack.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.RandomColorListener
User wants to Seed the Discrete Mapper with Random Color Values.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.ObjectPlacerControl
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupIconChooser.ApplyIconAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupIconChooser.CancelIconAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel.CopyStyleListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel.CreateLegendListener
activate() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
If implemented, then this plugin will be activated after being initialized
add(String, int) - Method in class
Deprecated. create a new annotation for an entity (typically a gene) of the current species and with respect to the current ontology.
add(OntologyTerm) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
add(OntologyTerm) - Method in class
Add a new ontology term to the DAG.
add(String, String) - Method in class
Add new alias for an object.
add(String, List<String>) - Method in class
Add list of aliases to the existing alias lists.
add(String, String) - Method in class
add(CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenu
add(Tunable) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
This method is used to add a new Tunable to the LayoutProperties list.
add(Tunable) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
This method is used to add a new Tunable to the LayoutProperties list.
add(URL) - Method in class cytoscape.util.RecentlyOpenedTracker
Adds "newURL" to the list of recently opened file names and trims the list if it has exceeded its maximum length.
add(Component) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Adds a component to the CytoPanel.
add(Component, int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Adds a component to the CytoPanel at specified index.
add(String, Component) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Adds a component to the CytoPanel with a specified title.
add(String, Icon, Component) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Adds a component to the CytoPanel with specified title and icon.
add(String, Icon, Component, String) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Adds a component to the CytoPanel with specified title, icon, and tool tip.
add(String, Icon, Component, String, int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Adds a component to the CytoPanel with specified title, icon, and tool tip at specified index.
add(Component) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Adds a component to the CytoPanel.
add(Component, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Adds a component to the CytoPanel at specified index.
add(String, Component) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Adds a component to the CytoPanel with a specified title.
add(String, Icon, Component) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Adds a component to the CytoPanel with specified title and icon.
add(String, Icon, Component, String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Adds a component to the CytoPanel with specified title, icon, and tool tip.
add(String, Icon, Component, String, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Adds a component to the CytoPanel with specified title, icon, and tool tip at specified index.
add(Component) - Method in class ding.view.ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas
Our implementation of add
addAction(Action) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
If the given Action has a present and false inMenuBar property, return; otherwise delegate to addAction( String, Action ) with the value of its preferredMenu property, or null if it does not have that property.
addAction(Action, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
addAction(String, Action) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
addAction(Action) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
If the given Action has an absent or false inToolBar property, return; otherwise delegate to addAction( String, Action ) with the value of its preferredButtonGroup property, or null if it does not have that property.
addAction(String, Action) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
Note that this presently ignores the button group name.
addAction(CytoscapeAction) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Add the menu item.
addAction(CytoscapeAction, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Add the menu item in a specific position
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportBitmapOptionsDialog
Add an action for when the "OK" button is pressed.
addAlternateCommonName(String, String) - Method in class
addAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class
addAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in interface
addAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class
if the new annotation is to an already annotated species, curator and type, then simply add (with possible overwriting for identical
addArgument(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
This method adds a new command to the list of command supported by this command handler.
addArgument(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Add a new argument key to a command supported by this command handler.
addArgument(String, String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Add a new argument key with a value to a command supported by this command handler.
addArgument(String, Tunable) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Add a new argument Tunable to a command supported by this command handler.
addArgument(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Mutator of Argument property.
addArguments(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
addAuthor(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
Adds an author to the list of authors.
addButton - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
addButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2CMappingEditor
addButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2DMappingEditor
addButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
addButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.GradientEditorPanel
addCalculator(Calculator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Add any calculator to the catalog.
addCalculator(Calculator, Map) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
addCategory(String, List<DownloadableInfo>, PluginManageDialog.PluginInstallStatus) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
Adds a category and it's list of plugins to the appropriate tree (based on Status) in the dialog.
addCategory(String, DownloadableInfo, List<DownloadableInfo>) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginUpdateDialog
addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
addChangeListener(ChangeListener, VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Add a ChangeListener to the calcaultor.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
Add a ChangeListener to the calcaultor.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
Add a ChangeListener to the mapping.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Empty implementation because PassThroughMapping has no UI.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.SubjectBase
Add a ChangeListener.
addChild(TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Adds newChild to this node if children are allowed.
addChildren(TreeNode[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Adds all children to the child list of this node if children are allowed.
addColumn(ColumnTypes, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
addComponentToSouth(Component) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Add a component to the CytoPanel just below the TabbedPane.
addContainer(int) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
addContentChangeListener(ContentChangeListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
addContentType(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Adds a content-type to filter against.
addContextMethod(String, String, String, Object[], ClassLoader) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
addContextMethod(String, String, String, Object[], ClassLoader) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Context Menu Support
addCustomGraphic(Shape, Paint, byte) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
Adds a custom graphic, in draw order, to this DNodeView in a thread-safe way.
addCustomGraphic(CustomGraphic) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
Adds a given CustomGraphic, in draw order, to this DNodeView in a thread-safe way.
addCyNetworkListener(CyNetworkListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Registers the argument as a listener to this object.
addCyNetworkListener(CyNetworkListener) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Registers the argument as a listener to this object.
addCytoPanelListener(CytoPanelListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Adds a CytoPanel listener.
addCytoPanelListener(CytoPanelListener) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Adds a CytoPanel listener.
addCytoscapeAction(CytoscapeAction) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Takes a CytoscapeAction and will add it to the MenuBar or the Toolbar as is appropriate.
addCytoscapeAction(CytoscapeAction, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Add the menu item in a specific position
addCytoscapeVersion(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
Contains a list of all the Cytoscape versions this object is compatible with.
addCyWebServiceEventListener(CyWebServiceEventListener) - Method in class
addDataDefinitionListener(MultiHashMapDefinitionListener) - Method in interface
Registers a listener for receiving events having to do with attribute definitions being created and deleted.
addDataListener(MultiHashMapListener) - Method in interface
Registers a listener for receiving events having to do with attribute values being assigned and removed.
addDescription(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
This method adds a new description for a command supported by this command handler.
addDownloadable(DownloadableInfo, PluginStatus) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
addEdge(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Add a edge to this Network that already exists in Cytoscape
addEdge(Edge) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Add a edge to this Network that already exists in Cytoscape
addEdge(int) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Add a edge to this Network that already exists in Cytoscape
addEdge(Edge) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Add a edge to this Network that already exists in Cytoscape
addEdge(String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Adds a edge to this Network, by looking it up via the given attribute and value
addEdgeContextMenuItems(EdgeView, JPopupMenu) - Method in class
addEdgeContextMenuItems(EdgeView, JPopupMenu) - Method in interface ding.view.EdgeContextMenuListener
method for responding to a drop
addEdgeContextMenuListener(EdgeContextMenuListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
addEdgeContextMenuListener(EdgeContextMenuListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
addEdgeContextMenuListener(EdgeContextMenuListener) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
addEdgeMetaChild(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
addEdgeView(int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Adds EdgeView to the GraphView.
addEdgeView(String, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Will thrown an UnsupportedOperationException.
addEdgeView(int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
addEdgeView(String, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
To facilitate adding Custome EdgeViews It is recomended that All Custom Edge Views follow the patterns outlined in PEdgeView and BasicPEdgeView.
addElement(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Adds the given object to the model.
addError(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Add an error message to the list of errors for this execution.
addExtension(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Adds a filetype "dot" extension to filter against.
addFileName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
Adds a file to the list of installed files.
addFilter(CyFileFilter) - Method in class
Registers a new CyFileFilter.
addFilter(CyFileFilter[]) - Method in class
Registers an Array of CyFileFilter Objects.
addGraphics(CyCustomGraphics, URL) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Add a custom graphics to current session.
addGraphPerspectiveChangeListener(GraphPerspectiveChangeListener) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
addGraphView(GraphView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Adds to the set of giny.view.GraphView objects that this GraphViewController keeps synchronized with their giny.model.GraphPerspective objects.
addGraphView(GraphView, GraphViewHandler) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Adds to the set of giny.view.GraphView objects that this GraphViewController keeps synchronized to their giny.model.GraphPerspective objects.
addGraphViewChangeListener(GraphViewChangeListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Add GraphViewChangeListener to linked list of GraphViewChangeListeners.
addGraphViewChangeListener(GraphViewChangeListener) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Adds a new GraphViewChangeListener to this GraphViews list of listeners.
addGroupChangeListener(CyGroupChangeListener) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Add a new change listener to our list of listeners
addHandle(Point2D) - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Add a PHandle to the edge at the point specified.
addHandle(int, Point2D) - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Add a PHandle to the edge at the point and index specified.
addHelpSet(HelpSet) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.CyHelpBroker
addInnerEdge(CyEdge) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Add an inner edge to the map.
addInnerEdge(CyEdge) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Add an inner edge to the map.
addItem(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.FilterHistoryJList
addItemListener(ItemListener) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.NetworkSelectorPanel
Installs a new item listener for the embedded combo box.
addItems(String[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginUrlDialog
addJars(String, ArrayList<String>, String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
addLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.layout.CyLayouts
Add a layout to the layout manager's list.
addLicense(PluginInfo, Element) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
addListenerToOk(ActionListener) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.LicenseDialog
addLogHandler(CyLogHandler, String, LogLevel) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Add a new log handler for specific messages
addLogHandler(CyLogHandler, LogLevel) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Add a new general log handler for all messages
addMapping(String, GMLNode) - Method in class
Add a mapping from key to node
addMapping(String, Class) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Add a mapping to the database of available mappings.
addMapping(ObjectMapping) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Add a mapping to the mappings contained by the calculator.
addMessage(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Add a message to the list of messages that results from this execution.
addMetaChild(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
addMetaChild(Node, Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
addNetwork(CyNetwork, String, CyNetwork, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Add a network to Cytoscape's internal list of networks.
addNetwork(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
addNode(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Add a node to this Network that already exists in Cytoscape
addNode(Node) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Add a node to this Network that already exists in Cytoscape
addNode(int) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Add a node to this Network that already exists in Cytoscape
addNode(Node) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Add a node to this Network that already exists in Cytoscape
addNode(String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Adds a node to this Network, by looking it up via the given attribute and value
addNode(CyNode) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Add a new node to this group
addNode(CyNode) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Add a new node to this group
addNode(CyNode, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Add a new node to this group
addNodeAttribute(String) - Static method in class
Attempts to add a new Attribute name, of Object type for nodes.
addNodeAttribute(String, int) - Static method in class
Attempts to add a new Attribute name, of given type for nodes.
addNodeContextMenuItems(NodeView, JPopupMenu) - Method in class
Add this menu to the node context menu.
addNodeContextMenuItems(NodeView, JPopupMenu) - Method in interface ding.view.NodeContextMenuListener
method for responding to a drop
addNodeContextMenuListener(NodeContextMenuListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
addNodeContextMenuListener(NodeContextMenuListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
addNodeContextMenuListener(NodeContextMenuListener) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
adds a listener to the store of NodeContextMenuListeners
addNodeMetaChild(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
addNodeToParent(TreeNode, TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Adds node to given parent, fires event
addNodeView(int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Adds a NodeView object to the GraphView.
addNodeView(String, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Will thrown an UnsupportedOperationException.
addNodeView(int, NodeView) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Will thrown an UnsupportedOperationException.
addNodeView(int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
addNodeView(String, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
To facilitate adding Custome NodeViews It is recomended that All Custom Node Views follow the patterns outlined in PNodeView and BasicPNodeView.
addNodeView(int, NodeView) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Add in a NodeView for a Node in the GraphPerspective.
addObject(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Adds a PluginInfo object to this node.
addOntology(Ontology) - Method in class
addOntology(URL, OntologyServer.OntologyType, String, String) - Method in class
addOption(Option) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
add opt to this group
addOption(String, boolean, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Add an option that only contains a short-name.
addOption(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Add an option that contains a short-name and a long-name.
addOption(Option) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Adds an option instance
addOptionGroup(OptionGroup) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Add the specified option group.
addOuterEdge(CyEdge) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Add an outer edge to the map.
addOuterEdge(CyEdge) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Add an outer edge to the map.
addParent(int) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
addPhoebeCanvasDropListener(PhoebeCanvasDropListener) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
adds a listener to the store of PhoebeCanvasDropTargetListeners
addPhoebeCanvasDropListener(PhoebeCanvasDropListener) - Method in interface phoebe.PhoebeCanvasDroppable
adds a PhoebeCanvasDropListener to the listener store
addPlugin(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.LicenseDialog
addPlugin(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
addPlugin(URL) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
addPlugin(PluginInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
addPluginToPropertyString(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
addPoint(double, BoundaryRangeValues) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Adds a New Data Point.
addProperty(String, VisualPropertyType, String) - Method in class
This method actually adds a property to be considered for inclusion into the resulting style.
addProperty(String[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
AddRemoveTest - Class in fing.model.test
addResult(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Add the result for this execution.
addResult(String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Add a result to the result set for this execution.
addScalarArgumentTypes(List<Class>) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Adds Double.class, Long.class, String.class and Boolean.class to "argTypes".
addSelectEventListener(SelectEventListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Adds a listener for SelectEvents to this CyNetwork
addSelectEventListener(SelectEventListener) - Method in class
If the argument is not already a listener to this object, it is added.
addSelectEventListener(SelectEventListener) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Adds a listener for SelectEvents to this CyNetwork
addSynonym(Object) - Method in class
In this implementation, key is the synonym name, and value is the synonym type.
addSynonym(Object, OntologyTerm.SynonymType) - Method in class
In this implementation, key is the synonym name, and value is the synonym type.
addSynonym(Object) - Method in class
Triple synonym is not supported.
addThesaurus(String, Thesaurus) - Method in class
addThesaurus(String, Thesaurus) - Method in interface
addThesaurus(String, Thesaurus) - Method in class
addToGroup(CyGroup) - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
Add this node to the specified group.
addTransferComponent(JComponent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Adds given listener
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
addTunableValueListener(TunableListener) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to add a value listener to this Tunable.
addVersion(DownloadableInfo, Element, DownloadableType) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
addViewportChangeListener(ViewportChangeListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
addVisualStyle(VisualStyle) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
adjust(float) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.strokes.PipeStroke.Type
adjustColumnPreferredWidths(JTable) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.swing.ColumnResizer
ALIAS - Static variable in class
Name of the attribute for aliases
Aliases - Class in
Simpler version of Thesaurus.
Aliases(AliasType) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the aliases object.
AliasType - Enum in
Type of Aliases.
AlignHorizontalAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
AlignHorizontalAction(CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.AlignHorizontalAction
Creates a new AlignHorizontalAction object.
AlignVerticalAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
AlignVerticalAction(CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.AlignVerticalAction
Creates a new AlignVerticalAction object.
ALL_ATTRIBUTES_FILTER - Static variable in class
An AttributeFilter that produces all attributes--none are filtered out.
allAttributeValuesRemoved(String, String) - Method in interface
This listener method gets called as a result of MultiHashMap.removeAllAttributeValues(objectKey, attributeName), but only if objectKey has at least one attribute value bound in attributeName.
AllGraphPerspectiveMethodsTest - Class in fing.model.test
allInteractions - Variable in class
A Vector that holds all of the Interactions
allPoints - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
AllRootGraphMethodsTest - Class in fing.model.test
almostEqual(float, float) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MathUtil
almostEqual(double, double) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MathUtil
AlphabeticalSelectionAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
AlphabeticalSelectionAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.AlphabeticalSelectionAction
Creates a new AlphabeticalSelectionAction object.
AlreadySelectedException - Exception in org.apache.commons.cli
Thrown when more than one option in an option group has been provided.
AlreadySelectedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.cli.AlreadySelectedException
Construct a new AlreadySelectedException with the specified detail message.
ANCHOR_CENTER - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies at the center of a bounding box.
ANCHOR_EAST - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies on the east edge of a bounding box, halfway between the north and south edges.
ANCHOR_NORTH - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies on the north edge of a bounding box, halfway between the east and west edges.
ANCHOR_NORTHEAST - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies on the northeast corner of a bounding box.
ANCHOR_NORTHWEST - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies on the northwest corner of a bounding box.
ANCHOR_SOUTH - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies on the south edge of a bounding box, halfway between the east and west edges.
ANCHOR_SOUTHEAST - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies on the southeast corner of a bounding box.
ANCHOR_SOUTHWEST - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies on the southwest corner of a bounding box.
ANCHOR_WEST - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies on the west edge of a bounding box, halfway between the north and south edges.
anchorPaint(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the paint to use when rendering an edge anchor.
anchors(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns edge anchors to use when rendering this edge.
anchorSize(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
For edges with anchors, the anchors can be rendered as squares.
And - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
And() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.And
AnimatedLayoutAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Deprecated. Not apparently used. Shout if you are. Will be removed 5/2008.
AnimatedLayoutAction(CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.AnimatedLayoutAction
Deprecated. Creates a new AnimatedLayoutAction object.
Annotation - Class in
Deprecated. Use regular CyAttributes for annotation.
Annotation(String, String, Ontology) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. Creates a new Annotation object.
Annotation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. Creates a new Annotation object.
AnnotationDescription - Class in
Deprecated. Use regular CyAttributes for annotation.
AnnotationDescription(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
AnnotationFlatFileReader - Class in
AnnotationFlatFileReader(File) - Constructor for class
Creates a new AnnotationFlatFileReader object.
AnnotationFlatFileReader(BufferedReader, Thesaurus, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new AnnotationFlatFileReader object.
AnnotationFlatFileReader(String, Thesaurus) - Constructor for class
Creates a new AnnotationFlatFileReader object.
annotations - Variable in class
annotationType - Variable in class
AnnotationXmlReader - Class in
AnnotationXmlReader(File) - Constructor for class
Creates a new AnnotationXmlReader object.
Appearance - Class in cytoscape.visual
A class that holds the appearance information for NodeViews and EdgeViews.
Appearance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Creates a new Appearance object.
appendNetwork(CyNetwork) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Appends all of the nodes and edges in the given Network to this Network
appendNetwork(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Appends all of the nodes and edges in teh given Network to this Network
applies(LogLevel) - Method in enum cytoscape.logger.LogLevel
apply(Appearance, Edge, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
apply(Appearance, Node, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
apply(Appearance, Edge, CyNetwork) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
apply(Appearance, Node, CyNetwork) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
apply(Object, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
applyAppearance(NodeView, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Applies this appearance to the specified NodeView.
applyAppearance(EdgeView, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Applies this appearance to the specified EdgeView.
applyAppearances() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Recalculates and reapplies all of the node, edge, and global visual attributes.
applyBypass(GraphObject, List<VisualPropertyType>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Applies the visual bypass values specified in the node (edge) attributes for the specified node (edge) to the node (edge).
applyDefaultProperties(Properties, String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Applies the specified properties as default values for this appearance.
applyDefaultProperties(Properties, String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency
Will search the specified Properties using the specified basedKey for each dependency definition and will update this object according to any properties found.
applyEdgeAppearances() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Recalculates and reapplies all of the edge appearances.
applyEdgeAppearances(CyNetwork, CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Recalculates and reapplies all of the edge appearances.
applyGlobalAppearances() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Recalculates and reapplies the global visual attributes.
applyGlobalAppearances(CyNetwork, CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Recalculates and reapplies the global visual attributes.
applyLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNode[], CyEdge[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNodeView[], CyEdgeView[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, int[], int[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given layout to the entire CyNetworkView
applyLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNode[], CyEdge[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given layout to only the given Nodes and Edges.
applyLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNodeView[], CyEdgeView[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given layout to only the given NodeViews and EdgeViews.
applyLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, int[], int[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given layout to only the given Nodes and Edges.
ApplyLayoutAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ApplyLayoutAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ApplyLayoutAction
applyLockedLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNode[], CyEdge[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyLockedLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNodeView[], CyEdgeView[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyLockedLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, int[], int[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyLockedLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNode[], CyEdge[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given layout to the entire CyNetworkView, but locks the given Nodes and Edges in place.
applyLockedLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNodeView[], CyEdgeView[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given layout to the entire CyNetworkView, but locks the given NodeViews and EdgeViews in place.
applyLockedLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm, int[], int[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given layout to the entire CyNetworkView, but locks the given Nodes and Edges in place.
applyNamingServices(CyNetwork) - Static method in class
applyNodeAppearances() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Recalculates and reapplies all of the node appearances.
applyNodeAppearances(CyNetwork, CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Recalculates and reapplies all of the node appearances.
applyProperties(String, Properties, String, CalculatorCatalog) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
applyProperties(String, Properties, String, CalculatorCatalog) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
This method customizes this object by searching the supplied properties object for keys identifying default values and calculators.
applyProperties(Properties, String, ValueParser) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
applyProperties(Properties, String, ValueParser) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Customizes this object by applying mapping defintions described by the supplied Properties argument.
applyProperties(Properties, String, ValueParser) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Customizes this object by applying mapping defintions described by the supplied Properties argument.
applyProperties(Properties, String, ValueParser) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
applyProperties(Properties, String, ValueParser) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Customize this object by applying mapping defintions described by the supplied Properties argument.
applyProperties(String, Properties, String, CalculatorCatalog) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
Deprecated. Use other the applyToNodeView method with the VisualPropertyDependency arg as null. Will be removed Jan 2011.
applyToEdgeView(EdgeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
Apply Object Position to DNodeView's Custom Graphics.
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
Apply current Custom Graphics to a node view.
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
Deprecated. Use other the applyToNodeView method with the VisualPropertyDependency arg as null. Will be removed Jan 2011.
applyToNodeView(NodeView, Object, VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
ApplyVisualStyleAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Apply Visual Style for a set of selected networks.
ApplyVisualStyleAction(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ApplyVisualStyleAction
Create an action for the specified Visual Style.
applyVizMap(CyEdge) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizMap(EdgeView) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizMap(CyNode) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizMap(NodeView) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizMap(CyEdge, VisualStyle) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizMap(EdgeView, VisualStyle) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizMap(CyNode, VisualStyle) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizMap(NodeView, VisualStyle) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizMap(CyEdge) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given edge to the given vizmapper
applyVizMap(EdgeView) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given edge to the given vizmapper
applyVizMap(CyNode) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given node to the given vizmapper
applyVizMap(NodeView) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given node to the given vizmapper
applyVizMap(CyEdge, VisualStyle) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given edge to the given vizmapper
applyVizMap(EdgeView, VisualStyle) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given edge to the given vizmapper
applyVizMap(CyNode, VisualStyle) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given node to the given vizmapper
applyVizMap(NodeView, VisualStyle) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Applies the given node to the given vizmapper
applyVizmapper(VisualStyle) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
applyVizmapper(VisualStyle) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas - Class in ding.view
This class extends cytoscape.view.CytoscapeCanvas.
ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas(GraphPerspective, DGraphView, InnerCanvas, Color, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ding.view.ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas
areSynonyms(String, String, CyNetwork) - Static method in class
ArgDescriptor - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
A class describing a function argument.
ArgDescriptor(ArgType, String, String) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.ArgDescriptor
args - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
ArgType - Enum in org.cytoscape.equations
An enum specifying a function argument type.
argTypesAreValid(Class[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
ARGUMENT_DISALLOWED - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Flag to say this option does not take arguments
ARGUMENT_OPTIONAL - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Flag to say that the argument is optional
ARGUMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Flag to say that one argument is required
argumentMap - Variable in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
ARGUMENTS_REQUIRED_2 - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Flag to say this option requires 2 arguments
ARowanBugTest - Class in fing.model.test
ARowanBugTest() - Constructor for class fing.model.test.ARowanBugTest
ArrangeAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ArrangeAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ArrangeAction
arrangeFrames(CyDesktopManager.Arrange) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager
ArrayIntEnumerator - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
A utility class which conveniently converts an array of integers into an IntEnumerator (an enumeration of integers).
ArrayIntEnumerator(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.ArrayIntEnumerator
No copy of the elements array is made.
ArrayIntIterator - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
A utility class which conveniently converts an array of integers into an IntIterator (an iteration of integers).
ArrayIntIterator(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.ArrayIntIterator
No copy of the elements array is made.
ArrayTestMethod1 - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
ArrayTestMethod1() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.ArrayTestMethod1
ArrayTestMethod2 - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
ArrayTestMethod2() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.ArrayTestMethod2
ArrayTestMethod3 - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
ArrayTestMethod3() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.ArrayTestMethod3
ArrayTestMethod4 - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
ArrayTestMethod4() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.ArrayTestMethod4
ARROW - Static variable in class
Arrow - Interface in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
Arrow - Class in cytoscape.visual
This class is a replacement for the yFiles Arrow class.
Arrow(ArrowShape, Color) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
New constructor for 2.5 and later:
ARROW - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
ARROW_ARROWHEAD - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ARROW_BOTH - Static variable in class
ARROW_DELTA - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ARROW_DIAMOND - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ARROW_DISC - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ARROW_FIRST - Static variable in class
ARROW_HALF_BOTTOM - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ARROW_HALF_TOP - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ARROW_LAST - Static variable in class
ARROW_NONE - Static variable in class
ARROW_NONE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ARROW_TEE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ArrowheadArrow - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
ArrowheadArrow() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.ArrowheadArrow
ArrowIcon - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.icon
Icon for arrow shape.
ArrowIcon(ArrowShape, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.ArrowIcon
Creates a new ArrowIcon object.
ArrowIcon(ArrowShape) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.ArrowIcon
Creates a new ArrowIcon object.
ArrowParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Parses a String into a yFiles Arrow object.
ArrowParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ArrowParser
ArrowShape - Enum in cytoscape.visual
Defines arrow shapes.
This replaces constants defined in
ArrowShapeParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
ArrowShapeParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ArrowShapeParser
ASin - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
ASin() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ASin
assignCommonNames(CyNetwork, BioDataServer) - Static method in class
assignFile(File) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
assignNodeAliases(CyNode, String, BioDataServer) - Static method in class
assignSpecies(CyNetwork) - Static method in class
asString() - Method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.Token
ATan2 - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
ATan2() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ATan2
attribNameAsReference(String) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.EquationUtil
AttribTopoGraphNode - Class in
Represents a node in a topological graph.
AttribTopoGraphNode(String, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class
Attribute - Class in cytoscape.bookmarks
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Attribute() - Constructor for class cytoscape.bookmarks.Attribute
attribute - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_ASSIGNED - Static variable in class
attributeComboBox - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
attributeDefined(String) - Method in interface
This method is called by a MultiHashMapDefinition implementation as a result of a new attribute being defined (MultiHashMapDefinition.defineAttribute()).
attributeDefined(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
attributeDefined(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
AttributeFilter - Interface in
Interface for defining CyEdge-based filters used for determining which Edges should be used for a particular operation, such as CyAttributesUtils.copyAttributes().
AttributeImportPanel - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
General GUI component for importing attributes.
Maybe used by Web Service Clients to import attributes.
AttributeImportPanel() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
AttributeImportPanel(Icon, String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
AttributeImportQuery - Class in
AttributeImportQuery(Object, String, String) - Constructor for class
attributeLabel - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
attributePanel - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
attributePanelTitle - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
ATTRIBUTES_CHANGED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
This signals when new attributes have been loaded and a few other large scale changes to attributes have been made.
AttributeSaverDialog - Class in
Dialog box to save various attributes.
AttributeSaverDialog(int) - Constructor for class
Create a dialog box of the specified type.
attributeTypeComboBox - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
attributeTypeLabel - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
attributeUndefined(String) - Method in interface
This method is called by a MultiHashMapDefinition implementation as a result of an attribute being undefined (MultiHashMapDefinition.undefineAttribute()).
attributeUndefined(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
attributeUndefined(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
attributeValueAssigned(String, String, Object[], Object, Object) - Method in interface
attributeValueRemoved(String, String, Object[], Object) - Method in interface
This listener method gets called as a result of MultiHashMap.removeAttributeValue(objectKey, attributeName, keyIntoValue), but only if an attribute value was found [and removed] for specified key.
AttributeValueVisitor - Interface in
Interface for defining attribute value visitors--operations to perform on each attribute value using CyAttributesUtils.traverseAttributeValues().
attrList - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
attrListPanel - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
AVAILABLE_FOR_INSTALL - Static variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
availableAttrPanel - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
availableAttrScrollPane - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
availableMethods - Variable in class
Average - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Average() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Average


BACKGROUND - Static variable in class
BackgroundColorAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Deprecated. Use vizmapper gui to edit background color. Will be removed 5/2008
BackgroundColorAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.BackgroundColorAction
Deprecated. Constructor.
BackwardSlashStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
BackwardSlashStroke(float, PipeStroke.Type) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.BackwardSlashStroke
BasicCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.calculators
BasicCalculator implements some UI features for calculators lower in the object tree.
BasicCalculator(String, ObjectMapping, VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.calculators.BasicCalculator
Creates a new BasicCalculator object.
BasicCalculator(String, Properties, String, VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.calculators.BasicCalculator
Creates a new BasicCalculator object.
BasicGraphViewHandler - Class in cytoscape.view
A basic GraphViewHandler that simply reflects GraphPerspective changes on a given GraphView
BasicGraphViewHandler() - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
basicHtmlOutput() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
BasicParser - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
The class BasicParser provides a very simple implementation of the flatten method.
BasicParser() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser
BasicQuietRTreeTest - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
BasicQuietRTreeTest() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.BasicQuietRTreeTest
BEGIN - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyNetworkEvent
Indicates that someone is beginning to work with the network.
below - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
BELOW_VALUE_CHANGED - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
BelowAndAbovePanel - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
Drawing and updating below & above values in Gradient Editor.
BelowAndAbovePanel(VisualPropertyType, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.BelowAndAbovePanel
Creates a new BelowAndAbovePanel object.
BelowAndAbovePanel(VisualPropertyType, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.BelowAndAbovePanel
Creates a new BelowAndAbovePanel object.
belowPanel - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
Bend - Interface in giny.view
A class that encapsulates the representation of the bend used for a particular EdgeView.
BendSelectedEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
BendSelectedEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.BendSelectedEdgesAction
Creates a new BendSelectedEdgesAction object.
BiModalJSplitPane - Class in cytoscape.view.cytopanels
The BiModalJSplitPane class extends JSplitPane to provide two modes: MODE_SHOW_SPLIT: The split in the split pane appears as it normally would, and the user can resize the split pane as needed.
BiModalJSplitPane(JFrame, int, int, Component, Component) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
BinOpNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing a binary operator.
BinOpNode(int, Token, Node, Node) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BinOpNode
BioDataServer - Class in
BioDataServer(String) - Constructor for class
serverName is either an RMI URI, or a manifest file which says what files to load into an in-process server; the manifest, the annotations, and the ontologies, may be files on a filesystem, files in a jar, or files retrieved by HTTP Mod.
BioDataServer() - Constructor for class
Creates a new BioDataServer object.
BioDataServerInterface - Interface in
BioDataServerRmi - Class in
This is the actual class which implements BioDataServer Methods.
BioDataServerRmi() - Constructor for class
Creates a new BioDataServerRmi object.
BioDataServerUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
BioDataServerUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.BioDataServerUtil
BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS - Static variable in class
BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo
The purpose of this class is to convert a 'gene_association.*' file (for example 'gene_association.sgd') into a crufty old 'bioproc.anno' file that Cytoscape's BioDataServer understands.
BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader(String, Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader
Creates a new BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader object.
BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader(String, Map, Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader
Creates a new BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader object.
BiologicalProcessAnnotationTester - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo.test
BiologicalProcessAnnotationTester() - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.BiologicalProcessAnnotationTester
BirdsEyeView - Class in ding.view
BirdsEyeView(DGraphView) - Constructor for class ding.view.BirdsEyeView
Creates a new BirdsEyeView object.
BirdsEyeView(DGraphView, Component) - Constructor for class ding.view.BirdsEyeView
Creates a new BirdsEyeView object.
BirdsEyeViewAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Deprecated. This class is no longer used since the BirdsEyeView is now always part of the NetworkPanel. BirdsEyeView creation and event handling is done by the BirdsEyeViewHandler and initialized in CytoscapeDesktop This class will be removed 5/2008.
BirdsEyeViewAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.BirdsEyeViewAction
Deprecated. Creates a new BirdsEyeViewAction object.
BitmapExporter - Class in cytoscape.util.export
Bitmap exporter by the ImageIO class.
BitmapExporter(String, double) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.export.BitmapExporter
BitSetPerformance - Class in cytoscape.util.intr.test
BitSetPerformance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.test.BitSetPerformance
BLACK_ARROW - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
BLACK_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
BLACK_DELTA - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
BLACK_DIAMOND - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
BLACK_T - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
BList - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
BList() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.BList
BOOKMARK_PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class
BookmarkAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
BookmarkAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.BookmarkAction
Creates a new BookmarkAction object.
BookmarkDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.preferences
BookmarkDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.BookmarkDialog
Creates new BookmarkDialog
BookmarkDialog(JFrame, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.BookmarkDialog
Creates new BookmarkDialog, set the selection on the given category
BookmarkDialog() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.BookmarkDialog
Creates a new BookmarkDialog object.
BookmarkReader - Class in
BookmarkReader() - Constructor for class
Creates a new BookmarkReader object.
Bookmarks - Class in cytoscape.bookmarks
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Bookmarks() - Constructor for class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
BookmarksUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
Utility methods for getting entries in the bookmark object.
BookmarksUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Tunables of type BOOLEAN allow data entry of a boolean value: this is presented to the user as a simple check box.
BooleanConstantNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing an integer constant.
BooleanConstantNode(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BooleanConstantNode
BooleanList - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
BooleanList(boolean[]) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.BooleanList
BooleanParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Parses a String into a Boolean object.
BooleanParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.BooleanParser
BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.VizMapperTrackRenderer
borderPaint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns the paint of the border of the node shape.
borderWidth(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns the border width of the node shape.
bottomPad - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
bound - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
BoundaryRangeValues - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
This class defines a data object representing the range values associated with a particular domain value, called a boundary value.
BoundaryRangeValues(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.BoundaryRangeValues
Creates a new BoundaryRangeValues object.
BoundaryRangeValues(BoundaryRangeValues) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.BoundaryRangeValues
Creates a new BoundaryRangeValues object.
BoundaryRangeValues() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.BoundaryRangeValues
BOX - Static variable in class
Bug646Test - Class in fing.model.test
Bug646Test() - Constructor for class fing.model.test.Bug646Test
buildOntologyServer() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
This will replace the bioDataServer.
buildStyle() - Method in class
Actually build the style using the provided properties
burstToken(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser
Breaks token into its constituent parts using the following algorithm.
BUTTON - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
The BUTTON Tunable provides a simple button to be presented to the user: the caller can provide an ActionListener to be called when the button is selected.


c1 - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
c2 - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
C2CMappingEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
Continuous-Continuous mapping editor.
C2CMappingEditor(VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2CMappingEditor
Creates a new C2CMappingEditor object.
C2DMappingEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
Continuous Mapping editor for discrete values, such as Font, Shape, Label Position, etc.
C2DMappingEditor(VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2DMappingEditor
Creates a new C2DMappingEditor object.
calcSampleVariance(double[]) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
calculateBackgroundColor(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Currently no calculators are supported for global visual attributes, so this method simply returns the default background color.
calculateEdgeAppearance(Edge, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
Using the rules defined by the default values and calculators in this object, compute an appearance for the requested Edge in the supplied CyNetwork.
calculateEdgeAppearance(EdgeAppearance, Edge, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
Using the rules defined by the default values and calculators in this object, compute an appearance for the requested Edge in the supplied CyNetwork.
calculateEdgeReverseSelectionColor(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
calculateEdgeSelectionColor(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
calculateGlobalAppearance(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Constructs a new GlobalAppearance object containing the values for the known global visual attributes.
calculateGlobalAppearance(GlobalAppearance, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
The supplied GlobalAppearance object will be changed to hold new values for the known global visual attributes.
calculateNodeAppearance(Node, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Using the rules defined by the default values and calculators in this object, compute an appearance for the requested Node in the supplied CyNetwork.
calculateNodeAppearance(NodeAppearance, Node, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Using the rules defined by the default values and calculators in this object, compute an appearance for the requested Node in the supplied CyNetwork.
calculateNodeReverseSelectionColor(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
calculateNodeSelectionColor(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
calculateRangeValue(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
calculateRangeValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousRangeCalculator
Calculates Range Value.
calculateRangeValue(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Calculates the Range Value.
calculateRangeValue(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.DiscreteRangeCalculator
Calculates Range Value.
calculateRangeValue(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Calculates the Range Value.
calculateRangeValue(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
Create a mapped visual representation from the given attribute value.
calculateRangeValue(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Calculator - Interface in cytoscape.visual.calculators
calculator - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
CalculatorCatalog - Class in cytoscape.visual
Stores various types of Calculators from data attributes to an attribute of a specified type.
CalculatorCatalog() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Creates a new CalculatorCatalog object.
CalculatorCatalog(Properties) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Creates a new CalculatorCatalog object.
CalculatorCatalogFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual
This class provides a static method for reading a CalculatorCatalog object from file, using parameters specified in a supplied CytoscapeConfig.
CalculatorCatalogFactory() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalogFactory
CalculatorFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.calculators
This class provides static factory methods for constructing instances of Calculators as specified by arguments and static methods for getting names and labels based on calculator type.
CalculatorFactory() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.calculators.CalculatorFactory
CalculatorIO - Class in cytoscape.visual
This class defines static methods for reading calculator definitions from a properties object and installing them into a CalculatorCatalog, and for constructing a properties object that describes all the calculators in a CalculatorCatalog.
CalculatorIO() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorIO
call() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.LoadImageTask
call() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.SaveImageTask
cancel() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Gets called by the CytoscapeProgressMonitor when the user click on the Cancel button.
cancelButton - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
cancelButton - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
cancelButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
canceled - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
CANONICAL_NAME - Static variable in class
The name "CANONICAL_NAME" is an historical artifact.
category - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
Category - Class in cytoscape.bookmarks
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Category() - Constructor for class cytoscape.bookmarks.Category
Category - Enum in cytoscape.plugin
categoryOrDataSource - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Category
CellEditorFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
CellHeightManager - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
CellHeightManager() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.CellHeightManager
CellRendererFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
CELLULAR_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
CellularComponentAnnotationReader - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo
The purpose of this class is to convert a 'gene_association.*' file (for example 'gene_association.sgd') into a crufty old 'cellcomp.anno' file that Cytoscape's BioDataServer understands.
CellularComponentAnnotationReader(String, Map, Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.CellularComponentAnnotationReader
Creates a new CellularComponentAnnotationReader object.
CellularComponentAnnotationReader(String, Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.CellularComponentAnnotationReader
Creates a new CellularComponentAnnotationReader object.
CellularComponentAnnotationTester - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo.test
CellularComponentAnnotationTester() - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.CellularComponentAnnotationTester
CENTER - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
centerName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
centerWindowLocation(Window) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
centerWindowOnScreen(Window) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
centerWindowSize(Window) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
changeEvent - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Only one ChangeEvent is needed per catalog instance since the event's only state is the source property.
changeEvent - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Only one ChangeEvent is needed per calculator instance since the event's only state is the source property.
changeListeners - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
keep track of interested UI classes.
changeView(DGraphView) - Method in class ding.view.BirdsEyeView
check(VisualPropertyDependency.Definition) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency
Checks the state of the specified dependency definition.
CheckBoxFileChooser - Class in cytoscape.actions
Deprecated. This isn't apparently used anywhere. If you are using it, let us know! If you need a file use FileUtil.getFile(). Will be removed 5/2008.
CheckBoxFileChooser(File, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.CheckBoxFileChooser
Deprecated. Creates a new CheckBoxFileChooser object.
CheckBoxJList - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
This class is based on CheckBoxJList: from SWING HACKS ISBN: 0-596-00907-0 By Joshua Marinacci, Chris Adamson
CheckBoxJList() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.CheckBoxJList
Creates a new CheckBoxJList object.
checkCalculatorName(String, VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
checkCalculatorName(VisualPropertyType, String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
checkConflictingCalculator(Calculator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Check if contained appearance calculators are using given calculator
checkFileType(BufferedReader) - Method in class
checkFlag(int) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method is used to check the value of a flag.
checkMappingName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
checkName(String, Map) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
checkNetworkCount() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsXGMMLAction
checkNetworkCount() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportNetworksAsNNFAction
checkSpecies(BufferedReader, BufferedReader) - Method in class cytoscape.util.BioDataServerUtil
checkVisualStyleName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Child - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Child() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Child
child - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
chooser - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.CyColorChooser
CIRCLE - Static variable in class
CIRCLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
CLArgsParser - Class in org.apache.commons.cli.avalon
Parser for command line arguments.
CLArgsParser(String[], CLOptionDescriptor[], ParserControl) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLArgsParser
Create a parser that can deal with options and parses certain args.
CLArgsParser(String[], CLOptionDescriptor[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLArgsParser
Create a parser that deals with options and parses certain args.
CLASS_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
Class class
CLEAN - Static variable in class cytoscape.CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in interface
clear() - Method in class
clear - Class in
clear() - Constructor for class
clear(Paint, double, double, double) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Clears image area with background paint specified and sets an appropriate transformation of coordinate systems.
clear() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
clear(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.YValueLegendPanel
clearAuthorList() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
Clears author list.
clearBends() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
clearCorruptedElements() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Clears the list of elements and sets the found flag to false.
clearErrorList() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Clears the loading error list.
clearFlag(int) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method can be used to clear a flag for this Tunable
clearPluginList() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
clearStatusBar() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Clears the Status Bar Message.
clearVector() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
clientData - Variable in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
The ClientData map
clientID - Variable in class
clientStub - Variable in class
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
The default clone() implementation delegates to the create() method of DataTypeUtilities.getDataTypeFactory( this.getClass() ).
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Returns a clone of this Appearance.
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Clone the calculator.
clone() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
Clone the calculator.
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearance
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
Create deep copy of the object.
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Make deep copy of this object
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingPoint
Clones the object.
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Create deep copy of the object.
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Clones the Object.
clone() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Create clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearance
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Create deep copy of the object.
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
clone() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Perform deep copy of this VisualStyle.
clone() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
CloneGraphInNewWindowAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
CloneGraphInNewWindowAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.CloneGraphInNewWindowAction
Creates a new CloneGraphInNewWindowAction object.
CLOption - Class in org.apache.commons.cli.avalon
Basic class describing an instance of option.
CLOption(CLOptionDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Constructor taking an descriptor
CLOption(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Constructor taking argument for option.
CLOptionDescriptor - Class in org.apache.commons.cli.avalon
Basic class describing an type of option.
CLOptionDescriptor(String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
CLOptionDescriptor(String, int, int, String, int[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Deprecated. use the version with the array of CLOptionDescriptor's
CLOptionDescriptor(String, int, int, String, CLOptionDescriptor[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
close() - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader
Closes the underlying gene_association file stream as well.
close() - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.CellularComponentAnnotationReader
Closes the underlying gene_association file stream as well.
close() - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader
Closes the underlying gene_association file stream as well.
close() - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.OboOntologyReader
Closes the underlying obo file stream as well.
close() - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.OboOntologyReader2
Closes the underlying obo file stream as well.
close() - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.SynonymReader
Closes the underlying gene_association file stream as well.
CLOSE_EVENT - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
Will be caught by parent object (usually a dialog.)
closeAllWindows() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager
CLUtil - Class in org.apache.commons.cli.avalon
CLUtil offers basic utility operations for use both internal and external to package.
cName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
coarseDetailThreshold - Variable in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
CodeAndSourceLocation - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
A node in the parse tree representing a binary operator.
CodeAndSourceLocation(Object, int) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.CodeAndSourceLocation
COLLAPSABLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
If the COLLAPSABLE flag is set for a GROUP Tunable, then this Group of Tunables should be collapsable, and will be rendered with a button to allow collapse/expand.
color - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.CyColorChooser
color - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
COLOR1 - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
COLOR2 - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
COLOR_CHANGED - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.BelowAndAbovePanel
colorButton - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
ColorConverter - Class in cytoscape.visual.converter
ColorConverter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.converter.ColorConverter
colorLowDetail(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the color of edge in low detail rendering mode.
colorLowDetail(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns the color of node in low detail rendering mode.
ColorPaintFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint
ColorPaintFactory(Color) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint.ColorPaintFactory
ColorParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Parses a String into a Color object.
ColorParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ColorParser
ColorRangeValueCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators
ColorRangeValueCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.ColorRangeValueCalculator
ColorScaleTable - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
ColorScaleTable(int, int, double[][]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ColorScaleTable
Creates a new ColorScaleTable object.
ColorUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
Color utility class to convert Java color object to string and vice versa.
ColorUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.ColorUtil
columnHeader - Static variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
ColumnResizer - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
Automatically resize column based on the objects in the cell.
ColumnResizer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.ColumnResizer
ColumnTypes - Enum in cytoscape.view
Combin - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Combin() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Combin
CommandLine - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
Represents list of arguments parsed against a Options descriptor.
CommandLineParser - Interface in org.apache.commons.cli
A class that implements the CommandLineParser interface can parse a String array according to the Options specified and return a CommandLine.
COMMENT - Static variable in class
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithmComparator
compile(String, Map<String, Class>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.EqnCompiler
completions() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
compressFast(int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
Faster version of compression method.
computeClosedPath(PathIterator, GeneralPath) - Static method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
A utility method that converts an open GeneralPath into a closed GeneralPath.
computeEdgeEndpoints(GraphGraphics, float[], byte, byte, float, EdgeAnchors, float[], byte, byte, float, float[], float[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
Calculates the edge endpoints given two nodes, any edge anchors, and any arrows.
computeEdgeIntersection(byte, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float[]) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Computes the intersection point between a node outline and a line segment; one point of the line segment lies at the center of the node outline.
computeEdgeIntersection(float, float, float, float, float, float, float[]) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.EllipseNodeShape
computeEdgeIntersection(float, float, float, float, float, float, float[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.NodeShape
Computes the intersection of the node shape with and edge.
Concatenate - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Concatenate() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Concatenate
configure() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MacAppConfig
Configures the Info.plist list with all cytoscape/*.jar files.
ConsoleLogger - Class in cytoscape.logger
The ConsoleLogger is the default log handler for Cytoscape and does nothing much more than issue messages to System.out or System.err, as appropriate.
ConsoleLogger() - Constructor for class cytoscape.logger.ConsoleLogger
consoleName - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in class
constrained(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
constraints - Variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.GridBagGroup
construct() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
These abstract methods must be overridden.
construct() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.algorithms.GridNodeLayout
construct() - Method in class cytoscape.util.SwingWorker
Compute the value to be returned by the get method.
contains(CyNode) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Determine if a node is a member of this group
contains(CyNode) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Determine if a node is a member of this group
containsCustomGraphic(CustomGraphic) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
A thread-safe way to determine if this DNodeView contains a given custom graphic.
containsEdge(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return true if the given Edge is in this GraphPerspective.
containsEdge(Edge, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return true if the given Edge is in this GraphPerspective.
containsEdge(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return true if the given Edge is in this RootGraph.
containsGraphView(GraphView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Whether or not the given giny.view.GraphView is kept synchronized with its giny.model.GraphPerspective member by this GraphViewController.
containsNode(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return true if the given Node is in this GraphPerspective.
containsNode(Node, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return true if the given Node is in this GraphPerspective.
containsNode(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return true if the given Node is in this RootGraph.
containsPlugin(PluginInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
containsTerm(int) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
containsTerm(String) - Method in class
containsTriple(Term, Term, Term) - Method in class
See if a triple exists in this ontology.
containsVersion(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
content - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Attribute
contentChanged() - Method in interface ding.view.ContentChangeListener
This gets fired upon graph redraw when at least one of the following things change: node unselected, edge unselected, background paint change, node view added, edge view added, node view removed, edge view removed, node view hidden, edge view hidden, node view restored, edge view restored, graph lod changed, node visual property changed, edge visual property changed.
ContentChangeListener - Interface in ding.view
contentTypes - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
ContiguousArrowStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
ContiguousArrowStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ContiguousArrowStroke
ContinuousLegend - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous
ContinuousLegend(String, List, Object, VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousLegend
ContinuousLegend(List, VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousLegend
ContinuousMapping - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
Implements an interpolation table mapping data to values of a particular class.
ContinuousMapping(Object, byte) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Deprecated. Use new constructor instead. Will be removed in 10/2011. Controlling attribute name is always required, and now it's a part of constructor argument.
ContinuousMapping(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
ContinuousMappingEditorPanel - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
Abstract class for all Continuous Mapping Editors.
ContinuousMappingEditorPanel(VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
Creates new form ContinuousMapperEditorPanel
ContinuousMappingEditorPanel.ThumbMouseListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
ContinuousMappingEditorPanel.ThumbMouseListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel.ThumbMouseListener
ContinuousMappingPoint - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous
Encapsulates a ContinuousMapping Point with a single point value and associated BoundaryRangeValues.
ContinuousMappingPoint(double, BoundaryRangeValues) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingPoint
ContinuousMappingReader - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous
Reads in ContinuousMapping Properties.
ContinuousMappingReader(Properties, String, ValueParser) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingReader
ContinuousMappingWriter - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous
Writes out ContinuousMapping Properties.
ContinuousMappingWriter(List, String, String, Interpolator) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingWriter
ContinuousRangeCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous
Calculates the Range for Continuous Mappers.
ContinuousRangeCalculator(ArrayList, Interpolator, Map) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousRangeCalculator
ContinuousRangeCalculator(List<ContinuousMappingPoint>, Interpolator, Map) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousRangeCalculator
ContinuousTrackRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
ContinuousTrackRenderer(VisualPropertyType, Number, Number, ContinuousMapping, JXMultiThumbSlider) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
Creates a new ContinuousTrackRenderer object.
controllingAttrName - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
convert() - Method in class cytoscape.util.Transform
convert(int) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
convert(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
convertLambdasToPvals() - Method in class
Converts all lambdas to p-values.
convertToIcon(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer
convertToString(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer
copy(Appearance) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Copies the specified Appearance into this Appearance object.
copy(VisualPropertyDependency) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency
Clears the current object and copies the state of the specified VisualPropertyDependency into this object.
copyAttribute(CyAttributes, String, String, String, boolean, StringBuilder) - Static method in class
copyAttribute(String, String, String, CyAttributes, boolean) - Static method in class
Copy a specific attribute of a given object to another object.
copyAttributes(String, String, CyAttributes, boolean) - Static method in class
Copy all the attributes of a given object to another object.
copyAttributes(String, String, CyAttributes, AttributeFilter, boolean) - Static method in class
Copy all the attributes of a given object that pass a given filter to another object.
copyDefaultAppearance(AppearanceCalculator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
copyDefaultAppearance(AppearanceCalculator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
copyGroup(CyGroup, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a copy of a group, potentially in a new network, and name the copy automatically.
copyGroup(String, CyGroup, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a copy of a group, potentially in a new network, and name the copy with the provided new name.
copyInto(int[], int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Deprecated. Use elements() instead.
copyIntoReverseOrder(int[], int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Deprecated. Use orderedElements(boolean) or deleteMin() instead.
copyToAttribs(CyAttributes, TaskMonitor) - Method in class
Copies ExpressionData data structure into CyAttributes data structure.
Cos - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Cos() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cos
Cosh - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Cosh() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cosh
count() - Method in class
Deprecated. total number of entities, usually ORFs.
count(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
Returns the number of entries of the integer x in this tree.
Count - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Count() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Count
CountedIterator - Interface in
A java.util.Iterator with knowledge of how many elements are remaining.
create() - Method in class cytoscape.util.IndeterminateProgressBar
create(T) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.CustomGraphicsRangeValueRenderer
create(char) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
Create an Option using the current settings and with the specified Option char.
create() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
Create an Option using the current settings
create(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
Create an Option using the current settings and with the specified Option char.
createActionButtonMap() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
Factory method for instantiating the action->button map.
createAlignTab() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createAttribute() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Attribute
createBasicOntology(URL, String, String) - Method in class
createBookmarks() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Bookmarks
createBottomLeft() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
createCategory() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Category
createChild() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Child
createCircularTab() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createClass(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Returns the class whose name is str.
createColorLabel(Color) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
createContainer(CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Contains a CyNetworkView.
createCysession() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Cysession
createCytopanel() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Cytopanel
createCytopanels() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Cytopanels
createDataSource() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DataSource
createDate(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Returns the date represented by str.
createDefaultVisualStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
createDescription(String) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createDesktop() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Desktop
createDesktopSize() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DesktopSize
createDialog(Component) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.CheckBoxFileChooser
createDialog(Component) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExpFileChooser
createDifferenceGraph(List, boolean, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Create a new graph which is the difference of multiple graphs.
createDifferenceGraph2(List, boolean, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
The way this works is that the 2nd and optional additional networks will be subtracted from the 1st network.
createEdge() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Edge
createEdge(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
This method will create a new edge.
createEdge(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create a directed Edge from the given source Node to the given target Node, and return its index.
createEdge(Node, Node, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create an Edge from the given source Node to the given target Node, and return its index.
createEdge(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create a directed Edge from the Node with the given source_index to the Node with the given target_index, and return the new Edge's index.
createEdge(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create an Edge from the Node with the given source_index to the Node with the given target_index, and return the new Edge's index.
createEdges(int[], int[], boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use createEdge(int, int, boolean) instead.
createFile(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Returns the File represented by str.
createFiles(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Returns the File[] represented by str.
createGeneOntology(URL, String, String) - Method in class
createGraph() - Method in class
This will create the graph model objects.
createGraphPerspective(Node[], Edge[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use RootGraph.createGraphPerspective(int[], int[]) instead.
createGraphPerspective(int[], int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use RootGraph.createGraphPerspective(int[], int[]) instead.
createGraphPerspective(Filter) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Create a new GraphPerspective with all of the Nodes from this one that pass the given filter and all of the Edges from this one that pass the filter (and all Nodes incident on those edges).
createGraphPerspective(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Create a new GraphPerspective given a list of Nodes.
createGraphPerspective(Node[], Edge[]) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create a new GraphPerspective with just the given Nodes and Edges (and all Nodes incident on the given Edges).
createGraphPerspective(int[], int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create a new GraphPerspective with just the given Nodes and Edges (and all Nodes incident on the given Edges).
createGroup(String, List<CyNode>, List<CyEdge>, List<CyEdge>, String, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a new group by specifying all components.
createGroup(String, String, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a new, empty group.
createGroup(String, List<CyNode>, String, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a new group with a list of nodes as initial members.
createGroup(CyNode, List<CyNode>, String, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a new group with a list of nodes as initial members, and a precreated group node.
createGroup(String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a new, empty group.
createGroup(String, List<CyNode>, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a new, empty group.
createGroup(CyNode, List<CyNode>, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Create a new group with a list of nodes as initial members, and a precreated group node.
createHiddenEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of HiddenEdges
createHiddenNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of HiddenNodes
createHorizontalAlignCenter() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createHorizontalAlignLeft() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createHorizontalAlignRight() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createHorizontalDistributeCenter() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createIdentifier(String, String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
A static method used to create edge identifiers.
createImage(int, int, double) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Method to return a reference to an Image object, which represents the current network view.
createInfoTag() - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
createIntersectionGraph(List, boolean, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Create a new graph which is the intersection of multiple graphs.
createJButton(Action) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
Factory method for instantiating the buttons in the toolbar.
createJMenu(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
Factory method for instantiating objects of type JMenu
createJMenuItem(Action) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
Factory method for instantiating the menuItems in the menu.
createKVMap(Collection<Tunable>) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Execute a given command with a particular set of arguments.
createMapping(byte, Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingManager
createMapping(byte, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingManagerImpl
createMasterPane(NetworkPanel, BiModalJSplitPane) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Creates the Master Split Pane.
createNetwork(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new, empty Network.
createNetwork(String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new, empty Network.
createNetwork(String, CyNetwork, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new, empty Network.
createNetwork(int[], int[], String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new Network.
createNetwork(Collection, Collection, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new Network.
createNetwork(int[], int[], String, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
createNetwork(int[], int[], String, CyNetwork, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork
createNetwork(Collection, Collection, String, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
createNetwork(Collection, Collection, String, CyNetwork, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
createNetwork(GraphReader, boolean, CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a from a reader.
createNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Network
createNetwork(Collection, Collection) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeFingRootGraph
createNetwork(Node[], Edge[]) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeFingRootGraph
Creates a new Network
createNetwork(int[], int[]) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeFingRootGraph
Uses Code copied from ColtRootGraph to create a new Network.
createNetwork(Node[], Edge[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeRootGraph
Uses Code copied from ColtRootGraph to create a new CyNetwork.
createNetwork(Collection, Collection) - Method in interface cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeRootGraph
createNetwork(int[], int[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeRootGraph
Uses Code copied from ColtRootGraph to create a new Network.
createNetworkFrame() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of NetworkFrame
createNetworkFrames() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of NetworkFrames
createNetworkFromFile(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a CyNetwork from a file.
createNetworkFromFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a CyNetwork from a file.
createNetworkFromURL(URL, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a CyNetwork from a URL.
createNetworkTree() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of NetworkTree
createNetworkView(CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
createNetworkView(CyNetwork, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
createNetworkView(CyNetwork, String, CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
createNetworkView(CyNetwork, String, CyLayoutAlgorithm, VisualStyle) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Creates a CyNetworkView that is placed placed in a given visual style and rendered with a given layout algorithm.
CreateNetworkViewAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
CreateNetworkViewAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.CreateNetworkViewAction
Creates a new CreateNetworkViewAction object.
CreateNetworkViewAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.CreateNetworkViewAction
Creates a new CreateNetworkViewAction object.
createNewSession() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Clear all networks and attributes and start a new session.
createNode() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Node
createNode() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
This method will create a new node.
createNode() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create a new Node in this RootGraph, and return its index.
createNode(Node[], Edge[]) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create a new Node in this RootGraph, and return its index.
createNode(GraphPerspective) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create a new Node in this RootGraph, and return its index.
createNode(int[], int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Create a new Node in this RootGraph, and return its index.
createNodes(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use createNode() instead.
createNumber(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Create a number from a String.
createObject(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Create an Object from the classname and empty constructor.
createOntology() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Ontology
createOntologyServer() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of OntologyServer
createPadding(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Return a String of padding of length len.
createPanel() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Panel
createPanels() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Panels
createPanelState(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createParent() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Parent
createPlugin() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Plugin
createPluginObject(Element) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
Creates the PluginInfo object from the xml element.
createPlugins() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Plugins
createResourcesTag() - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
createRightPane(BiModalJSplitPane) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Creates the Right Panel.
createRootGraphFromInteractionData() - Method in class
createSelectedEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SelectedEdges
createSelectedNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SelectedNodes
createSelectedPanel(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createServer() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Server
createSessionNote(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createSessionState() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SessionState
createSettings() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.algorithms.GridNodeLayout
Returns a JPanel to be used as part of the Settings dialog for this layout algorithm.
createStrokedShape(Shape) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ShapeStroke
createStrokedShape(Shape) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZigzagStroke
createTerm(String, String) - Method in class
Create a new term in this ontology.
createTerm(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class
createThemeObject(Element) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
createTopRightPane(NetworkViewManager) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Creates the TopRight Pane.
createTreeNodes(DefaultMutableTreeNode, HashMap) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
createTreeView(HashMap) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
createTriple(Term, Term, Term, String, String) - Method in class
createTunableCollection(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Use this method to support the Map version of the execute call if you support Tunables.
createUnionGraph(List, boolean, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Create a new graph which is the union of multiple graphs.
createURL(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Returns the URL represented by str.
createValue(String, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Returns the Object of type obj with the value of str.
createValue(String, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler
Returns the Object of type clazz with the value of str.
createVariable(String, String) - Method in class
createVerticalAlignBottom() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createVerticalAlignCenter() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createVerticalAlignTop() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createVerticalDistributeCenter() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
createViewableNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ViewableNodes
createViewFromCurrentNetwork(CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.CreateNetworkViewAction
CREATOR - Static variable in class
CreditScreen - Class in cytoscape.util
CreditScreen() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CreditScreen
curator - Variable in class
curator - Variable in class
curator - Variable in class
curator - Variable in class
CURRENTLY_INSTALLED - Static variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
currentNetworkID - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
currentNetworkID - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Current network and view.
currentNetworkViewID - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
currentNetworkViewID - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
currentSize - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
CURVED_LINES - Static variable in class
CURVED_LINES - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Draws splined curves for edges.
CUSTOM - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
CUSTOM_SHAPE_MAX_VERTICES - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
This value is currently 100.
CustomGraphic - Class in cytoscape.render.stateful
Represents all the information needed to define a custom graphic for a given NodeView.
CustomGraphic(Shape, PaintFactory) - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.stateful.CustomGraphic
CustomGraphic(Shape, Paint, byte) - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.stateful.CustomGraphic
customGraphicCount(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
A thread-safe method returning the number of custom graphics associated with a given Node.
customGraphicIterator() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
Return a non-null, read-only Iterator over all CustomGraphics contained in this DNodeView.
customGraphicLock() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
Obtain the lock used for reading information about custom graphics.
customGraphics(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render custom graphics on nodes.
customGraphics(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render custom graphics on nodes.
customGraphics(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Return a non-null, read-only Iterator over all CustomGraphics contained in this Node.
customGraphics(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
CustomGraphicsBrowser - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui
Display list of images available as custom graphics
CustomGraphicsBrowser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CustomGraphicsBrowser
Creates new form CustomGraphicsBrowserPanel
CustomGraphicsCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui
Cell renderer for Custom Graphics Browser.
CustomGraphicsCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CustomGraphicsCellRenderer
CustomGraphicsCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CustomGraphicsCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CustomGraphicsCellRenderer
CustomGraphicsDetailPanel - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui
CustomGraphicsDetailPanel() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CustomGraphicsDetailPanel
Creates new form CustomGraphicsDetailPanel
customGraphicsLock(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Return the object used for synchronizing custom graphics operations for a given Node.
CustomGraphicsManager - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
CustomGraphicsManager() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Creates an image pool object and restore existing images from user resource directory.
CustomGraphicsManagerDialog - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui
Main UI for managing on-memory library of Custom Graphics
CustomGraphicsManagerDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CustomGraphicsManagerDialog
Creates new form CustomGraphicsManagerDialog
CustomGraphicsPositionCalculator - Class in ding.view
CustomGraphicsPositionCalculator() - Constructor for class ding.view.CustomGraphicsPositionCalculator
CustomGraphicsProperty<T> - Interface in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector
CustomGraphicsPropertyImpl<T> - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
CustomGraphicsPropertyImpl(T) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsPropertyImpl
CustomGraphicsRangeValueCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators
CustomGraphicsRangeValueCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.CustomGraphicsRangeValueCalculator
CustomGraphicsRangeValueRenderer<T> - Interface in cytoscape.visual.mappings
CustomGraphicsUtil - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
CustomGraphicsUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsUtil
CustomMapping - Interface in cytoscape.visual.mappings
User-definable visual mapping.
customNodeShapeExists(byte) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Determines whether the specified shape is a custom defined node shape.
CY_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class
CY_PROPS - Static variable in class
CyAbstractEdit - Class in cytoscape.util.undo
A small convenience class that can be used to create new edits.
CyAbstractEdit(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.undo.CyAbstractEdit
CyAttributes - Interface in
CyAttributes provides access to network, node, and edge attributes within Cytoscape.
CyAttributesImpl - Class in
CyAttributesImpl() - Constructor for class
Creates a new CyAttributesImpl object.
CyAttributesReader - Class in
CyAttributesUtils - Class in
CyAttributesUtils() - Constructor for class
CyAttributesUtils.AttributeType - Enum in
CyAttributesWriter - Class in
CyAttributeWriter extracted from AttributeSaverDialog.
CyAttributesWriter(CyAttributes, String, Writer) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CyAttributesWriter2 object.
CyCollapsiblePanel - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
The user-triggered collapsable panel containing the component (trigger) in the titled border
CyCollapsiblePanel(JRadioButton) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.CyCollapsiblePanel
Constructor for an option button controlled collapsable panel.
CyCollapsiblePanel(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.CyCollapsiblePanel
Constructor for a label/button controlled collapsable panel.
CyColorCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyColorCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer
CyColorCellRenderer.PaintIcon - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyColorCellRenderer.PaintIcon(Paint) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer.PaintIcon
CyColorCellRenderer.PaintIcon(Paint, int, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer.PaintIcon
CyColorChooser - Class in cytoscape.util
This is an annoying re-implementation of JColorChooser.showDialog() that remembers recently used colors between invocations of the chooser dialog.
CyColorChooser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyColorChooser
CyColorPropertyEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyColorPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor
Creates a new CyColorPropertyEditor object.
CyColorPropertyEditor.AsInt - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyColorPropertyEditor.AsInt() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor.AsInt
CyComboBoxPropertyEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyComboBoxPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyComboBoxPropertyEditor
Creates a new CyComboBoxPropertyEditor object.
CyComboBoxPropertyEditor.Value - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyComboBoxPropertyEditor.Value(Object, Object) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyComboBoxPropertyEditor.Value
CyCommandException - Exception in cytoscape.command
The CyCommandException is thrown when a CyCommandHandler encounters an exception condition.
CyCommandException(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.command.CyCommandException
Create a CyCommandException with a message, but no results
CyCommandException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.command.CyCommandException
Create a CyCommandException with a root cause but no results
CyCommandException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.command.CyCommandException
Create a CyCommandException with a message and a root cause but no results
CyCommandException(String, CyCommandResult) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.command.CyCommandException
Create a CyCommandException with a message and a set of results
CyCommandException(String, Throwable, CyCommandResult) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.command.CyCommandException
Create a CyCommandException with a message, a cause, and a set of results
CyCommandHandler - Interface in cytoscape.command
The CyCommandHandler interface allows a Cytoscape plugin to make it's functions available to other plugins in a loosely-coupled manner (by passing command strings and arguments).
CyCommandManager - Class in cytoscape.command
CyCommandManager is a singleton Cytoscape class that provides a global registry of CyCommands and CyCommandNamespaces.
CyCommandManager() - Constructor for class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
CyCommandNamespace - Interface in cytoscape.command
A CyCommandNamespace represents a reservation for a group of CyCommands.
CyCommandResult - Class in cytoscape.command
CyCommandResult returns the results from the execution of a command.
CyCommandResult() - Constructor for class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Create a new empty CyCommandResult.
CyCommandResult(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Create a new CyCommandResult with an initial message and execution results.
CyCustomGraphics - Interface in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
CyCustomGraphicsEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyCustomGraphicsEditor() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyCustomGraphicsEditor
Creates a new CyLabelPositionLabelEditor object.
CyCustomGraphicsParser - Interface in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
CyCustomGraphicsParserFactory - Interface in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
CyCustomGraphicsParserFactoryImpl - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl
CyCustomGraphicsParserFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.CyCustomGraphicsParserFactoryImpl
CyCustomGraphicsTableCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui
CyCustomGraphicsTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CyCustomGraphicsTableCellRenderer
CyCustomGraphicsTreeCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui
CyCustomGraphicsTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CyCustomGraphicsTreeCellRenderer
CyCustomGraphicsTreeNode - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui
CyDesktopManager - Class in cytoscape.view
CyDesktopManager.Arrange - Enum in cytoscape.view
CyDoublePropertyEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyDoublePropertyEditor() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyDoublePropertyEditor
Creates a new CyStringPropertyEditor object.
CyEdge - Class in cytoscape
CyEdge(RootGraph, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.CyEdge
Creates a new CyEdge object.
CyEdgeView - Interface in cytoscape.view
CyFileFilter - Class in cytoscape.util
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
CyFileFilter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Creates a file filter.
CyFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts files with the given extension.
CyFileFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
CyFileFilter(String[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array.
CyFileFilter(String[], String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.
CyFileFilter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
CyFileFilter(String[], String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.
cyFileFilters - Static variable in class
Set of all registered CyFileFilter Objects.
CyFontPropertyEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyFontPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyFontPropertyEditor
CyGradientTrackRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
CyGradientTrackRenderer(VisualPropertyType, Color, Color, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
Creates a new GradientTrackRenderer object.
CyGraphAllLOD - Class in cytoscape.ding
CyGraphAllLOD is the level of detail (LOD) class used for the "Show Graphics Details" menu item.
CyGraphAllLOD() - Constructor for class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphAllLOD
CyGraphLOD - Class in cytoscape.ding
An instance of this class defines the level of detail that goes into a single rendering of a graph.
CyGraphLOD() - Constructor for class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Creates a new CyGraphLOD object.
CyGroup - Interface in cytoscape.groups
The CyGroup interface provides the methods for a group model that maintains the list of nodes belonging to a group, the parent of a particular group, and the node that represents the group.
CyGroupChangeListener - Interface in cytoscape.groups
The CyGroupChangeListener interface provides a mechanism for plugins that track group-related events to get notified of global group changes (new groups, etc.).
CyGroupChangeListener.ChangeType - Enum in cytoscape.groups
CyGroupImpl - Class in cytoscape.groups
The CyGroup class provides the implementation for a group model that maintains the list of nodes belonging to a group, the parent of a particular group, and the node that represents the group.
CyGroupImpl() - Constructor for class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Empty constructor
CyGroupImpl(CyNode, List<CyNode>, List<CyEdge>, List<CyEdge>, CyNetwork) - Constructor for class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Constructor to create an empty group.
CyGroupImpl(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Constructor to create an empty group
CyGroupImpl(CyNode) - Constructor for class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Constructor to create an empty group when the group node is specified.
CyGroupImpl(CyNode, List<CyNode>) - Constructor for class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Constructor to create a group with the listed nodes as initial members, and a predetermined CyNode to act as the group Node.
CyGroupImpl(String, List<CyNode>) - Constructor for class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Constructor to create a group with the listed nodes as initial members.
CyGroupManager - Class in cytoscape.groups
The CyGroup class provides the implementation for a group model that maintains the list of nodes belonging to a group, the parent of a particular group, and the node that represents the group.
CyGroupManager() - Constructor for class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
CyGroupViewer - Interface in cytoscape.groups
The CyGroupViewer interface provides a mechanism for group view implementations to register themselves and get notified of group creation and deletion.
CyGroupViewer.ChangeType - Enum in cytoscape.groups
The change values
CyHelpBroker - Class in cytoscape.view
This class creates the Cytoscape Help Broker for managing the JavaHelp system and help set access
CyInitParams - Interface in cytoscape.init
An interface that describes the initialization parameters needed by cytoscape.
CyLayoutAlgorithm - Interface in cytoscape.layout
CyLayoutAlgorithmComparator<CyLayoutAlgorithm> - Class in cytoscape.layout
CyLayoutAlgorithmComparator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithmComparator
CyLayouts - Class in cytoscape.layout
CyLayouts is a singleton class that is used to register all available layout algorithms.
CyLogger - Class in cytoscape.logger
CyLogger(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
The constructor to create a CyLogger.
CyLogHandler - Interface in cytoscape.logger
The CyLogHandler interface must be implemented by log handlers for plugins that wish to handle their own logging.
CyMain - Class in cytoscape
This is the main startup class for Cytoscape.
CyMain(String[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.CyMain
Creates a new CyMain object.
CyMenus - Class in cytoscape.view
Creates the menu and tool bars for a Cytoscape window object.
CyMenus() - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Creates a new CyMenus object.
cyMenus - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
The CyMenus object provides access to the all of the menus and toolbars that will be needed.
CyNetwork - Interface in cytoscape
CyNetwork is the primary class for algorithm writing.  All algorithms should take a CyNetwork as input, and do their best to only use the API of CyNetwork.  Plugins that want to affect the display of a graph can look into using CyNetworkView as well.

A CyNetwork can create Nodes or Edges.  Any Nodes or Edges that wish to be added to a CyNetwork first need to be created in Cytoscape. 

The methods that are defined by CyNetwork mostly deal with data integration and flagging of nodes/edges.  All methods that deal with graph traversal are part of the inherited API of the GraphPerspective class.  Links to which can be found at the bottom of the methods list. 

In general, all methods are supported for working with Nodes/Edges as objects, and as indices.
CyNetworkAdapter - Class in cytoscape
Empty implementation of the CyNetworkListener interface, following the adapter pattern useful for defining anonymous inner classes.
CyNetworkAdapter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.CyNetworkAdapter
CyNetworkData - Interface in cytoscape
This will be the interface where things like multi-dimensional data are accessed.
CyNetworkEvent - Class in cytoscape
Events of this class are fired from a CyNetwork object when something happens to the network.
CyNetworkEvent(CyNetwork, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.CyNetworkEvent
Creates a new CyNetworkEvent object.
CyNetworkListener - Interface in cytoscape
Interface for listeners that respond to CyNetwork events.
CyNetworkNaming - Class in cytoscape.util
CyNetworkNaming() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CyNetworkNaming
CyNetworkTitleChange - Class in cytoscape
Class used for passing along information about the network when the network title has changed (firing an event)
CyNetworkTitleChange(String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.CyNetworkTitleChange
CyNetworkUtilities - Class in
This class provides static methods that operate on a CyNetwork to perform various useful tasks.
CyNetworkUtilities() - Constructor for class
CyNetworkView - Interface in cytoscape.view
CyNetworkView is responsible for actually getting a graph to show up on the screen.

Cytoscape does not currently define specific classes for NodeViews and EdgeViews, the defaults from the GINY graph library (namely phoebe.PNodeView and phoebe.PEdgeView) are most commonly used.
CyNode - Class in cytoscape
CyNode(RootGraph, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.CyNode
Creates a new CyNode object.
CyNodeView - Interface in cytoscape.view
CyObjectPositionPropertyEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyObjectPositionPropertyEditor(VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyObjectPositionPropertyEditor
Creates a new CyLabelPositionLabelEditor object.
CYSESSION - Static variable in class
Cysession - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Cysession() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
CyStartupListener - Class in cytoscape
Implementation of StartupListener interface in install4j API.
CyStartupListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.CyStartupListener
CyStringPropertyEditor - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
CyStringPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyStringPropertyEditor
Creates a new CyStringPropertyEditor object.
cytoDir - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
Cytopanel - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Cytopanel() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
cytopanel - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanels
CytoPanel - Interface in cytoscape.view.cytopanels
Interface to a CytoPanel.
CytoPanelAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
CytoPanelAction(CytoPanelName, boolean, CytoPanelName) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.CytoPanelAction
CytoPanelContainer - Interface in cytoscape.view.cytopanels
Interface for Container of CytoPanel Objects.
cytoPanelEast - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
CytoPanelImp - Class in cytoscape.view.cytopanels
The CytoPanel class extends JPanel to provide the following functionality: Floating/Docking of Panel.
CytoPanelImp(int, int, CytoPanelState) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
CytoPanelListener - Interface in cytoscape.view.cytopanels
This listener interface provides the mechanism to respond to CytoPanel Events.
CytoPanelName - Enum in cytoscape.view.cytopanels
An enum that maps names to compass directions.
Cytopanels - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Cytopanels() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanels
cytopanels - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
cytoPanelSouth - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
cytoPanelSouthWest - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
CytoPanelState - Class in cytoscape.view.cytopanels
CytoPanelState Class.
CytoPanelUtil - Class in cytoscape.view.cytopanels
Contains methods to assist with various tasks performed by the CytoPanel API.
CytoPanelUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelUtil
cytoPanelWest - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
cytoscape - package cytoscape
Core Cytoscape Classes.
Cytoscape - Class in cytoscape
This class, Cytoscape is the primary class in the API.
Cytoscape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.Cytoscape
cytoscape.actions - package cytoscape.actions
UI classes that are attached to menu items in the menu or tool bar of the window.
cytoscape.bookmarks - package cytoscape.bookmarks
cytoscape.command - package cytoscape.command
cytoscape.cruft.obo - package cytoscape.cruft.obo
cytoscape.cruft.obo.test - package cytoscape.cruft.obo.test - package
Basic data classes used by Cytoscape. - package
Classes used to represent generic annotation data in Cytoscape. - package
Reader classes for generic annotation data. - package - package - package - package - package
Reader classes for the basic data types in - package
An interface for annotation data providers and various implementations of that interface, including both remote and in-process implementations. - package
Classes providing synonym funcationality, that is identifying multiple names that refer to the same entity. - package
Readers for classes in the package. - package - package - package - package
cytoscape.dialogs - package cytoscape.dialogs
UI classes for performing some action, generally more complicated than those contained in the cytoscape.actions package.
cytoscape.dialogs.logger - package cytoscape.dialogs.logger
cytoscape.dialogs.plugins - package cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
cytoscape.dialogs.preferences - package cytoscape.dialogs.preferences
cytoscape.ding - package cytoscape.ding
cytoscape.generated - package cytoscape.generated
cytoscape.geom.rtree - package cytoscape.geom.rtree
cytoscape.geom.rtree.test - package cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
cytoscape.geom.spacial - package cytoscape.geom.spacial
cytoscape.giny - package cytoscape.giny
cytoscape.graph.dynamic - package cytoscape.graph.dynamic
cytoscape.graph.dynamic.util - package cytoscape.graph.dynamic.util
cytoscape.graph.fixed - package cytoscape.graph.fixed
cytoscape.groups - package cytoscape.groups
cytoscape.init - package cytoscape.init
cytoscape.layout - package cytoscape.layout
Classes providing some kind of graph layout functionality.
cytoscape.layout.algorithms - package cytoscape.layout.algorithms
cytoscape.layout.ui - package cytoscape.layout.ui
cytoscape.logger - package cytoscape.logger
cytoscape.plugin - package cytoscape.plugin
Classes related to Cytoscape plugins.
cytoscape.render.export - package cytoscape.render.export
cytoscape.render.immed - package cytoscape.render.immed
cytoscape.render.immed.arrow - package cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape - package cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
cytoscape.render.stateful - package cytoscape.render.stateful
cytoscape.task - package cytoscape.task
Cytoscape Task Framework.
cytoscape.task.sample - package cytoscape.task.sample
Sample task, used to illustrate the Task framework.
cytoscape.task.ui - package cytoscape.task.ui
UI code related to task control.
cytoscape.task.util - package cytoscape.task.util
Utility manager for executing tasks.
cytoscape.util - package cytoscape.util
This package contains utility classes which are deemed generally useful, but which do not clearly belong to any other package.
cytoscape.util.export - package cytoscape.util.export
cytoscape.util.intr - package cytoscape.util.intr
cytoscape.util.intr.test - package cytoscape.util.intr.test
cytoscape.util.shadegrown - package cytoscape.util.shadegrown
cytoscape.util.swing - package cytoscape.util.swing
cytoscape.util.undo - package cytoscape.util.undo
cytoscape.view - package cytoscape.view
Classes that provide a window to display a graph and UI components connected to that window, such as the menus.
cytoscape.view.cytopanels - package cytoscape.view.cytopanels
CytoPanels Framework.
cytoscape.visual - package cytoscape.visual
Framework for generalized mappings from graph attributes to visual attributes.
cytoscape.visual.calculators - package cytoscape.visual.calculators
Objects that calculate from the data attributes the value for one visual attribute, such as color, shape, or size.
cytoscape.visual.converter - package cytoscape.visual.converter
cytoscape.visual.customgraphic - package cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl - package cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl
cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap - package cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap
cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector - package cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector
cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint - package cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint
cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui - package cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui
cytoscape.visual.mappings - package cytoscape.visual.mappings
The Mappings are used by Calculators to map graph attributes to visual attribute values.
cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous - package cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous
Mappings from a continuous numerical input to a particular visual attribute.
cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete - package cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete
Mappings from a discrete-valued input to a particular visual attribute.
cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators - package cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators
cytoscape.visual.parsers - package cytoscape.visual.parsers
Translates visual attribute values to and from their String representation. - package
cytoscape.visual.strokes - package cytoscape.visual.strokes
The WidthStroke objects in this package should NOT be used directly by anyone other than the LineStyle enum!!!! Seriously, DON'T USE THESE CLASSES!!!
cytoscape.visual.ui - package cytoscape.visual.ui
Top-level UI components for the cytoscape.visual package.
cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous - package cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete - package cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
cytoscape.visual.ui.icon - package cytoscape.visual.ui.icon
CYTOSCAPE_EXIT - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
CYTOSCAPE_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
CytoscapeAction - Class in cytoscape.util
CytoscapeAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
CytoscapeAction(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
Creates a new CytoscapeAction object.
CytoscapeAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
Creates a new CytoscapeAction object.
CytoscapeDesktop - Class in cytoscape.view
The CytoscapeDesktop is the central Window for working with Cytoscape
CytoscapeDesktop() - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Creates a new CytoscapeDesktop object.
cytoscapeDesktop - Variable in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
CytoscapeFingRootGraph - Class in cytoscape.giny
CytoscapeFingRootGraph() - Constructor for class cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeFingRootGraph
Creates a new CytoscapeFingRootGraph object.
CytoscapeInit - Class in cytoscape
Cytoscape Init is responsible for starting Cytoscape in a way that makes sense.
CytoscapeInit() - Constructor for class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
Creates a new CytoscapeInit object.
CytoscapeMenuBar - Class in cytoscape.util
CytoscapeMenuBar() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
Default constructor.
CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager - Class in cytoscape
CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager manages the modified state settings for the networks and listens for PropertyChangeEvents.
CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager() - Constructor for class cytoscape.CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager
CytoscapePlugin - Class in cytoscape.plugin
A CytoscapePlugin is the new "Global" plugin.
CytoscapePlugin() - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
There are no arguments required or allowed in a CytoscapePlugin constructor.
CytoscapeProgressMonitor - Class in cytoscape.util
CytoscapeProgressMonitor(MonitoredTask) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeProgressMonitor
CytoscapeProgressMonitor(MonitoredTask, Component) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeProgressMonitor
cytoscapeRootGraph - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
The shared RootGraph between all Networks
CytoscapeRootGraph - Interface in cytoscape.giny
CytoscapeSessionReader - Class in
Reader to load CYtoscape Session file (.cys).
This class unzip cys file and read all files in the archive.
CytoscapeSessionReader(URL, TaskMonitor) - Constructor for class
Constructor for remote file (specified by an URL)
CytoscapeSessionReader(String, TaskMonitor) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CytoscapeSessionReader object.
CytoscapeSessionReader(String) - Constructor for class
Create reader from file name.
CytoscapeSessionReader(URL) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CytoscapeSessionReader object.
CytoscapeSessionWriter - Class in
Write session states into files.
Basic functions of this class are:
CytoscapeSessionWriter(String) - Constructor for class
CytoscapeToolBar - Class in cytoscape.util
CytoscapeToolBar() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
Default constructor delegates to the superclass void constructor and then calls CytoscapeToolBar.initializeCytoscapeToolBar().
CytoscapeVersion - Class in cytoscape
CytoscapeVersion: identify (and describe) successive versions of cytoscape.
CytoscapeVersion() - Constructor for class cytoscape.CytoscapeVersion
CyUndo - Class in cytoscape.util.undo
A tiny class for supporting undo in the Cytoscape context.
CyUndo() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.undo.CyUndo
CyWebServiceEvent<P> - Class in
Event object used by Web Service Clients and the core.
CyWebServiceEvent(String, CyWebServiceEvent.WSEventType, P) - Constructor for class
CyWebServiceEvent(String, CyWebServiceEvent.WSEventType, P, CyWebServiceEvent.WSEventType) - Constructor for class
CyWebServiceEvent.WSEventType - Enum in
CyWebServiceEvent.WSResponseType - Enum in
Will be used to catch the signal from WS.
CyWebServiceEventListener - Interface in
Listener for Web Service Event handling.
CyWebServiceEventSupport - Class in
CyWebServiceEventSupport() - Constructor for class
Creates a new CyWebServiceEventSupport object.
CyWebServiceException - Exception in
CyWebServiceException(CyWebServiceException.WSErrorCode) - Constructor for exception
CyWebServiceException.WSErrorCode - Enum in


DashDotStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
DashDotStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.DashDotStroke
dashedEdges(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to honor dashed edges.
dashedEdges(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to honor dashed edges.
dashedEdges(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
databaseComboBox - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
databaseComboBoxActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
databasePanel - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
DatabaseSearchResult<R> - Class in
DatabaseSearchResult(Integer, R, CyWebServiceEvent.WSEventType) - Constructor for class
DATASERVER_CHANGED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
DataSource - Class in cytoscape.bookmarks
Java class for anonymous complex type.
DataSource() - Constructor for class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
DATE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
Date class
DBCrossReferenceReader - Class in
Reader for database cross reference file.
DBCrossReferenceReader() - Constructor for class
Create a new map for the DB references.
DBCrossReferences - Class in
Database cress reference.
DBCrossReferences() - Constructor for class
Creates a new DBCrossReferences object.
DBReference - Class in
Represents an entry in the database cross reference.
DBReference(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new DBReference object.
DBReference(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new DBReference object.
DBXrefKeywords - Enum in
deactivate() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
If implemented then this plugin can remove itself from the Menu system, and anything else, when the user decides to deactivate it.
debug(String) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a debug message.
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a debug message.
DECODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
DEF_COMPRESSION_LEVEL - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
DEF_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class
DEF_FONT - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
DEF_NAME - Static variable in class
DEF_RENDERER - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.CellRendererFactory
DEF_SIZE - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
DEF_SNAPSHOT_SIZE - Static variable in class ding.view.DGraphView
DEFAULT - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
DEFAULT_ARG_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
default name for an argument
DEFAULT_DESC_PAD - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
DEFAULT_EDGE_INTERACTION - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_GRAPH_VIEW_HANDLER - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
DEFAULT_ICON_COLOR - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Default icon color.
DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Default icon size for Visual Properties
DEFAULT_LEFT_PAD - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
default padding to the left of each line
DEFAULT_LONG_OPT_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
default prefix for long Option
DEFAULT_MAX_BRANCHES - Static variable in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Deprecated. Use the no-arg constructor.
DEFAULT_MAX_BRANCHES - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
DEFAULT_MENU_SPECIFIER - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
DEFAULT_NETWORK_METADATA_LABEL - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_OPT_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
default prefix for shortOpts
DEFAULT_POSITION - Static variable in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
DEFAULT_SYNTAX_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
the string to display at the begining of the usage statement
DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
default number of characters per line
DEFAULT_WIN_HEIGHT - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager
DEFAULT_WIN_WIDTH - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager
DefaultAppearenceBuilder - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Dialog for editing default visual property values.
This is a modal dialog.
DefaultCyCustomGraphicsParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
DefaultCyCustomGraphicsParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.DefaultCyCustomGraphicsParser
defaultDesktop - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
defaultMenuSpecifier - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
DefaultPluginSiteTitle - Static variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
defaultPluginSiteUrl - Static variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
DefaultViewPanel - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Panel to show the default properties visually (as graphics).
defaultVisualStyle - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
defineAttribute(String, byte, byte[]) - Method in interface
Creates an attribute definition.
defineCustomNodeShape(float[], int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
The custom node shape that is defined is a polygon specified by the coordinates supplied.
Degrees - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Degrees() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Degrees
delayedFireTableDataChanged() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
Invokes fireTableDataChanged after all the pending events have been processed.
delete(int) - Method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Deletes the specified data entry from this tree.
delete(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.geom.spacial.MutableSpacialIndex2D
Deletes the specified data entry from this structure.
delete(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Marks the given object for deletion the next time Cytoscape is restarted.
delete() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Takes all objects on the "to-delete" list and deletes them.
delete() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Deletes the tracker file.
delete(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
Deletes at most one entry of the integer x.
DeleteAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
action for deleting selected Cytoscape nodes and edges
DeleteAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DeleteAction
action for deleting selected Cytoscape nodes and edges
DeleteAction(GraphObject) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DeleteAction
perform deletion on the input object.
deleteAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Deletes the id/attributeName pair.
deleteAttribute(String) - Method in interface
Deletes the specified attribute.
deleteAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
deleteAttribute(String) - Method in class
deleteBookmark(String, Bookmarks, String, DataSource) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
deleteBookmark(Bookmarks, String, DataSource) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
deleteButton - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
deleteButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2CMappingEditor
Remove selected slider.
deleteButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2DMappingEditor
deleteButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
deleteButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.GradientEditorPanel
deleteEdgeAttribute(String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Deletes the attribute with the given name from edge attributes
deleteMin() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Deletes and returns the minimum element in this heap.
deleteNodeAttribute(String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Deletes the attribute with the given name from node attributes
deletePlugins(String[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
deleteProperty(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
deleteTerm(Term) - Method in class
Delete a term from DAG (CyNetwork)
DELIMITER - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
DELTA - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
DeltaArrow - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
DeltaArrow() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.DeltaArrow
dequeue() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntQueue
Removes and returns the next integer in this queue.
desc - Variable in class cytoscape.util.undo.CyAbstractEdit
describe() - Method in class
describe() - Method in interface
describe() - Method in class
describeOptions(CLOptionDescriptor[]) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLUtil
Format options into StringBuffer and return.
description - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
description - Variable in class
descriptionMap - Variable in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
DeselectAllAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
DeselectAllAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DeselectAllAction
Creates a new DeselectAllAction object.
deselectAllEdges(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
deselectAllEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
DeSelectAllEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
DeSelectAllEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DeSelectAllEdgesAction
Creates a new DeSelectAllEdgesAction object.
deselectAllNodes(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
DeSelectAllNodesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
DeSelectAllNodesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DeSelectAllNodesAction
Creates a new DeSelectAllNodesAction object.
Desktop - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Desktop() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Desktop
desktop - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
desktop - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager
desktopSize - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Desktop
DesktopSize - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
DesktopSize() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.DesktopSize
destroy() - Method in class ding.view.BirdsEyeView
destroyCurrentNetwork() - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkAction
Deprecated. Use Cytoscape.destroyNetwork(Cytoscape.getCurrentNetwork()) instead. Will be gone 11/2008.
destroyNetwork(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
destroys the given network
destroyNetwork(CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
destroys the given network
destroyNetwork(CyNetwork, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
destroys the given network
DestroyNetworkAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
DestroyNetworkAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkAction
Creates a new DestroyNetworkAction object.
DestroyNetworkAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkAction
Creates a new DestroyNetworkAction object.
destroyNetworkView(CyNetworkView) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Destroys the network view.
destroyNetworkView(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
destroys the networkview, including any layout information
destroyNetworkView(CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
destroys the networkview, including any layout information
DestroyNetworkViewAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
DestroyNetworkViewAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkViewAction
Creates a new DestroyNetworkViewAction object.
DestroyNetworkViewAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkViewAction
Creates a new DestroyNetworkViewAction object.
destroyViewFromCurrentNetwork() - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkViewAction
Deprecated. Use Cytoscape.destroyNetworkView() instead. Will go 11/2008.
detail(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render a graph at full detail.
detail(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render a graph at full detail.
detail(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
DGraphView - Class in ding.view
DING implementation of the GINY view.
DGraphView(GraphPerspective) - Constructor for class ding.view.DGraphView
Creates a new DGraphView object.
DGraphView.Canvas - Enum in ding.view
Enum to identify ding canvases - used in getCanvas(Canvas canvasId)
DGraphView.ShapeType - Enum in ding.view
DIAMOND - Static variable in class
DIAMOND - Static variable in class
DIAMOND - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
DIAMOND - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
DiamondArrow - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
DiamondArrow() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.DiamondArrow
DiamondNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
DiamondNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.DiamondNodeShape
DIFFERENCE - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
DIFFERENCE2 - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
differenceEdges(List) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Determine the set of difference edges.
differenceEdges2(List, int[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Determine the set of difference edges.
differenceNodes(List, int[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Determine the set of difference nodes.
differenceNodes2(List) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Returns the nodes of the 1st network that are not contained in any of the other networks.
ding.view - package ding.view
ding.view.test - package ding.view.test
DingCanvas - Class in ding.view
This class is meant to be extended by a class which is meant to exist within the InternalFrameComponent class.
DingCanvas() - Constructor for class ding.view.DingCanvas
DingNetworkView - Class in cytoscape.ding
Extended version of DGraphView defined in Ding.
DingNetworkView(CyNetwork, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
Creates a new DingNetworkView object.
DIRECTED_EDGE - Static variable in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
A nonnegative quantity representing directedness of an edge.
DIRECTED_EDGE - Static variable in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
A nonnegative quantity representing directedness of an edge.
disableEdgeSelection() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Disables the ability to select edges.
disableEdgeSelection() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
disableNodeMovement() - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
disableNodeSelection() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Disables the ability to select nodes.
disableNodeSelection() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
disableSpinner() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
DiscArrow - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
DiscArrow() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.DiscArrow
DiscreteLegend - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete
DiscreteLegend(Map, String, VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.DiscreteLegend
Creates a new DiscreteLegend object.
DiscreteMapping - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
Implements a lookup table mapping data to values of a particular class.
DiscreteMapping(Object, byte) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Deprecated. Use new constructor instead. Will be removed in 10/2011. Controlling attribute name is always required, and now it's a part of constructor argument.
DiscreteMapping(Object, String, byte) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Deprecated. Use new constructor instead. Will be removed in 10/2011. Controlling attribute name is always required, and now it's a part of constructor argument.
DiscreteMapping(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Constructor for Discrete mapping.
DiscreteMappingReader - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete
Reads in DiscreteMapping Properties.
DiscreteMappingReader(Properties, String, ValueParser) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.DiscreteMappingReader
DiscreteMappingWriter - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete
Writes DiscreteMapping Properties.
DiscreteMappingWriter(String, String, SortedMap) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.DiscreteMappingWriter
DiscretePropertySetter - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
DiscreteRangeCalculator<T,V> - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete
Range Calculator for the Discrete Mapper.
DiscreteRangeCalculator(SortedMap<T, V>, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.DiscreteRangeCalculator
DiscreteTrackRenderer<T> - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
DiscreteTrackRenderer(VisualPropertyType, T, T) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
Creates a new DiscreteTrackRenderer object.
displayCancelButton(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Enables/Disables Display of the Cancel Button.
displayCloseButton(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Enables/Disables Display of the Close Button.
displayName - Variable in class
displayName - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
displayStatus(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Enables/Disables Display of the Status Field.
displayTimeElapsed(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Enables/Disables Display of the Time Elapsed Field.
displayTimeRemaining(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Enables/Disables Display of the Time Remaining Field.
DLayer - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl
DLayer(CustomGraphic, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.DLayer
DNA - Static variable in class
DNodeView - Class in ding.view
Ding implementation of GINY NodeView.
DOCK - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelState
Dock state of a CytoPanel.
document - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
documentVersion - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
doLayout() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
doLayout on current network view.
doLayout(CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
doLayout on specified network view.
doLayout(CyNetworkView, TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
doLayout on specified network view with specified monitor.
doLayout() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
This method performs the layout on the current network using the current network view.
doLayout(CyNetworkView) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
This method performs the layout on the current network.
doLayout(CyNetworkView, TaskMonitor) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
This method performs the layout on the current network, but assumes that the layout is part of an existing monitored task
doLayout() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
This method performs the layout on the current network using the current network view.
doLayout(CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
This method performs the layout on the current network.
doLayout(CyNetworkView, TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
This method performs the layout on the current network, but assumes that the layout is part of an existing monitored task
doLayout() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.LayoutAlgorithm
done() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Returns true if the task is done.
doPostProcessing(CyNetwork) - Method in class
Executes post-processing: no-op.
doPostProcessing(CyNetwork) - Method in class
doPostProcessing(CyNetwork) - Method in interface
Execute whatever post-processing is required.
doPostProcessing(CyNetwork) - Method in class
doPostProcessing(CyNetwork) - Method in class
This method does all of our postprocessing after reading and parsing the file
DotStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
DotStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.DotStroke
DOUBLE - Static variable in class
When getting a vector, used to specify the type for the contained objects
DOUBLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Tunables of type DOUBLE allow data entry of double values, possibly bounded between lowerBound and upperBound: if the flag Tunable.USESLIDER is set, and the caller provides both lower and upper bounds, the user is presented with a slider interface.
DOUBLE_TYPE - Static variable in class
DoubleList - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
DoubleList(double[]) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.DoubleList
DoubleParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Parses a String into a Double object.
DoubleParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.DoubleParser
DoubleRangeValueCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators
DoubleRangeValueCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.DoubleRangeValueCalculator
doubleToLong(double) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.EquationUtil
doubleValue() - Method in class
Get the value of this node as a Double
download(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Downloads given object to the temporary directory.
download(DownloadableInfo, TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Downloads given object to the temporary directory.
download(String, File, TaskMonitor) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.URLUtil
Download the file specified by the url string to the given File object
download(URL) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.URLUtil
Get the the contents of the given URL as a string.
DownloadableInfo - Class in cytoscape.plugin
DownloadableInfo() - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
DownloadableInfo(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
DownloadableInfo(String, DownloadableInfo) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
DownloadableInfo.License - Class in cytoscape.plugin
Fetches and keeps a plugin license if one is available.
DownloadableInfo.License(URL) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo.License
DownloadableInfo.License(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo.License
DownloadableType - Enum in cytoscape.plugin
downloadFromURL(URL, TaskMonitor) - Method in class
Download a temporary file from the given URL.
dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
default dragEnter handler.
dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
default dragExit handler.
dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
default dragOver handler.
drawCustomGraphicFull(Shape, float, float, Paint) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Fills an arbitrary graphical shape with high detail.
drawEdgeFull(byte, float, Paint, byte, float, Paint, float, float, EdgeAnchors, float, float, float, Stroke, Paint) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Draws an edge with medium to high detail, depending on parameters specified.
drawEdgeLow(float, float, float, float, Color) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
This is the method that will render an edge very quickly.
drawNodeFull(byte, float, float, float, float, Paint, float, Paint) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Draws a node with medium to high detail, depending on parameters specified.
drawNodeLow(float, float, float, float, Color) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
This is the method that will render a node very quickly.
drawSelected() - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Draws any handles previously added.
drawSelected() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Draws the edge as red and draws any handles previously added.
drawSnapshot(Image, GraphLOD, Paint, double, double, double) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
drawTextFull(Font, double, String, float, float, float, Paint, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Renders text onto the underlying image with medium to high detail, depending on parameters specified.
drawTextLow(Font, String, float, float, Color) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
This method will render text very quickly.
drawUnselected() - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Removes any handles from the display.
drawUnselected() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Draws the edge as black and removes any handles from the display.
drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
default drop handler.
dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
default dropActionChanged handler.
DropDownMenuButton - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
Button with drop down menu.
DropDownMenuButton(AbstractAction) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.DropDownMenuButton
Creates a new DropDownMenuButton object.
dump() - Method in class
dupeCount - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Keep track of number of times this style has been cloned.
DuplicateCalculatorNameException - Exception in cytoscape.visual
This Exception is thrown when one attempts to add a Calculator to a CalculatorCatalog that already has a Calculator of the same name and interface type.
DuplicateCalculatorNameException(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.visual.DuplicateCalculatorNameException
Creates a new DuplicateCalculatorNameException object.
DuplicatePluginClassException - Exception in cytoscape.plugin
DuplicatePluginClassException() - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.DuplicatePluginClassException
DuplicatePluginClassException(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.DuplicatePluginClassException
DuplicatePluginClassException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.DuplicatePluginClassException
DuplicatePluginClassException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.DuplicatePluginClassException
DUPLICATES_ALLOWED - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Flag to say this option may be repeated on the command line
DynamicGraph - Interface in cytoscape.graph.dynamic
A graph whose topology can be modified.
DynamicGraphFactory - Class in cytoscape.graph.dynamic.util
A factory for getting cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph instances.
DynamicLayoutMenu - Class in cytoscape.layout.ui
A DynamicLayoutMenu is a more complicated layout menu that constructs layout menu items on-the-fly based on the capabilities of the layout algorithm and environment factors such as whether or not nodes are selected, the presence of node or edge attributes, etc.
DynamicLayoutMenu(CyLayoutAlgorithm, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.ui.DynamicLayoutMenu
Creates a new DynamicLayoutMenu object.
DynamicLayoutMenu.LayoutAttributeMenuItem - Class in cytoscape.layout.ui
DynamicLayoutMenu.LayoutAttributeMenuItem(String, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.ui.DynamicLayoutMenu.LayoutAttributeMenuItem


EAST - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
eastName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
EDGE - Static variable in class
EDGE - Static variable in class
EDGE - Static variable in class
EDGE - Static variable in class
Edge - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Edge() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Edge
edge - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.HiddenEdges
edge - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.SelectedEdges
Edge - Interface in giny.model
EDGE_ANCHOR_MIDPOINT - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies at the midpoint of an edge.
EDGE_ANCHOR_SOURCE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies at an edge's endpoint at source node.
EDGE_ANCHOR_TARGET - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Specifies that an anchor point lies at an edge's endpoint at target node.
EDGE_ATTRIBUTE_ADDED - Static variable in class
EDGE_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED - Static variable in class
EDGE_COLOR_ARROW - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
EDGE_COLOR_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
EDGE_COLOR_DELTA - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
EDGE_COLOR_DIAMOND - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
EDGE_COLOR_T - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
EDGE_HALF_ARROW_BOTTOM - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
EDGE_HALF_ARROW_TOP - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
EDGE_LINE_TYPE - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_MAPPING - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
EDGE_NATURE - Static variable in class
Filter Type: EDGE.
EDGE_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_SELECTION_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_SET - Static variable in class
Static constant indicating a change to a group of Edges.
EDGE_SOURCE_END_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_SOURCE_END_SELECTED_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_SOURCE_END_TYPE - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class
Default suffix for edge attribute files
EDGE_TARGET_END_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_TARGET_END_SELECTED_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_TARGET_END_TYPE - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
EDGE_WIDTH - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
edgeAnchors(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to honor edge anchors.
EdgeAnchors - Interface in cytoscape.render.immed
Specifies edge anchor points to use when rendering edges in full detail mode.
edgeAnchors(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to honor edge anchors.
edgeAnchors(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
EdgeAppearance - Class in cytoscape.visual
Objects of this class hold data describing the appearance of an Edge.
EdgeAppearance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearance
Creates a new EdgeAppearance object.
EdgeAppearanceCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual
This class calculates the appearance of an Edge.
EdgeAppearanceCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
Deprecated. Use VisualStyle.getEdgeAppearanceCalculator() or new EdgeAppearanceCalculator( VisualStyle.getDependency() ); Will be removed Jan 2010.
EdgeAppearanceCalculator(VisualPropertyDependency) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
Creates a new EdgeAppearanceCalculator object.
EdgeAppearanceCalculator(EdgeAppearanceCalculator) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
Copy constructor.
EdgeAppearanceCalculator(String, Properties, String, CalculatorCatalog, VisualPropertyDependency) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
Creates a new EdgeAppearanceCalculator and immediately customizes it by calling applyProperties with the supplied arguments.
edgeArrows(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render edge arrows.
edgeArrows(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render edge arrows.
edgeArrows(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
edgeArrowThreshold - Variable in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
edgeAttrFiles - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
edgeAttribute - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
EDGEATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Tunables of type EDGEATTRIBUTE present a user with a list of the currently defined edge attributes for selection: if the flag Tunable.NUMERICATTRIBUTE is set, only integer or double attributes are shown, and if the Tunable.MULTISELECT flag is set, the user is presented with a list from which multiple values can be selected, otherwise, the user is presented with a combo box.
EdgeAttributesPopupDetails - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
This class provides a detailed list of attribute information for a given edge.
EdgeAttributesPopupDetails(Frame, String, CyAttributes) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.EdgeAttributesPopupDetails
Creates a new EdgeAttributesPopupDetails object.
EdgeAttributesPopupDetails.OKAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
EdgeColorProp - Class in
EdgeColorProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeContextMenuListener - Interface in ding.view
an interface for responding to PhoebeCanvasDropEvents.
edgeContextMenuListeners - Variable in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Listeners for edge right-click menu.
edgeCount() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
edgeCount() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
edgeCreate(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Creates a new edge in this graph, having source node, target node, and directedness specified.
EdgeDetails - Class in cytoscape.render.stateful
Defines the visual properties of an edge.
EdgeDetails() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Instantiates edge details with defaults.
edgeExists(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
This method returns true if and only if either 1) there exists a directed edge E in this GraphPerspective such that the from node specified is E's source node and the target node specified is E's target node or 2) there exists an undirected edge E in this GraphPerspective such that E's endpoints are the from and to nodes specified.
edgeExists(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
This method returns true if and only if either 1) there exists a directed edge E in this GraphPerspective such that from_node_index is E's source node's index and to_node_index is E's target node's index or 2) there exists an undirected edge E in this GraphPerspective such that E's endpoint nodes have indices from_node_index and to_node_index.
edgeExists(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways: this method returns true if and only if either 1) there exists a directed edge E in this RootGraph such that the from node specified is E's source node and the target node specified is E's target node or 2) there exists an undirected edge E in this RootGraph such that E's endpoints are the from and to nodes specified.
edgeExists(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways: this method returns true if and only if either 1) there exists a directed edge E in this RootGraph such that from_node_index is E's source node's index and to_node_index is E's target node's index or 2) there exists an undirected edge E in this RootGraph such that E's endpoint nodes have indices from_node_index and to_node_index.
EdgeFontFaceProp - Class in
EdgeFontFaceProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeFontSizeProp - Class in
EdgeFontSizeProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeLabelColorProp - Class in
EdgeLabelColorProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeLabelOpacityProp - Class in
EdgeLabelOpacityProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeLabelPositionProp - Class in
EdgeLabelPositionProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeLabelProp - Class in
EdgeLabelProp() - Constructor for class
edgeLabels(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render edge labels.
edgeLabels(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render edge labels.
edgeLabels(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
edgeLabelThreshold - Variable in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
EdgeLabelWidthProp - Class in
EdgeLabelWidthProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeLineStyleProp - Class in
EdgeLineStyleProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeLineWidthProp - Class in
EdgeLineWidthProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeManipulationAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
EdgeManipulationAction(CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.EdgeManipulationAction
Creates a new EdgeManipulationAction object.
edgeMetaChildrenList(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
edgeMetaChildrenList(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
edgeMetaChildrenList(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getEdgeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) instead.
edgeMetaChildrenList(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getEdgeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) instead.
edgeMetaParentsList(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
edgeMetaParentsList(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getEdgeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) instead.
EdgeOpacityProp - Class in
EdgeOpacityProp() - Constructor for class
edgeRemove(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Removes the specified edge from this graph.
EDGES - Static variable in class
Constant to specify edges
edges() - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Returns an enumeration of all edges currently in this graph.
edges() - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
Returns an enumeration of all edges in this graph.
EDGES_CREATED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
EDGES_HIDDEN_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
EDGES_HIDDEN_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
EDGES_REMOVED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
EDGES_RESTORED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
EDGES_RESTORED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
EDGES_SELECTED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
EDGES_SELECTED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
EDGES_UNSELECTED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
EDGES_UNSELECTED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
edgesAdjacent(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Returns a non-repeating enumeration of edges adjacent to a node.
edgesAdjacent(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
Returns a non-repeating enumeration of edges adjacent to a node.
edgesConnecting(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Returns a non-repeating iteration of edges connecting two nodes.
edgesConnecting(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
Returns a non-repeating iteration of edges connecting two nodes.
edgeSelectionEnabled() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Whether edge selection is enabled.
edgeSelectionEnabled() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
edgesIterator() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
edgesIterator() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns an Iterator over all giny.model.Edge objects in this RootGraph.
edgesList() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Returns a list of Edge objects.
edgesList(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return a new List of the Edges in this GraphPerspective from the first given Node to the second given Node.
edgesList(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
edgesList() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns a list of Edge objects.
edgesList(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
edgesList(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
edgeSource(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Determines the source node of an edge.
edgeSource(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
Determines the source node of an edge.
EdgeSourceArrowColorProp - Class in
EdgeSourceArrowColorProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeSourceArrowOpacityProp - Class in
EdgeSourceArrowOpacityProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeSourceArrowShapeProp - Class in
EdgeSourceArrowShapeProp() - Constructor for class
edgeTarget(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Determines the target node of an edge.
edgeTarget(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
Determines the target node of an edge.
EdgeTargetArrowColorProp - Class in
EdgeTargetArrowColorProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeTargetArrowOpacityProp - Class in
EdgeTargetArrowOpacityProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeTargetArrowShapeProp - Class in
EdgeTargetArrowShapeProp() - Constructor for class
EdgeToolTipProp - Class in
EdgeToolTipProp() - Constructor for class
edgeType(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Determines the existence and directedness of an edge.
edgeType(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
Determines the existence and directedness of an edge.
EdgeView - Interface in giny.view
EditBookmarkDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.preferences
EditBookmarkDialog(JDialog, boolean, Bookmarks, String, String, DataSource) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.EditBookmarkDialog
Creates new form EditBookmarkDialog
editLabelPosition() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyCustomGraphicsEditor
editNetworkTitle(CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.CyNetworkNaming
This will prompt the user to edit the title of a given CyNetork, and after ensuring that the network title is not already in use, this will assign that title to the given CyNetwork
EditNetworkTitleDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
EditNetworkTitleDialog(Component, boolean, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.EditNetworkTitleDialog
Creates a new EditNetworkTitleDialog object.
editObjectPosition() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyObjectPositionPropertyEditor
editor - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
EDITOR_WINDOW_CLOSED - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
EDITOR_WINDOW_OPENED - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
EditorDisplayer - Enum in cytoscape.visual.ui
Managing value editors in for each data types.
This enum contains both continuous and discrete editors.
EditorDisplayer.EditorType - Enum in cytoscape.visual.ui
Defines editor type.
EditorManager - Interface in cytoscape.visual.ui
EditorValueRangeTracer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
elements() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntHash
Returns an enumeration of elements in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
elements() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntQueue
Returns an enumeration of all elements currently in this queue.
elements() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntStack
Returns an enumeration of all elements currently on this stack.
elements() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Returns an enumeration over all the elements currently in this heap; the order of elements in the returned enumeration is undefined.
ELLIPSE - Static variable in class
ELLIPSE - Static variable in class
ELLIPSE - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
EllipseNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
EllipseNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.EllipseNodeShape
EMBEDDED_WINDOW - Static variable in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
A gui mode, but where cytoscape is embedded within a different application meaning the usual menus and/or toolbars may not be present.
empty() - Method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Empties this R-tree of all entries.
empty() - Method in interface cytoscape.geom.spacial.MutableSpacialIndex2D
Empties this structure of all entries.
empty() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
Empties this structure of all elements.
empty() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntHash
Removes all elements from this hashtable.
empty() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntIntHash
Removes all key/value pairs from this hashtable.
empty() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntQueue
Removes all integers from this queue.
empty() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntStack
Removes all integers from this stack.
empty() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.LongLongHash
Removes all key/value pairs from this hashtable.
empty() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Empties this heap of all elements.
enableEdgeSelection() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Enables the ability to select edges.
enableEdgeSelection() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
enableForNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
Enable the action if the current network exists and is not null.
enableForNetworkAndView() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
Enable the action if the current network and view exist and are not null.
enableListeners(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
On/Off listeners.
enableNodeMovement() - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
enableNodeSelection() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Enabling the ability to select nodes.
enableNodeSelection() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
enableSpinner(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
eName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
enclosingJar - Variable in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
ENCODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
ENCODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
ENCODING - Static variable in class
ENCODING_SCHEME - Static variable in class
END - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyNetworkEvent
Indicates that someone is done working with the network.
enqueue(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntQueue
Inserts a new integer into this queue.
ensureCapacity(int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Ensure the capacity of Cytoscapce.
ensureCapacity(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Please don't call this silly method; implementors: I suggest creating an easter egg and having it take effect when this method is called.
EqnAttrTracker - Class in
EqnAttrTracker() - Constructor for class
EqnCompiler - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
EqnCompiler() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.EqnCompiler
EqnParser - Interface in org.cytoscape.equations
EqualDashStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
EqualDashStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.EqualDashStroke
equals(Object) - Method in class
Deprecated. redefine equals so that instances with the same contents are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithmComparator
equals(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
Compare the two info objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
CytoscapeMenuBars are unique -- this equals() method returns true iff the other object == this.
equals(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
CytoscapeToolBars are unique -- this equals() method returns true iff the other object == this.
equals(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
equals(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyComboBoxPropertyEditor.Value
equals(Object) - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
equals(Object) - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Equation
equalsDifferentObjectVersion(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
Compares the ID and download URL of the two objects.
equalValue - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.BoundaryRangeValues
Equation - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
EquationUtil - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
EquationUtil() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.EquationUtil
ERROR - Static variable in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
error(String) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log an error message.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log an error exception message.
Error - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Error() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Error
errorOccurred() - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Returns true if Task Has Encountered An Error.
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
Used to invoke this function.
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Abs
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ACos
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.And
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ASin
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ATan2
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Average
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.BList
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Combin
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Concatenate
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cos
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cosh
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Count
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Degrees
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Error
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Exp
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.First
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.FList
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.GeoMean
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.HarMean
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.If
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.IList
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Largest
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Last
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Left
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Len
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ListToString
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Ln
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Log
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Lower
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Max
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Median
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mid
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Min
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mod
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mode
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.NormDist
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Not
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Now
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Nth
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Or
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Permut
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Pi
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Product
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Radians
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Right
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Round
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sign
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sin
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sinh
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.SList
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sqrt
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.StDev
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Substitute
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sum
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tan
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tanh
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Text
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Today
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Trunc
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Upper
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Value
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Var
evaluateFunction(Object[]) - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.Function
Used to invoke this function.
Exec - Class in cytoscape.util
Exec() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.Exec
Creates a new Exec object.
Exec(String[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.Exec
Creates a new Exec object.
execute(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandHandler
Execute a given command with a particular set of arguments.
execute(String, Collection<Tunable>) - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandHandler
Execute a given command with a particular set of arguments.
execute(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
Execute a command.
execute(String, String, List<Tunable>) - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
Execute a command
executeService(CyWebServiceEvent) - Method in interface
Execute the service specified in the event object.
executeService(CyWebServiceEvent) - Method in class
Execute the service through event handling system.
executeTask(Task, JTaskConfig) - Static method in class cytoscape.task.util.TaskManager
Executes the specified task in a new thread, and automatically pops open a JTask UI Component for visually monitoring the task.
EXISTING_FILE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
FileInputStream class
exists(int, float[], int) - Method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Determines whether or not a given entry exists in this R-tree structure, and conditionally retrieves the extents of that entry.
exists(int, float[], int) - Method in interface cytoscape.geom.spacial.SpacialIndex2D
Determines whether or not a given entry exists and conditionally retrieves the extents of that entry.
exit(int) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Shuts down Cytoscape, after giving plugins time to react.
ExitAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ExitAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExitAction
Creates a new ExitAction object.
Exp - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Exp() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Exp
ExpFileChooser - Class in cytoscape.actions
Deprecated. Not apparently used anywhere. Shout if you are. Will be removed 5/2008.
ExpFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExpFileChooser
Deprecated. Creates a new ExpFileChooser object.
export(CyNetworkView, FileOutputStream) - Method in class cytoscape.util.export.BitmapExporter
export(CyNetworkView, FileOutputStream) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.export.Exporter
Export a view as graphics to a stream.
export(CyNetworkView, FileOutputStream) - Method in class cytoscape.util.export.PDFExporter
export(CyNetworkView, FileOutputStream) - Method in class cytoscape.util.export.PSExporter
export(CyNetworkView, FileOutputStream) - Method in class cytoscape.util.export.SVGExporter
ExportAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ExportAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportAction
Creates a new ExportAction object.
ExportAsGMLAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ExportAsGMLAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsGMLAction
Creates a new ExportAsGMLAction object.
ExportAsGMLAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsGMLAction
Creates a new ExportAsGMLAction object.
ExportAsGraphicsAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Action for exporting a network view to bitmap or vector graphics.
ExportAsGraphicsAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsGraphicsAction
ExportAsGraphicsAction(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsGraphicsAction
ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
Dialog that chooses file to export to.
ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser(CyFileFilter[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser(CyFileFilter[], CyFileFilter) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
ExportAsInteractionsAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
write out the current graph to the specified file, using the standard interactions format: nodeA edgeType nodeB.
ExportAsInteractionsAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsInteractionsAction
ExportAsXGMMLAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
This action is for exporting network and attributes in XGMML file.
ExportAsXGMMLAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsXGMMLAction
Creates a new ExportAsXGMMLAction object.
ExportAsXGMMLAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsXGMMLAction
Creates a new ExportAsXGMMLAction object.
ExportBitmapOptionsDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
Options dialog for exporting to bitmap images.
ExportBitmapOptionsDialog(int, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportBitmapOptionsDialog
Creates the options dialog.
ExportEdgeAttributesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ExportEdgeAttributesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportEdgeAttributesAction
Creates a new ExportEdgeAttributesAction object.
Exporter - Interface in cytoscape.util.export
Interface for exporting a network view to a graphics file.
ExportNetworksAsNNFAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
This action is for exporting network and attributes in XGMML file.
ExportNetworksAsNNFAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportNetworksAsNNFAction
Creates a new ExportNetworksAsNNFAction object.
ExportNetworksAsNNFAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportNetworksAsNNFAction
Creates a new ExportNetworksAsNNFAction object.
ExportNodeAttributesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ExportNodeAttributesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportNodeAttributesAction
Creates a new ExportNodeAttributesAction object.
ExportVizmapAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Export visual styles as a vizmap.props file
ExportVizmapAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ExportVizmapAction
Creates a new ExportVizmapAction object.
EXPRESSION_DATA_LOADED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
expressionData - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
ExpressionData - Class in
This class provides a reader for the common file format for expression data and an interface to access the data.
ExpressionData() - Constructor for class
ExpressionData(String) - Constructor for class
ExpressionData(String, String) - Constructor for class
ExpressionData(String, TaskMonitor) - Constructor for class
ExpressionData(String, String, TaskMonitor) - Constructor for class
ExpressionDataPopupTable - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
ExpressionDataPopupTable(Frame, String[], String, ExpressionData) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ExpressionDataPopupTable
Creates a new ExpressionDataPopupTable object.
ExpressionDataPopupTable(Frame, String, String[], ExpressionData) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ExpressionDataPopupTable
Creates a new ExpressionDataPopupTable object.
ExpressionDataPopupTable.OKAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
expressionFiles - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
ExtensibleMultiHashMapModel - Class in
Deprecated. Use MultiHashMapFactory instead.
ExtensibleMultiHashMapModel() - Constructor for class
extract() - Method in class
extractEdge(List<KeyValue>, String) - Method in class
extractEdgeAttributes(List<KeyValue>, String) - Method in class
extractGraph(List) - Method in class
extractLineStyle(Stroke) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.LineStyle
Will attempt to find the LineStyle based on the type of stroke.
extractNode(List) - Method in class
extractNodeAttributes(List, String) - Method in class


face - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
fatal(String) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a fatal error message.
fatal(String, Throwable) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a fatal exception message.
FConvNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing a conversion to a floating point number
FConvNode(Node) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FConvNode
FILE_BIOPAX - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
FILE_BY_SUFFIX - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
When creating a network, use one of the standard suffixes to have it parsed correctly
sif -- Simple Interaction File gml -- Graph Markup Languange sbml -- SBML xgmml -- XGMML
FILE_GML - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
FILE_PSI_MI - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
FILE_SBML - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
FILE_SIF - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
FILE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
File class
FILE_XGMML - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
fileName - Variable in class
filename - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
fileName - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
fileNature - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
FILES_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
File array class
FileUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
Provides a platform-dependent way to open files.
FileUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
FILL - Static variable in class
fillPaint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns the paint of the interior of the node shape.
fillPluginInfoObject(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginProperties
Takes a PluginInfo object (can be null) and fills it in with information that would not come from a properties file like the unique identifier and download url.
Filter - Interface in giny.filter
FilterHistoryJList - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
JList with incremntal search & search history.
FilterHistoryJList() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.FilterHistoryJList
Creates a new FilterHistoryJList object.
findGroup(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Search all groups for the group named 'groupName'
findMin() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Returns the minimum element in this heap.
findUpdates() - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
findUpdates() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
findUpdates() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
findUpdates(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Get list of plugins that would update the given plugin.
findWrapPos(String, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Finds the next text wrap position after startPos for the text in text with the column width width.
fing.model - package fing.model
fing.model.test - package fing.model.test
FingCyNetwork - Class in cytoscape.giny
FinhCyNetwork provides an implementation of the CyNetwork interface, as well as the GraphPerspective inteface, and also provides the functionality formally provided by GraphObjAttributes.
FingCyNetwork(FingExtensibleRootGraph, IntIterator, IntIterator) - Constructor for class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
rootGraphNodeInx need not contain all endpoint nodes corresponding to edges in rootGraphEdgeInx - this is calculated automatically by this constructor.
FingEdgeDepot - Interface in fing.model
Please try to restrain from using this class, or even looking at it.
FingExtensibleGraphPerspective - Class in fing.model
Please try to restrain from using this class.
FingExtensibleGraphPerspective(FingExtensibleRootGraph, IntIterator, IntIterator) - Constructor for class fing.model.FingExtensibleGraphPerspective
rootGraphNodeInx need not contain all endpoint nodes corresponding to edges in rootGraphEdgeInx - this is calculated automatically by this constructor.
FingExtensibleRootGraph - Class in fing.model
Please try to restrain from using this class.
FingExtensibleRootGraph(FingNodeDepot, FingEdgeDepot) - Constructor for class fing.model.FingExtensibleRootGraph
Creates a new FingExtensibleRootGraph object.
FingNodeDepot - Interface in fing.model
Please try to restrain from using this class, or even looking at it.
FingRootGraphFactory - Class in fing.model
This class defines static methods that provide new instances of giny.model.RootGraph objects.
finished() - Method in class cytoscape.util.SwingWorker
Called on the event dispatching thread (not on the worker thread) after the construct method has returned.
fireCyWebServiceEvent(CyWebServiceEvent) - Method in class
fireEditingCanceled() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
fireEditingStopped() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
fireEvent(Object, boolean) - Method in class
Fires an event to all registered listeners that represents the operation described by the arguments.
fireEvent(int) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Fires an event to all listeners registered with this object.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Fires a PropertyChangeEvent
firePropertyChange(Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor.AsInt
fireStateChanged(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
fireStateChanged() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
fireStateChanged() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.SubjectBase
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
fireTreeNodesAdded(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
fireTreeNodesChanged(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
fireTreeNodesInserted(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
fireTreeNodesRemoved(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
fireTreeNodesRemoved(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
fireTreeStructureChanged(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
fireTreeStructureChanged(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
First - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
First() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.First
fitContent() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Resize the network view to the size of the canvas and redraw it.
fitContent() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Fits all Viewable elements onto the Graph
FitContentAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
FitContentAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.FitContentAction
Creates a new FitContentAction object.
fitRatio - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
fitSelected() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
FixedGraph - Interface in cytoscape.graph.fixed
A graph topology.
FlagAndSelectionHandler - Class in cytoscape.view
This class synchronizes the flagged status of nodes and edges as held by a SelectFilter object of a network with the selection status of the corresponding node and edge views in a GraphView.
FlagAndSelectionHandler(SelectFilter, GraphView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.FlagAndSelectionHandler
Standard constructor takes the flag filter and the view that should be synchronized.
FlatInterpolator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
This simple Interpolator returns the value at either the lower or upper boundary of the domain.
FlatInterpolator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.FlatInterpolator
The default FlatInterpolator returns the range value at the lower boundary.
FlatInterpolator(Integer) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.FlatInterpolator
Constructs a FlatInterpolator which returns the range value at the lower boundary unless the argument 'mode' is equal to FlatInterpolator.UPPER.
flatten(Options, String[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser
A simple implementation of Parser's abstract flatten method.
flatten(Options, String[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser
This flatten method does so using the following rules: If an Option exists for the first character of the arguments entry AND an Option does not exist for the whole argument then add the first character as an option to the processed tokens list e.g.
flatten(Options, String[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Parser
Subclasses must implement this method to reduce the arguments that have been passed to the parse method.
flatten(Options, String[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser
An implementation of Parser's abstract flatten method.
FlattenIntVectors - Class in
Deprecated. Use regular CyAttributes for annotation.
FlattenIntVectors(Vector) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. Creates a new FlattenIntVectors object.
FList - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
FList() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.FList
FLOAT - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelState
Float state of a CytoPanel.
FloatConstantNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing an integer constant.
FloatConstantNode(int, double) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FloatConstantNode
FloatParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
FloatParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.FloatParser
FloatRangeValueCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators
FloatRangeValueCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.FloatRangeValueCalculator
flush() - Method in class cytoscape.render.export.ImageImposter
This is a no-op.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
Listen for focus events in the text field.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField.PositiveIntegerListener
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry.CopyField1To2Listener
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method is public as a byproduct of the implementation.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
Listen for focus lost events in the text field.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField.PositiveIntegerListener
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry.CopyField1To2Listener
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Document listener routines to handle bounds checking
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.PointTextListener
User now clicks outside of Text Box.
focusNetworkNode(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
FontCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
FontCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.FontCellRenderer
FontChooser - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Defines a generalized font chooser class.
FontChooser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
Create a FontChooser to choose between all fonts available on the system.
FontChooser(Font) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
Creates a new FontChooser object.
FontChooser(Font[], Font) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
Create a FontChooser to choose between the given array of fonts.
FontConverter - Class in cytoscape.visual.converter
FontConverter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.converter.FontConverter
fontFaceModel - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
FontParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Parses a String into a Font object.
FontParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.FontParser
FontRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
FontRenderer describes a class that renders each font name in a FontChooser JList or JComboBox in the face specified.
FontRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontRenderer
format - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
ForwardSlashStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
ForwardSlashStroke(float, PipeStroke.Type) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ForwardSlashStroke
frameID - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
FuncCallNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing a function call.
FuncCallNode(int, Function, Class, Node[]) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FuncCallNode
Function - Interface in org.cytoscape.equations
FunctionError - Exception in org.cytoscape.equations
FunctionError(String, int) - Constructor for exception org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionError
FunctionUtil - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
A collection of static methods that may be useful for the implementation of built-in functions.
FunctionUtil() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil


g2d - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
g2d - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
GCTest - Class in fing.model.test
GCTest() - Constructor for class fing.model.test.GCTest
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BinOpNode
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BooleanConstantNode
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FConvNode
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FloatConstantNode
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FuncCallNode
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.IdentNode
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.Node
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.SConvNode
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.StringConstantNode
genCode(Stack<CodeAndSourceLocation>) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.UnaryOpNode
GeneOntology - Class in
Gene Ontology object based on general Ontology.
GeneOntology(String, String, String, CyNetwork) - Constructor for class
GeneOntology.GOAspect - Enum in
generateLegendPanel(VisualStyle) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.LegendDialog
GenericNodeCustomGraphicCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.calculators
GenericNodeCustomGraphicCalculator(String, ObjectMapping, VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.calculators.GenericNodeCustomGraphicCalculator
GeoMean - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
GeoMean() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.GeoMean
get(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntHash
Determines whether or not the value specified is in this hashtable.
get(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntIntHash
Returns the value bound to the specified key or -1 if no value is currently bound to the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntObjHash
Returns the value bound to the specified key or null if no value is currently bound to the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntTHash
Returns the value bound to the specified key or null if no value is currently bound to the specified key.
get(long) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.LongLongHash
Returns the value bound to the specified key or -1 if no value is currently bound to the specified key.
get(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
This method is used to get the Tunable named name from this LayoutProperties.
get(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
This method is used to get the Tunable named name from this LayoutProperties.
get() - Method in class cytoscape.util.SwingWorker
Return the value created by the construct method.
get(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Gets the appearance for the specified VisualPropertyType.
getAbbreviation() - Method in class
getAcceptedDataClasses() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
getAcceptedDataClasses() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
Return the classes that the ObjectMapping can map from, eg.
getAccessibleMethods() - Method in interface
Returns all available methods accessible through client stub.
getAccessibleMethods() - Method in class
getActionClass() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
getActionList() - Static method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Returns [RootGraph] indices of all Edges in this GraphPerspective adjacent to the Node at specified [RootGraph] index.
getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns indices of all edges adjacent to the node at specified index.
getAdjacentEdgesList(Node, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
getAffineTransform() - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Called to get the tranform matrix used by the inner canvas to move the nodes.
getAliases(String) - Method in class
getAll() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Get a collection of all Custom Graphics in current session.
getAll() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
gets all map values
getAllAnnotations(AnnotationDescription, String) - Method in class
getAllAnnotations(AnnotationDescription, String) - Method in interface
getAllAnnotations(AnnotationDescription, String) - Method in class
getAllAttributeKeys(String, String, MultiHashMap, MultiHashMapDefinition) - Static method in class
Convenience method for discovering all key sequnces that map into bound values; this method is primarily useful with attribute definitions that have nonzero key spaces.
getAllAttributeKeysAlongPrefix(String, String, Object[], MultiHashMap, MultiHashMapDefinition) - Static method in class
Convenience method for discovering all key sequences having a given prefix that map into bound values; this method is primarily useful with attribute definitions that have nonzero key spaces.
getAllAttributeValues(String, String, MultiHashMap, MultiHashMapDefinition) - Static method in class
Convenience method for discovering all attribute values on an object in a given attribute definition; this method is only useful with attribute definitions that have nonzero key spaces.
getAllAttributeValuesAlongPrefix(String, String, Object[], MultiHashMap, MultiHashMapDefinition) - Static method in class
Convenience method for discovering attribute values along a specified key prefix; this method is only useful with attribute definitions that have nonzero key spaces.
getAllClients() - Static method in class
getAllCommonNames(String, String) - Method in class
getAllCommonNames(String, String) - Method in interface
getAllCommonNames(String, String) - Method in class
getAllCommonNames(String) - Method in class
getAllCustomGraphicsType() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getAllDescriptions() - Method in class
Gets a collection of all registered filter descriptions.
getAllEdgePropertyData(int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getAllEdgePropertyData(int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getAllExtensions() - Method in class
Gets a collection of all registered file extensions.
getAllFiles(String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
Reads zip file, returns a list of all entries that match the given regular expression
getAllFilters() - Method in class
Gets a list of all registered filters plus a catch-all super set filter.
getAllFilters(String) - Method in class
Gets a list of all registered filters, which are of type: fileNature, plus a catch-all super set filter.
getAllHierarchyPaths(int) - Method in class
Deprecated. get all unique paths from the termID to the root of the ontology, in reverse order, with the most general classification first, and most specific last.
getAllHierarchyPathsAsNames(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getAllHierarchyPathsAsNames(int) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getAllHierarchyPathsAsVector(int) - Method in class
getAllInteractions() - Method in class
getAllLayouts() - Static method in class cytoscape.layout.CyLayouts
Get all of the available layouts.
getAllMeasurements() - Method in class
Gets all Measurements.
getAllMessages() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.logger.LoggerDialog
getAllNamesInGroup(String) - Method in class
getAllNodePropertyData(int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getAllNodePropertyData(int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getAllPoints() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Gets all Data Points.
getAllSynonyms(String, CyNetwork) - Static method in class
getAllTypes(String) - Method in class
Gets descriptions for all registered filters, which are of the type: fileNature.
getAlternateCommonNames(String) - Method in class
getAnchor(int, float[], int) - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.EdgeAnchors
Writes an edge anchor point into the array provided, at offset specified.
getAnchor() - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.CustomGraphic
getAnchor() - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
getAnchor() - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
getAnchorNames() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getAnchorSelectedPaint() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getAnchorSize() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getAnchorUnselectedPaint() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getAndSetColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.GradientEditorPanel
getAnnotation() - Method in class
getAnnotation() - Method in class
getAnnotation() - Method in class
Always return empty annotation object.
getAnnotation() - Method in class
Always return empty annotation object.
getAnnotation(String, String, String) - Method in class
getAnnotation(AnnotationDescription) - Method in class
getAnnotation(String, String, String) - Method in interface
getAnnotation(AnnotationDescription) - Method in interface
getAnnotation(String, String, String) - Method in class
getAnnotation(AnnotationDescription) - Method in class
getAnnotationCount() - Method in class
getAnnotationCount() - Method in interface
getAnnotationCount() - Method in class
getAnnotationDescriptions() - Method in class
getAnnotationDescriptions() - Method in interface
getAnnotationDescriptions() - Method in class
getArg(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Return the string value of a specific argument from an args map.
getArgAsBoolean(Object) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Assumes that "arg" is a "String", "Boolean", "Long" or a "Double and converts it to "boolean".
getArgAsDouble(Object) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Assumes that "arg" is a "String", "Boolean", "Long" or a "Double and converts it to "double".
getArgAsLong(Object) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Assumes that "arg" is a "String", "Boolean", "Long" or a "Double and converts it to "long".
getArgAsString(Object) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Assumes that "arg" is a "String", "Boolean", "Long" or a "Double and converts it to "double".
getArgList() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Retrieve any left-over non-recognized options and arguments
getArgName() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Returns the 'argName'.
getArgName() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Gets the display name for the argument value.
getArgName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.ArgDescriptor
getArgNumber() - Method in exception org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionError
getArgs() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getArgs() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
Returns the arguments used to trigger the initialization.
getArgs() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Retrieve any left-over non-recognized options and arguments
getArgs() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Returns the number of argument values this Option can take.
getArgType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.ArgDescriptor
getArgument() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Retrieve argument to option if it takes arguments.
getArgument(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Retrieve indexed argument to option if it takes arguments.
getArgumentById(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLArgsParser
Retrieve the CLOption with specified id, or null if no command line option is found.
getArgumentByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLArgsParser
Retrieve the CLOption with specified name, or null if no command line option is found.
getArgumentCount() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Get number of arguments.
getArguments(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Return the arguments for a given command
getArguments(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandHandler
Return the list of arguments supported by a particular command.
getArguments() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLArgsParser
Retrieve a list of options that were parsed from command list.
getArrowShape() - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.Arrow
The Shape of the main Arrow body.
getArrowShape(int) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
getArrowShapes() - Static method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Get list of arrow heads.
getArrowShapes() - Static method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getAspect(String) - Method in class
Returns Aspect/name space of the GO term.
getAttrBundle(String, CyAttributes) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Returns a map of attribute names to single values.
getAttrBundle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
getAttribName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.IdentNode
getAttribReferences() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Equation
getAttribute() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
Gets the value of the attribute property.
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Gets an Object value at the specified id/attributeName.
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
Gets an Object value at the specified id/attributeName.
getAttribute(String, CyAttributes) - Static method in class
getAttribute(DataSource, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
getAttributeDescription(String) - Method in interface
Gets the human readable description of a specific attribute.
getAttributeDescription(String) - Method in class
getAttributeKeyspaceDimensionTypes(String) - Method in interface
Returns information about the dimensionality and types in the key space of specified attribute.
getAttributeKeyspan(String, String, Object[]) - Method in interface
For all key sequences, having specified prefix, that map into bound values on objectKey in attributeName, returns the [unique] representatives from dimension keyPrefix.length + 1.
getAttributeList(String, String) - Method in interface
Deprecated. Use getListAttribute() instead. Will be removed 11/2007.
getAttributeList(String, String) - Method in class
getAttributeMap(String, String) - Method in interface
Deprecated. Use getMapAttribute() instead. Will be removed 11/2007.
getAttributeMap(String, String) - Method in class
getAttributeNames() - Method in interface
Gets an array of all attribute names.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class
getAttributeNamesForObj(String, CyAttributes) - Static method in class
Return a non-null List of all the attribute names associated with a given identifier for a given CyAttributes.
getAttributes(String, CyAttributes) - Static method in class
getAttributeType(String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingUtil
This method determines the type of the attribute used for the mapping.
getAttributeTypeString(String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingUtil
This method determines the type of the attr used and returns a string representation of it.
getAttributeValue(String, String, Object[]) - Method in interface
Retrieves a bound attribute value from an object.
getAttributeValueType(String) - Method in interface
Returns the type of attribute values that exist in specified attribute space.
getAuthor() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo.AuthorInfo
getAuthors() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
getBackground() - Method in class ding.view.DingCanvas
Returns the background color of this component.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
getBackgroundPaint() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Returns the background color on the canvas.
getBackgroundPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getBaseKey() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingType
getBasicInputStream(URL) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.URLUtil
Obtain an InputStream for a given URL.
getBend() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getBirdsEyeViewHandler() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
getBookmarks() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getBookmarks() - Method in class
Get loaded bookmark.
getBookmarks(URL) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
getBookmarks(File) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
getBool() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MutableBool
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Deprecated. Use PropUtil.getBoolean(..) instead. Leaving Feb 2011.
getBoolean(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.PropUtil
Will return a boolean for the specified property key only if the value exists and if the string matches "true", "false", "yes", or "no" in a case insensitive manner.
getBooleanAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Gets a Boolean value at the specified id/attributeName.
getBooleanAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
getBooleanConstant() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
getBooleans(Object[]) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Attempts to convert all arguments, including Lists to a uniform array of booleans.
getBorder() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getBorder() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getBorderPaint() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getBorderPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getBorderWidth() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getBorderWidth() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getBounds() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
Gets the bounds of the applications mainframe.
getBounds() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelContainer
Gets Bounds of Container, relative to parent component.
getBugFixVersion() - Method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeVersion
This method gets the bug fix version for Cytsocape.
getButton() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton
getByID(Long) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Get a Custom Graphics by integer ID.
getBypassAttrName() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getBySourceURL(URL) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Get Custom Graphics by source URL.
getCalculator(VisualPropertyType, String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getCalculatorCatalog() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
getCalculatorMap(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Given a known byte identifier, returns the matching Map structure holding calculators of that type.
getCalculatorNames() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
getCalculators() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getCalculators(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getCalculatorTypes() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getCanonicalName(String, String) - Method in class
getCanonicalName(String, String) - Method in interface
getCanonicalName(String, String) - Method in class
getCanonicalName - Class in
getCanonicalName() - Constructor for class
getCanvas() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Method to return a reference to the network canvas.
getCanvas(DGraphView.Canvas) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Method to return a reference to a DingCanvas object, given a canvas id.
getCapShape(double) - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.Arrow
The Shape of the cap that joins the Arrow body with the edge.
getCapShape(double) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.DiscArrow
getCategory() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
Gets the value of the category property.
getCategory() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getCategory(String, List<Category>) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
Select specific category from a list of categories.
getCategoryOrDataSource() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Category
Gets the value of the categoryOrDataSource property.
getCategoryText() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.Category
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
getCellHeight() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.CellHeightManager
getCellRenderer(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.CellRendererFactory
getCenter() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getCheckBoxState() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.CheckBoxFileChooser
Deprecated. method for accessing last state of JCheckBox jcb
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Gets child TreeNode from given parent at given index.
getChild() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the child property.
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
getChildAt(int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Get child from this node's child list at given index.
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Gets count of all children under given parent (not including leaves)
getChildCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Get total number of children for this node
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
getChildlessMetaDescendants(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getChildren() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Gets the list of children for this node
getClass(String, CyAttributes) - Static method in class
getClassifications() - Method in class
Deprecated. returns an array of all the classifications in the current annotation
getClassifications(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. all of the ontology identifiers registered for the specified entity
getClassifications(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getClassifications(AnnotationDescription, String) - Method in class
getClassifications(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface
getClassifications(AnnotationDescription, String) - Method in interface
getClassifications(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getClassifications(AnnotationDescription, String) - Method in class
getClassificationsVector(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. all of the ontology identifiers registered for the specified entity, as a Vector of Integers
getClassLoader() - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
getClassName() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
This exists so that it can be overridden in legacy classes (GenericNodeSizeCalculator, GenericColorCalculator, GenericArrowCalculator) such that they return the a new class name instead of a legacy class name.
getClient(String) - Static method in class
getClientData(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Deprecated. Use CyAttributes directly. This method will be removed in May, 2007.
getClientData(String) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getClientData(String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Deprecated. Get Some client data
getClientData(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Get Some client data
getClientDataNames() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Deprecated. Use CyAttributes directly. This method will be removed in May, 2007.
getClientDataNames() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getClientDataNames() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Deprecated. Get a list of all currently available ClientData objects
getClientDataNames() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Get a list of all currently available ClientData objects
getClientID() - Method in interface
Returns client ID.
getClientID() - Method in class
getClientStub() - Method in interface
Get client stub object.
getClientStub() - Method in class
Client stub will be returned from this.
getClientType() - Method in interface
Returns client type.
getClientType() - Method in class
getCmd() - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec
getCode() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.CodeAndSourceLocation
getCode() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Equation
getColor(String) - Method in class
Create a color object from the string like it is stored in a gml file
getColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
getColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint.ColorPaintFactory
getColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Get color of icon
getColorAsText(Color) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ColorUtil
Convert Color object into RGB String (e.g., (200,100,120))
getColorHexString(Color) - Method in class
Get the String representation of the 6 character hexidecimal RGB values i.e.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModel
Returns the type for column number column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getColumnCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModel
Returns the number of availible columns.
getColumnCount() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
getColumnCount() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CyCustomGraphicsTreeNode
getColumnName(int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getColumnName(int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModel
Returns the name for column number column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
getColumnName(int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
getColumnPreferredWidths(JTable) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.swing.ColumnResizer
getCommand(String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
return a CyCommandHandler by either name or class name.
getCommand() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
getCommandList(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
Get the list of all commands that are currently registered for the specified namespace.
getCommandMap() - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
Get the list of all commands that are currently registered, organized by namespaces
getCommands() - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Return the command or commands supported by this handler
getCommands() - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandHandler
Return the list of commands supported by this CyCommandHandler.
getCommittedMemory() - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MemoryReporter
getCommonName(String, String) - Method in class
getCommonName(String, String) - Method in interface
getCommonName(String, String) - Method in class
getCommonName - Class in
getCommonName() - Constructor for class
getCommonName(String) - Method in class
getCompassDirection() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Returns the int indicating the position in the layout.
getCompassDirection() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Returns the int indicating the location within the layout.
getCompassDirection() - Method in enum cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelName
getCompatibleClass() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
getCompatibleTypes() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.ArgDescriptor
getCompatibleTypes() - Method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.ArgType
getComplementaryColor(Color) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ColorUtil
getComponent() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Returns the InnerCanvas object.
getComponent() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getComponentAt(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Returns the component at index.
getComponentAt(int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Returns the component at index.
getComponentAt(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas
getConditionIndex(String) - Method in class
Gets the index value of the specified experimenal conditon.
getConditionNames() - Method in class
Gets an Array of All Experimental Conditions.
getConfigDirectory() - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
If .cytoscape directory does not exist, it creates it and returns it
getConfigFile(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
getConfigVersionDirectory() - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
Within the .cytoscape directory create a version-specific directory
getConnectingEdgeIndicesArray(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
This will return an array of Edge indices that are the Edges between Nodes or null if even one node index is not in this graph perspective.
getConnectingEdgeIndicesArray(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
This will return an array of edge indices that are the edges between nodes.
getConnectingEdges(List) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
This will return a List of giny.model.Edge objects that are the Edges between Nodes.
getConnectingNodeIndicesArray(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use getEdgeSourceIndex(int) and getEdgeTargetIndex(int) instead.
getConnectingNodeIndicesArray(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getEdgeSourceIndex(int) and getEdgeTargetIndex(int) instead, or use createGraphPerspective(int[], int[]).
getConstraintBox() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
getConstraintLabel() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
getContainers() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getContent() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Attribute
Gets the value of the content property.
getContentComponent(CyAttributes, String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.EdgeAttributesPopupDetails
getContentPane() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.CyCollapsiblePanel
This class requires that all content be placed within a designated panel, this method returns that panel.
getContext() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.RenderingContext
getContextMethods(String, boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getContextMethods(String, Object[]) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getContextMethods(String, boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Context Menu Support
getContextMethods(String, Object[]) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Context Menu Support
getControllingAttributeName() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
getControllingAttributeName() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingReader
Gets Controlling Attribute Name.
getControllingAttributeName() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.DiscreteMappingReader
Gets Controlling Attribute Name.
getControllingAttributeName() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
Get the controlling attribute name
getCoords() - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.LegacyCustomNodeShape
getCount() - Method in class
getCreatedEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getCreatedEdges() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getCreatedNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getCreatedNodes() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getCrossReferences() - Method in class
getCrossReferences() - Method in class
getCurator() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getCurator() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getCurator() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getCurator() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getCurator() - Method in class
getCurator() - Method in class
getCurrent() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Returns the currentProgress parameter.
getCurrentCalculator(VisualStyle) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Gets the current calculator for the visual attribute for this type and the specified visual style.
getCurrentCustomGraphics(DNodeView) - Method in class
getCurrentNetwork() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Return the Network that currently has the Focus.
getCurrentNetworkView() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Return the CyNetworkView that currently has the focus.
getCurrentSessionFileName() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Get name of the current session file.
getCustomGraphicsManager() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
getCustomGraphicsPosition(CustomGraphic) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getCustomGraphicsPositionType(int) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getCustomGraphicsType(int) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getCustomNodeShape(byte) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Returns the vertices of a previously defined custom node shape.
getCustomNodeShapes() - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
getCyEdge(Node, Node, String, Object, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Gets the first CyEdge found between the two nodes (direction does not matter) that has the given value for the given attribute.
getCyEdge(Node, Node, String, Object, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Gets the first CyEdge found between the two nodes that has the given value for the given attribute.
getCyEdge(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Returns and edge if it exists, otherwise creates a directed edge.
getCyEdgesList() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getCyGroup(CyNode) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
getCyGroup is a static method that returns a CyGroup structure when given the CyNode that represents this group.
getCyInitParams() - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
Returns the CyInitParams object used to initialize Cytoscape.
getCyMenus() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
getCyNetworkListeners() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Returns the set of listeners registered with this object.
getCyNetworkListeners() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Returns the set of listeners registered with this object.
getCyNode(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getCyNode(String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getCyNodesList() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getCysessionNote() - Method in class
Extract Session Note test field in cysession.xml
getCytopanel() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanels
Gets the value of the cytopanel property.
getCytoPanel(int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Gets a cytoPanel given a Compass direction.
getCytoPanelComponentCount() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Returns the number of components in the CytoPanel.
getCytoPanelComponentCount() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Returns the number of components in the CytoPanel.
getCytoPanelMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Deprecated. Will be removed April 2008. Cytopanels no longer have a separate menu (they're in View).
getCytopanels() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
Gets the value of the cytopanels property.
getCytoscapeVersion() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getCytoscapeVersions() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getCyWebServiceEventSupport() - Static method in class
getDag() - Method in class
getDag() - Method in interface
getDataSource() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.EditBookmarkDialog
getDataSourceList(String, List<Category>) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
Traverse bookmark tree and get a list of data sources from the specified category.
getDataType() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getDBNames() - Method in class
getDBReference(String) - Method in class
getDefault() - Method in class
getDefault() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency.Definition
Will return the default state for this Definition.
getDefault(VisualStyle) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Gets the current default value for this type in the specified visual style.
getDefaultAppearance() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
getDefaultAppearance() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in class
getDefaultAppearanceObject() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
getDefaultBackgroundColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
getDefaultColor(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Get default color for the given parameter name.
getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
getDefaultIcon() - Method in class
getDefaultIcon() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
getDefaultLayout() - Static method in class cytoscape.layout.CyLayouts
Get the default layout.
getDefaultMenuSpecifier() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
getDefaultNodeSelectionColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
getDefaultProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Returns a Properties object that defines this appearance.
getDefaultProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearance
getDefaultProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearance
getDefaultProperties(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency
Will return a new Properties object with properties set based on the specified baseKey and any dependency definitions set in this object.
getDefaultPropertyKey() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency.Definition
Will return the key used to identify this Definition for use in Properties objects.
getDefaultPropertyKey(String) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getDefaultPropertyLabel() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getDefaultTaskConfig() - Static method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutTask
This method returns a default TaskConfig object.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsPropertyImpl
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.CustomGraphicsProperty
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.IdentNode
getDefaultViewPanel() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.DefaultViewPanel
getDefaultVisualStyle() - Method in interface
Return default vixual style for this network import client.
getDefinedAttributes() - Method in interface
Returns all defined attributeNames.
getDegree() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getDegree(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of distinct Edges in this GraphPerspective incident on the given Node.
getDegree(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of distinct Edges in this GraphPerspective incident on the Node with the given index.
getDegree(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of distinct Edges incident on the given Node.
getDegree(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of distinct Edges incident on the Node with the given index.
getDegree() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getDependency() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
getDependents() - Method in class
getDependents() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.TopoGraphNode
getDescPadding() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Returns the 'descPadding'.
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
Gets the value of the description property.
getDescription(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
This method returns a formatted description of the command, including the namespace, command name, plugin-provided description, and arguments.
getDescription(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandHandler
Get the description/documentation of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getDescription() - Method in class
Returns a text description of this data object.
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
Return a human-readable description of this term, or the empty string if none is available.
getDescription() - Method in enum
getDescription() - Method in class
Description for triple is not supported.
getDescription() - Method in interface
Get description for this client.
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataTableModel
Get Desctiption entry, which will not be included in the table.
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to return the description for this Tunable.
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns the human readable description of this filter.
getDescription(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Returns a string describing this appearance.
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Returns a string describing this appearance with no identifying prefix.
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Returns a text description of this object's current state.
getDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Returns a text description of the current default values and calculator names.
getDescription() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Retrieve textual description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Retrieve the self-documenting description of this Option
getDescription() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.ArgDescriptor
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
getDesktop() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getDesktop() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
Gets the value of the desktop property.
getDesktopPane() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
getDesktopSize() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Desktop
Gets the value of the desktopSize property.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface
Returns display name of this client.
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in enum cytoscape.view.ColumnTypes
getDisplayName() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Display name is a simple description of this image object.
getDisplayName() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getDisplayString() - Method in enum cytoscape.util.ScalingMethod
getDocumentVersion() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Gets the value of the documentVersion property.
getDoubleAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Gets a Double value at the specified id/attributeName.
getDoubleAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
getDoubles(Object[]) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Attempts to convert all arguments, including Lists to a uniform array of doubles.
getDoubleValue() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider
getDownloadableListByStatus(PluginStatus) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Get the list of all downloadable object by their status.
getDownloadables() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
Retrieves the full list of all downloadable objects in the xml file.
getDownloadables(PluginStatus) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Get a list of downloadable objects by status.
getDownloadableURL() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getDrawPoints() - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Returns a list of points that define what gets drawn and hence what is visible to the user.
getDupeCount() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Get how many times this calculator has been duplicated.
getDupeCount() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Get how many times this style has been cloned.
getEdge() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.HiddenEdges
Gets the value of the edge property.
getEdge() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SelectedEdges
Gets the value of the edge property.
getEdge(String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeFingRootGraph
getEdge(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeRootGraph
getEdge(RootGraph, int, String) - Method in interface fing.model.FingEdgeDepot
This either instantiates a new edge or gets one from the recyclery, initializing it with the parameters specified.
getEdge(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return an Edge which is in this GraphPerspective.
getEdge(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the Edge with the given index in this RootGraph.
getEdge() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getEdgeAliases() - Method in class
getEdgeAppearanceCalculator() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Get the EdgeAppearanceCalculator for this visual style.
getEdgeAttributeFiles() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getEdgeAttributeFiles() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
A list of Strings that describe edge attribute file locations.
getEdgeAttributes() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Gets Global Edge Attributes
getEdgeAttributesList() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return all availble Attributes for the Edges in this CyNetwork
getEdgeAttributeValue(Edge, String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return the requested Attribute for the given Edge
getEdgeAttributeValue(int, String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return the requested Attribute for the given Edge
getEdgeBooleanProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeBooleanProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getEdgeContextMenuItems(EdgeView) - Method in interface
Return edge context menu if available.
getEdgeContextMenuItems(EdgeView) - Method in class
Returns client dependent context menu for edges
getEdgeCount() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Returns number of active edges in this perspective.
getEdgeCount(Node, Node, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Count the number of edges from the first Node to the second.
getEdgeCount(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Count the number of edges from the Node with index from_index to the Node with index to_index (where this.getIndex( to_node ) == to_index).
getEdgeCount() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns number of edges in this RootGraph.
getEdgeCount(Node, Node, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
getEdgeCount(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
getEdgeDoubleProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeDoubleProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getEdgeFloatProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeFloatProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getEdgeIndex(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use getRootGraphEdgeIndex(int), whose functionality is identical.
getEdgeIndicesArray() - Method in class
getEdgeIndicesArray() - Method in class
Part of interace contract
getEdgeIndicesArray() - Method in interface
Gets an array of edges indices that participate in the newly created graph.
getEdgeIndicesArray() - Method in class
getEdgeIndicesArray() - Method in class
getEdgeIndicesArray() - Method in class
getEdgeIndicesArray() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Returns an array of length getEdgeCount(); the array contains RootGraph indices of Edge objects in this GraphPerspective, in some undefined order.
getEdgeIndicesArray(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
getEdgeIndicesArray(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
getEdgeIndicesArray() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns an array of edge indices.
getEdgeIndicesArray(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
getEdgeIndicesArray(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
getEdgeIntProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeIntProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getEdgeLabelAnchor() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getEdgeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getEdgeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getEdgeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getEdgeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getEdgeObjectProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeObjectProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Return the stored value for the edge for the given property
getEdgePath(byte, float, byte, float, float, float, EdgeAnchors, float, float, GeneralPath) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Computes the path that an edge takes; this method is useful if a user interface would allow user selection of edges, for example.
getEdgeReverseSelectionColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
getEdgeSelectionColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
getEdgeSourceIndex(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Retrieve the index of the Node that is the source of the Edge in this GraphPerspective with the given index.
getEdgeSourceIndex(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Retrieve the index of the Node that is the source of the Edge with the given index.
getEdgeTargetIndex(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Retrieve the index of the Node that is the target of the Edge in this GraphPerspective with the given index.
getEdgeTargetIndex(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Retrieve the index of the Node that is the target of the Edge with the given index.
getEdgeView(int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeView(Edge) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeView(int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getEdgeView(Edge) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getEdgeViewCount() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeViewCount() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getEdgeViewsIterator() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeViewsIterator() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Return all of the EdgeViews in this GraphView
getEdgeViewsList() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeViewsList(Node, Node) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeViewsList(int, int, boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getEdgeViewsList(NodeView) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getEdgeViewsList() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Return all of the EdgeViews in this GraphView
getEdgeViewsList(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Note that this will return a list of Edge objects, the other one will return indices
getEdgeViewsList(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getEdgeViewsList(NodeView) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getEdgeVisualPropertyList() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getEditingRow() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable
getEditMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
returns the menu with items related to editing the graph.
getEditor(VisualPropertyType, EditorDisplayer.EditorType) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
Returns proper editor displayer object based on visual property type.
getEnumValue(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.util.ScalingMethod
getEqnAttrTracker() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getEquation(String, String) - Method in interface
getEquation(String, String) - Method in class
getEquation() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.EqnCompiler
getErrorCode() - Method in exception
getErrorEquation(String, Class, String) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Equation
A factory method that returns an Equation that always fails at runtime.
getErrorMessage() - Method in enum
getErrorMsg() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.EqnParser
If parse() failed, this will return the last error messages.
getErrorMsg() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
getErrors() - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Return all of the erros from an execution.
getErrorString() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLArgsParser
Retrieve an error message that occured during parsing if one existed.
getEventType() - Method in class
Returns a boolean identifying the type of event, true the selectes state was set to true, false if it was set to false
getEventType() - Method in class
getException() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInquireAction
getExpander(WebServiceClient) - Static method in class
getExponent(float) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MathUtil
getExponent(double) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MathUtil
getExportTextAsFont() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
getExpressionData() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getExpressionFiles() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getExpressionFiles() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
A list of Strings that describe expression matrix file locations.
getExtension(File) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Return the extension portion of the file's name.
getExtension(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
getExtensionSet() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns the Set of file extension names.
getExtents(double[]) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Extents of the view.
getExtremeValues() - Method in class
Returns a 2D Matrix of Extreme Values.
getFaceComboBox() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
getField() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField
getField(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
getFile() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
Get first file only.
getFile(String, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns a File object, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFile(String, int, CyFileFilter[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns a File object, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFile(String, int, CyFileFilter, File) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns a File object, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFile(String, int, CyFileFilter[], String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns a File object, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFileList() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
getFileMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the menu with items related to file operations.
getFileName() - Method in class
Gets the Name of the Expression Data File.
getFilename() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportAttributeMatrixDialog
getFilename() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the filename property.
getFileNature() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns the nature of the file.
getFiles() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
Get all files selected.
getFiles(String, int, CyFileFilter[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns an array of File objects, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFiles(Component, String, int, CyFileFilter[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns an array of File objects, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFiles(String, int, CyFileFilter[], String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns a list of File objects, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFiles(String, int, CyFileFilter[], String, String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns a list of File objects, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFiles(Component, String, int, CyFileFilter[], String, String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns a list of File objects, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFiles(Component, String, int, CyFileFilter[], String, String, boolean, File[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
Returns a list of File objects, this method should be used instead of rolling your own JFileChooser.
getFileType(String) - Method in class
Gets the name of the filter which is capable of reading the specified file.
getFileType() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
getFilterField() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.FilterHistoryJList
getFitRatio() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
getFitRatio() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getFlags() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Retrieve flags about option.
getFloat(Properties, String, float) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.PropUtil
Will return a float for the specified property key only if the value exists and is properly formatted as an float.
getFloatConstant() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
getFont() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getFont() - Method in interface giny.view.Label
Returns the font of this PText.
getFontRenderContextFull() - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Returns the context that is used by drawTextFull() to produce text shapes to be drawn to the screen.
getFontRenderContextLow() - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Returns the context that is used by drawTextLow() to produce text shapes to be drawn to the screen.
getFormat() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
Gets the value of the format property.
getFrameID() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Gets the value of the frameID property.
getFullName() - Method in class
getFullName() - Method in class
getFullPath() - Method in class
Gets the File representation of the Expression Data Object.
getFullVersion() - Method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeVersion
getFunction(String) - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.EqnParser
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Abs
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ACos
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.And
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ASin
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ATan2
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Average
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.BList
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Combin
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Concatenate
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cos
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cosh
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Count
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Degrees
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Error
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Exp
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.First
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.FList
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.GeoMean
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.HarMean
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.If
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.IList
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Largest
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Last
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Left
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Len
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ListToString
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Ln
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Log
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Lower
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Max
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Median
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mid
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Min
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mod
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mode
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.NormDist
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Not
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Now
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Nth
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Or
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Permut
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Pi
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Product
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Radians
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Right
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Round
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sign
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sin
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sinh
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.SList
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sqrt
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.StDev
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Substitute
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sum
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tan
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tanh
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Text
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Today
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Trunc
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Upper
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Value
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Var
Used to provide help for users.
getFunctionSummary() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.Function
Used to provide help for users.
getGeneDescriptor(String) - Method in class
Gets the Gene Descriptor for the specified gene.
getGeneDescriptors() - Method in class
Gets an Array of GeneDescriptors.
getGeneDescriptorsVector() - Method in class
Gets a Vector Gene Descriptors.
getGeneNames() - Method in class
Gets a List of All Gene Names.
getGeneNamesVector() - Method in class
Gets a List of All Gene Names.
getGenericURL() - Method in class
getGinyArrow() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
Returns arrow type in GINY.
getGinyConstant() - Method in enum giny.view.Justification
getGinyConstant() - Method in enum giny.view.Position
getGinyName() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
Returns name of arrow shape.
getGinyShape() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
Get GINY shape as integer.
getGlobalAppearanceCalculator() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Get the GlobalAppearanceCalculator for this visual style.
getGlobalAppearanceNames() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Get name of global appearances.
getGlobalPercent(int, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.PercentUtil
Calculates Global Percent Based on Current Step, Current Value, and MaxValue.
getGOTerm(String) - Method in class
getGraphFiles() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getGraphFiles() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
A list of Strings that describe graph file locations.
getGraphics() - Method in class cytoscape.render.export.ImageImposter
Returns a copy of the Graphics object that was passed into the constructor.
getGraphicsProps() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
getGraphicsProps() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.VectorCustomGraphics
getGraphLOD() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getGraphPerspective() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
getGraphPerspective() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get the graph (network) that represents this network
getGraphPerspective() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Return a CyNetwork that represents the internal components of this group
getGraphPerspective() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Returns the graph model that this view was created for.
getGraphPerspective() - Method in interface giny.model.Node
Deprecated. Don't use this method because the behavior of the returned GraphPerspective with respect to changing meta-children of this Node is ill-defined; use RootGraph.getNodeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) and RootGraph.getEdgeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) instead.
getGraphPerspective() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getGraphPerspectiveIndex() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getGraphPerspectiveIndex() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getGraphPerspectiveIndex() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getGraphView() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getGraphView() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getGraphView() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getGraphViewController() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
TO keep things clearer there is one GraphView Controller per CytoscapeDesktop
getGraphViewHandler(GraphView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Gets the cytoscape.view.GraphViewHandler for the given giny.view.GraphView
getGraphViewHandlersMap() - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Gets a Map with giny.view.GraphView objects as keys, and cytoscape.view.GraphViewHandler objects as values, two or more different keys can share the same value.
getGraphViews() - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Gets an array of giny.view.GraphView objects that this GraphViewController will keep synchronized with their corresponding giny.model.GraphPerspective objects available through their getGraphPerspective() method
getGreekThreshold() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getGreekThreshold() - Method in interface giny.view.Label
Returns the current greek threshold.
getGroup(CyNode) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
getGroup is a static method that returns a CyGroup structure when given a CyNode that is a member of a group.
getGroupList() - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Return the list of all groups
getGroupList(CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Return the list of all groups for this network
getGroupList(CyGroupViewer) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Return the list of all groups managed by a particular viewer
getGroupName() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Return the name of this group
getGroupName() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Return the name of this group
getGroupNode() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get the CyNode that represents this group
getGroupNode() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get the CyNode that represents this group
getGroups() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
Return the list of groups this node is a member of
getGroupViewer(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Return the viewer object for a named viewer
getGroupViewers() - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Return a list of all registered viewers
getGUI() - Method in interface
Returns GUI for this client.
getGUI() - Method in class
getHandles() - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Returns a (new) List of clones of the Point2Ds that locate the handles.
getHeader() - Method in class
getHeader() - Method in interface
getHeader(File) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Gets header of specified file.
getHeader(URL) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
getHeader(String, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LegendTable
getHeight() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.DesktopSize
Gets the value of the height property.
getHeight() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Gets the value of the height property.
getHeight(ImageObserver) - Method in class cytoscape.render.export.ImageImposter
Simply returns the height that was passed into the constructor.
getHeight() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Returns height of current object.
getHeight() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getHeight() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getHeight() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
TODO: Reconcile with Border Methods
getHelpActionListener() - Static method in class cytoscape.view.CyHelpBroker
Provides access to an ActionListener that pops up a help dialog.
getHelpBroker() - Static method in class cytoscape.view.CyHelpBroker
Returns the HelpBroker.
getHelpMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the help menu.
getHelpSet() - Static method in class cytoscape.view.CyHelpBroker
Returns the HelpSet.
getHiddenEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
The integer values in the returned array are RootGraph indices.
getHiddenEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getHiddenEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the hiddenEdges property.
getHiddenEdges() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Use getHiddenEdgeIndices() instead; the edges returned by this method may have undefined state.
getHiddenEdges() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getHiddenNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
The integer values in the returned array are RootGraph indices.
getHiddenNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getHiddenNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the hiddenNodes property.
getHiddenNodes() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Use getHiddenNodeIndices() instead; the nodes returned by this method may have undefined state.
getHiddenNodes() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getHiddenObject() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperProperty
getHref() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
Gets the value of the href property.
getHref() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
Gets the value of the href property.
getIcon(WebServiceClientGUI.IconSize) - Method in interface
Returns icon for the GUI.
getIcon(WebServiceClientGUI.IconSize) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(Object) - Method in class
getIcon(int, int, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2CMappingEditor
getIcon(int, int, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2DMappingEditor
getIcon(int, int, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
Dynamically generate small icons from continuous mappers.
getIcon(int, int, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.GradientEditorPanel
getIcon(Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
getIconHeight() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer.PaintIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Get height of icon.
getIconName() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton
getIconObject() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton
getIconSet() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
getIconSet() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.LineStyle
Returns a map of Icons that can be used for user interfaces.
getIconSet() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
getIconSet() - Method in class
getIconSet() - Method in class
getIconSet() - Method in class
getIconSet() - Method in class
getIconSet() - Method in class
getIconSet() - Method in class
getIconSet() - Method in class
getIconSet() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
getIconWidth() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer.PaintIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Get width of icon.
getId() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Child
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Node
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Panel
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Parent
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Plugin
Gets the value of the id property.
getID() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getId() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Deprecated. use getDescriptor().getId() instead
getId() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Retrieve the id for option.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Returns the id of this Option.
getIdent() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
getIdentifier() - Method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
Return the edge identifier.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Can't Change
getIdentifier() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
getIdentifier() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
getIdentifier() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
implements CommunityMember
getIdentifier() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Immutable session-unique identifier of image generated in constructor.
getIdentifier() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getIdentifier() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getIdentifier() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphObject
getIdentifier() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getIDGenerator() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.IDGenerator
getIDListFromAttributeValue(CyAttributesUtils.AttributeType, String, Object) - Static method in class
Get list of IDs associated with a specific attribute value.
getIdSet(String) - Method in class
Return set of all names for the key (including key itself.)
getIDSet() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
getImage() - Method in class ding.view.DingCanvas
Returns the image maintained by the canvas.
getImportHandler() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getIncompatble() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Deprecated. Use the correctly spelled CLOptionDescriptor.getIncompatible() instead.
getIncompatible() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Get the array of incompatible option ids.
getInDegree(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getTarget().equals( node ).
getInDegree(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getTarget().equals( node ).
getInDegree(Node, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getInDegree(int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getInDegree(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of Edges e such that e.getTarget().equals( node ).
getInDegree(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of Edges e such that e.getTarget().equals( node ).
getInDegree(Node, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of Edges e such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getInDegree(int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of Edges e such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getIndex(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the index of the given Node in the underlying RootGraph.
getIndex(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the index of the given Edge in the underlying RootGraph.
getIndex(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the index of the given Node.
getIndex(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the index of the given Edge.
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Gets the index of the given child node from the given parent node.
getIndexOfChild(TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Gets the index of child from this node's child list.
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getInfoObj() - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
getInfoObj() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
getInfoObj() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
getInfoObject(Class) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.ManagerUtil
Takes a Class object for a CytoscapePlugin and returns the DownloadableInfo object associated
getInitialAttributeList() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
This returns the list of "attributes" that are provided by an algorithm for internal purposes.
getInitialAttributeList() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
This returns a (possibly empty) List of Strings that is used for the attribute list in the menu for attribute-based layouts.
getInitialAttributeList() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
This returns a (possibly empty) List of Strings that is used for the attribute list in the menu for attribute-based layouts.
getInnerEdges() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get all of the edges completely contained within this group
getInnerEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get all of the edges completely contained within this group
getInputStream(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
getInputStream(String, TaskMonitor) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
getInputStream(URL) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.URLUtil
Gets the an input stream given a URL.
getInputString(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
getInputString(InputStream) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
getInstallable() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getInstallable() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
getInstallable() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
getInstallLocation() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
getInstallLocation() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
getInstance(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphicsParser
getInstance(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.DefaultCyCustomGraphicsParser
getInstance(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.URLImageCustomGraphicsParser
Generate Custom Graphics object from a string.
getInstitution() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo.AuthorInfo
getInt() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField
getInt(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
getInt(String, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Deprecated. Use PropUtil.getInt(..) instead. Leaving Feb 2011.
getInt() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MutableInt
getInt(Properties, String, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.PropUtil
Will return an integer for the specified property key only if the value exists and is properly formatted as an integer.
getIntAtIndex(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntArray
Returns the value at specified index.
getIntConstant() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
getInteger() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField
getInteger(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
getIntegerAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Gets an Integer value at the specified id/attributeName.
getIntegerAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
getIntegerValue() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider
getInteraction() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
Gets the value of the interaction property.
getInteractionString(CyNetwork) - Static method in class
Returns a SIF formatted string of the specified network.
getInteractionString(CyNetwork, TaskMonitor) - Static method in class
Returns a SIF formatted string of the specified network.
getInteractionType(CyNetwork, Edge) - Static method in class
Returns the interaction type of the given edge.
getInteractionTypes(CyNetwork) - Static method in class
Returns an array containing all of the unique interaction types present in the network.
getInternalFrame(CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Given a CyNetworkView, returns the internal frame.
getInternalFrameComponent(CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Given a CyNetworkView, returns the InternalFrameComponent that wraps it.
getInterpolator() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingReader
Gets Interpolator Object.
getInterpolator() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Gets the Mapping Interpolator.
getIOException() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInquireAction
getItemCount() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenu
getJDOMException() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInquireAction
getJustify() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getJustify() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getJustify() - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
getJustify() - Method in interface giny.view.Label
getJustify() - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
getJustifyNames() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getKey(String) - Method in class
Returns true if the object with the alias wxists in the memory (rootGraph).
getKeyAttributeName() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportAttributeMatrixDialog
getKeyCode() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
getKeyCyAttrName() - Method in class
getKeyModifiers() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
getKeyNameInWebService() - Method in class
getKeySet(String, CyAttributes, ObjectMapping, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.MappingKeyFactory
getLabel() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton
getLabel() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField
getLabel(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
getLabel(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Returns the String corresponding to the parameter object for use in calculating the width of popup required.
getLabel() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getLabel() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getLabel() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getLabelAnchor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getLabelOffsetX() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getLabelOffsetX() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getLabelOffsetX() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getLabelOffsetY() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getLabelOffsetY() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getLabelOffsetY() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getLabelPosition() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getLabelPosition() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Returns current label position as ObjkectPosition object.
getLabelWidth() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getLabelWidth() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getLabelWidth() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getLastEquationError() - Method in interface
Returns any attribute-equation related error message after a call to getAttribute() or getXXXAttribute().
getLastEquationError() - Method in class
Returns any attribute-equation related error message after a call to getAttribute() or getXXXAttribute().
getLastErrorMsg() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.EqnCompiler
getLastKeyModified() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Gets the Last Modified Key.
getLastRenderDetail() - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
getLayerObject() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.DLayer
getLayerObject() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.Layer
getLayers() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Get layers belongs to this object.
getLayers() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getLayout(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.layout.CyLayouts
Get the layout named "name".
getLayoutAlgorithm() - Method in class
Return the CyLayoutAlgorithm used to layout the graph
getLayoutAlgorithm() - Method in class
getLayoutAlgorithm is called to get the Layout Algorithm that will be used to layout the resulting graph.
getLayoutAlgorithm() - Method in interface
Returns the CyLayoutAlgorithm used to layout the graph
getLayoutAlgorithm() - Method in class
getLayoutAlgorithm is called to get the Layout Algorithm that will be used to layout the resulting graph.
getLayoutMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the menu with items realted to layout actions.
getLeafCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Gets the total (recursively) of all leaves under this node.
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BinOpNode
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BooleanConstantNode
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FConvNode
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FloatConstantNode
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FuncCallNode
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.IdentNode
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.Node
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.SConvNode
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.StringConstantNode
getLeftChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.UnaryOpNode
getLeftPadding() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Returns the 'leftPadding'.
getLegend(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
getLegend(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
getLegend(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
getLegend(VisualPropertyType) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
getLegend(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
getLegend(int, int, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2CMappingEditor
getLegend(int, int, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2DMappingEditor
getLegend(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
getLegend(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
getLegend(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
getLegend(int, int, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.GradientEditorPanel
getLengthOfTask() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Returns the lenghtOfTask parameter.
getLevel() - Method in enum cytoscape.logger.LogLevel
getLibJars() - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
getLicense() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo.License
Get the license text as a string.
getLicenseText() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getLineStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.DashDotStroke
getLineStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.EqualDashStroke
getLineStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.LongDashStroke
getLineStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ShapeStroke
getLineStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.SolidStroke
getLineStyle() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.strokes.WidthStroke
getLineStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZeroStroke
getLineStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZigzagStroke
getLineType() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getList() - Method in class
Returns a list containing the gml object tree
getListAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Gets a 'simple' list of attributes for the id/attributeName pair.
getListAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CustomGraphicsCellRenderer
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontRenderer
getListElementType(String) - Method in interface
Gets the member data type of the specified simple list attribute.
getListElementType(String) - Method in class
Gets the member data type of the specified simple list attribute.
getListenerList(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getLoadingErrors() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
/** Returns list of loading exceptions.
getLoadSubMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the submenu with items related to loading objects.
getLocation() - Method in class phoebe.PhoebeCanvasDropEvent
getLocationOfExternalFrame(Dimension, Rectangle, Dimension, int, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelUtil
Gets Location of External Frame, based on current UI Dimensions.
getLocationOnScreen() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
Gets the location of the applications mainframe.
getLocationOnScreen() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelContainer
Gets Location of Container, in screen coordinates.
getLock() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getLogger() - Static method in class cytoscape.logger.ConsoleLogger
getLogger(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Get a logger with the specified name
getLogger(Class) - Static method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Get a logger for the specified class
getLogger() - Static method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Get the default ("cytoscape") logger
getLoggerDialog() - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.logger.LoggerDialog
getLogHandlers(String, LogLevel) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Returns the current list of log handlers for the specified logger at the suggested minimum level.
getLogHandlers(LogLevel) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Returns the current list of log handlers for the specified minimum level.
getLongOpt() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Retrieve the long name of this Option.
getLongOptPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Returns the 'longOptPrefix'.
getLongs(Object[]) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Attempts to convert all arguments, including Lists to a uniform array of longs.
getLowerBound() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to get the lowerBound for this Tunable.
getMainClass(ArrayList<String>, String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
getMajorVersion() - Method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeVersion
This method gets the major and minor version for Cytsocape ignoring the bug fix version number.
getMap() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getMap() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.DiscreteMappingReader
Gets the Discrete Map.
getMapAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Gets a 'simple' map of attribute values.
getMapAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
getMapping(String) - Method in class
Return the data mapped by this key
getMapping(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getMapping(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Get the mapping at a specific index in this calculator.
getMapping(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
getMappingEditor() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.CustomMapping
Returns GUI component to edit detail of this mapping.
getMappingNames() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Returns the HashMap of mappers
getMappings() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Get all mappings contained by this calculator.
getMappings() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
getMappingType(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingType
Deprecated. Will be removed 5/2008
getMapValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Gets Value for Specified Key.
getMatchingInfoObj(DownloadableInfo, PluginStatus) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Matches one of the following rule: 1.
getMax() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MinMaxDouble
getMax() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MinMaxInt
getMax(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.EditorValueRangeTracer
getMaxMemory() - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MemoryReporter
getMeasurement(String, String) - Method in class
Gets Single Measurement Value for the specified gene at the specified condition.
getMeasurements(String) - Method in class
Gets a Vector of all Measurements associated with the specified gene.
getMenu(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
getMenu(String, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
getMenuBar() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the main menu bar constructed by this object.
getMenuName(CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Static method in class cytoscape.layout.CyLayouts
getMessage() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Returns a String, possibly the message to be printed on a dialog.
getMessages() - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Return all of the messages from an execution.
getMetadata() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Convert current list of custom graphics into Property object.
getMetadataMap() - Method in class
Get Network Metadata as Map object
getMetaRelationshipCreatedEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getMetaRelationshipCreatedEdges() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getMetaRelationshipCreatedNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getMetaRelationshipCreatedNodes() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getMetaRelationshipRemovedEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getMetaRelationshipRemovedEdges() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getMetaRelationshipRemovedNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getMetaRelationshipRemovedNodes() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getMillisToPopup() - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Gets Millieconds until JTask Dialog Box is Displayed.
getMin() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MinMaxDouble
getMin() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MinMaxInt
getMin(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.EditorValueRangeTracer
getMinMax(double, double, CyAttributes, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.MinMaxDialog
getMode() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getMode() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
Returns and int representing the mode cytoscape runs in.
getMode() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
Gets the current mode.
getMostRecentAddition() - Method in class cytoscape.util.RecentlyOpenedTracker
getMRUD() - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
getMRUF() - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
getMultiHashMap() - Method in interface
Gets the MultiHashMap Object, where we store attribute values.
getMultiHashMap() - Method in class
getMultiHashMapDefinition() - Method in interface
Gets the MultiHashMapDefinition Object, where we store attribute definitions.
getMultiHashMapDefinition() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Attribute
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Category
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getName() - Method in class
Returns name (actually, an ID).
getName() - Method in class
Return name (ID) of this term.
getName() - Method in class
Returns human-readable name of this triple.
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
getName is used to construct property strings for this layout.
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.algorithms.GridNodeLayout
getName() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Get the name of this layout.
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
Get the name of this layout.
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to return a string representation of this Tunable, which is essentially its name.
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
getName() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
getName(Interpolator) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.InterpolatorFactory
Given an Interpolator, returns an identifying name as recognized by the newInterpolator method.
getName() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingType
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Get human-readable name of this icon.
getName() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getName() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Returns the name of this object.
getName() - Method in enum giny.view.Justification
getName() - Method in enum giny.view.Position
getName() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Retrieve name of option which is also text for long option.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Abs
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ACos
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.And
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ASin
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ATan2
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Average
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.BList
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Combin
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Concatenate
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cos
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cosh
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Count
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Degrees
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Error
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Exp
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.First
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.FList
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.GeoMean
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.HarMean
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.If
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.IList
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Largest
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Last
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Left
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Len
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ListToString
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Ln
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Log
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Lower
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Max
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Median
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mid
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Min
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mod
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mode
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.NormDist
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Not
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Now
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Nth
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Or
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Permut
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Pi
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Product
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Radians
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Right
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Round
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sign
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sin
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sinh
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.SList
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sqrt
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.StDev
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Substitute
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sum
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tan
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tanh
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Text
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Today
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Trunc
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Upper
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Value
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Var
Used to parse the function string.
getName() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.Function
Used to parse the function string.
getNames() - Method in class
Deprecated. returns an array of all the names (usually ORFs) currently annotated
getNames() - Static method in enum giny.view.Justification
getNames() - Static method in enum giny.view.Position
getNames() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
getNameSpace() - Method in class
getNamespaceList() - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
Get the list of all of the currently registered namespaces.
getNamespaceName() - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandNamespace
Return the string name that is held by this namespace.
getNavigatorPanel() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
getNestedNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
Return the currently set graph perspective (may be null) associated with this node.
getNestedNetwork() - Method in interface giny.model.Node
Return the currently set graph perspective (may be null) associated with this node.
getNestedNetworkImageScaleFactor() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
getNestedNetworkImageScaleFactor() - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
getNestedNetworkTexturePaint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Child class should ovrride this method to render correct Nexted Network Image.
getNestedNetworkView() - Method in class giny.model.NestedNetworkChangeEvent
Nested network view pointed by a node in other network.
getNestedNode() - Method in class giny.model.NestedNetworkChangeEvent
getNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNetworkEvent
getNetwork(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkTree
Gets the value of the network property.
getNetwork() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get the network for this group
getNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get the network this group is a member of
getNetwork() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Returns the network displayed by this object.
getNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
getNetworkAliases() - Method in class
getNetworkAttributes() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Gets Global Network Attributes.
getNetworkFrame() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrames
Gets the value of the networkFrame property.
getNetworkFrames() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Desktop
Gets the value of the networkFrames property.
getNetworkID() - Method in class
getNetworkID() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeNode
getNetworkIdentifier() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNetworkTitleChange
getNetworkMap() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
This Map has keys that are Strings ( network_ids ) and values that are networks.
getNetworkName() - Method in class
getNetworkName() - Method in interface
Gets the name of the network.
getNetworkName() - Method in class
Always returns root network title.
getNetworkName() - Method in class
getNetworkNode(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
getNetworkPanel() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
getNetworks() - Method in interface
Returns all networks, whether nested or not.
getNetworks() - Method in class
getNetworks() - Method in class
Returns root network.
getNetworkSet() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Return a List of all available CyNetworks
getNetworkTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNetworkTitleChange
getNetworkTree() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Gets the value of the networkTree property.
getNetworkView(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getNetworkView() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
getNetworkViewManager() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Gets the NetworkView Manager.
getNetworkViewMap() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
This Map has keys that are Strings ( network_ids ) and values that are networkviews.
getNewerVersion(String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginVersionUtils
Return the newer of the two versions.
getNewLine() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Returns the 'newLine'.
getNewNetworkMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the File.New.Network menu.
getNewNetworkTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.EditNetworkTitleDialog
getNextId() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.IDGenerator
getNextMove() - Method in class
getNextMove() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.HiddenNodes
Gets the value of the node property.
getNode() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SelectedNodes
Gets the value of the node property.
getNode() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.ViewableNodes
Gets the value of the node property.
getNode(String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeFingRootGraph
getNode(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeRootGraph
getNode() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getNode(RootGraph, int, String) - Method in interface fing.model.FingNodeDepot
This either instantiates a new node or gets one from the recyclery, initializing it with the parameters specified.
getNode(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return a Node which is in this GraphPerspective.
getNode(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the Node with the given index in this RootGraph.
getNode() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getNodeAliases() - Method in class
getNodeAppearanceCalculator() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Get the NodeAppearanceCalculator for this visual style.
getNodeAttributeDoubleValue(Node, String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeDoubleValue(int, String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeFiles() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getNodeAttributeFiles() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
A list of Strings that describe node attribute file locations.
getNodeAttributeID(String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeObjectValue(Node, String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeObjectValue(int, String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributes() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Gets Global Node Attributes.
getNodeAttributes(int[]) - Static method in class
Returns all Attributes that one or more of the given nodes have values for.
getNodeAttributesList() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return all availble Attributes for the Nodes in this CyNetwork
getNodeAttributesList(Node[]) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return all available Attributes for the given Nodes
getNodeAttributesList(Edge[]) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return all available Attributes for the given Edges
getNodeAttributeStringValue(Node, String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeStringValue(int, String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeType(String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeValue(Node, String) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeValue(int, int) - Static method in class
getNodeAttributeValue(Node, String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return the requested Attribute for the given Node
getNodeAttributeValue(int, String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return the requested Attribute for the given Node
getNodeBooleanProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeBooleanProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getNodeContextMenuItems(NodeView) - Method in interface
Return node context menu item if available.
getNodeContextMenuItems(NodeView) - Method in class
Returns client dependent context menu for nodes
getNodeCount() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Returns number of active nodes in this perspective.
getNodeCount() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns number of nodes in this RootGraph.
getNodeDoubleProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeDoubleProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getNodeFloatProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeFloatProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getNodeIndex(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use getRootGraphNodeIndex(int), whose functionality is identical.
getNodeIndicesArray() - Method in class
getNodeIndicesArray() - Method in class
Part of interface contract
getNodeIndicesArray() - Method in interface
Gets an array of node indices that participate in the newly created graph.
getNodeIndicesArray() - Method in class
getNodeIndicesArray() - Method in class
getNodeIndicesArray() - Method in class
getNodeIndicesArray() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Returns an array of length getNodeCount(); the array contains RootGraph indices of Node objects in this GraphPerspective, in some undefined order.
getNodeIndicesArray() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns an array of node indices.
getNodeIntProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeIntProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getNodeIterator() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get an iterator over all of the nodes in this group
getNodeIterator() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get an iterator over all of the nodes in this group
getNodeLabel(String) - Method in class
getNodeLabelAnchor() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getNodeLabelAnchor() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getNodeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getNodeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getNodeMetaChildIndicesArray(int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getNodeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getNodeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
getNodeName() - Method in class
getNodeObjectProperty(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeObjectProperty(int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Return the stored value for the node for the given property
getNodeReverseSelectionColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
getNodes() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get all of the nodes in this group
getNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get all of the nodes in this group
getNodeSelectionColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
getNodeShape(byte, float, float, float, float, GeneralPath) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Computes the path a node shape takes; this method is useful if a user interface would allow user selection of nodes, for example.
getNodeShape(int) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
Convert from Giny shape to Cytoscape NodeShape enum.
getNodeShapes() - Static method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
get list of node shapes.
getNodeShapes() - Static method in class ding.view.DGraphView
This is inefficient, but there is no way to sync.
getNodeShapeText(NodeShape) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
getNodesIntersectingRectangle(double, double, double, double, boolean, IntStack) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Efficiently computes the set of nodes intersecting an axis-aligned query rectangle; the query rectangle is specified in the node coordinate system, not the component coordinate system.
getNodeSizeLocked() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearance
Deprecated. Use VisualStyle.getDependency().check(VisualPropertyDependency .Definition.NODE_SIZE_LOCKED) instead. Will be removed Jan 2011.
getNodeSizeLocked() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Deprecated. Use VisualStyle.getDependency().check(VisualPropertyDependency.Definition.NODE_SIZE_LOCKED) instead. Will be removed Jan 2011.
getNodeView(Node) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeView(int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeView(Node) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getNodeView(int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getNodeViewCount() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeViewCount() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getNodeViewsIterator() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getNodeViewsIterator() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
nodeViewsIterator only returns the NodeViews that are explicitly associated with this GraphView
getNodeViewsList() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getNodeVisualPropertyList() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getNullNetwork() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getNullNetworkView() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getNullObject() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.NullCustomGraphics
getNumberOfConditions() - Method in class
Gets Total Number of Experimental Conditions.
getNumberOfGenes() - Method in class
Gets Total Number of Genes.
getNumCustomGraphics() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
A thread-safe method returning the number of custom graphics associated with this DNodeView.
getObject() - Method in class
getObject() - Method in class
getObject() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Gets the PluginInfo object of this node.
getObjectInRange(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
getObjectInRange(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
getObjectKeys(String) - Method in interface
Returns all objectKeys that have at least one attribute value assigned in attributeName.
getObjectUrl() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getObjectVersion() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getOffset() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getOffset() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getOffsetX() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getOffsetX() - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
getOffsetX() - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
getOffsetY() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getOffsetY() - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
getOffsetY() - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
getOntologies() - Method in class
Getter of the property ontologies
getOntology() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getOntology() - Method in class
getOntology() - Method in class
getOntology() - Method in class
Get ontology object which contains this term.
getOntology() - Method in class
Returns ontology which this triple belongs to.
getOntology() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.OntologyServer
Gets the value of the ontology property.
getOntologyAttributes() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Gets Global Network Attributes.
getOntologyNames() - Method in class
getOntologyRootID() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getOntologyServer() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getOntologyServer() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Server
Gets the value of the ontologyServer property.
getOntologySources() - Method in class
getOntologyType() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getOntologyType() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
Gets the value of the ontologyType property.
getOperationsMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the menu with items associated with plugins.
getOperator() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BinOpNode
getOperator() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.UnaryOpNode
getOps() - Method in class
getOpt() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Retrieve the name of this Option.
getOption(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Retrieve the named Option
getOptionGroup(Option) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Returns the OptionGroup the opt belongs to.
getOptionObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Return the Object type of this Option.
getOptionObject(char) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Return the Object type of this Option.
getOptions() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Returns an array of the processed Options.
getOptions() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
getOptions() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Retrieve a read-only list of options in this set
getOptionValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Retrieve the argument, if any, of this option.
getOptionValue(char) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Retrieve the argument, if any, of this option.
getOptionValue(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Retrieve the argument, if any, of an option.
getOptionValue(char, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Retrieve the argument, if any, of an option.
getOptionValues(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Retrieves the array of values, if any, of an option.
getOptionValues(char) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Retrieves the array of values, if any, of an option.
getOptPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Returns the 'optPrefix'.
getOrdinal(int) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
getOutDegree(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getOutDegree(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getOutDegree(Node, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getOutDegree(int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getOutDegree(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of Edges e such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getOutDegree(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of Edges esuch that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getOutDegree(Node, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of Edges e such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getOutDegree(int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Return the number of Edges e such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
getOuterEdges() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get all of the edges partially contained within this group
getOuterEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get all of the edges partially contained within this group
getPage(String) - Static method in class
getPage(URL) - Static method in class
getPaint() - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.CustomGraphic
Return the Paint that makes up this CustomGraphic.
getPaint(Rectangle2D) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.CustomGraphic
getPaint(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface cytoscape.render.stateful.PaintFactory
Create a new Paint object bounded by the given rectangular region.
getPaint(Rectangle2D) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint.ColorPaintFactory
getPaint(Rectangle2D) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint.GradientPaintFactory
getPaint(Rectangle2D) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint.TexturePaintFactory
getPaintFactory() - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.CustomGraphic
getPanel() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Panels
Gets the value of the panel property.
getPanel() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method returns a JPanel suitable for inclusion in the LayoutSettingsDialog to represent this Tunable.
getPanels() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Gets the value of the panels property.
getPanelState() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Gets the value of the panelState property.
getParameter() - Method in class
getParameter() - Method in class
getParameters() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
getParamTypes() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
getParent() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Gets the parent of this node
getParent() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the parent property.
getParent() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getParents() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getParentsAndContainers() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getParser(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphicsParserFactory
getParser(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.CyCustomGraphicsParserFactoryImpl
getParser() - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Parser
getParseTree() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.EqnParser
getPathToRoot(TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
getPathToRoot(TreeNode, int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
getPickedEdgeView(Point2D) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getPickedNodeView(Point2D) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
utility that returns the nodeView that is located at input point
getPlugin() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Plugins
Gets the value of the plugin property.
getPluginClassName() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
getPluginDirectory() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
Gets the full install path for this plugin.
getPluginJars() - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
getPluginListByStatus(PluginStatus) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Gets a list of plugins by their status.
getPluginManageDirectory() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
getPluginManager() - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Get the PluginManager object.
getPluginManager(PluginTracker) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
This should ONLY be used by tests!!
getPlugins() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getPlugins() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
Gets the value of the plugins property.
getPlugins() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
A list of Strings that describe plugins.
getPlugins() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
Use getDownloadables() This gets the PluginInfo objects as set up in the xml document.
getPlugins() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
getPluginURLs() - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
getPoint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Gets Specified Point.
getPointCount() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Gets Total Point Count.
getPoints() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingReader
Gets ArrayList of all Data Points.
getPosition() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Current position
getPosition() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getPosition() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getPosition() - Method in interface giny.view.Label
getPossibleArgTypes(Class[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
Used with the equation builder.
getPossibleArgTypes(Class[]) - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.Function
Used with the equation builder.
getPossibleGinyNames() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
getPossibleGinyTypes() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
getPredicate() - Method in class
getPreferredButtonGroup() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
This method returns a ButtonGroup specification string.
getPreferredMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
This method returns a Menu specification string.
getPrefferedIndex() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
getPrefix() - Static method in enum
getPrefix() - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
getPresentationName() - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.CyAbstractEdit
getPresentationName() - Method in class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
getPrettyName() - Method in enum cytoscape.logger.LogLevel
getProgressBarMessage() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInquireAction
getProjectDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
getProjectName() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
getProjectUrl() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
getProjectUrl() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
getProperties() - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
Returns the properties used by Cytoscape, the result of cytoscape.props and command line options.
getProperties() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
getProperties is used to extract properties from the Cytoscape properties file.
getProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
getProperties is used to extract properties from the Cytoscape properties file.
getProperties(CalculatorCatalog) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorIO
Given a CalculatorCatalog, assembles a Properties object representing all of the calculators contained in the catalog.
getProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Returns a properties description of this calculator.
getProperties() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
Get a description of this calculator as a Properties object.
getProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
getProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Returns a Properties description of this object, suitable for customization by the applyProperties method.
getProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
getProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingWriter
Gets Newly Defined Properties Object.
getProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Returns a Properties object with entries suitable for customizing this object via the applyProperties method.
getProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.DiscreteMappingWriter
Return a Properties object with entries suitable for customizing this object via the applyProperties method.
getProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Returns a Properties object with entries suitable for customizing this object via the applyProperties method.
getProperties(ObjectMapping, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingFactory
Gets a description of the supplied ObjectMapping as properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
getProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Return a Properties object with entries suitable for customizing this object via the applyProperties method.
getProperties(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
getProperty(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getProperty(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
getProperty(String, ImageObserver) - Method in class cytoscape.render.export.ImageImposter
No properties are defined on this image, ever; this returns UndefinedProperty, always.
getPropertyChangeSupport() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getPropertyEditor(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.CellEditorFactory
getPropertyKey() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginProperties.PluginProperty
getPropertyKey() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingType
getPropertyLabel() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Returns string used as property label in VS prop file.
getPropertyValues(Properties, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.Misc
return the (possibly multiple) value of the specified property as a vector.
getProps() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getProps() - Method in interface
Get properties used by the Tunable.
getProps() - Method in class
getProps() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
Returns the properties that were defined at initialization.
getProxyServer() - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ProxyHandler
Return the Proxy representing the proxy server to use when reading and writing URLs.
getPTM() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
getPvalueFromLambda(double) - Static method in class
Gets a PValue of the specified lambda value.
getQueryURL(String) - Method in class
getRange() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingPoint
Gets BoundaryRangeValues.
getRange(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.ColorRangeValueCalculator
getRange(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.CustomGraphicsRangeValueCalculator
getRange(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.DoubleRangeValueCalculator
getRange(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.FloatRangeValueCalculator
getRange(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.NodeShapeRangeValueCalculator
getRange(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.StringRangeValueCalculator
getRange(Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.RangeValueCalculator
getRange(VisualPropertyType) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.EditorValueRangeTracer
getRangeClass() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
getRangeClass() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
Class of mapped object.
getRangeID(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
getRangeValue(GraphObject) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
getRangeValue(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.FlatInterpolator
getRangeValue(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.Interpolator
getRangeValue(double, Object, double, Object, double) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LinearNumberInterpolator
getRangeValue(double, Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LinearNumberInterpolator
getRangeValue(double, Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LinearNumberToColorInterpolator
getRangeValue(double, Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LinearNumberToNumberInterpolator
getRangeValue(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.NumberInterpolator
getRangeValue(double, Object, double, Object, double) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.NumberInterpolator
getRangeValueCalculator() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
getRangeValueCalculator(Class<?>) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.RangeValueCalculatorFactory
getRangeValueCalculator(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.RangeValueCalculatorFactoryImpl
getRangeValueCalculatorFactory() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
getRatio() - Method in class
getReader(String) - Method in class
Gets the GraphReader that is capable of reading the specified file.
getReader(URL) - Method in class
Gets the GraphReader that is capable of reading URL.
getReader(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns the reader.
getReader(URL, URLConnection) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns the reader.
getReader(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.GMLFileFilter
Gets GraphReader.
getReader(URL, URLConnection) - Method in class cytoscape.util.GMLFileFilter
Gets Graph Reader.
getReader(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.NNFFileFilter
Gets Graph Reader.
getReader(URL, URLConnection) - Method in class cytoscape.util.NNFFileFilter
Gets Graph Reader.
getReader(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.SIFFileFilter
Gets Graph Reader.
getReader(URL, URLConnection) - Method in class cytoscape.util.SIFFileFilter
Gets Graph Reader.
getReader(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.XGMMLFileFilter
Gets Graph Reader.
getReader(URL, URLConnection) - Method in class cytoscape.util.XGMMLFileFilter
Gets Graph Reader.
getRecentlyOpenedSessionTracker() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getRecentlyOpenedURLs() - Method in class cytoscape.util.RecentlyOpenedTracker
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.CyAbstractEdit
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
getRegisteredFunctions() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.EqnParser
getReleaseDate() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
getRemovedEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getRemovedEdges() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
Deprecated. Use getRemovedEdgeIndices() instead; the edges returned by this method may have undefined state.
getRemovedNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getRemovedNodes() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
Deprecated. Use getRemovedNodeIndices() instead; the nodes returned by this method may have undefined state.
getRenderedImage() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
From layers of graphics objects, render scaled Image object.
getRenderedImage() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getRenderedImage() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap.URLImageCustomGraphics
getRenderedImage() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
getRendererComponent(JXMultiThumbSlider) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
getRendererComponent(JXMultiThumbSlider) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
getRendererComponent(JXMultiThumbSlider) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
getRequiredOptions() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Returns the required options as a java.util.Collection.
getResizedImage(Image, Integer, Integer, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsUtil
getResourcePlugins() - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
getRestoredEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
The integer values in the returned array are RootGraph indices.
getRestoredEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getRestoredEdges() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
getRestoredEdges() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getRestoredNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
The integer values in the returned array are RootGraph indices.
getRestoredNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getRestoredNodes() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
getRestoredNodes() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getResult(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Return a particular result from an execution.
getResult() - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Return the result from an execution.
getResult() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getResult() - Method in class
getResults() - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Return all of the results from an execution as a map indexed by the result name.
getResultSize() - Method in class
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Abs
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ACos
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.And
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ASin
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ATan2
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Average
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.BList
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Combin
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Concatenate
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cos
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Cosh
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Count
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Degrees
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Error
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Exp
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.First
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.FList
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.GeoMean
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.HarMean
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.If
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.IList
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Largest
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Last
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Left
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Len
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ListToString
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Ln
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Log
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Lower
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Max
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Median
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mid
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Min
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mod
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mode
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.NormDist
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Not
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Now
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Nth
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Or
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Permut
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Pi
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Product
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Radians
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Right
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Round
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sign
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sin
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sinh
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.SList
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sqrt
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.StDev
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Substitute
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sum
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tan
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tanh
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Text
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Today
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Trunc
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Upper
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Value
getReturnType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Var
getReturnType() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.Function
getRGBText(Color) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.Misc
Deprecated. Will be removed April, 2011. Use ColorUtil.getColorAsText instead.
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BinOpNode
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BooleanConstantNode
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FConvNode
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FloatConstantNode
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FuncCallNode
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.IdentNode
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.Node
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.SConvNode
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.StringConstantNode
getRightChild() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.UnaryOpNode
getRoot() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Gets root TreeNode
getRoot() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
getRootGraph() - Method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
Get the root graph for this edge.
getRootGraph() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
getRootGraph() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Return the CytoscapeRootGraph
getRootGraph() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getRootGraph() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphObject
getRootGraph() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Return the root Graph for this GraphPerspective
getRootGraph() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getRootGraphEdgeIndex(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
This method returns the input parameter if and only if an Edge at the specified RootGraph index exists in this GraphPerspective; otherwise 0 is returned.
getRootGraphIndex() - Method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
Get the root graph index for this edge
getRootGraphIndex() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
getRootGraphIndex() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getRootGraphIndex() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphObject
getRootGraphIndex() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getRootGraphIndex() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getRootGraphNodeIndex(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
This method returns the input parameter if and only if a Node at the specified RootGraph index exists in this GraphPerspective; otherwise 0 is returned.
getRowCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getRowCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
getSaveSubMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the submenu with items related to saving objects.
getScaleFactor() - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
getScaler(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ScalerFactory
getScriptName() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
If this plugin is scriptable, then this will return a unique script name, that will come after the colon like: :name
getSearchResult(String, boolean, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginIndex
getSelected(Integer) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Used to get selected state of given node.
getSelected() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getSelected() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
getSelectedComponent() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Returns the currently selected component.
getSelectedComponent() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Returns the currently selected component.
getSelectedEdgeIndices() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Returns an array of selected edge indices.
getSelectedEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies edge selection logic.
getSelectedEdgeIndices() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getSelectedEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getSelectedEdges() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Returns the set of selected edges in this CyNetwork
getSelectedEdges() - Method in class
Returns the set of all selected edges in the referenced GraphPespective.
getSelectedEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the selectedEdges property.
getSelectedEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Returns the set of selected edges in this CyNetwork
getSelectedEdges() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Returns a list of selected edge objects.
getSelectedEdges() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies edge selection logic.
getSelectedEdges() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getSelectedEdges() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getSelectedFile() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
getSelectedFont() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
getSelectedFormat() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
getSelectedIndex() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Returns the currently selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Returns the currently selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.TriangleThumbRenderer
Return the value for the currently selected index
getSelectedItem() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
getSelectedNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.SetNestedNetworkDialog
getSelectedNetwork() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.NetworkSelectorPanel
If selected, return selected network.
getSelectedNetworks() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Returns the list of selected networks.
getSelectedNetworkViews() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Returns the list of currently selected networks.
getSelectedNodeIndices() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Returns an array of selected node indices.
getSelectedNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies node selection logic.
getSelectedNodeIndices() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getSelectedNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getSelectedNodes() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Returns the set of selected nodes in this CyNetwork
getSelectedNodes() - Method in class
Returns the set of all selected nodes in the referenced GraphPespective.
getSelectedNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the selectedNodes property.
getSelectedNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Returns the set of selected nodes in this CyNetwork
getSelectedNodes() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Returns a list of selected node objects.
getSelectedNodes() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies node selection logic.
getSelectedNodes() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getSelectedNodes() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getSelectedPaint() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getSelectedPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
This really refers to the Stroke, TODO: Make separte stroke methods
getSelectedPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getSelectedPanel() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Gets the value of the selectedPanel property.
getSelectedPoint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
getSelectedThumb() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.TriangleThumbRenderer
getSelectedThumbValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
getSelectedThumbValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
getSelectedThumbValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
getSelectEventListeners() - Method in class
Gets a List of All Registered Listeners.
getSelectFilter() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
getSelectFilter() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
getSelectionList() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GraphObjectSelection
getSelectionMode() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Gets the selection mode value.
getSelectMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the menu with items related to selecting nodes and edges in the graph.
getServer() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
Gets the value of the server property.
getSessionFile() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getSessionFile() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
A single string describing the session file location.
getSessionNote() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Gets the value of the sessionNote property.
getSessionstate() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getSessionState() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Gets the value of the sessionState property.
getSettings(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Return the current settings for a given command.
getSettings(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandHandler
Get the current values for all of the arguments for a specific command.
getSettings() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Property handling -- these must be overridden by any algorithms that want to use properties or have a settings UI.
getSettings() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
This method is used to ask the algorithm to get all of its tunables and return them to the caller.
getSettings() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
This method is used to ask the algorithm to get all of its tunables and return them to the caller.
getSettingsPanel() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Returns a JPanel to be used as part of the Settings dialog for this layout algorithm.
getSettingsPanel() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
This method should return a JPanel that implements the UI to set the tuneable parameters for the algorithm.
getSettingsPanel() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
This method should return a JPanel that implements the UI to set the tuneable parameters for the algorithm.
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.DiamondNodeShape
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.EllipseNodeShape
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.LegacyCustomNodeShape
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.NodeShape
Returns a Shape object scaled to fit within the bounding box defined by the input parameters.
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.OctagonNodeShape
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.ParallelogramNodeShape
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.RectangleNodeShape
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.RoundedRectangleNodeShape
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.TriangleNodeShape
getShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.VeeNodeShape
getShape() - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.CustomGraphic
Return the Shape that makes up this CustomGraphic.
getShape() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
getShape() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
getShape() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
Returns a Shape object for the NodeShape in question.
getShape() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
getShape() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getShape() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Shape is currently defined via predefined variables in the NodeView interface.
getShapeName() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
Get name of the shape.
getShortName(int) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
getShortName() - Method in enum giny.view.Justification
getShortName() - Method in enum giny.view.Position
getSignificance() - Method in class
getSignificanceType() - Method in class
Gets the Significance Type.
getSource() - Method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
Return the source node for this edge.
getSource() - Method in class
getSource() - Method in class
Returns the source of this event.
getSource() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
Gets the value of the source property.
getSource() - Method in class cytoscape.render.export.ImageImposter
This method simply throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getSource() - Method in interface giny.model.Edge
getSource() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
The Object returned is one of two types - either a GraphPerspective or a RootGraph.
getSourceEdgeEnd() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Return the Drawing style for the edge end.
getSourceEdgeEndPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getSourceEdgeEndSelectedPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getSourceHandlePoint() - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Returns the handle Point2D closest to the source node.
getSourceLocation() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.CodeAndSourceLocation
getSourceLocation() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.Node
getSourceLocations() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Equation
getSourceURL() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap.URLImageCustomGraphics
getSpecies() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getSpecies() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getSpecies() - Method in class
getSpecies(BufferedReader, BufferedReader) - Method in class cytoscape.util.BioDataServerUtil
getSpeciesInNetwork(CyNetwork) - Static method in class
getStartPos() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
getState() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get the state of the group
getState() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get the state of the group
getState() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Gets the state of the CytoPanel.
getState() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Gets the state of the CytoPanel.
getStateLocation() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Plugin
Gets the value of the stateLocation property.
getStatus() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportAttributeMatrixDialog
getStatus() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
getStatus(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableType
getStderr() - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec
getStderrAsString() - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec
getStdout() - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec
getStdoutAsString() - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec
getString() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NewStringPopupDialog
getString() - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
getString() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MutableString
getStringAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Gets a String value at the specified id/attributeName.
getStringAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
getStringConstant() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
getStringResult(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Return a particular result from an execution as a String.
getStringResult() - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Return the result from an execution, as a string.
getStrings(Object[]) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Converts all arguments, including Lists to a uniform array of strings.
getStringValue(Object) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ObjectToString
getStroke(float) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.LineStyle
Creates a new stroke of this LineStyle with the specified width.
getStroke() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getStrokeWidth() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getSubject() - Method in class
getSuggestedNetworkTitle(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.CyNetworkNaming
getSuggestedSubnetworkTitle(CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.CyNetworkNaming
getSwingPropertyChangeSupport() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getSwingPropertyChangeSupport() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
getSwingPropertyChangeSupport() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
getSwingPropertyChangeSupport() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
getSynonyms() - Method in class
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Return sysnonym attributes for this term.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Synonym is not supported.
getSyntaxPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Returns the 'syntaxPrefix'.
getTabbedPane() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Deprecated. Tabbed view is no longer used. Will be removed Aug 2008.
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
TreeCellRenderer method.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.IconTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CyCustomGraphicsTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LegendTable.LegendCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CustomGraphicsCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.FontCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.ObjectPositionCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.ShapeCellRenderer
getTag() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginXml
getTagName() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginStatus
getTags() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getTags() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.Taggable
getTarget() - Method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
Return the target node for this edge.
getTarget() - Method in class
Returns an object reference to the target that was changed.
getTarget() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
Gets the value of the target property.
getTarget() - Method in interface giny.model.Edge
getTargetAnchor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getTargetAnchor() - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
getTargetAnchor() - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
getTargetClass() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphicsParser
getTargetClass() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.DefaultCyCustomGraphicsParser
getTargetClass() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.URLImageCustomGraphicsParser
getTargetEdgeEnd() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
REturn the Drawing style for the edge end.
getTargetEdgeEndPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getTargetEdgeEndSelectedPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
getTargetHandlePoint() - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Returns the handle Point2D closest to the target node.
getTargets() - Method in class
getTargetType() - Method in class
Returns a static constant identifying the type of object; either SINGLE_NODE for a Node, SINGLE_EDGE for an Edge, NODE_SET for a Set of Nodes, or EDGE_SET for a Set of Edges.
getTaskName() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Returns a String, possibly the message that describes the task being performed.
getTaxonFromNCBI(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.BioDataServerUtil
getTaxonMap(File) - Method in class cytoscape.util.BioDataServerUtil
getTaxonMap(BufferedReader) - Method in class cytoscape.util.BioDataServerUtil
getTerm(int) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getTerm(String) - Method in class
Fetch the term with the specified name.
getTerms() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getTerms() - Method in class
Return all the terms in this ontology.
getTermsAttributes() - Method in class
getTermsInNamespace(String) - Method in class
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getText() - Method in interface giny.view.Label
getTextAnchor() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getTextAnchor() - Method in interface giny.view.Label
getTextPaint() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getTextPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.Label
Get the paint used to paint this nodes text.
getThemeListByStatus(PluginStatus) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Gets a list of themes by their status.
getThemes() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
Use getDownloadables() Gets the ThemeInfo objects as set up in the xml document.
getThesaurus() - Method in class
getThumbIndexAtPosition(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
getThumbRendererComponent(JXMultiThumbSlider, int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.TriangleThumbRenderer
getTimeString(long) - Static method in class cytoscape.task.ui.StringUtils
Given a time value in milliseconds, this method returns a human readable representation.
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.LoadNetworkTask
Gets the Task Title.
getTitle() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Can Change
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Gets the title of this node.
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Can Change
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutTask
Get the "nice" title of this algorithm
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManagerInquireTask
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.task.sample.SampleTask
Gets the Task Title.
getTitle() - Method in interface cytoscape.task.Task
Gets a Human Readable Title of this Task.
getTitle() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Returns the Title of this View
getTitle() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Returns the title of the CytoPanel.
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Returns the proper title based on our compass direction.
getTitle() - Method in enum cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelName
getTitle(int) - Static method in enum cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelName
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.PersistImageTask
Gets the Task Title.
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.RestoreImageTask
Gets the Task Title.
getTitle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.RedrawTask
getTitle() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency.Definition
Will return a human readable title suitable for use in a user interface.
getTOffset() - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.Arrow
The distance that the arrow should be offset from the intersection with the node.
getToken() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
getTokenAsString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
Returns a representation of the next token as a string.
getToolBar() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the toolbar object constructed by this class.
getToolTip() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getToolTipForCurrentLocation(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
getToolTipForCurrentLocation(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable
The code in this method is copy and pasted from source code to the same method in javax.swing.JTable, except for one value change on one line.
getTotalCorruptedElements() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
getTracer() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.EditorValueRangeTracer
getTrackerFile() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
getTrackGraphicIcon(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
getTrackGraphicIcon(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
getTrackGraphicIcon(int, int, ContinuousMapping) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
getTrackGraphicIcon(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
getTransferable() - Method in class phoebe.PhoebeCanvasDropEvent
getTransform() - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Called to get the current AffineTransform Matrix.
getTransparency() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getTransparency() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getTree() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable
Returns the tree that is being shared between the model.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeCellRenderer
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.view.TreeCellRenderer
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CyCustomGraphicsTreeCellRenderer
getTreeCount() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Gets the total (recursively) of all child nodes that are not leaves.
getTreeModelListeners() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
getTreeTable() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
This is used by Session writer.
getTriples(Term, Term, Term) - Method in class
returns set of Triples.
This is an expensive operation!
getTunableList() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
This method is used to get the list of available Tunables for this algorithm.
getTunableList() - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
This method is used to get the list of available Tunables for this algorithm.
getTunablePanel() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutProperties
This method returns a JPanel that represents the all of the Tunables associated with this LayoutProperties object.
getTunables(String) - Method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
Return the current settings for a given command as a map of setting name: tunable.
getTunables(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandHandler
Get the current Tunables for all of the arguments for a specific command.
getTunables() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
This method returns list of tunables.
getTunables() - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNetworkEvent
getType() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getType() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getType() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getType() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getType(String) - Method in interface
Gets the data type of the specified attribute.
getType(String) - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to return the type of this Tunable.
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
Return the downloadable type of this object.
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
See DownloadableInfo.getType()
getType() - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.Arrow
A legacy identifier for GraphGraphics.
getType() - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.NodeShape
A legacy method to interact cleanly with the current implementation of GraphGraphics.
getType() - Method in enum cytoscape.view.ColumnTypes
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.ColorConverter
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.FontConverter
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.NodeShapeConverter
getType() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.ObjectPositionConverter
getType() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.converter.ValueToStringConverter
Class supported by this converter.
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
getType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
getType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
getType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getType() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Retrieve the type of this Option.
getType() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.EqnParser
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Equation
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BinOpNode
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BooleanConstantNode
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FConvNode
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FloatConstantNode
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FuncCallNode
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.IdentNode
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.Node
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.SConvNode
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.StringConstantNode
getType() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.UnaryOpNode
getUI(JDialog, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Deprecated. Will be removed next release (2.8 or 3.0)
getUI(CyAttributes, JDialog, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Deprecated. will be removed in the next release (2.8 or 3.0)
getUI(JDialog, CyNetwork) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
Deprecated. replaced by new VizMap GUI components. Will be removed in 2.8 or 3.0
getUI(JDialog, CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
getUI(JDialog, CyNetwork) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
getUndoableEditSupport() - Static method in class undo.Undo
Use this method to get the UndoableEditSupport which you should use to post edits: Undo.getUndoableEditSupport().postEdit(yourEdit).
getUndoManager() - Static method in class undo.Undo
Returns the UndoManager.
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.CyAbstractEdit
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
getUnique(List<DownloadableInfo>, List<DownloadableInfo>) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.ManagerUtil
Returns a list of available plugins minus any currently installed
getUnparsedArgs() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLArgsParser
Retrieve an array of arguments that have not been parsed due to the parser halting.
getUnselectedEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies edge un-selection logic.
getUnselectedEdgeIndices() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getUnselectedEdges() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies edge un-selection logic.
getUnselectedEdges() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getUnselectedNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies node un-selection logic.
getUnselectedNodeIndices() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getUnselectedNodes() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies node un-selection logic.
getUnselectedNodes() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
getUnselectedPaint() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getUnselectedPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
This really refers to the Stroke, TODO: Make separte stroke methods
getUnselectedPaint() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
getUpperBound() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to get the upperBound for this Tunable.
getURLConnection(URL) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.URLUtil
Obtain a URLConnection for a given URL.
getURLStr() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
getUsageDescription() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
Used to provide help for users.
getUsageDescription() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.Function
Used to provide help for users.
getUsedMemory() - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MemoryReporter
getUserEditable(String) - Method in interface
Returns the boolean indicating whether this attribute should be editable by the end user or not.
getUserEditable(String) - Method in class
getUserVisible(String) - Method in interface
Returns the boolean indicating whether the specified attribute should be made visible to the end user or not.
getUserVisible(String) - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method returns the current value.
getValue(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
This method is used to get the value from the Tunable named name from this LayoutProperties.
getValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
This method is used to get the value from the Tunable named name from this LayoutProperties.
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.util.SwingWorker
Get the value produced by the worker thread, or null if it hasn't been constructed yet.
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsPropertyImpl
getValue() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.CustomGraphicsProperty
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingPoint
Gets Point Value.
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor.AsInt
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyComboBoxPropertyEditor
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyCustomGraphicsEditor
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyObjectPositionPropertyEditor
getValue() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.ValueSelectDialog
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Returns the specified value of this Option or null if there is no value.
getValue(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Returns the specified value of this Option or null if there is no value.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Returns the value/first value of this Option or the defaultValue if there is no value.
getValue() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BooleanConstantNode
getValue() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FloatConstantNode
getValue() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FuncCallNode
getValue() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.StringConstantNode
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModel
Returns the value to be displayed for node node, at column number column.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
getValueAt(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CyCustomGraphicsTreeNode
getValueClass(char) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
Retrieve the class that ch represents.
getValueParser() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
getValues() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Return the values of this Option as a String array or null if there are no values
getValueSeparator() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Returns the value separator character.
getValuesList() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
getVariableReferences() - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.EqnParser
getVector(String[], int) - Method in class
Return a vector of information stored in gmlNodes
getVersion() - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
Gets the value of the version property.
getVersion() - Method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeVersion
Returns the string 'Cytoscape Version ' and the version number Do not use to just get a version.
getView() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getView() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
getView() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.DefaultViewPanel
getViewableNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the viewableNodes property.
getViewer() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Get the name of the viewer for this group
getViewer() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get the name of the viewer for this group
getViewerName() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroupViewer
Provide the string name of this viewer.
getViewMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the menu with items related to data operations.
getViewValue() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Get the viewValue for the group
getVisibleAttributeNames(CyAttributes) - Static method in class
getVisualMapperEnabled() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getVisualMapperEnabled() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
getVisualMappingManager() - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
getVisualProperties() - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
getVisualProperty() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Returns the VisualProperty object associated with this enum.
getVisualPropertyType() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Replaces the following 3 methods: public byte getType(); public String getTypeName(); public String getPropertyLabel(); The returned enum VisualPropertyType has replacement for these methods.
getVisualPropertyType() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
This method replaces the three methods above.
getVisualStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getVisualStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the visualStyle property.
getVisualStyle() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
getVisualStyle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getVisualStyle() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
getVisualStyleNames() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getVisualStyles() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
getVizMapManager() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
getVizMapManager() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
getVizMapperUI() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Returns new vizmapper GUI.
getVizMapperUI() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
Get an instance of VizMapper UI panel.
getVizMenu() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Returns the menu with items related to visualiation.
getVizProps() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
getVizProps() - Method in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
Returns properties specific to the VizMapper.
getWhetherToCopyExpToAttribs() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExpFileChooser
Deprecated. method for accessing last state of JCheckBox jcb
getWidest() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Returns the longest display String for the objects in this model.
getWidest() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringProvider
Return the longest display String
getWidth() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.DesktopSize
Gets the value of the width property.
getWidth() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Gets the value of the width property.
getWidth(ImageObserver) - Method in class cytoscape.render.export.ImageImposter
Simply returns the width that was passed into the constructor.
getWidth() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Returns width of current object.
getWidth() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
getWidth() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getWidth() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
TODO: Reconcile with Border Methods
getWidth() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Returns the 'width'.
getX() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Gets the value of the x property.
getXPosition() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getXPosition() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
note that unless updateNode() has been called, this may not be the "real" location of this node
getXrefMap() - Method in class
Get the references as a map.
getY() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Gets the value of the y property.
getYPosition() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
getYPosition() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
note that unless updateNode() has been called, this may not be the "real" location of this node
getZoom() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportBitmapOptionsDialog
getZoom() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
getZoom() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
getZorder() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.DLayer
getZorder() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.Layer
Each layer has immutable Z-Order value for rendering.
giny.filter - package giny.filter
giny.model - package giny.model
giny.view - package giny.view
GinyEdgeControlDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
present a JTree with edge attributes names as top level nodes, and attribute values as child nodes; any node/s, once selected, are operated on by buttons in the bottom of the dialog box.
GinyEdgeControlDialog(CyNetworkView, HashMap, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
Creates a new GinyEdgeControlDialog object.
GinyEdgeControlDialog.OKAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
GinyUtils - Class in cytoscape.actions
Utility operations for selection and hiding/unhiding nodes and edges in a Giny GraphView.
GinyUtils() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
GlobalAppearance - Class in cytoscape.visual
Objects of this class hold data describing global appearance attributes of the graph window.
GlobalAppearance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
Creates a new GlobalAppearance object.
GlobalAppearanceCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual
This class calculates global visual attributes such as the background color of the graph window.
GlobalAppearanceCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Creates a new GlobalAppearanceCalculator object.
GlobalAppearanceCalculator(GlobalAppearanceCalculator) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Copy constructor.
GlobalAppearanceCalculator(String, Properties, String, CalculatorCatalog) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
Creates a new GlobalAppearanceCalculator and immediately customizes it by calling applyProperties with the supplied arguments.
GMLException - Exception in
Exception for GML Reader.
GMLException(String) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new GMLException object.
GMLFileFilter - Class in cytoscape.util
FileFilter for Reading in GML Files.
GMLFileFilter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.GMLFileFilter
GMLNode - Class in
This class represents a GMLNode.
GMLNode(String) - Constructor for class
This constructor create a terminal GMLNode.
GMLNode() - Constructor for class
This constructor creates a non-terminal GMLNode.
GMLParser - Class in
The purpose of this class is to translate GML into an object tree, and print out an object tree into GML
GMLParser(StreamTokenizer) - Constructor for class
Constructor has to initialize the relevenat regular expression patterns
GMLParser(String) - Constructor for class
Make a stream tokenizer out of the given this file and read in the file
GMLParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Make a stream tokenizer out of the given this file and read in the file
GMLReader - Class in
This class is responsible for converting a gml object tree into cytoscape objects New features to the current version: 1.
GMLReader(String) - Constructor for class
GMLReader(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
This is usually used for remote file loading.
GMLReader(String, TaskMonitor) - Constructor for class
GMLTag - Enum in
GMLTree - Class in
This class wraps around GMLNode and provides various methods for constructing a tree structure given other data.
GMLTree() - Constructor for class
Create an empty GMLTree
GMLTree(GMLNode) - Constructor for class
Creates a new GMLTree object.
GMLTree(CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class
Create a GMLTree from the information contained in this GraphView.
GMLTree(String) - Constructor for class
Create a GMLTree from data contained in a file
GMLTree(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new GMLTree object.
GMLTREE - Static variable in class
When getting a vector, used to specify the type for the contained objects
GMLWriter - Class in
The purpse of this class is to translate cytoscape data structures into a gml object tree, we can then use the gml parser to write this tree out into a file
GMLWriter() - Constructor for class
GnuParser - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
The class GnuParser provides an implementation of the flatten method.
GnuParser() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser
go(boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Initializes currentProgress (generally to zero) and then spawns a SwingWorker to start doing the work.
GO_ALIASES - Static variable in class
GO_COMMON_NAME - Static variable in class
GOTerm - Class in
A Gene Ontology term.
GOTerm(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new GOTerm object.
gpToGv - Variable in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
GradientEditorPanel - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
Gradient editor.
GradientEditorPanel(VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.GradientEditorPanel
Creates a new GradientEditorPanel object.
GradientLayerCustomGraphics - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector
Proof of concept code to generate Custom Graphics dynamically as vector graphics.
GradientLayerCustomGraphics(Long, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
GradientOvalLayer - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector
GradientOvalLayer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientOvalLayer
GradientOvalLayer(Long, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientOvalLayer
GradientPaintFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint
GradientPaintFactory(Color, Color) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint.GradientPaintFactory
GradientRoundRectangleLayer - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector
GradientRoundRectangleLayer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientRoundRectangleLayer
GradientRoundRectangleLayer(Long, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientRoundRectangleLayer
GRAPH - Static variable in class
GRAPH - Static variable in class
GRAPH_NATURE - Static variable in class
Filter Type: NETWORK.
GRAPH_REPLACED - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyNetworkEvent
Indicates that a new graph has been installed in the network.
GRAPH_VIEW_CENTER_X - Static variable in class
GRAPH_VIEW_CENTER_Y - Static variable in class
GRAPH_VIEW_ZOOM - Static variable in class
graphFiles - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
GraphGraphics - Class in cytoscape.render.immed
The purpose of this class is to make the proper calls on a Graphics2D object to efficiently render nodes, labels, and edges.
GraphGraphics(Image, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
All rendering operations will be performed on the specified image.
graphicOffsetVectorX(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies the X component of the vector that separates the location of a rendered graphic from the node's anchor point for that graphic.
graphicOffsetVectorY(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies the Y component of the vector that separates the location of a rendered graphic from the node's anchor point for that graphic.
GRAPHICS - Static variable in class
GRAPHICS - Static variable in class
GraphicsParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
GraphicsParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.GraphicsParser
GraphLOD - Class in cytoscape.render.stateful
An instance of this class defines the level of detail that goes into a single rendering of a graph.
GraphLOD() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
GraphObject - Interface in giny.model
GraphObjectSelection - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
GraphObjectSelection() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.GraphObjectSelection
Creates a new GraphObjectSelection object.
GraphObjectSelectionAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
GraphObjectSelectionAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.GraphObjectSelectionAction
Creates a new GraphObjectSelectionAction object.
GraphPerspective - Interface in giny.model
Basic graph API TODO: Remove deprecated methods and add generics parameters.
graphPerspectiveChanged(GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent) - Method in class
Implementation of the GraphPerspectiveChangeListener interface.
graphPerspectiveChanged(GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Invoked when a graph change to any of the giny.model.GraphPerspective objects accessed through giny.view.GraphView.getGraphPerspective() of this object's graphViews is made.
graphPerspectiveChanged(GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeListener
Invoked when a GraphPerspective to which this GraphPerspectiveChangeListener listens changes.
GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent - Class in giny.model
The event source must be the GraphPerspective that changed.
GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent(Object) - Constructor for class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
The source parameter should be either a RootGraph or a GraphPerspective; see specification of getSource().
GraphPerspectiveChangeListener - Interface in giny.model
GraphReader - Interface in
Interface for Reading in Cytoscape Graphs.
GraphRenderer - Class in cytoscape.render.stateful
This class contains a chunk of procedural code that stitches together several external modules in an effort to efficiently render graphs.
GraphSetUtils - Class in cytoscape.util
Class contains various static methods to perform set-like operations on graph.
GraphSetUtils() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
GraphView - Interface in giny.view
graphViewChanged(GraphViewChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
We are not listening for any GraphViewChangeEvents.
graphViewChanged(GraphViewChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.FlagAndSelectionHandler
Responds to selection events from the view by setting the matching flagged state in the SelectFilter object.
graphViewChanged(GraphViewChangeEvent) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphViewChangeListener
Invoked when a GraphPerspective to which this GraphPerspectiveChangeListener listens changes.
GraphViewChangeEvent - Class in giny.view
The event source must be the GraphPerspective that changed.
GraphViewChangeEvent(GraphView) - Constructor for class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
GraphViewChangeListener - Interface in giny.view
graphViewController - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
The GraphViewController for all NetworkViews that we know about
GraphViewController - Class in cytoscape.view
GraphViewController() - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Empty constructor, initializes class members to empty HashMaps.
GraphViewController(GraphView[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Constructor, assigns GraphViewController.DEFAULT_GRAPH_VIEW_HANDLER to all the given giny.view.GraphView objects in the array.
GraphViewController(GraphView[], Map) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Constructor, specifies the cytoscape.view.GraphViewHandler objects for the given giny.view.GraphView objects in the arrays.
GraphViewHandler - Interface in cytoscape.view
This interface represents an object that handles a change in a giny.mode.GraphPerspective by updating one of its giny.view.GraphViews.
graphViewToHandler - Variable in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
greaterValue - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.BoundaryRangeValues
gridbag - Variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.GridBagGroup
GridBagGroup - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
GridBagGroup() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.GridBagGroup
Creates a new GridBagGroup object.
GridBagGroup(JPanel) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.GridBagGroup
Creates a new GridBagGroup object.
GridBagGroup(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.GridBagGroup
Creates a new GridBagGroup object.
GridNodeLayout - Class in cytoscape.layout.algorithms
The GridNodeLayout provides a very simple layout, suitable as the default layout for Cytoscape data readers.
GridNodeLayout() - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.algorithms.GridNodeLayout
Creates a new GridNodeLayout object.
GROUP - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
The GROUP Tunable provides a mechanism to improve the asthetics of the interface: the value of the GROUP Tunable indicates the number of the subsequent tunables that should be grouped together.
GROUP_LOCAL_ATTR - Static variable in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
The attribute that indicates that this is a local group
GROUP_STATE_ATTR - Static variable in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
The attribute key to use for group state
GROUP_VIEWER_ATTR - Static variable in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
The attribute key to use for group viewer
groupChanged(CyGroup, CyGroupChangeListener.ChangeType) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroupChangeListener
This method will be called by the CyGroupManager when a group is created, deleted, or modified.
groupChanged(CyGroup, GraphObject, CyGroupViewer.ChangeType) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroupViewer
Provide viewer-specific hooks to the change of a group.
groupCreated(CyGroup) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroupViewer
Provide viewer-specific initialization after the creation of a group.
groupCreated(CyGroup, CyNetworkView) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroupViewer
groupWillBeRemoved(CyGroup) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroupViewer
Provide viewer-specific hooks to deletion of a group.
gui - Variable in class
GUI - Static variable in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
Normal gui mode.


H - Static variable in class
HalfBottomArrow - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
HalfBottomArrow() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.HalfBottomArrow
HalfTopArrow - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
HalfTopArrow() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.HalfTopArrow
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.LoadNetworkTask
Halts the Task: Not Currently Implemented.
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Halt the algorithm.
halt() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Can be used to stop the layout from running.
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutTask
Halt the algorithm if the CyLayoutAlgorithm supports it.
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManagerInquireTask
halt() - Method in interface cytoscape.task.Haltable
Requests that a running process be aborted.
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.task.sample.SampleTask
Non-blocking call to interrupt the task.
halt() - Method in interface cytoscape.task.Task
halt() is a non-blocking request to halt the task, and is called by an external entity.
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.PersistImageTask
Halts the Task: Not Currently Implemented.
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.RestoreImageTask
Halts the Task: Not Currently Implemented.
halt() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.RedrawTask
Haltable - Interface in cytoscape.task
A hook for requesting that a running process be halted.
haltRequested() - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Returns true if User Has Requested to Halt the Task.
handleAlreadyExists(Point2D) - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Checks to see if a PHandle already exists for the given point.
handleGraphPerspectiveEvent(GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent, GraphView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
Handles the event as desired by updating the given giny.view.GraphView.
handleGraphPerspectiveEvent(GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent, GraphView) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.GraphViewHandler
Handles the event as desired by updating the given giny.view.GraphView.
handleLog(LogLevel, String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.logger.LoggerDialog
handleLog(LogLevel, String) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.ConsoleLogger
handleLog(LogLevel, String) - Method in interface cytoscape.logger.CyLogHandler
The only method required is handleLog, which is called whenever the logging mechanism detects that a message appropriate for this handler has been logged.
HarMean - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
HarMean() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.HarMean
HAS_NESTED_NETWORK_ATTR - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyNode
hasArg() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Query to see if this Option requires an argument
hasArg() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created will require an argument value.
hasArg(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created will require an argument value if hasArg is true.
hasArgName() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Returns whether the display name for the argument value has been set.
hasArgs() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Query to see if this Option can take many values.
hasArgs() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created can have unlimited argument values.
hasArgs(int) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created can have num argument values.
hasAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface
Determines if the specified id/attributeName pair exists.
hasAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
hasCorruptedElements() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
hash - Variable in class
hashCode() - Method in class
Deprecated. redefine hashCode so that instances with the same contents have the same hashCode.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyComboBoxPropertyEditor.Value
hasLongOpt() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Query to see if this Option has a long name
hasNext() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.ArrayIntIterator
hasNext() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.intr.IntIterator
Returns true if and only if nextInt() will successfully return a value.
hasOption(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Query to see if an option has been set.
hasOption(char) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Query to see if an option has been set.
hasOption(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Returns whether the named Option is a member of this Options.
hasOptionalArg() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
hasOptionalArg() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option can have an optional argument.
hasOptionalArgs() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option can have an unlimited number of optional arguments.
hasOptionalArgs(int) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option can have the specified number of optional arguments.
hasSignificanceValues() - Method in class
Indicates whether the expression data has significance values.
hasValueSeparator() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Return whether this Option has specified a value separator.
height - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.DesktopSize
height - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
height - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
height - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
HELLIPSIS - Static variable in class
HelpAboutAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
HelpAboutAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.HelpAboutAction
Creates a new HelpAboutAction object.
HelpContactHelpDeskAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
HelpContactHelpDeskAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.HelpContactHelpDeskAction
Creates a new HelpContactHelpDeskAction object.
HelpContentsAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Really just a wrapper for the CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource action.
HelpContentsAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.HelpContentsAction
Creates a new HelpContentsAction object.
HelpFormatter - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
A formatter of help messages for the current command line options
HelpFormatter() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
HEXAGON - Static variable in class
HEXAGON - Static variable in class
HEXAGON - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
HexagonNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
HexagonNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.HexagonNodeShape
HiddenEdges - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
HiddenEdges() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.HiddenEdges
hiddenEdges - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
HiddenNodes - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
HiddenNodes() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.HiddenNodes
hiddenNodes - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
HIDE - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.CytoPanelAction
HIDE - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelState
Hide state of a CytoPanel.
hideAllEdges(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
hideEdge(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective does not hide the given Edge, change it so that it does hide the edge.
hideEdge(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective does not hide the Edge with the given index in the RootGraph, change it so that it does hide the edge.
HideEdgeListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Adds EdgeView and EdgeView vizmap bypass listeners to network views as the views are created.
HideEdgeListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.HideEdgeListener
hideEdges(List) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use hideEdge(Edge) or hideEdges(int[]) instead.
hideEdges(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective does not hide any of the Edges corresponding to the indices in the given array, change it so that it does hide those edges.
hideEdgesByName(TreePath) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
hideGraphObject(Object) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
hideGraphObject(Object) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
use this to hide a node or edge
hideGraphObjects(List) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
hideGraphObjects(List) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Only to be used for homogenous groups!!!!
hideNode(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective does not hide the given Node, change it so that it does hide the node and all of its incident edges.
hideNode(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective does not hide the Node with the given index in the underlying RootGraph, change it so that it does hide the node and all of its incident edges.
HideNodeListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Adds NodeView and EdgeView vizmap bypass listeners to network views as the views are created.
HideNodeListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.HideNodeListener
hideNodes(List) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use hideNode(Node) or hideNodes(int[]) instead.
hideNodes(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective does not hide any of the Nodes corresponding to the indices in the given array, change it so that it does hide those nodes and all Edges incident on them.
hideOtherEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
HideSelectedAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
HideSelectedAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedAction
Creates a new HideSelectedAction object.
HideSelectedAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedAction
Creates a new HideSelectedAction object.
hideSelectedEdges(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
HideSelectedEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
HideSelectedEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedEdgesAction
Creates a new HideSelectedEdgesAction object.
hideSelectedNodes(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
HideSelectedNodesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
HideSelectedNodesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedNodesAction
Creates a new HideSelectedNodesAction object.
HideSelectedNodesAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedNodesAction
Creates a new HideSelectedNodesAction object.
hideSplash() - Static method in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
href - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
href - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
htmlOutput() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
htmlOutput() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
htmlOutput() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AboutDialog


ICON_FONT - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.VizMapperTrackRenderer
iconPanel - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
IconPopupButton - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
IconPopupButton(String, String, HashMap, HashMap, ImageIcon[], Object, JDialog) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton
Creates a new IconPopupButton object.
IconPopupButton.ApplyIconAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
IconPopupButton.ApplyIconAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton.ApplyIconAction
IconPopupButton.CancelIconAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
IconTableCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.view
IconTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.IconTableCellRenderer
ID - Static variable in class
The following are all taken to be reserved keywords for gml (note that not all of them are actually keywords according to the spec) Currently, only keywords below are supported by the Visual Style generation methods.
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Child
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Node
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Panel
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Parent
id - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Plugin
ID - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
id - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
IdentDescriptor - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter
IdentDescriptor(Object) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter.IdentDescriptor
IdentNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing an attribute reference.
IdentNode(int, String, Object, Class) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.IdentNode
IDGenerator - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
IDGenerator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.IDGenerator
If - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
If() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.If
IList - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
IList() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.IList
image - Variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
The image that was passed into the constructor.
ImageImposter - Class in cytoscape.render.export
The primary purpose of this class is to enable an arbitrary Graphics object to receive rendering calls from a cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics instance.
ImageImposter(Graphics, int, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.export.ImageImposter
The Graphics object that is passed into this constructor is not modified in any way, ever.
ImageUtil - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
ImageUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ImageUtil
IMMUTABLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
If the IMMUTABLE flag is set, then the Tunable is presented as usual, with both label and user widget, but the user widget is disabled.
ImplementsGraphTest - Class in fing.model.test
ImplementsGraphTest() - Constructor for class fing.model.test.ImplementsGraphTest
ImportAttributeMatrixDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
This class prompts the user for data for entry of the attribute matrix, which includes expression data as a use case.
ImportAttributeMatrixDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportAttributeMatrixDialog
Creates new form AttributeMatrixImportDialog
ImportAttributeMatrixDialog.KeyAttributeListener - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
ImportAttributeMatrixDialog.KeyAttributeListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportAttributeMatrixDialog.KeyAttributeListener
importAttributes() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
importButton - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
importButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
importCustomNodeShapes(GraphGraphics) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
If this is a new instance, imports the custom node shapes from the GraphGraphics specified into this GraphGraphics.
ImportEdgeAttributesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ImportEdgeAttributesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ImportEdgeAttributesAction
ImportExpressionMatrixAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
User has requested loading of an Expression Matrix File.
ImportExpressionMatrixAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ImportExpressionMatrixAction
ImportGraphFileAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Imports a graph of arbitrary type.
ImportGraphFileAction(CyMenus) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ImportGraphFileAction
ImportGraphFileAction(CyMenus, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ImportGraphFileAction
ImportHandler - Class in
Central registry for all Cytoscape import classes.
ImportHandler() - Constructor for class
ImportNetworkDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
ImportNetworkDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
Creates new form NetworkImportDialog
ImportNodeAttributesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ImportNodeAttributesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ImportNodeAttributesAction
importTerm(Term, String) - Method in class
ImportVizmapAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ImportVizmapAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ImportVizmapAction
Creates a new ImportVizmapAction object.
includeAttribute(CyAttributes, String, String) - Method in interface
Return true iff a given attribute should be included in some operation, such as CyAttributesUtils.copyAttributes().
incrementProgress() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Increments the progress by one
IndeterminateProgressBar - Class in cytoscape.util
This class creates a dialog with a JProgressBar in indeterminate state.
IndeterminateProgressBar(String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.IndeterminateProgressBar
Constructs an initially invisible, non-modal Dialog with no owner, the given title and label.
IndeterminateProgressBar(Dialog, String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.IndeterminateProgressBar
Constructs an initially invisible, non-modal Dialog with the specified owner dialog, title and label.
IndeterminateProgressBar(Frame, String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.IndeterminateProgressBar
Constructs an initially invisible, non-modal Dialog with the specified owner frame, title and label.
indexOfComponent(Component) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Returns the index for the specified component.
indexOfComponent(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Returns the first Component index with given title.
indexOfComponent(Component) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Returns the index for the specified component.
indexOfComponent(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Returns the first Component index with given title.
info(String) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log an informational message.
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log an informational message.
inGroup(CyGroup) - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
Check to see if this node is a member of the requested group
init(CyInitParams) - Method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
Cytoscape Init must be initialized using the command line arguments.
init() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
initComponents() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
initCounter(Long) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.IDGenerator
initCytoPanelMenus() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Deprecated. Will be removed April 2008. Cytopanels are initialized in the Display* actions. Do not use.
initialize() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GraphObjectSelection
initialize() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
initialize() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Initializer, calls intialize_local to start construction process.
initialize() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
Initialization method called by all constructors.
initialize_local() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Initializes all local information, and is called immediately within the initialize() process.
initializeCytoscapeToolBar() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
Envelop if you wish.
initializeMenus() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
This method should be called by the creator of this object after the constructor has finished.
initializeMonitor() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeProgressMonitor
It creates and initializes a progress monitor.
initializeProperties() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
This method is used to read the properties from the Cytoscape properties file and set the values for that property in the appropriate Tunable.
initializeProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
This method is used to read the properties from the Cytoscape properties file and set the values for that property in the appropriate Tunable.
initializeStructures() - Method in class
initializeTableState() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
initVizmapperGUI() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
InnerCanvas - Class in ding.view
The GUI component for drawing networks.
InnerCanvasEvent - Class in ding.view
InnerCanvasListener - Interface in ding.view
innerCanvasUpdate(InnerCanvasEvent) - Method in interface ding.view.InnerCanvasListener
This method is called by the InnerCanvas after it has finished rendering the network.
inquire(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Calls the given url, expects document describing plugins available for download
inquireAction(List<DownloadableInfo>) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInquireAction
Does some work on the list that results from a successful inquire query.
INSANE_ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class
INSANE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in class
insert(JPanel, Component, GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
insert(GridBagGroup, Component, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
insert(GridBagGroup, Component, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
insert(GridBagGroup, Component, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
insert(GridBagGroup, Component, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
insert(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Inserts a new data entry into this tree; the entry's extents are specified by the input parameters.
insert(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface cytoscape.geom.spacial.MutableSpacialIndex2D
Inserts a new data entry into this structure; the entry's extents are specified by the input parameters.
insert(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
Inserts a new entry into this tree structure; duplicate entries may be inserted.
insert(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
If this heap is ordered prior to calling this operation, adds specified element to heap such that the heap will remain ordered after this operation, taking O(log(N)) time where N is the number of elements in this heap (average time is actually constant regardless of size of heap).
insertCytoPanel(CytoPanelImp, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
Inserts CytoPanel at desired compass direction.
insertCytoPanel(CytoPanelImp, int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelContainer
Inserts CytoPanel at Specified Compass Direction.
insertElementAt(Object, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Inserts an object into the model at the given index.
inset(GridBagConstraints, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
inset(GridBagConstraints, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
install() - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
install(TaskMonitor) - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
install() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
install(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
install() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
install(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
install() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Sets all plugins on the "install" list to "current"
install(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Change the given downloadable object from "install" to "current" status
Installable - Interface in cytoscape.plugin
InstallablePlugin - Class in cytoscape.plugin
InstallablePlugin(PluginInfo) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
InstallableTheme - Class in cytoscape.plugin
InstallableTheme(ThemeInfo) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
installLocation - Variable in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
installTheme() - Method in class
installToDir(File) - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
installToDir(File, TaskMonitor) - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
installToDir(File) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
installToDir(File, TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
installToDir(File) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
installToDir(File, TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
instantiateDataModel() - Static method in class
The return object implements both and
instantiateDynamicGraph() - Static method in class cytoscape.graph.dynamic.util.DynamicGraphFactory
Returns a new instance of DynamicGraph with every invocation.
instantiateRootGraph() - Static method in class fing.model.FingRootGraphFactory
Returns a new instance of giny.model.RootGraph.
Instruction - Enum in org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter
IntArray - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
A dynamically growing array of integers.
IntArray() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntArray
Creates a new IntArray object.
IntBTree - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
An in-memory B+-tree that stores integers.
IntBTree() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
Creates a new tree structure with an optimal branching factor.
IntBTree(int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
Creates a new tree structure with the specified maximum branching factor.
IntBTreeConstructionTuner - Class in cytoscape.util.intr.test
IntBTreeConstructionTuner() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.test.IntBTreeConstructionTuner
IntBTreePerformance - Class in cytoscape.util.intr.test
IntBTreePerformance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.test.IntBTreePerformance
IntBTreeQueryTuner - Class in cytoscape.util.intr.test
IntBTreeQueryTuner() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.test.IntBTreeQueryTuner
INTEGER - Static variable in class
When getting a vector, used to specify the type for the contained objects
INTEGER - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Tunables of type INTEGER allow data entry of integer values, possibly bounded between lowerBound and upperBound: if the flag Tunable.USESLIDER is set, and the caller provides both lower and upper bounds, the user is presented with a slider interface.
IntegerEntryField - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
IntegerEntryField(String, int, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField
Creates a new IntegerEntryField object.
IntegerEntryField.PositiveIntegerListener - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
IntegerEntryField.PositiveIntegerListener(int, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField.PositiveIntegerListener
integerValue() - Method in class
Get the value of this node as an Integer
IntEnumerator - Interface in cytoscape.util.intr
An enumeration over a list of 32 bit integers.
Interaction - Class in protein-protein or protein-DNA: parse text file, encapsulate
Interaction(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Interaction object.
Interaction(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Interaction object.
Interaction(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Interaction object.
INTERACTION - Static variable in class
Represents edge type attribute.
interaction - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
InteractionsReader - Class in
Reader for graphs in the interactions file format.
InteractionsReader(String, TaskMonitor, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates an interaction reader based on a string consisting of data that has been read from a zip file.
InteractionsReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates an interaction reader based on the string file name.
InteractionsReader(String, TaskMonitor) - Constructor for class
Creates an interaction reader based on the string file name.
InteractionsReader(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
This is usually used for remote file loading.
InteractionWriter - Class in
A few utility methods to assist in writing SIF files.
InteractionWriter() - Constructor for class
internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Fire Events when a Managed Network View gets the Focus.
internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
InternalFrameComponent - Class in cytoscape.view
This class manages the JLayeredPane that resides in each internal frame of cytoscape.
InternalFrameComponent(JLayeredPane, DGraphView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.InternalFrameComponent
internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Fire Events when a Managed Network View gets the Focus.
Interpolator - Interface in cytoscape.visual.mappings
This interface defines an interpolation function that takes two pairs of (domain,range) values plus a target domain value, and calculates an associated range value via some kind of interpolation.
InterpolatorFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
Provides static factory methods for constructing known interpolators from a recognized name, for example from a properties object.
InterpolatorFactory() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.InterpolatorFactory
Interpreter - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter
Interpreter(Equation, Map<String, IdentDescriptor>) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter.Interpreter
interpretScript(String[], CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
Take a CyNetwork as input along with some arguments, and return a CyNetwork, which can be the same, or different, it doesn't really matter, and is up to the individual plugin.
interrupt() - Method in class cytoscape.util.SwingWorker
A new method that interrupts the worker thread.
intersectEdges(List) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Apply a simple intersection operation to the edge sets
INTERSECTION - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
intersectNodes(List) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Apply a simple intersection operation to the node sets
IntHash - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
An insert-only hashtable that has non-negative 32 bit integer keys; no satellite data is stored in this hashtable.
IntHash() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntHash
Creates a new hashtable.
IntHashPerformance - Class in cytoscape.util.intr.test
IntHashPerformance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.test.IntHashPerformance
IntIntHash - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
An insert-only hashtable that has non-negative 32 bit integer keys and non-negative 32 bit integer values.
IntIntHash() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntIntHash
Creates a new hashtable.
IntIterator - Interface in cytoscape.util.intr
An iteration over a list of 32 bit integers.
IntObjHash - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
An insert-only hashtable that has non-negative 32 bit integer keys and non-null object values.
IntObjHash() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntObjHash
Creates a new hashtable.
IntQueue - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
A first-in, first-out container of 32 bit integers.
IntQueue() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntQueue
Creates a new queue of integers.
IntStack - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
A first-in, last-out container of 32 bit integers.
IntStack() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntStack
Creates a new stack of integers.
IntTHash<T> - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
An insert-only hashtable that has non-negative 32 bit integer keys and non-null object values.
IntTHash() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.IntTHash
Creates a new hashtable.
InvalidDownloadable - Exception in cytoscape.plugin
InvalidDownloadable(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.InvalidDownloadable
InvalidDownloadable(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.InvalidDownloadable
inverseHideEdgesByName(TreePath) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
invertEdgeSelection() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
invertSelectedEdges(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
InvertSelectedEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
InvertSelectedEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.InvertSelectedEdgesAction
Creates a new InvertSelectedEdgesAction object.
invertSelectedNodes(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
InvertSelectedNodesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
InvertSelectedNodesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.InvertSelectedNodesAction
Creates a new InvertSelectedNodesAction object.
IS_ONTOLOGY - Static variable in class
isAccelerated() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
isaGroup() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
Check to see if this node is a group
isaGroup(CyNode) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
See if this CyNode represents a group
isAllowed() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Indicates whether or not we should be using this property for normal operations.
isAncestorOf(Ontology, OntologyTerm) - Method in class
isArithmeticOperator() - Method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.Token
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataTableModel
Determine which cell is editible or not.
isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
By default, make the column with the Tree in it the only editable one.
isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor
Overridden to return false, and if the event is a mouse event it is forwarded to the tree.
isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModel
Indicates whether the the value for node node, at column number column is editable.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
isChildOf(OntologyTerm) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
isChildOfOrContainedIn(OntologyTerm) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
isCollapsed() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.CyCollapsiblePanel
Returns the current state of the panel, collapsed (true) or expanded (false).
isComparisonOperator() - Method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.Token
isCompatible(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.ColorRangeValueCalculator
isCompatible(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.CustomGraphicsRangeValueCalculator
isCompatible(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.DoubleRangeValueCalculator
isCompatible(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.FloatRangeValueCalculator
isCompatible(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.NodeShapeRangeValueCalculator
isCompatible(Class<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.StringRangeValueCalculator
isCompatible(Class<?>) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.RangeValueCalculator
isCompatibleType(WebServiceClientManager.ClientType) - Method in interface
Return true if the given ClientType is compatible with this client.
isCompatibleType(WebServiceClientManager.ClientType) - Method in class
isCompatibleWith(Class) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.ArgDescriptor
isContainedIn(OntologyTerm) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
isContainerOf(OntologyTerm) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
isDebugging() - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Get the debug status.
isDirected() - Method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
isDirected() - Method in interface giny.model.Edge
isDoDecoding() - Method in class
isDoEncoding() - Method in class
isDoFullEncoding() - Method in class
isEdgeDirected(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Retrieve the directedness of the Edge in this GraphPerspective with the given [RootGraph] index.
isEdgeDirected(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Retrieve the directedness of the Edge with the given index.
isEdgeMetaChild(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isEdgeMetaChild(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isEdgeMetaParent(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isEdgeMetaParent(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isEdgesCreatedType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
isEdgesHiddenType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
isEdgesHiddenType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
isEdgesRemovedType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
isEdgesRestoredType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
isEdgesRestoredType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
isEdgesSelectedType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies edge selection logic.
isEdgesSelectedType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
isEdgesUnselectedType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies edge un-selection logic.
isEdgesUnselectedType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
isExceptionThrown() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInquireAction
isExtensionListInDescription() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Returns whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
isFinished(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.AbstractParserControl
By default always continue parsing by returning false.
isFinished(int) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.ParserControl
Called by the parser to determine whether it should stop after last option parsed.
isHidden() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
isHidden() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
isHidden() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
isInBookmarks(Bookmarks, String, DataSource) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
isInBookmarks(URL, String, DataSource) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
isInMenuBar() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ApplyLayoutAction
isInMenuBar() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
By default all CytoscapeActions wish to be included in CommunityMenuBars, but you may override if you wish.
isInToolBar() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
By default no CytoscapeActions wish to be included in CommunityToolBars, but you may override if you wish.
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Checks if given node is a leaf.
isLeaf() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Returns true if this node has no children or does not allow them.
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
isLicenseRequired() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
isList(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.Misc
isLocked(NodeView) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
isMetaChild(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isMetaChild(Node, Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isMetaChild(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isMetaChild(Node, Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isMetaParent(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isMetaParent(Edge, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isMetaParent(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isMetaParent(Edge, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isMetaRelationshipEdgesCreatedType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
isMetaRelationshipEdgesRemovedType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
isMetaRelationshipNodesCreatedType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
isMetaRelationshipNodesRemovedType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
isModified(CyNetwork) - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager
isNeighbor(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns true if and only if a_node is a "node neighbor" of another_node in this GraphPerspective.
isNeighbor(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns true if and only if node at index a_node_index is a "node neighbor" of node at index another_node_index in this GraphPerspective.
isNeighbor(Node, Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways, please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns true if and only if a_node is a "node neighbor" of another_node in this RootGraph.
isNeighbor(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways, please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns true if and only if node at index a_node_index is a "node neighbor" of node at index another_node_index in this RootGraph.
isNewerObjectVersion(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
Compare the version of the object to the given object.
isNodeAncestor(TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Returns true if otherNode is an ancestor of this node.
isNodeMetaChild(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isNodeMetaChild(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isNodeMetaChild(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isNodeMetaParent(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isNodeMetaParent(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
isNodeMovementDisabled() - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
isNodeProp() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Check this visual property is for node or not.
isNodesCreatedType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
isNodesHiddenType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
isNodesHiddenType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
isNodesRemovedType() - Method in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
isNodesRestoredType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
isNodesRestoredType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
isNodesSelectedType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies node selection logic.
isNodesSelectedType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
isNodesUnselectedType() - Method in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies node un-selection logic.
isNodesUnselectedType() - Method in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
isNullAttribute(String, String) - Static method in class
Check if all the values for an attribute are NULL.
isOptional() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.ArgDescriptor
isOptional() - Method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.ArgType
isOrdered() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Returns true if and only if the heap is currently ordered.
isParentOf(OntologyTerm) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
isParentOrContainerOf(OntologyTerm) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
isPluginCompatibleWithCurrent() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
isPrinting() - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Return true if this view is curerntly being printed (as opposed to painted on the screen)
isReidentificationEnabled() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
imlements Reidentifiable
isRemote() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportNetworkDialog
isRequired() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginProperties.PluginProperty
isRequired() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Query to see if this Option requires an argument
isRequired() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created will be required.
isRequired(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created will be required if required is true.
isRequired() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
Returns whether this option group is required.
isScalarArgType(Class) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
isScriptable() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
If true, this plugin is capable if accepting scripts, and we will find out what its script name is
isSelected(Node) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Returns the selected state of the given node.
isSelected(Edge) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Returns the selected state of the given edge.
isSelected(Node) - Method in class
Returns true if the argument is a selected Node in the referenced GraphPerspective, false otherwise.
isSelected(Edge) - Method in class
Returns true if the argument is a selected Edge in the referenced GraphPerspective, false otherwise.
isSelected(Node) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Returns the selected state of the given node.
isSelected(Edge) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Returns the selected state of the given edge.
isSelected() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
isSelected() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
isSelected() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
isSelecting() - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
isSomeKindOfList(Class) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
isStringOperator() - Method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.Token
isSupported() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
If the shape is supported by rendering engine, return true.
Otherwise, return false.
isUsedInCurrentSession(CyCustomGraphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
isValid(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.URLUtil
isValidDouble(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MathUtil
isValidShape(NodeShape) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
isValidShape(NodeShape) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.NodeShapeParser
isValidValue(Object) - Method in class
isValidValue(Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
isValueCode(char) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
Returns whether ch is a value code, i.e.
isVersion(String, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginVersionUtils
isViewAvailable() - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Gets the value of the viewAvailable property.
isVisible() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
isWindows() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelUtil
Determines if we are running on Windows platform.
itemDropped(PhoebeCanvasDropEvent) - Method in interface phoebe.PhoebeCanvasDropListener
method for responding to a drop
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ImportAttributeMatrixDialog.KeyAttributeListener
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry.LockedItemListener
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.BookmarkDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.ProxyServerDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method is public as a byproduct of the implementation.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI.AttributeSelectorListener
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
Returns an iterator over the Option members of CommandLine.


JErrorPanel - Class in cytoscape.task.ui
Common UI element for displaying errors and stack traces.
JnlpWriterUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
JnlpWriterUtil(String[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
Creates a new JnlpWriterUtil object.
join(GraphPerspective) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Creates a union GraphPerspective.
JointIntegerEntry - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
JointIntegerEntry(String, String, String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
Creates a new JointIntegerEntry object.
JointIntegerEntry.CopyField1To2Listener - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
JointIntegerEntry.CopyField1To2Listener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry.CopyField1To2Listener
JointIntegerEntry.LockedItemListener - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
JointIntegerEntry.LockedItemListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry.LockedItemListener
JStatusBar - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
Simple status bar with 3 fields.
JStatusBar() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.JStatusBar
Creates a new JStatusBar object.
JTask - Class in cytoscape.task.ui
Common UI element for visually monitoring task progress.
JTask(Task, JTaskConfig) - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
JTaskConfig - Class in cytoscape.task.ui
Used to configure the JTask UI component.
JTaskConfig() - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
JTreeTable - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
This example shows how to create a simple JTreeTable component, by using a JTree as a renderer (and editor) for the cells in a particular column in the JTable.
JTreeTable(TreeTableModel) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable
Creates a new JTreeTable object.
JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
TreeTableCellEditor implementation.
JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor
JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
A TreeCellRenderer that displays a JTree.
JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer(TreeModel) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Justification - Enum in giny.view
justify - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
JUSTIFY_CENTER - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
JUSTIFY_LEFT - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
JUSTIFY_RIGHT - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
justifyCenterName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
justifyCName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
justifyLeftName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
justifyLName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
justifyRightName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
justifyRName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition


key - Variable in class
keyCode - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
keyModifiers - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Handles key press events.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Currently not used.
keys() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntIntHash
Returns an enumeration of keys in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
keys() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntObjHash
Returns an enumeration of keys in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
keys() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntTHash
Returns an enumeration of keys in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
keys() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.LongLongHash
Returns an enumeration of keys in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Currently not used.
KeyValue - Class in
Key and Value pair in GML file.
KeyValue(String, Object) - Constructor for class
Creates a new KeyValue object.


LABEL - Static variable in class
LABEL - Static variable in class
Label - Interface in giny.view
LABEL_WRAP_JUSTIFY_CENTER - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that the lines in a multi-line node label should each have a center point with similar X coordinate.
LABEL_WRAP_JUSTIFY_LEFT - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that the lines of a multi-line node label should each have a leftmost point with similar X coordinate.
LABEL_WRAP_JUSTIFY_RIGHT - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies that the lines of a multi-line node label should each have a rightmost point with similar X coordinate.
labelAnchor - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
labelCount(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the number of labels that this edge has.
labelCount(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns the number of labels that this node has.
labelEdgeAnchor(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
By returning one of the EDGE_ANCHOR_* constants, specifies where on an edge an anchor point lies.
labelFont(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the font to use when rendering this label.
labelFont(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns the font to use when rendering this label.
labelJustify(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
By returning one of the NodeDetails.LABEL_WRAP_JUSTIFY_* constants, determines how to justify an edge label spanning multiple lines.
labelJustify(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
By returning one of the LABEL_WRAP_JUSTIFY_* constants, determines how to justify a node label spanning multiple lines.
labelNodeAnchor(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
By returning one of the ANCHOR_* constants, specifies where on the node's extents rectangle an anchor point lies.
labelOffsetVectorX(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Specifies the X component of the vector that separates a text anchor point from an edge anchor point.
labelOffsetVectorX(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies the X component of the vector that separates a text anchor point from a node anchor point.
labelOffsetVectorY(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Specifies the Y component of the vector that separates a text anchor point from an edge anchor point.
labelOffsetVectorY(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Specifies the Y component of the vector that separates a text anchor point from a node anchor point.
labelPaint(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the paint of a text label.
labelPaint(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns the paint of a text label.
LabelPlacerGraphic - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
LabelPlacerGraphic(LabelPosition) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.LabelPlacerGraphic
Deprecated. A gui for placing a label relative to a node.
LabelPlacerGraphic(LabelPosition, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.LabelPlacerGraphic
Deprecated. A gui for placing a label relative to a node.
LabelPosition - Class in cytoscape.visual
LabelPosition() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. Creates a new LabelPosition object.
LabelPosition(LabelPosition) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. Creates a new LabelPosition object.
LabelPosition(int, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. Creates a new LabelPosition object.
LabelPositionParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
LabelPositionParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.LabelPositionParser
labelScaleFactor(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns an additional scaling factor that is to be applied to the font used to render this label; this scaling factor, applied to the point size of the font returned by labelFont(edge, labelInx), yields a new virtual font that is used to render the text label.
labelScaleFactor(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns an additional scaling factor that is to be applied to the font used to render this label; this scaling factor, applied to the point size of the font returned by labelFont(node, labelInx), yields a new virtual font that is used to render the text label.
labelText(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns a label's text.
labelText(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns a label's text.
labelTextAnchor(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
By returning one of the NodeDetails.ANCHOR_* constants, specifies where on a text label's logical bounds box an anchor point lies.
labelTextAnchor(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
By returning one of the ANCHOR_* constants, specifies where on a text label's logical bounds box an anchor point lies.
LabelTextPanel - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
LabelTextPanel(CyAttributes, MutableString) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.LabelTextPanel
Creates a new LabelTextPanel object.
LabelTextPanel.BoxAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
LabelTextPanel.BoxAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.LabelTextPanel.BoxAction
labelWidth(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the width of the label.
labelWidth(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns the label width of the node.
LAMBDA - Static variable in class
Significance value: LAMBA.
LARGE_FONT - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.VizMapperTrackRenderer
Largest - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Largest() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Largest
Last - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Last() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Last
lastAccessTime - Variable in class
lastPluginRegistryUpdate - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
lastSpinnerNumber - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
Layer - Interface in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
Wrapper for actual implementations of layers.
layers - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
layout(CyNetworkView) - Method in class
layout the graph based on the GML values we read
LayoutAdapter - Class in cytoscape.layout
LayoutAdapter provides a *very* minimal interface to implement a layout algorithm.
LayoutAdapter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
LayoutAlgorithm - Interface in cytoscape.layout
Deprecated. Use CyLayoutAlgorithm instead. Will be removed June, 2008
layoutEdge(GraphView, List, String) - Method in class
Assign edge visual properties based on pairs in the list matched to the "edge" key world
layoutEdgeGraphics(GraphView, List<KeyValue>, EdgeView) - Method in class
Assign edge graphics properties
layoutEdgeGraphicsLine(GraphView, List, EdgeView) - Method in class
Assign bend points based on the contents of the list associated with a "Line" key We make sure that there is both an x,y present in the underlying point list before trying to generate a bend point
layoutGraph(GraphView, List) - Method in class
Lays Out the Graph, based on GML.
LayoutMenu - Class in cytoscape.layout.ui
A DynamicLayoutMenu is a more complicated layout menu that constructs layout menu items on-the-fly based on the capabilities of the layout algorithm and environment factors such as whether or not nodes are selected, the presence of node or edge attributes, etc.
LayoutMenu(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenu
Creates a new LayoutMenu object.
LayoutMenuManager - Class in cytoscape.layout.ui
LayoutMenuManager() - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenuManager
layoutNode(GraphView, List) - Method in class
Assign node properties based on the values in the list matched to the "node" key.
layoutNodeGraphics(GraphView, List, NodeView) - Method in class
This will assign node graphic properties based on the values in the list matches to the "graphics" key word
LayoutProperties - Class in cytoscape.layout
The LayoutProperties class is a helper class to support the management of settings and properties for layout algorithms that implement CyLayoutAlgorithm or extend AbstractLayout.
LayoutProperties(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.LayoutProperties
LayoutSettingsDialog - Class in cytoscape.layout.ui
The LayoutSettingsDialog is a dialog that provides an interface into all of the various settings for layout algorithms.
LayoutSettingsDialog() - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutSettingsDialog
Creates a new LayoutSettingsDialog object.
LayoutTask - Class in cytoscape.layout
A wrapper for applying a layout in a task.
LayoutTask(CyLayoutAlgorithm, CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.LayoutTask
Creates the task.
Left - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Left() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Left
leftPad - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
LegacyCustomNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
LegacyCustomNodeShape(double[], byte) - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.LegacyCustomNodeShape
LegendDialog - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
LegendDialog(Dialog, VisualStyle) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.LegendDialog
Creates a new LegendDialog object.
LegendDialog(JFrame, VisualStyle) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.LegendDialog
Creates a new LegendDialog object.
LegendTable - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
LegendTable(Object[][], VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LegendTable
Creates a new LegendTable object.
LegendTable.LegendCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
LegendTable.LegendCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LegendTable.LegendCellRenderer
Len - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Len() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Len
lesserValue - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.BoundaryRangeValues
level - Variable in enum cytoscape.logger.LogLevel
libDir - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
LIBRARY - Static variable in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
Another headless mode (no gui), but meant for a server or daemon that runs in the background without exiting.
LicenseDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
LicenseDialog() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.LicenseDialog
Creates new form LicenseDialog
LicenseDialog(JDialog) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.LicenseDialog
LicenseDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.LicenseDialog
LINE - Static variable in class
LINE - Static variable in class
LinearNumberInterpolator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
This subclass of NumberInterpolator further assumes a linear interpolation, and calculates the fractional distance of the target domain value from the lower boundary value for the convenience of subclasses.
LinearNumberInterpolator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LinearNumberInterpolator
LinearNumberToColorInterpolator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
The class provides a linear interpolation between color values.
LinearNumberToColorInterpolator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LinearNumberToColorInterpolator
Creates a new LinearNumberToColorInterpolator object.
LinearNumberToNumberInterpolator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
The class assumes that the supplied range objects are Numbers, and returns a linearly interplated value according to the value of frac.
LinearNumberToNumberInterpolator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.LinearNumberToNumberInterpolator
Creates a new LinearNumberToNumberInterpolator object.
LineStyle - Enum in cytoscape.visual
Define line stroke.
lineStyle - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ShapeStroke
LineStyleParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Parses a String into a yFiles shape, which is represented by a byte identifier.
LineStyleParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.LineStyleParser
LineTypeIcon - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.icon
LineTypeIcon() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
Creates a new LineTypeIcon object.
LineTypeIcon(LineStyle) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
LineTypeIcon(Stroke, int, int, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
Creates a new LineTypeIcon object.
LineTypeIcon(Stroke, int, int, String, Color) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
Creates a new LineTypeIcon object.
LIST - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Tunables of type LIST present a user with a list of values to select from: if the Tunable.MULTISELECT flag is set, the user is presented with a list from which multiple values can be selected, otherwise, the user is presented with a combo box.
LIST_DELIMITER - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
LIST_UPDATED - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.CheckBoxJList
listener - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.CyColorChooser
listenerList - Variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
listenerList - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
listenerList - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
listeners - Variable in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
The Network Listeners Set
listeners - Variable in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
ListFromFileSelectionAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Select nodes from a text list of node IDs.
ListFromFileSelectionAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ListFromFileSelectionAction
Creates a new ListFromFileSelectionAction object.
listToArray(List<Double>) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Converts a List to a regular double[]
ListToString - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
ListToString() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.ListToString
Ln - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Ln() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Ln
load() - Method in class
LOAD - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
loadAnnotation - Class in
load an annotation into an rmi biodata server.
loadAnnotation() - Constructor for class
loadAnnotationFiles(String[], String[]) - Method in class
loadAnnotationFromFlatFiles - Class in
load an annotation into an rmi biodata server.
loadAnnotationFromFlatFiles() - Constructor for class
loadAttributes(String[], String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Loads Node and Edge attribute data into Cytoscape from the given file locations.
loadAttributes(CyAttributes, Reader) - Static method in class
loadAttributesInternal(CyAttributes, Reader) - Method in class
loadCalculatorCatalog() - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalogFactory
loadCalculatorCatalog(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalogFactory
Deprecated. The vmName parameter is no longer used - just use loadCalculatorCatalog(). Will be removed 10/06.
loadCalculatorCatalog() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Attempts to load a CalculatorCatalog object, using the information from the CytoscapeConfig object.
loadCalculatorCatalog(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
loadCalculators(Properties, CalculatorCatalog) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorIO
Equivalent to loadCalculators(props, catalog, true);
loadCalculators(Properties, CalculatorCatalog, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorIO
Loads calculators from their description in a Properties object into a supplied CalculatorCatalog object.
loadData(String, String) - Method in class
Loads the Specified File into memory.
loadExpressionData(String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Load Expression Data
loadFile(File, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.LoadNetworkTask
Load a network from a file.
loadFile(File, boolean, CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.LoadNetworkTask
Load a network from a file.
LoadImageTask - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
LoadImageTask(URL) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.LoadImageTask
LoadNetworkTask - Class in cytoscape.actions
Task to load a new network.
loadObo(String[], String[]) - Method in class
loadPlugin(Class) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
Attempts to instantiate a plugin of the class argument.
loadPlugin(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugin(PluginInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Load a single plugin based on the PluginInfo object given
loadPlugin(File) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Load a single plugin based on the File object given
loadPlugins(List<String>) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Parses the plugin input strings and transforms them into the appropriate URLs or resource names.
loadProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
loadProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
loadStaticProperties(String, Properties) - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
Load the Properties found in a given given file into a given Properties object.
loadThesaurus - Class in
load an thesaurus into an rmi biodata server.
loadThesaurus() - Constructor for class
loadThesaurusFiles(String[]) - Method in class
loadThesaurusFiles2(String[]) - Method in class
loadURL(URL, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.LoadNetworkTask
Load a network from a url.
loadURL(URL, boolean, CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.LoadNetworkTask
Load a network from a url.
lockNode(NodeView) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Lock this node (i.e.
lockNode(NodeView) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Lock this node.
lockNode(NodeView) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
lockNode(NodeView) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.LayoutAlgorithm
lockNodes(NodeView[]) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Lock these nodes (i.e.
lockNodes(NodeView[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Lock this array of nodes.
lockNodes(NodeView[]) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
lockNodes(NodeView[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.LayoutAlgorithm
LOD_CUSTOM_GRAPHICS - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
LOD_DASHED_EDGES - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
LOD_EDGE_ANCHORS - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
LOD_EDGE_ARROWS - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
LOD_EDGE_LABELS - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
LOD_HIGH_DETAIL - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
A bit representing....
LOD_NODE_BORDERS - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
LOD_NODE_LABELS - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
LOD_TEXT_AS_SHAPE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
log(String, LogLevel, Throwable) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a message at the specified log level.
log(String, LogLevel) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a message at the specified log level.
Log - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Log() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Log
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.ImportGraphFileAction
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.OpenSessionAction
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.PluginInstallAction
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.PluginUpdateAction
logger - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
logger - Static variable in class
logger - Static variable in class
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.undo.CyUndo
logger - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalogFactory
LoggerAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
LoggerAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.LoggerAction
LoggerDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.logger
Singleton dialog
LoggerDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.logger.LoggerDialog
LogLevel - Enum in cytoscape.logger
The levels of logged messages
logo - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
LongDashStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
LongDashStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.LongDashStroke
LongEnumerator - Interface in cytoscape.util.intr
An enumeration over a list of 64 bit integers.
LongList - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
LongList(long[]) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.LongList
LongLongHash - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
An insert-only hashtable that has non-negative 64 bit integer keys and non-negative 64 bit integer values.
LongLongHash() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.LongLongHash
Creates a new hashtable.
LOWER - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.FlatInterpolator
Lower - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Lower() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Lower


m - Variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.ShrinkExpandGraph
m_backgroundColor - Variable in class ding.view.DingCanvas
ref to our background color
m_img - Variable in class ding.view.DingCanvas
ref to image we maintain
m_isOpaque - Variable in class ding.view.DingCanvas
ref to opaque boolean
m_isVisible - Variable in class ding.view.DingCanvas
ref to visibility boolean
MacAppConfig - Class in cytoscape.util
Configures the Mac OS X Info.plist file associated with Cytoscape.
MacAppConfig() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MacAppConfig
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.BiologicalProcessAnnotationTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.CellularComponentAnnotationTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.MolecularFunctionAnnotationTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.OboOntologyTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.SynonymTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.CyMain
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.logger.LoggerDialog
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.BookmarkDialog
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.ArrayTestMethod1
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.ArrayTestMethod2
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.ArrayTestMethod3
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.ArrayTestMethod4
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.BasicQuietRTreeTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.NoRTreeQueryPerformance
Analagous to RTreeQueryPerformance, but using linear search method instead of R-tree.
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.RTreeQueryPerformance
For given N, creates N rectangles whose centers are in the space [0,1] X [0,1].
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.RTreeSerializationPerformance
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.RTreeUpdatePerformance
For given N, creates N rectangles whose centers are in the space [0,1] X [0,1].
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.task.sample.RunBareBones
Executes the Sample Task.
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.task.sample.RunSampleTask
Main Method, used to testing purposes only.
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JErrorPanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.test.BitSetPerformance
This test is analagous to cytoscape.intr.util.test.MinIntHeapPerformance, only it uses a bit array instead of a heap.
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.test.IntBTreeConstructionTuner
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.test.IntBTreePerformance
This test is analagous to cytoscape.intr.util.test.MinIntHeapPerformance, only it uses a B-tree instead of a heap.
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.test.IntBTreeQueryTuner
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.test.IntHashPerformance
This test is analagous to cytoscape.util.intr.test.MinIntHeapPerformance, only it uses a hashtable instead of a heap.
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.test.MinIntHeapPerformance
Argument at index 0: a number representing the number of elements to be tossed onto a heap.
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.test.PrimesGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.MacAppConfig
Main Method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.Transform
main(String[]) - Static method in class ding.view.test.SanityTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.AddRemoveTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.AllGraphPerspectiveMethodsTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.AllRootGraphMethodsTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.ARowanBugTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.Bug646Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.GCTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.ImplementsGraphTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.RepeatedAllRootGraphMethodsTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.RootGraphAddRemoveTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.RootGraphPerformanceTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
main_panel - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
mainView - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.DefaultAppearenceBuilder
makeNewMetadataMap() - Method in class
Build new metadata RDF structure based on given network information.
makeShrinkExpandGraphUI(CyMenus) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ShrinkExpandGraphUI
makeTunable(String, Object) - Static method in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
manager - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.converter.ValueToStringConverterManager
ManagerException - Exception in cytoscape.plugin
Thrown to indicate PluginManager errors
ManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.ManagerException
Creates a new ManagerError object.
ManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.ManagerException
Creates a new ManagerError object.
ManagerModel - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
Fairly similar to DefaultTreeModel but I wanted to add some extra functionality to removing/adding nodes and use my own node objects
ManagerModel(TreeNode) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
ManagerUtil - Class in cytoscape.plugin
ManagerUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.ManagerUtil
MapperAndAttribute - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
MapperAndAttribute() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.MapperAndAttribute
Creates a new MapperAndAttribute object.
MapperAndAttribute(Object, MutableString) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.MapperAndAttribute
Creates a new MapperAndAttribute object.
mapping - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
MappingFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
This class provides a static factory method for constructing an instance of ObjectMapping as specified by a Properties object and other arguments.
MappingFactory() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingFactory
MappingKeyFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
MappingKeyFactory() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.MappingKeyFactory
MappingManager - Interface in cytoscape.visual.mappings
MappingManagerImpl - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
MappingManagerImpl() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingManagerImpl
mappings - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Vector of all mappings contained by this calculator.
MappingType - Enum in cytoscape.visual.mappings
Defines visual mapping types.
MappingUtil - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
Provides simple utility methods for the Mapping classes.
MappingUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingUtil
MATCH_JAR_REGEXP - Static variable in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
Deprecated. This was only ever used internally, so now it is package protected and part of JarUtil. Use that one as an alternative. Will be removed Jan 2010.
MathUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
MathUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MathUtil
Max - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Max() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Max
MAX_ANCHOR_VAL - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Used for range checking the anchor values.
MAX_EDGE_ANCHORS - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
This value is currently 64.
MAX_LINE_SIZE - Static variable in class
MAX_PREFERRED_SIZE - Static variable in class
The max preferred size for the jscrollpane, will not let the jtable expand past this point
maxCapacity(int) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntObjHash
For a hashtable that currently holds exactly num keys [or zero keys if num is negative], returns the maximum number of keys that that hashtable can hold without undergoing an underlying size expansion.
maxCapacity(int) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntTHash
For a hashtable that currently holds exactly num keys [or zero keys if num is negative], returns the maximum number of keys that that hashtable can hold without undergoing an underlying size expansion.
maxDepth() - Method in class
Deprecated. get all of the full paths (as ints) from the ontology for all of the currently annotated entities.
Median - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Median() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Median
MEMBER_LIST_ATTR - Static variable in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
The attribute key to use for group membership
MemoryReporter - Class in cytoscape.util
A class used to track JVM memory usage.
MemoryReporter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MemoryReporter
MemoryUsageAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
MemoryUsageAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.MemoryUsageAction
Creates a new MemoryUsageAction object and hooks it into the menu system.
MENU_LABEL - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAction
MENU_LABEL - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedEdgesAction
MENU_LABEL - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedNodesAction
MENU_LABEL - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.PrintAction
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectionModeAction
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.DynamicLayoutMenu
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenu
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenuManager
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
This method can be used at your discretion, but otherwise does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.SwingMenuSorter
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectionModeAction
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.DynamicLayoutMenu
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenu
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenuManager
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
This method can be used at your discretion, but otherwise does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.SwingMenuSorter
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.RedoAction
Called when a menu is hidden once you click on a menu item or elsewhere.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.UndoAction
Called when a menu is hidden once you click on a menu item or elsewhere.
menuEffectiveLastIndexMap - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
The Menu->Integer "effective last index" Map for Menus with menu items that want to be at the end.
menuIndex - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
menuMap - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.AlphabeticalSelectionAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ApplyVisualStyleAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.BendSelectedEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.CloneGraphInNewWindowAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.CreateNetworkViewAction
Sets the state of the action before rendering the menu.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.CytoPanelAction
This dynamically sets the title of the menu based on the state of the CytoPanel.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DeleteAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DeselectAllAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DeSelectAllEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DeSelectAllNodesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkAction
Sets the action state based on whether a current network exists.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.DestroyNetworkViewAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsGMLAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsGraphicsAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsInteractionsAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportAsXGMMLAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ExportNetworksAsNNFAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.HideSelectedNodesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.InvertSelectedEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.InvertSelectedNodesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ListFromFileSelectionAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.NewWindowSelectedNodesEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.NewWindowSelectedNodesOnlyAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.PrintAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectAdjacentEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllNodesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectConnectedNodesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectFirstNeighborsAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.SelectionModeAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ShowGraphicsDetailsAction
Sets the state of the action before rendering the menu.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.StraightenSelectedEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ToggleVisualMapperAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.UnHideSelectedEdgesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.UnHideSelectedNodesAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.DynamicLayoutMenu
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenu
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenuManager
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.SettingsAction
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
This method can be overridden by individual actions to set the state of menu items based on whatever unique circumstances that menu option cares about.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.SwingMenuSorter
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.RedoAction
Called when the menu that contains this action is clicked on.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.UndoAction
Called when the menu that contains this action is clicked on.
META_RELATIONSHIP_EDGES_CREATED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
META_RELATIONSHIP_EDGES_REMOVED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
META_RELATIONSHIP_NODES_CREATED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
META_RELATIONSHIP_NODES_REMOVED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
METADATA_FILE - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
MetadataEntries - Enum in
Entries in the network metadata.
This is the list of entries in the network metadata object.
MetadataParser - Class in
Manipulates network metadata for loading and saving.
MetadataParser(CyNetwork) - Constructor for class
MetadataParser(CyNetwork, String) - Constructor for class
METANODE - Static variable in class
metaParentsList(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
metaParentsList(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
metaParentsList(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getNodeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) instead.
metaParentsList(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getEdgeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) instead.
metaParser - Variable in class
Mid - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Mid() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mid
Min - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Min() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Min
MINIMUM_WIN_HEIGHT - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager
MINIMUM_WIN_HEIGHT - Variable in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
MINIMUM_WIN_WIDTH - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager
MINIMUM_WIN_WIDTH - Variable in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
MinIntHeap - Class in cytoscape.util.intr
A heap is an implementation of a priority queue.
MinIntHeap() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Creates a new heap.
MinIntHeapPerformance - Class in cytoscape.util.intr.test
MinIntHeapPerformance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.test.MinIntHeapPerformance
minMaxButton - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
minMaxButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
MinMaxDialog - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
MinMaxDouble - Class in cytoscape.util
find the min and max of a 1- or 2-d aarray of doubles.
MinMaxDouble(double[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MinMaxDouble
Creates a new MinMaxDouble object.
MinMaxDouble(double[][]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MinMaxDouble
Creates a new MinMaxDouble object.
MinMaxInt - Class in cytoscape.util
find the min and max of a 1- or 2-d array of ints.
MinMaxInt(int[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MinMaxInt
Creates a new MinMaxInt object.
MinMaxInt(int[][]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MinMaxInt
Creates a new MinMaxInt object.
MINOR - Static variable in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginVersionUtils
Misc - Class in cytoscape.util
Misc() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.Misc
MiscGB - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
We DO need to replace this with swing-layout! Miscellaneous static GridBagLayout utilities
MiscGB() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
MissingArgumentException - Exception in org.apache.commons.cli
Thrown when an option requiring an argument is not provided with an argument.
MissingArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException
Construct a new MissingArgumentException with the specified detail message.
MissingOptionException - Exception in org.apache.commons.cli
Thrown when a required option has not been provided.
MissingOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException
Construct a new MissingSelectedException with the specified detail message.
Mod - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Mod() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mod
mode - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
Mode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Mode() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Mode
MODE_HIDE_SPLIT - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
Property listener modes.
MODE_SHOW_SPLIT - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
Available modes of the BiModalJSplitPane.
model - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
MODIFIED - Static variable in class cytoscape.CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager
modifyComponentLocation(int, int, int) - Method in class ding.view.ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas
ModuleProperties - Interface in cytoscape.util
ModulePropertiesImpl - Class in cytoscape.util
ModulePropertiesImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
moduleType - Variable in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
MOLECULAR_FUNCTION - Static variable in class
MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo
The purpose of this class is to convert a 'gene_association.*' file (for example 'gene_association.sgd') into a crufty old 'molfunc.anno' file that Cytoscape's BioDataServer understands.
MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader(String, Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader
Creates a new MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader object.
MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader(String, Map, Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader
Creates a new MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader object.
MolecularFunctionAnnotationTester - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo.test
MolecularFunctionAnnotationTester() - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.MolecularFunctionAnnotationTester
MOLECULE_TYPE - Static variable in class
MonitoredTask - Interface in cytoscape.util
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel.PopupListener
Don't know why you need both of these, but this is how they did it in the example
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel.PopupListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel.ThumbMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
moveHandle(int, Point2D) - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Moves the handle specified at the given index to the given point.
mRNAMeasurement - Class in
mRNAMeasurement(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new mRNAMeasurement object.
MultiHashMap - Interface in
This interface consists of the API specification to bind attribute values to objects.
MultiHashMapDefinition - Interface in
This interface contains the API specification for creating attribute definitions.
MultiHashMapDefinitionListener - Interface in
A hook to receive notification when attribute definitions are created and destroyed.
MultiHashMapFactory - Class in
This class provides access to implementations of MultiHashMap and MultiHashMapDefinition.
MultiHashMapHelpers - Class in
This class contains static utilitarian methods that return information pertaining to attributes.
MultiHashMapListener - Interface in
A hook to receive notification when attribute values are set and removed from objects.
MULTISELECT - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
For LIST, NODEATTRIBUTE, or EDGEATTRIBUTE types, use a list widget that supports multiselect rather than a combo box.
MutableBool - Class in cytoscape.util
MutableBool(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MutableBool
Creates a new MutableBool object.
MutableInt - Class in cytoscape.util
MutableInt(int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MutableInt
Creates a new MutableInt object.
MutableSpacialIndex2D - Interface in cytoscape.geom.spacial
A spacial index for objects in two dimensions, with support for insertions and deletions.
MutableString - Class in cytoscape.util
MutableString(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.MutableString
Creates a new MutableString object.
myGBG - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI
Deprecated. Remember the grid bag group in case the mapper UI needs to be updated.


name - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Attribute
name - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Category
name - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
name - Variable in class
Name of this ontorogy.
NAME - Static variable in class
name - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
name - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
name - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
namespace - Variable in class cytoscape.command.AbstractCommandHandler
neighborsArray(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns a non-repeating list of indices of all nodes N in this GraphPerspective such that N is a "node neighbor" of the node at specified index, or null if no node at specified index exists in this GraphPerspective.
neighborsList(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns a non-repeating list of indices of all nodes N in this GraphPerspective such that N is a "node neighbor" of the node at specified index, or null if no node at specified index exists in this GraphPerspective.
neighborsList(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways, please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns a non-repeating list of all nodes N in this RootGraph such that N is a "node neighbor" of node, the input parameter.
neName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
NESTED_NETWORK_CREATED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Fired every time a nested network is assigned to a node.
NESTED_NETWORK_DESTROYED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Fired every time a nested network is removed from a node.
NESTED_NETWORK_ID_ATTR - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyNode
NESTED_NETWORK_IS_VISIBLE_ATTR - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyNode
NESTED_NETWORK_SNAPSHOT_SIZE_PROP - Static variable in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
A string used to specify the number of pixels wide and high the nested network image should be.
nestedNetworkChanged(NestedNetworkChangeEvent) - Method in interface giny.model.NestedNetworkChangeEventListener
NestedNetworkChangeEvent - Class in giny.model
This event will be fired when nested network is created/removed.
NestedNetworkChangeEvent(Object, Node, GraphView) - Constructor for class giny.model.NestedNetworkChangeEvent
NestedNetworkChangeEventListener - Interface in giny.model
Listener for nested network change events.
nestedNetworkIsVisible() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
Determines whether a nested network should be rendered as part of a node's view or not.
nestedNetworkIsVisible() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Determines whether a nested network should be rendered as part of a node's view or not.
NestedNetworkListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Adds NodeView and EdgeView vizmap bypass listeners to network views as the views are created.
NestedNetworkListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.NestedNetworkListener
NestedNetworkReader - Interface in
Special interface for Graph readers which read nested networks from a file.
NestedNetworkViewUpdater - Class in cytoscape.util
This class manages images that represent nested networks.
NestedNetworkViewUpdater() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.NestedNetworkViewUpdater
NETWORK - Static variable in class
Network - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Network() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Network
network - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkTree
network - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
NETWORK_CREATED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NETWORK_DESTROYED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NETWORK_LOADED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NETWORK_MODIFIED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NETWORK_SAVED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NETWORK_TITLE_MODIFIED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NETWORK_VIEW_CREATED - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
NETWORK_VIEW_DESTROYED - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
NETWORK_VIEW_FOCUS - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
NETWORK_VIEW_FOCUSED - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
NETWORK_VIEWS_SELECTED - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
networkComboBox - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.NetworkSelectorPanel
NetworkData - Class in
There is an event fired anytime that a value is modified, you need to be listener to the attribute name though.
NetworkData() - Constructor for class
NetworkExpansionMenu - Class in
NetworkExpansionMenu() - Constructor for class
NetworkFrame - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
NetworkFrame() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
networkFrame - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrames
networkFrames - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Desktop
NetworkFrames - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
NetworkFrames() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrames
NetworkImportWebServiceClient - Interface in
networkMap - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NetworkMetaDataDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
Dialog for editing network metadata in RDF.
NetworkMetaDataDialog(Frame, boolean, CyNetwork) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataDialog
Creates new form MetadataDialog
NetworkMetaDataTableModel - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
Table model for the Network Metadata Dialog.
NetworkMetaDataTableModel(CyNetwork) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataTableModel
Constructor for the network metadata table model.
networkPanel - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
The network panel that sends out events when a network is selected from the Tree that it contains.
NetworkPanel - Class in cytoscape.view
GUI component for managing network list in current session.
NetworkPanel(CytoscapeDesktop) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
Constructor for the Network Panel.
NetworkPanel.PopupListener - Class in cytoscape.view
This class listens to mouse events from the TreeTable, if the mouse event is one that is canonically associated with a popup menu (ie, a right click) it will pop up the menu with option for destroying view, creating view, and destroying network (this is platform specific apparently)
NetworkPanel.PopupListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel.PopupListener
NetworkSelectorPanel - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
NetworkSelectorPanel() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.NetworkSelectorPanel
networkTree - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
NetworkTree - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
NetworkTree() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.NetworkTree
NetworkTreeNode - Class in cytoscape.view
NetworkTreeNode(Object, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeNode
NetworkTreeTableModel - Class in cytoscape.view
Inner class that extends the AbstractTreeTableModel
NetworkTreeTableModel(Object) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
networkView - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
networkViewManager - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
The NetworkViewManager can support three types of interfaces.
NetworkViewManager - Class in cytoscape.view
NetworkViewManager(CytoscapeDesktop, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Deprecated. view_type is no longer used. Use the other constructor. Will be removed Aug 2008.
NetworkViewManager(CytoscapeDesktop) - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Creates a new NetworkViewManager object.
networkViewMap - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NEW_ATTRS_LOADED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Fired every time new attributes are loaded and provides the CyAttributes that was modified as well as a set of the new attribute names..
newCalculator(String, Properties, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.CalculatorFactory
Creates a caclculator defined by the type identified by the ".visualPropertyType" property in the calcProps argument.
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ContiguousArrowStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.DashDotStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.DotStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.EqualDashStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.LongDashStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ParallelStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.PipeStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.SeparateArrowStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ShapeStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.SineWaveStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.SolidStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.strokes.WidthStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZeroStroke
newInstanceForWidth(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZigzagStroke
newInterpolator(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.InterpolatorFactory
Attempt to construct one of the standard interpolators.
newline - Static variable in class
newMapping(Properties, String, ValueParser, Object, byte) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingFactory
Attempt to construct an instance of ObjectMapping as defined by the supplied arguments.
NewMappingBuilder - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
NewMappingBuilder() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.NewMappingBuilder
NewNetworkAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
creates a new network and associates an editor with it
NewNetworkAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.NewNetworkAction
Creates a new NewNetworkAction object.
newPcs - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
NewSessionAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
NewSessionAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.NewSessionAction
Creates a new NewSessionAction object.
newShape - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
NewSlider - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
NewSlider() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider
Creates a new NewSlider object.
NewSlider(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider
Creates a new NewSlider object.
NewSlider(String, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider
Creates a new NewSlider object.
NewSlider(String, String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider
Creates a new NewSlider object.
NewSlider(String, String, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider
Creates a new NewSlider object.
NewSlider.MJSlider - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
NewSlider.MJTextField - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
NewStringPopupDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
NewStringPopupDialog: a dialog that is used for creating a new string.
NewStringPopupDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.NewStringPopupDialog
Creates a new NewStringPopupDialog object.
NewStringPopupDialog.CancelAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
NewStringPopupDialog.OkAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
NewWindowSelectedNodesEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
NewWindowSelectedNodesEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.NewWindowSelectedNodesEdgesAction
Creates a new NewWindowSelectedNodesEdgesAction object.
NewWindowSelectedNodesOnlyAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
NewWindowSelectedNodesOnlyAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.NewWindowSelectedNodesOnlyAction
Creates a new NewWindowSelectedNodesOnlyAction object.
nextExtents(float[], int) - Method in interface cytoscape.geom.spacial.SpacialEntry2DEnumerator
Copies into the supplied array [starting at specified offset] the minimum bounding rectangle of the next entry, and returns that next entry.
nextInt() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.ArrayIntEnumerator
nextInt() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.ArrayIntIterator
nextInt() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.intr.IntEnumerator
Returns the next integer in the enumeration.
nextInt() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.intr.IntIterator
Returns the next integer in the iteration.
nextLong() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.intr.LongEnumerator
Returns the next 64 bit integer in the enumeration.
nName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
NNFFileFilter - Class in cytoscape.util
File filter for Nested Network Format (NNF).
NNFFileFilter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.NNFFileFilter
NNFParser - Class in
Parser for NNF files.
NNFParser() - Constructor for class
NNFReader - Class in
Graph file reader for NNF files.
NNFReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates an interaction reader based on the string file name.
NNFReader(String, TaskMonitor) - Constructor for class
Creates an interaction reader based on the string file name.
NNFReader(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
This is usually used for remote file loading.
NO_END - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
NO_INDEX - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class
NoArrow - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
NoArrow() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.NoArrow
NODE - Static variable in class
NODE - Static variable in class
NODE - Static variable in class
NODE - Static variable in class
node - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.HiddenNodes
Node - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Node() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Node
node - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.SelectedNodes
node - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.ViewableNodes
Node - Interface in giny.model
Node - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree.
Node(int) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.Node
NODE_ATTRIBUTE_ADDED - Static variable in class
NODE_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED - Static variable in class
NODE_BORDER_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_BORDER_WIDTH - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_LABEL - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_MAPPING - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
NODE_NATURE - Static variable in class
Filter Type: NODE.
NODE_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_SELECTION_PAINT - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_SET - Static variable in class
Static constant indicating a change to a group of Nodes.
NODE_SHAPE - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_SIZE_LOCKED - Static variable in class
NODE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class
Default suffix for node attribute files
NODE_WIDTH - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_X_POSITION - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_Y_POSITION - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NODE_Z_POSITION - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
NodeAppearance - Class in cytoscape.visual
Objects of this class hold data describing the appearance of a Node.
NodeAppearance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearance
NodeAppearanceCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual
This class calculates the appearance of a Node.
NodeAppearanceCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Deprecated. Use VisualStyle.getNodeAppearanceCalculator() or new NodeAppearancCalculator( VisualStyle.getDependency() ) instead. Will be removed January 2011.
NodeAppearanceCalculator(VisualPropertyDependency) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Creates a new NodeAppearanceCalculator object.
NodeAppearanceCalculator(String, Properties, String, CalculatorCatalog, VisualPropertyDependency) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Creates a new NodeAppearanceCalculator and immediately customizes it by calling applyProperties with the supplied arguments.
NodeAppearanceCalculator(NodeAppearanceCalculator) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Copy constructor.
nodeAttrFiles - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
nodeAttribute - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
NODEATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Tunables of type NODEATTRIBUTE present a user with a list of the currently defined node attributes for selection: if the flag Tunable.NUMERICATTRIBUTE is set, only integer or double attributes are shown, and if the Tunable.MULTISELECT flag is set, the user is presented with a list from which multiple values can be selected, otherwise, the user is presented with a combo box.
NodeBorderColorProp - Class in
NodeBorderColorProp() - Constructor for class
NodeBorderOpacityProp - Class in
NodeBorderOpacityProp() - Constructor for class
nodeBorders(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render node borders.
nodeBorders(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render node borders.
nodeBorders(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
nodeBorderThreshold - Variable in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
NodeContextMenuListener - Interface in ding.view
an interface for responding to PhoebeCanvasDropEvents.
nodeContextMenuListeners - Variable in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Listeners for node right-click menu
nodeCount() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
nodeCount() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
nodeCreate() - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Creates a new node in this graph.
NodeCustomGraphicsPositionProp - Class in
NodeCustomGraphicsPositionProp(Integer) - Constructor for class
NodeCustomGraphicsProp - Class in
NodeCustomGraphicsProp(Integer) - Constructor for class
NodeDetails - Class in cytoscape.render.stateful
Defines visual properties of a node modulo the node size and location Even though this class is not declared abstract, in most situations it makes sense to override at least some of its methods in order to gain control over node visual properties.
NodeDetails() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Instantiates node details with defaults.
nodeExists(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Determines whether or not a node exists in this graph.
nodeExists(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
Determines whether or not a node exists in this graph.
NodeFillColorProp - Class in
NodeFillColorProp() - Constructor for class
NodeFontFaceProp - Class in
NodeFontFaceProp() - Constructor for class
NodeFontSizeProp - Class in
NodeFontSizeProp() - Constructor for class
nodeForRow(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
NodeHeightProp - Class in
NodeHeightProp() - Constructor for class
NodeIcon - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.icon
Icon for node shapes.
NodeIcon() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
Creates a new NodeIcon object.
NodeIcon(NodeShape) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
NodeIcon(Shape, int, int, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
Creates a new NodeShapeIcon object.
NodeIcon(Shape, int, int, String, Color) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
Creates a new NodeShapeIcon object.
NodeLabelColorProp - Class in
NodeLabelColorProp() - Constructor for class
nodeLabelCount() - Method in class
NodeLabelOpacityProp - Class in
NodeLabelOpacityProp() - Constructor for class
NodeLabelPositionProp - Class in
NodeLabelPositionProp() - Constructor for class
NodeLabelProp - Class in
NodeLabelProp() - Constructor for class
nodeLabels(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render node labels.
nodeLabels(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render node labels.
nodeLabels(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
nodeLabelThreshold - Variable in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
NodeLabelWidthProp - Class in
NodeLabelWidthProp() - Constructor for class
NodeLineStyleProp - Class in
NodeLineStyleProp() - Constructor for class
NodeLineWidthProp - Class in
NodeLineWidthProp() - Constructor for class
nodeMetaChildrenList(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
nodeMetaChildrenList(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
nodeMetaChildrenList(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getNodeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) instead.
nodeMetaChildrenList(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
nodeMetaParentsList(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
nodeMetaParentsList(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use getNodeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) instead.
NodeOpacityProp - Class in
NodeOpacityProp() - Constructor for class
nodeRemove(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Removes the specified node from this graph.
NODES - Static variable in class
Constant ot specify nodes
nodes() - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
Returns an enumeration of all nodes currently in this graph.
nodes() - Method in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
Returns an enumeration of all nodes in this graph.
NODES_CREATED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
NODES_HIDDEN_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
NODES_HIDDEN_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
NODES_REMOVED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
NODES_RESTORED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
NODES_RESTORED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
NODES_SELECTED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
NODES_SELECTED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
NODES_UNSELECTED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.model.GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent
NODES_UNSELECTED_TYPE - Static variable in class giny.view.GraphViewChangeEvent
nodesAdded(TreeNode, int[], TreeNode[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Fires necessary event, use addNodeToParent
nodeSelectionEnabled() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Whether node selection is enabled.
nodeSelectionEnabled() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
NodeShape - Interface in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
An interface defining the methods necessary to render a node shape in GraphGraphics.
NodeShape - Enum in cytoscape.visual
NodeShapeConverter - Class in cytoscape.visual.converter
NodeShapeConverter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.converter.NodeShapeConverter
NodeShapeParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Parses a String into a yFiles shape, which is represented by a byte identifier.
NodeShapeParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.NodeShapeParser
NodeShapeProp - Class in
NodeShapeProp() - Constructor for class
NodeShapeRangeValueCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators
NodeShapeRangeValueCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.NodeShapeRangeValueCalculator
NodeShowNestedNetworkProp - Class in
NodeShowNestedNetworkProp() - Constructor for class
nodesIterator() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Returns an Iterator over all giny.model.Node objects in this GraphPerspective.
nodesIterator() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns an Iterator over all giny.model.Node objects in this RootGraph.
NodeSizeProp - Class in
NodeSizeProp() - Constructor for class
nodesList() - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Returns a list of Node objects.
nodesList() - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Returns a list of Node objects.
nodesRemoved(TreeNode, int[], TreeNode[]) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Fires necessary event, use removeNodeFromParent
NodeToolTipProp - Class in
NodeToolTipProp() - Constructor for class
NodeView - Interface in giny.view
Any and all questions should be directed to me.
NodeWidthProp - Class in
NodeWidthProp() - Constructor for class
NOINPUT - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
When the NOINPUT flag is set, this Tunable is not presented to the user, it is only used for property settings.
noName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
NONE - Static variable in class
Significance value: NONE.
NONE - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
NONE - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
NORMAL - Static variable in class
NormDist - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
NormDist() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.NormDist
NORTH - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
NORTHEAST - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
northEastName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
northName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
NORTHWEST - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
northWestName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
NoRTreeQueryPerformance - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
NoRTreeQueryPerformance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.NoRTreeQueryPerformance
Not - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Not() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Not
NOT_AVAILABLE_STR - Static variable in class cytoscape.task.ui.StringUtils
Not Available String.
NotAPluginException - Exception in cytoscape.plugin
Thrown to indicate that a class cannot be used as a plugin becuase it does not extend CytoscapePlugin.
NotAPluginException(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.NotAPluginException
notifyCreateGroup(CyGroup) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Notify a viewer that a group has been created for them to manage.
notifyRemoveGroup(CyGroup) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Notify a viewer the a group of interest is going to be removed.
Now - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Now() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Now
Nth - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Nth() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Nth
NullCustomGraphics - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
Null object for Custom Graphics.
NullCustomGraphics() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.NullCustomGraphics
nullNetwork - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
A null CyNetwork to give when there is no Current Network
nullNetworkView - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
A null CyNetworkView to give when there is no Current NetworkView
nullTaskMonitor - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
numAnchors() - Method in interface cytoscape.render.immed.EdgeAnchors
Returns the number of edge anchors.
NUMBER_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
Number class
NumberInterpolator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
This partial implementation of Interpolator assumes that the domain values are some kind of number, and extracts the values into ordinary doubles for the convenience of subclasses.
NumberInterpolator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.NumberInterpolator
numberOfContainers() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
numberOfParents() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
numberOfParentsAndContainers() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
numberOfTargets() - Method in class
numericallySafeSum(double[]) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Carefully adds the numbers in "a" minimising loss of precision.
NUMERICATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
For attributes, indicate that the list should be restricted to integer or float attributes.
numRemaining() - Method in interface
Returns a non-negative integer I such that next() will successfully return a value no more and no less than I times.
numRemaining() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.ArrayIntEnumerator
numRemaining() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.intr.IntEnumerator
Returns a non-negative integer I such that nextInt() will successfully return a value no more and no less than I times.
numRemaining() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.intr.LongEnumerator
Returns a non-negative integer I such that nextLong() will successfully return a value no more and no less than I times.
nwName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition


OBJECT_POSITION_CHANGED - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.ObjectPlacerGraphic
OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class
OBJECT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
Object class
ObjectFactory - Class in cytoscape.bookmarks
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the cytoscape.bookmarks package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class cytoscape.bookmarks.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: cytoscape.bookmarks
ObjectFactory - Class in cytoscape.generated
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the cytoscape.generated package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: cytoscape.generated
ObjectMapping - Interface in cytoscape.visual.mappings
Mappings should implement this interface.
ObjectPlacerControl - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
ObjectPlacerControl(ObjectPosition) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.ObjectPlacerControl
ObjectPlacerGraphic - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
ObjectPlacerGraphic(ObjectPosition, Integer, boolean, String, Dimension, Dimension) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.ObjectPlacerGraphic
A gui for placing a label relative to a node.
ObjectPosition - Interface in giny.view
Interface representing relative location of graphics objects, such as labels or custom graphics.
ObjectPositionCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
ObjectPositionCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.ObjectPositionCellRenderer
ObjectPositionConverter - Class in cytoscape.visual.converter
ObjectPositionConverter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.converter.ObjectPositionConverter
ObjectPositionImpl - Class in ding.view
ObjectPositionImpl() - Constructor for class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
Creates a new ObjectPosition object.
ObjectPositionImpl(ObjectPosition) - Constructor for class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
Copy constructor
ObjectPositionImpl(Position, Position, Justification, double, double) - Constructor for class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
Creates a new ObjectPosition object.
ObjectPositionParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
ObjectPositionParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ObjectPositionParser
ObjectToString - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Deprecated. will be removed in May 2011. Use ValueToStringConverterManager.manager.toString(obj) instead.
ObjectToString() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ObjectToString
OBO_PREFIX - Static variable in class
OBOFlatFileReader - Class in
OBO file reader.
OBOFlatFileReader(String, String) - Constructor for class
OBOFlatFileReader(URL, String) - Constructor for class
OBOFlatFileReader(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
OBOHeaderTags - Enum in
OboOntologyReader - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo
The purpose of this class is to convert a 'gene_ontology.obo' file to a crufty old 'go.onto' file that Cytoscape's BioDataServer understands.
OboOntologyReader(Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.OboOntologyReader
Creates a new OboOntologyReader object.
OboOntologyReader2 - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo
The purpose of this class is to convert a 'gene_ontology.obo' file to a crufty old 'go.onto' file that Cytoscape's BioDataServer understands.
OboOntologyReader2(Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.OboOntologyReader2
Creates a new OboOntologyReader2 object.
OboOntologyTester - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo.test
OboOntologyTester() - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.OboOntologyTester
OBOTags - Enum in
Tags used in OBO file:
observers - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.SubjectBase
An Array List of All Observers who want to be notified of changes.
OCTAGON - Static variable in class
OCTAGON - Static variable in class
OCTAGON - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
OctagonNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
OctagonNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.OctagonNodeShape
okButton - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
oldRecursiveGetPath(int, Vector) - Method in class
onComponentAdded(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelListener
Notifies the listener when a component is added to the CytoPanel.
onComponentRemoved(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelListener
Notifies the listener when a component is removed from the CytoPanel.
onComponentSelected(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelListener
Notifies the listener when a new component on the CytoPanel is selected.
onCyNetworkEvent(CyNetworkEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.CyNetworkAdapter
onCyNetworkEvent(CyNetworkEvent) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetworkListener
This method is called when an event is fired by a CyNetwork.
onCytoscapeExit() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
ONE_SECOND - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeProgressMonitor
onSelectEvent(SelectEvent) - Method in interface
onSelectEvent(SelectEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.FlagAndSelectionHandler
Responds to events indicating a change in the flagged state of one or more nodes or edges.
onSelectEvent(SelectEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
onStateChange(CytoPanelState) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelListener
Notifies the listener on a change in the CytoPanel state.
ontology - Variable in class
Ontology - Class in
Deprecated. Use regular CyAttributes for annotation.
Ontology(String, String) - Constructor for class
Ontology - Class in
General Ontology class which implements Ontology interface from BioJava project.
This class representes a general and simple ontology class. This implementation uses
CyNetwork and CyAttributes for its actual data storage.
Ontology(String) - Constructor for class
Ontology(String, String, String, CyNetwork) - Constructor for class
Ontology - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Ontology() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
ontology - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.OntologyServer
ONTOLOGY_DAG_ROOT - Static variable in class
ONTOLOGY_ROOT - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
ontologyCount() - Method in class
OntologyDescription - Class in
Deprecated. Use regular CyAttributes for annotation.
OntologyDescription(String, String) - Constructor for class
OntologyFactory - Class in
OntologyFactory() - Constructor for class
OntologyFlatFileReader - Class in
OntologyFlatFileReader(File) - Constructor for class
Creates a new OntologyFlatFileReader object.
OntologyFlatFileReader(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class
Creates a new OntologyFlatFileReader object.
OntologyFlatFileReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new OntologyFlatFileReader object.
OntologyReader - Interface in
Interface for all ontology file readers.
ontologyRootID - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
OntologyServer - Class in
Ontology Server which manages ontologies, aliases, and bookmarks.
OntologyServer() - Constructor for class
Create hash map for ontologies.
OntologyServer - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
OntologyServer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.OntologyServer
ontologyServer - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Server
OntologyServer.OntologyType - Enum in
OntologyTerm - Class in
Deprecated. Use regular CyAttributes for annotation.
OntologyTerm(String, int) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. Creates a new OntologyTerm object.
OntologyTerm - Class in
Simple in-memory implementation of an ontology term based on BioJava's interface.
OntologyTerm(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
OntologyTerm.SynonymType - Enum in
ontologyType - Variable in class
ontologyType - Variable in class
ontologyType - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
OntologyXmlReader - Class in
OntologyXmlReader(File) - Constructor for class
Creates a new OntologyXmlReader object.
OpenBrowser - Class in cytoscape.util
OpenBrowser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.OpenBrowser
OpenSessionAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Call the session reader and read everything in the zip archive.
OpenSessionAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.OpenSessionAction
Add a menu item under "File" and set shortcut.
OpenSessionAction(CyMenus, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.OpenSessionAction
Constructor for the Icon button on the toolbar.
openURL(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.OpenBrowser
Option - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
Describes a single command-line option.
Option(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Creates an Option using the specified parameters.
Option(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Creates an Option using the specified parameters.
Option(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Creates an Option using the specified parameters.
OptionBuilder - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
OptionBuilder allows the user to create Options using descriptive methods.
OptionGroup - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
A group of mutually exclusive options.
OptionGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
options - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
options - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
Options - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
Main entry-point into the library.
Options() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Construct a new Options descriptor
OptionValidator - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
Validates an Option string.
OptionValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionValidator
Or - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Or() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Or
orderedElements(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Returns an enumeration of elements in this heap, ordered such that the least element is first in the returned enumeration.
org.apache.commons.cli - package org.apache.commons.cli
Commons CLI 1.0
org.apache.commons.cli.avalon - package org.apache.commons.cli.avalon
Utility code for parsing command-line options.
org.cytoscape.equations - package org.cytoscape.equations
org.cytoscape.equations.builtins - package org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter - package org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter
org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree - package org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
out - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
OUTLINE - Static variable in class
OUTLINE_WIDTH - Static variable in class


PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class
pad(GridBagConstraints, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
paint(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Sublcassed to translate the graphics such that the last visible row will be drawn at 0,0.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
paint(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
paint(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
paint(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.LabelPlacerGraphic
Deprecated. The method that handles the rendering of placement gui.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.ObjectPlacerGraphic
The method that handles the rendering of placement gui.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas
Our implementation of paint.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.BirdsEyeView
paint(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Paint this component using Java2D.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.DropDownMenuButton
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.BelowAndAbovePanel
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.CyGradientTrackRenderer
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.DiscreteTrackRenderer
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.TriangleThumbRenderer
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.YValueLegendPanel
PaintFactory - Interface in cytoscape.render.stateful
Factory for creating paint object for a rectangulaer bounds.
paintFactory - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
paintIcon(Graphics2D) - Method in class
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer.PaintIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.ArrowIcon
Draw icon using Java2D.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
Draw icon using Java2D.
paintIcon(Graphics2D) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
panel - Variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.GridBagGroup
Panel - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Panel() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Panel
panel - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Panels
panels - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Panels - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Panels() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Panels
panelState - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
panelTitle - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
PARALELLOGRAM - Static variable in class
PARALELLOGRAM - Static variable in class
PARALELLOGRAM - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
ParallelogramNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
ParallelogramNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.ParallelogramNodeShape
ParallelStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
ParallelStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ParallelStroke
parent - Variable in class cytoscape.actions.CytoPanelAction
parent - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Parent - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Parent() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Parent
PARENT_NODES_ATTR - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyNode
parse(StringTokenizer) - Method in class
parse(String) - Method in class
Parse an entry/line in an NNF file.
parse(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
parse(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.LineStyle
Attempts to parse a LineStyle object from a string.
parse(String) - Static method in enum giny.view.Justification
parse(int) - Static method in enum giny.view.Justification
parse(String) - Static method in enum giny.view.Position
parse(int) - Static method in enum giny.view.Position
parse(Options, String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser
Parse the arguments according to the specified options.
parse(Options, String[], Properties) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser
Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
parse(Options, String[], boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser
Parse the arguments according to the specified options.
parse(Options, String[], Properties, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser
Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
parse(Options, String[]) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Parser
Parses the specified arguments based on the specifed Options.
parse(Options, String[], Properties) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Parser
Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
parse(Options, String[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Parser
Parses the specified arguments based on the specifed Options.
parse(Options, String[], Properties, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Parser
Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
parse(String, Map<String, Class>) - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.EqnParser
parseArrow(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ArrowParser
parseArrowShape(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ArrowShapeParser
parseArrowText(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
parseArrowText(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
parseBoolean(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.BooleanParser
parseColor(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ColorParser
parseColorText(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ColorUtil
Convert text representation of color into Color object.
parseCommandLine(String[]) - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
parseDouble(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.DoubleParser
ParseException - Exception in org.apache.commons.cli
Base for Exceptions thrown during parsing of a command-line.
ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException
Construct a new ParseException with the specified detail message.
parseFloat(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.FloatParser
parseFont(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.FontParser
parseHeader(String) - Method in class
parseLabelPosition(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.LabelPositionParser
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
parseLineStyle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.LineStyleParser
parseList() - Method in class
A list consists of zero or more paris of keys and values
parseList(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.Misc
parseLoadFile(String, String) - Method in class
parseNodeShapeEnum(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.NodeShapeParser
parseNodeShapeText(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
parseObjectType(String, byte) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingUtil
This method returns an object of the specified type based on the string read from the props file.
parsePattern(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
Returns the Options instance represented by pattern.
parseProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class
parseProperty(Properties, String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
parser - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
Parser - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
Parser creates CommandLines.
Parser() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.Parser
Parser - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
A singleton EqnParser
Parser() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.Parser
ParserControl - Interface in org.apache.commons.cli.avalon
ParserControl is used to control particular behaviour of the parser.
parseRGBText(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.Misc
Deprecated. will be removed in April, 2011. use ColorUtil.parseColorText instead.
parseString(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.StringParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ArrowParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ArrowShapeParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.BooleanParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ColorParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.DoubleParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.FloatParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.FontParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.GraphicsParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.LabelPositionParser
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.LineStyleParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.NodeShapeParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.ObjectPositionParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.parsers.StringParser
parseStringValue(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.parsers.ValueParser
Parse the argument into an object.
parseViewType(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Deprecated. View types are no longer support so stop using this. Will be removed August 2008.
passesFilter(Object) - Method in class
Implementation of the Filter interface.
passesFilter(Object) - Method in interface giny.filter.Filter
Determine whether the object passes the filter.
PassThroughMapping - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
Defines a mapping from a bundle of data attributes to a visual attribute.
PassThroughMapping(Object, byte) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Deprecated. Use new constructor instead. Will be removed in 10/2011. Controlling attribute name is always required, and now it's a part of constructor argument.
PassThroughMapping(Object) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Deprecated. Use new constructor instead. Will be removed in 10/2011. Controlling attribute name is always required, and now it's a part of constructor argument.
PassThroughMapping(Object, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Deprecated. Use new constructor instead. Will be removed in 10/2011. Controlling attribute name is always required, and now it's a part of constructor argument.
PassThroughMapping(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Creates a new PassThroughMapping object.
PatternOptionBuilder - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
Allows Options to be created from a single String.
PatternOptionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
pcs - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
pcs - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
provides support for property change events
pcs - Variable in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
pcs2 - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
pcsO - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
pcsO - Static variable in class
PDFExporter - Class in cytoscape.util.export
PDF exporter by the iText library.
PDFExporter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.export.PDFExporter
peek() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntQueue
A non-mutating operation that retrieves the next integer in this queue.
peek() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntStack
A non-mutating operation that retrieves the next integer on this stack.
PENTAGON - Static variable in class
PercentUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
Helper Class for Calculating Percentage of Multi-Step Processes.
PercentUtil(int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.PercentUtil
performNetworkOperation(List, int, boolean, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Protected helper function that actually does the heavy lifting to perform the set operations.
performSearch() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GraphObjectSelection
Permut - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Permut() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Permut
PersistImageTask - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
PersistImageTask(File) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.PersistImageTask
phoebe - package phoebe
PhoebeCanvasDropEvent - Class in phoebe
forwards the drop event and its location
PhoebeCanvasDropEvent(PhoebeCanvasDroppable, Transferable, Point) - Constructor for class phoebe.PhoebeCanvasDropEvent
constructor for PhoebeCanvasDropEvent
PhoebeCanvasDropListener - Interface in phoebe
an interface for responding to PhoebeCanvasDropEvents.
PhoebeCanvasDroppable - Interface in phoebe
interface for maintaining listeners for PhoebeCanvasDropEvents.
PhoebeNodeControl - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
An Adobe style node organizer.
PhoebeNodeControl(GraphView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
Creates a new PhoebeNodeControl object.
PhoebeNodeControl.SliderListener - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
PhoebeNodeControl.SliderListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl.SliderListener
Pi - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Pi() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Pi
pickOntology(Ontology[], Annotation) - Method in class
PipeStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
PipeStroke.Type - Enum in cytoscape.visual.strokes
Plugin - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Plugin() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Plugin
plugin - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Plugins
pluginDir - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
PluginException - Exception in cytoscape.plugin
PluginException() - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.PluginException
For all plugin exceptions
PluginException(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.PluginException
PluginException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.PluginException
PluginException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.PluginException
PluginFileReader - Class in cytoscape.plugin
PluginFileReader(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginFileReader
Creates a new PluginFileReader object.
PluginIndex - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
PluginIndex() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginIndex
PluginInfo - Class in cytoscape.plugin
Object describes a plugin
PluginInfo() - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
See DownloadableInfo.DownloadableInfo() Initializes a PluginInfo object with the following defaults: setName("Unknown"); setDescription("No description"); setObjectVersion("0.1"); setCytoscapeVersion( cytoscape.cytoscapeVersion.version ); setCategory("Uncategorized");
PluginInfo(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
See DownloadableInfo.DownloadableInfo(String)
PluginInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
PluginInfo(String, DownloadableInfo) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
See DownloadableInfo.DownloadableInfo(String)
PluginInfo.AuthorInfo - Class in cytoscape.plugin
Describes an author for a given plugin.
PluginInfo.AuthorInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo.AuthorInfo
PluginInfo.FileType - Enum in cytoscape.plugin
Jar and Zip files currently supported
PluginInquireAction - Class in cytoscape.plugin
Object should be implmeneted by anyone using the PluginManager#inquireThread(String, PluginInquireAction) method to get plugins from a given site.
PluginInquireAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInquireAction
PluginInstallAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
PluginInstallAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.PluginInstallAction
PluginManageDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
PluginManageDialog() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
PluginManageDialog(JDialog) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
PluginManageDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
PluginManageDialog.CommonError - Enum in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
PluginManageDialog.PluginInstallStatus - Enum in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
PluginManager - Class in cytoscape.plugin
PluginManagerAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
PluginManagerAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.PluginManagerAction
PluginManagerInquireTask - Class in cytoscape.plugin
PluginManagerInquireTask(String, PluginInquireAction) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManagerInquireTask
PluginProperties - Class in cytoscape.plugin
This class reads the plugin.props file that is expected to be in each plugin jar file and turns it into a PluginInfo object for the PluginManager
PluginProperties(CytoscapePlugin) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginProperties
The plugin.props file is expected to be in the jar file under the package directory.
PluginProperties.PluginProperty - Enum in cytoscape.plugin
Properties in the plugin.props file
plugins - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
Plugins - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Plugins() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Plugins
plugins - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
PluginsTableModel - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.preferences
Deprecated. This class is no longer used in cytoscape. If you are using it, let us know and we'll figure something out. Otherwise, this will be removed December 2007.
PluginsTableModel() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. Creates a new PluginsTableModel object.
PluginStatus - Enum in cytoscape.plugin
pluginTracker - Variable in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
PluginTracker - Class in cytoscape.plugin
PluginTracker(File, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Used for testing
PluginTracker(File) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
PluginUpdateAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
PluginUpdateAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.PluginUpdateAction
PluginUpdateDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
PluginUpdateDialog(JDialog) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginUpdateDialog
PluginUpdateDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginUpdateDialog
PluginUrlDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
PluginUrlDialog(JDialog) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginUrlDialog
Creates a new PluginUrlDialog object.
PluginVersionUtils - Class in cytoscape.plugin
PluginVersionUtils() - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.PluginVersionUtils
PluginXml - Enum in cytoscape.plugin
POINT - Static variable in class
POINT - Static variable in class
PointTextListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous
Listens for a User Initiated Change in any of the JTextFields in the Continuous Mapper UI.
PointTextListener(JTextField, ContinuousMapping, JDialog, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.PointTextListener
pop() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntStack
Removes and returns the next integer on this stack.
PopupFontChooser - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
PopupIconChooser - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
PopupIconChooser borrows all of its functionality from IconPopupButton.
PopupIconChooser(String, String, ImageIcon[], ImageIcon, Frame) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupIconChooser
Create a PopupIconChooser with the supplied attributes.
PopupIconChooser(String, String, ImageIcon[], ImageIcon, Dialog) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupIconChooser
Creates a new PopupIconChooser object.
PopupIconChooser.ApplyIconAction - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
PopupIconChooser.ApplyIconAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupIconChooser.ApplyIconAction
PopupIconChooser.CancelIconAction - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxPopupMenuListener
Not interested in this event.
popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxPopupMenuListener
Not interested in this event.
popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxPopupMenuListener
Resize the popup list based on the longest display string for objects in the model of the JComboBox being listened to.
popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
Check the selected VPT and enable/disable menu items.
PopupObjectPositionChooser - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
PopupStringChooser - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
An input dialog for strings, ints, and doubles.
PopupStringChooser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupStringChooser
PopupTextArea - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
PopupTextArea(JDialog, String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.PopupTextArea
Creates a new PopupTextArea object.
PopupTextArea(Frame, String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.PopupTextArea
Creates a new PopupTextArea object.
PopupTextArea.OKAction - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
position - Variable in class cytoscape.actions.CytoPanelAction
position - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
Position - Enum in giny.view
Constants represent position of graphics objects.
positionToBarycenter(NodeView) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
If the node that node_view represents is a meta-node, then it positions it at the barycenter of its viewable children nodes.
PosixParser - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
The class PosixParser provides an implementation of the flatten method.
PosixParser() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser
post() - Method in class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
PREFERENCE_MODIFIED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
PreferenceAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
PreferenceAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.PreferenceAction
Creates a new PreferenceAction object.
PREFERENCES_UPDATED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
PreferencesDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.preferences
PreferencesDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
Creates a new PreferencesDialog object.
PreferenceTableModel - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.preferences
PreferenceTableModel() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
Creates a new PreferenceTableModel object.
PreferenceValueDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.preferences
PreferenceValueDialog(Dialog, String, String, PreferencesDialog, TableModel, String, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceValueDialog
Deprecated. includeBrowse is not longer supported. Use the other constructor instead. Will be removed 5/2008.
PreferenceValueDialog(Dialog, String, String, PreferencesDialog, TableModel, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceValueDialog
Creates a new PreferenceValueDialog object.
preferredButtonGroup - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
preferredMenu - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
prefsTM - Variable in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
PrimesGenerator - Class in cytoscape.util.intr.test
PrimesGenerator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.intr.test.PrimesGenerator
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.InternalFrameComponent
Our implementation of the Printable interface.
print(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.view.InternalFrameComponent
This method is used by image export libraries.
print(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas
Invoke this method to print the component.
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
print(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
PrintAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
PrintAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.PrintAction
Creates a new PrintAction object.
printHelp() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
printHelp(String, Options) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
printHelp(String, Options, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
printHelp(String, String, Options, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
printHelp(String, String, Options, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
printHelp(int, String, String, Options, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
printHelp(int, String, String, Options, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
printHelp(PrintWriter, int, String, String, Options, int, int, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
printHelp(PrintWriter, int, String, String, Options, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
printList(List<KeyValue>, Writer) - Static method in class
Public method to print out a given object tree(list) using the supplied filewriter
printList(List<KeyValue>, String, Writer) - Static method in class
Protected recurive helper method to print out an object tree
PrintLOD - Class in ding.view
PrintLOD() - Constructor for class ding.view.PrintLOD
printNoImposter(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.DingCanvas
Method used to print canvas without using image imposter.
printNoImposter(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
Print routine which corrects bug 1471/1495
printOptions(PrintWriter, int, Options, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the help for the specified Options to the specified writer, using the specified width, left padding and description padding.
printUsage(PrintWriter, int, String, Options) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Prints the usage statement for the specified application.
printUsage(PrintWriter, int, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the cmdLineSyntax to the specified writer, using the specified width.
printWithoutForeground(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.view.InternalFrameComponent
This method is used by image export libraries.
printWrapped(PrintWriter, int, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the specified text to the specified PrintWriter.
printWrapped(PrintWriter, int, int, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Print the specified text to the specified PrintWriter.
processArgs(Option, ListIterator) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Parser
Process the argument values for the specified Option opt using the values retrieved from the specified iterator iter.
processEdgeContextMenuEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
processNodeContextMenuEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
handles a NodeContextMenuEvent.
processPhoebeCanvasDropEvent(PhoebeCanvasDropEvent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
handles a PhoebeCanvasDropEvent.
Product - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Product() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Product
PROPERTIES_NATURE - Static variable in class
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ApplyLayoutAction
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.BirdsEyeViewAction
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Listening to events fired by service clients.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Add expander.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Catch result from the service.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.NestedNetworkViewUpdater
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ProxyHandler
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.NetworkSelectorPanel
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
This handles all of the incoming PropertyChangeEvents.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Save images to local disk when exiting from Cytoscape.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CustomGraphicsBrowser
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2CMappingEditor
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2DMappingEditor
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.GradientEditorPanel
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.HideEdgeListener
Listens for NETWORK_VIEW_CREATED events and if it hears one, it adds a HideEdgeContextMenuListener context menu listener to the view.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.HideNodeListener
Listens for NETWORK_VIEW_CREATED events and if it hears one, it adds a HideNodeContextMenuListener context menu listener to the view.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.LabelPlacerGraphic
Deprecated. Handles all property changes that the panel listens for.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.NestedNetworkListener
Listens for NETWORK_VIEW_CREATED events and if it hears one, it adds SetNestedNetwork context menu listeners to the view.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.ObjectPlacerControl
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.ObjectPlacerGraphic
Handles all property changes that the panel listens for.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupObjectPositionChooser
Handles all property changes that the panel listens for.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapBypassNetworkListener
Listens for NETWORK_VIEW_CREATED events and if it hears one, it adds node and edge context menu listeners to the view.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
Handle propeaty change events.
propertyComponent - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
propertyMap - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
propertyMap - Variable in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
propertyPrefix - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
propertyPrefix - Variable in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
propertySpinner - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
props - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
props - Variable in class
props - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
PropUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
A stateless utility class that makes it easy to parse int and boolean values from a Properties object.
PROTEIN - Static variable in class
PROXY_HOST_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.ProxyHandler
PROXY_MODIFIED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Specifies that the Proxy settings Cytoscape uses to connect to the internet have been changed.
PROXY_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.ProxyHandler
PROXY_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.ProxyHandler
ProxyHandler - Class in cytoscape.util
ProxyServerAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ProxyServerAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ProxyServerAction
Creates a new ProxyServerAction object.
ProxyServerDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.preferences
ProxyServerDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.ProxyServerDialog
Creates new form URLimportAdvancedDialog
PSExporter - Class in cytoscape.util.export
PSExporter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.export.PSExporter
push(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntStack
Pushes a new integer onto this stack.
put(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntHash
Puts a new value into this hashtable if that value is not already in this hashtable; otherwise does nothing.
put(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntIntHash
Puts a new key/value pair into this hashtable, potentially overwriting an existing value whose key is the same as the one specified.
put(int, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntObjHash
Puts a new key/value pair into this hashtable, potentially overwriting an existing value whose key is the same as the one specified.
put(int, T) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntTHash
Puts a new key/value pair into this hashtable, potentially overwriting an existing value whose key is the same as the one specified.
put(long, long) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.LongLongHash
Puts a new key/value pair into this hashtable, potentially overwriting an existing value whose key is the same as the one specified.
putAll(Map) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Adds All Members of Specified Map.
putClientData(String, Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Deprecated. Use CyAttributes directly. This method will be removed in May, 2007.
putClientData(String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
putClientData(String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Deprecated. Networks can support client data.
putClientData(String, Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Networks can support client data.
putMapValue(Object, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.DiscreteMapping
Puts New Key/Value in Map.
PVAL - Static variable in class
Significance value: PVAL.


queryDrawnEdges(int, int, int, int, IntStack) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
queryOverlap(float, float, float, float, float[], int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Returns an enumeration of entries whose extents intersect the specified axis-aligned rectangular area.
queryOverlap(float, float, float, float, float[], int, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.geom.spacial.SpacialIndex2D
Returns an enumeration of entries whose extents intersect the specified axis-aligned rectangular area.


Radians - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Radians() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Radians
RandomColorListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete
User wants to Seed the Discrete Mapper with Random Color Values.
RandomColorListener(DiscreteMapping, TreeSet) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.discrete.RandomColorListener
Constructs a ValueChangeListener.
rangeClass - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
RangeValueCalculator<T> - Interface in cytoscape.visual.mappings
RangeValueCalculatorFactory - Interface in cytoscape.visual.mappings
RangeValueCalculatorFactoryImpl - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings
RangeValueCalculatorFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.RangeValueCalculatorFactoryImpl
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.BiologicalProcessAnnotationReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.CellularComponentAnnotationReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.MolecularFunctionAnnotationReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.OboOntologyReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.OboOntologyReader2
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.cruft.obo.SynonymReader
read() - Method in class
read() - Method in class
Read a session file.
read() - Method in class
Read GML file contents
read() - Method in interface
Reads/imports the graph.
read() - Method in class
Calls read(false)
read() - Method in class
read() - Method in class
read() - Method in class
read() - Method in class
read() - Method in class
readBookmarks() - Method in class
Read bookmark from resource.
readBookmarks(URL) - Method in class
Read bookmarks from the specified location.
readEdge(List<KeyValue>) - Method in class
This will extract the model information from the list which is matched to an "edge" key.
reader - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
READER_CLIENT_KEY - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
readFile(String, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
readFile(ZipFile, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
Reads a file contained within a zip file and returns an InputStream for the specific file you want from within the zip file.
readFromObject(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperProperty
readGML(List<KeyValue>) - Method in class
This function takes the root level list which defines a gml objec tree
readGraph(List<KeyValue>) - Method in class
This function takes in a list which was given as the value to a "graph" key underneath the main gml list
readOntology() - Method in class
readOntology() - Method in interface
readOntologyFlatFiles(String[]) - Method in class
readOntologyFlatFiles2(String[]) - Method in class
readResourceFile() - Method in class
Read the resource file in the jar.
RecentlyOpenedTracker - Class in cytoscape.util
A class to keep track of a short list of recently opened URLs.
RecentlyOpenedTracker(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.RecentlyOpenedTracker
Creates a "recently opened" file tracker.
RECTANGLE - Static variable in class
RECTANGLE - Static variable in class
RECTANGLE - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
RectangleNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
RectangleNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.RectangleNodeShape
recursiveDeleteFiles(File) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
recursiveGetPath(int, Vector) - Method in class
recycleEdge(Edge) - Method in interface fing.model.FingEdgeDepot
Recycles an edge.
recycleNode(Node) - Method in interface fing.model.FingNodeDepot
Recycles a node.
redo() - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.CyAbstractEdit
redo() - Method in class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
Applies the new state to the view after it has been undone.
RedoAction - Class in cytoscape.util.undo
An action that calls redo for the most recent edit in the undoable edit stack.
RedoAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.undo.RedoAction
Constructs the action.
redrawGraph(boolean, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
Apply visual style and redraw graph.
redrawGraph(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
RedrawTask - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
REFERENCE - Static variable in class
refresh() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
register(CyCommandNamespace, String, CyCommandHandler) - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
register a new CyCommandHandler.
register(CytoscapePlugin, JarFile) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Registers a currently installed plugin with tracking object.
register(ValueToStringConverter) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.ValueToStringConverterManager
register(Class<? extends ObjectMapping>) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingManager
register(Class<? extends ObjectMapping>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingManagerImpl
register(Class<?>, TableCellRenderer) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.CellRendererFactory
registerClient(WebServiceClient<?>) - Static method in class
Register client to the manager.
registerFunction(Function) - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.EqnParser
After registering an attribute function "func" it can be used in attribute equations.
registerGroupViewer(CyGroupViewer) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Register a viewer.
registerParser(Class<? extends CyCustomGraphics>, CyCustomGraphicsParser) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphicsParserFactory
registerParser(Class<? extends CyCustomGraphics>, CyCustomGraphicsParser) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.CyCustomGraphicsParserFactoryImpl
registerRVC(RangeValueCalculator<?>) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.RangeValueCalculatorFactory
registerRVC(RangeValueCalculator<?>) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.RangeValueCalculatorFactoryImpl
registerScaler(String, Scaler) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ScalerFactory
releaseStructures() - Method in class
reload() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Reloads entire tree, fires event
reload(TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Reloads given node, fires event.
remove(String, String) - Method in class
Remove an alias.
remove(String, String) - Method in class
remove(CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenu
remove(Component) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Removes specified component from the CytoPanel.
remove(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Removes the component from the CytoPanel at the specified index.
remove(Component) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Removes specified component from the CytoPanel.
remove(int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Removes the component from the CytoPanel at the specified index.
removeAction(Action) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
If the given Action has a present and false inMenuBar property, return; otherwise if there's a menu item for the action, remove it.
removeAction(Action) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeToolBar
If the given Action has an absent or false inToolBar property, return; otherwise if there's a button for the action, remove it.
removeAll() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Removes all the components from the CytoPanel.
removeAll() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Removes all the components from the CytoPanel.
removeAll() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Remove all custom graphics from memory.
removeAllAttributeValues(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes all values bound to objectKey in attributeName.
removeAllCustomGraphics() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
removeAllElements() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Removes all objects from the model.
removeAllGraphViews() - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Removes all of the current giny.view.GraphView objects that this GraphViewController keeps synchronized to their corresponding giny.model.GraphPerspective members.
removeAllHandles() - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Removes all handles
removeAttributeValue(String, String, Object[]) - Method in interface
This method is the same as getAttributeValue(), only the retrieved attribute value is also deleted.
removeCalculator(Calculator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Remove a calculator.
removeCalculator(VisualPropertyType, String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Remove a ChangeListener from the calcaultor.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
Remove a ChangeListener from the calcaultor.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
Remove a ChangeListener from the mapping.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.PassThroughMapping
Empty implementation because PassThroughMapping has no UI.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.SubjectBase
Remove a ChangeListener from the calcaultor.
removeChild(TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Removes child from this node.
removeChildren() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Clears the list of children for this node.
removeClient(String) - Static method in class
removeColumn(int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
removeComponentAtSouth(Component) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Remove a component from the CytoPanel just below the TabbedPane.
removeContentChangeListener(ContentChangeListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
removeCustomGraphic(CustomGraphic) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
A thread-safe method for removing a given custom graphic from this DNodeView.
removeCustomGraphics(CyCustomGraphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CustomGraphicsBrowser
removeCyNetworkListener(CyNetworkListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Removes the argument from the set of listeners for this object.
removeCyNetworkListener(CyNetworkListener) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Removes the argument from the set of listeners for this object.
removeCytoPanelListener(CytoPanelListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Removes a CytoPanel listener.
removeCytoPanelListener(CytoPanelListener) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Removes a CytoPanel listener.
removeCyWebServiceEventListener(CyWebServiceEventListener) - Method in class
removeDataDefinitionListener(MultiHashMapDefinitionListener) - Method in interface
Unregisters a listener; this method has the opposite effect as addDataDefinitionListener(listener).
removeDataListener(MultiHashMapListener) - Method in interface
Unregisters a listener; this method has the opposite effect as addDataListener(listener).
removeDownloadable(DownloadableInfo, PluginStatus) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Removes the given DownloadableInfo object from the list of plugins/themes sharing the given status.
removeEdge(int, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
This will remove this edge from the Network.
removeEdge(int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
This will remove this edge from the Network.
removeEdge(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Remove the given Edge from this RootGraph and all of its GraphPerspectives.
removeEdge(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Remove the Edge with the given index from this RootGraph and all of its GraphPerspectives.
removeEdgeContextMenuListener(EdgeContextMenuListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
removeEdgeContextMenuListener(EdgeContextMenuListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
removeEdgeContextMenuListener(EdgeContextMenuListener) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
removeEdgeMetaChild(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
removeEdges(List) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use removeEdge(Edge) or removeEdges(int[]) instead.
removeEdges(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use removeEdge(int) instead.
removeEdgeView(EdgeView) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Removes an EdgeView based on an EdgeView.
removeEdgeView(Edge) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Removes an EdgeView based on an Edge.
removeEdgeView(int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Removes an EdgeView based on an EdgeIndex.
removeEdgeView(EdgeView) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
This will entirely remove a NodeView/EdgeView from the GraphView.
removeEdgeView(Edge) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
This will entirely remove a NodeView/EdgeView from the GraphView.
removeEdgeView(int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
This will entirely remove a NodeView/EdgeView from the GraphView.
removeElement(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Removes the given object from the model.
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Removes the object at the specified index from the model.
removeFile() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.ExportAsGraphicsFileChooser
removeFromGroup(CyGroup) - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
Remove this node from the specified group.
removeGraphics(Long) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Remove graphics from current session (memory).
removeGraphPerspectiveChangeListener(GraphPerspectiveChangeListener) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
removeGraphView(GraphView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
If this GraphViewController contains the given giny.view.GraphView, then it is removed from it, and it no longer listens for change events from the removed giny.view.GraphView's giny.model.GraphPerspective.
removeGraphViewChangeListener(GraphViewChangeListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Remove GraphViewChangeListener from linked list of GraphViewChangeListeners.
removeGraphViewChangeListener(GraphViewChangeListener) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Removes a GraphViewChangeListener from this GraphViews list of listeners.
removeGraphViewEdges(GraphView, Edge[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It removes the views of the edges in the array from the given giny.view.GraphView object.
removeGraphViewEdges(GraphView, int[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It removes the views of the edges in the array from the given giny.view.GraphView object.
removeGraphViewNodes(GraphView, Node[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It removes the nodes in the array from the given giny.view.GraphView object, it also removes the connected edges to these nodes (an edge without a connecting node makes no mathematical sense).
removeGraphViewNodes(GraphView, int[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It removes the views of the nodes with the given indices that are contained in the given giny.view.GraphView object, it also removes the connected edges to these nodes (an edge without a connecting node makes no mathematical sense).
removeGroup(CyGroup) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Remove (delete) a group
removeGroup(CyNode) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Remove (delete) a group
removeGroupChangeListener(CyGroupChangeListener) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Remove a change listener from our list of listeners
removeHandle(Point2D) - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Removes the PHandle at the specified point.
removeHandle(int) - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Removes the PHandle at the given index.
removeHelpSet(HelpSet) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.CyHelpBroker
Removes a help set that was previously added with addHelpSet().
removeInnerEdge(CyEdge) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Remove an inner edge from the map.
removeInnerEdge(CyEdge) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Remove an inner edge from the map.
removeLayout(CyLayoutAlgorithm) - Static method in class cytoscape.layout.CyLayouts
Remove a layout from the layout maanger's list.
removeLogHandler(CyLogHandler, String, LogLevel) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Remove a log handler for specific messages
removeLogHandler(CyLogHandler, LogLevel) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Remove a general log handler
removeMapping(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
removeNetwork(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
Remove a network from the panel.
removeNode(int, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
This will remove this node from the Network.
removeNode(int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
This will remove this node from the Network.
removeNode(CyNode) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Remove a node from a group
removeNode(CyNode) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Remove a node from a group
removeNode(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Remove the given Node and all Edges incident on it from this RootGraph and all of its GraphPerspectives.
removeNode(int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Remove the Node with the given index (and all of that Node's incident Edges) from this RootGraph and all of its GraphPerspectives.
removeNodeContextMenuListener(NodeContextMenuListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
removeNodeContextMenuListener(NodeContextMenuListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
removeNodeContextMenuListener(NodeContextMenuListener) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
removes a listener from the store of NodeContextMenuListeners
removeNodeFromParent(TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Removes given node from it's parent.
removeNodeMetaChild(int, int) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
removeNodes(List) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use removeNode(Node) or removeNodes(int[]) instead.
removeNodes(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraph
Deprecated. Use removeNode(int) instead.
removeNodesFromParent(List<TreeNode>) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
removeNodeView(NodeView) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Removes a NodeView based on specified NodeView.
removeNodeView(Node) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Removes a NodeView based on specified Node.
removeNodeView(int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Removes a NodeView based on a specified index.
removeNodeView(NodeView) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
This will entirely remove a NodeView/EdgeView from the GraphView.
removeNodeView(Node) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
This will entirely remove a NodeView/EdgeView from the GraphView.
removeNodeView(int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
This will entirely remove a NodeView/EdgeView from the GraphView.
removeOuterEdge(CyEdge) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Remove an outer edge from the map.
removeOuterEdge(CyEdge) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Remove an outer edge from the map.
removePhoebeCanvasDropListener(PhoebeCanvasDropListener) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
removes a listener from the store of PhoebeCanvasDropTargetListeners
removePhoebeCanvasDropListener(PhoebeCanvasDropListener) - Method in interface phoebe.PhoebeCanvasDroppable
removes a PhoebeCanvasDropListener from the listener store
removePoint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Removes a Point from the List.
removeSelectEventListener(SelectEventListener) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Removes a listener for SelectEvents from this CyNetwork
removeSelectEventListener(SelectEventListener) - Method in class
If the argument is a listener to this object, removes it from the list of listeners.
removeSelectEventListener(SelectEventListener) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Removes a listener for SelectEvents from this CyNetwork
removeSquare(Integer) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
Remove square
removeSynonym(Object) - Method in class
Remove a synonym for this term.
removeSynonym(Object) - Method in class
Not supported.
removeTransferComponent(JComponent) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
Removes given listener
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
removeTunableValueListener(TunableListener) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to remove a value listener from this Tunable.
removeView(CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
removeViewportChangeListener(ViewportChangeListener) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
removeVisualStyle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
removeWebstartInstalls() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Deletes everything under the webstart install directory.
renameAsNeeded(Calculator, CalculatorCatalog) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorIO
Given a Calculator of a given type and a CalculatorCatalog, checks for an existing catalog with the same name and type.
renameCalculator(Calculator, String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorCatalog
Renames a calculator.
rendered - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
renderEdges(int, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render all edges in a graph, no edges, or only those edges which touch a visible node.
renderEdges(int, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to render all edges in a graph, no edges, or only those edges which touch a visible node.
renderEdges(int, int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
renderEdgeWithArrow() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
A method that helps render the arrow shape icon properly.
renderGraph(FixedGraph, SpacialIndex2D, GraphLOD, NodeDetails, EdgeDetails, IntHash, GraphGraphics, Paint, double, double, double) - Static method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphRenderer
Renders a graph.
renderImage(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientLayerCustomGraphics
renderImage(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientOvalLayer
renderImage(Graphics) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientRoundRectangleLayer
RenderingContext<T> - Interface in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
renderOptions(StringBuffer, int, Options, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Render the specified Options and return the rendered Options in a StringBuffer.
renderWrappedText(StringBuffer, int, int, String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Render the specified text and return the rendered Options in a StringBuffer.
RepeatedAllRootGraphMethodsTest - Class in fing.model.test
replacePlugin(PluginInfo, PluginInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
reserveNamespace(String, double, double) - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
Reserve a namespace.
reserveNamespace(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandManager
Reserve a namespace.
resetButton - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
resetButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
resetGUI() - Method in class
Resets the GUI w/ all new info.
resetImage() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap.URLImageCustomGraphics
resetImportHandler() - Method in class
Unregisters all registered File Filters (except default file filters.) Resets everything with a clean slate.
resetLabelPositions() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Deletes labelPosition attribute of selected nodes (if selectedOnly) or all nodes This has the effect of moving labels back to their parent nodes position
resetManager() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
This is used in testing to isolate each test case.
resetWidest() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Invalidates the cached longest String.
resetWidest() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringProvider
Invalidate any cached longest String.
restore(Properties) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
restore(Properties) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
RESTORE_PLUGIN_STATE - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
restoreEdge(Edge) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective hides the given Edge, change it so that it does not hide the edge or the Nodes on which the edge is incident.
restoreEdge(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective hides the Edge with the given index in the underlying RootGraph, change it so that it does not hide the edge or the Nodes on which the edge is incident.
restoreEdges(List) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use restoreEdges(int[]) instead.
restoreEdges(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective hides any of the Edges corresponding to the indices in the given array, change it so that it does not hide those edges or any of the Nodes on which they are incident.
restoreGraphViewEdges(GraphView, Edge[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It restores the views of the edges in the array in the given giny.view.GraphView object
restoreGraphViewEdges(GraphView, int[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It restores the views of the edges with the given indices in the given giny.view.GraphView object
restoreGraphViewNodes(GraphView, Node[], boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It restores the views of the nodes in the array in the given giny.view.GraphView object
restoreGraphViewNodes(GraphView, int[], boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It restores the views of the nodes with the given indices in the given giny.view.GraphView object
restoreImages() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
Restore images from .cytoscape/images dir.
RestoreImageTask - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
RestoreImageTask() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.RestoreImageTask
restoreNode(Node) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective hides the given Node, change it so that it does not hide the node.
restoreNode(int) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective hides the Node with the given index in the underlying RootGraph, change it so that it does not hide the node.
restoreNodes(List) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use restoreNode(Node) restoreNodes(int[]) instead.
restoreNodes(List, boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use restoreNodes(int[]) and restoreEdges(int[]) instead; to get edges incident to specified nodes, use RootGraph.getConnectingEdgeIndicesArray(int[]).
restoreNodes(int[], boolean) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
Deprecated. Use restoreNodes(int[]) and restoreEdges(int[]) instead; to get edges incident to specified nodes, use RootGraph.getConnectingEdgeIndicesArray(int[]).
restoreNodes(int[]) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphPerspective
If this GraphPerspective hides any of the Nodes corresponding to the indices in the given array, change it so that it does not hide those nodes.
restoreSessionState(List<File>) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
resumeListening() - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
It adds this GraphViewController as a listener for all giny.model.GraphPerspective that were temporarily "removed" by calling stopListening(), it updates the GraphViews of the GraphPerspectives so that they are synchronized to reflect changes that may have occured while not listening.
resumeListening(GraphView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
It adds this GraphViewController listener to the giny.model.GraphPerspective of the given giny.view.GraphView that was temporarily "removed" by a call to stopListening(GraphView), it updates graph_view so that it's synchronized to its GraphPerspective due to changes that may have occured while not listening.
returnVal - Variable in class cytoscape.actions.ExitAction
returnVal - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
revertProperties() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
revertProperties is used primarily by the settings dialog mechanism when the user does a "Cancel".
revertProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
revertProperties is used primarily by the settings dialog mechanism when the user does a "Cancel".
revertSettings() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Property handling -- these must be overridden by any algorithms that want to use properties or have a settings UI.
revertSettings() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
This method is used to ask the algorithm to revert its settings to some previous state.
revertSettings() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
This method is used to ask the algorithm to revert its settings to some previous state.
RHOMBUS - Static variable in class
Right - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Right() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Right
RNA - Static variable in class
root - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
ROOT_INDEX - Static variable in class
RootGraph - Interface in giny.model
GINY Architecture
RootGraphAddRemoveTest - Class in fing.model.test
rootGraphChanged(RootGraphChangeEvent) - Method in interface giny.model.RootGraphChangeListener
Invoked when a RootGraph to which this RootGraphChangeListener listens changes.
RootGraphChangeEvent - Class in giny.model
The event source must be the RootGraph that changed.
RootGraphChangeEvent(RootGraph) - Constructor for class giny.model.RootGraphChangeEvent
RootGraphChangeListener - Interface in giny.model
RootGraphPerformanceTest - Class in fing.model.test
rootTag - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
rotaryEncoder - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
RotateSelectedNodesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Rotates the given selection by the specified amount.
RotateSelectedNodesAction(CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.RotateSelectedNodesAction
Creates a new RotateSelectedNodesAction object.
Round - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Round() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Round
ROUNDED_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class
ROUNDED_RECTANGLE - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
RoundedRectangleNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
RoundedRectangleNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.RoundedRectangleNodeShape
RTree - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree
An in-memory R-tree over real numbers in two dimensions.
RTree() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Instantiates a new R-tree.
RTree(int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Deprecated. Use the no-arg constructor instead.
RTreeQueryPerformance - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
RTreeQueryPerformance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.RTreeQueryPerformance
RTreeSerializationPerformance - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
RTreeSerializationPerformance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.RTreeSerializationPerformance
RTreeUpdatePerformance - Class in cytoscape.geom.rtree.test
RTreeUpdatePerformance() - Constructor for class cytoscape.geom.rtree.test.RTreeUpdatePerformance
rtrim(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Remove the trailing whitespace from the specified String.
run() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.LoadNetworkTask
Executes Task.
run() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutTask
Run the algorithm.
run() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManagerInquireTask
run() - Method in class cytoscape.task.sample.SampleTask
Run the Task.
run() - Method in interface cytoscape.task.Task
run() executes the task, and is called by an external entity.
run() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeProgressMonitor
run() - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec
run() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.PersistImageTask
Execute task.
run() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.RestoreImageTask
Execute task.
run() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.RedrawTask
run() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter.Interpreter
Executes the code that was passed into the constructor.
RunBareBones - Class in cytoscape.task.sample
Illustrates how to execute a sample task via the TaskManager.
RunBareBones() - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.sample.RunBareBones
RunSampleTask - Class in cytoscape.task.sample
Runs the Sample Task and demonstrate various UI options.
RunSampleTask() - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.sample.RunSampleTask
runThreaded() - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec


SampleTask - Class in cytoscape.task.sample
Sample Task, used to illustrate the Task Framework.
SampleTask(int, long) - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.sample.SampleTask
SampleTask(int, long, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.sample.SampleTask
SanityTest - Class in ding.view.test
SanityTest() - Constructor for class ding.view.test.SanityTest
save(Properties) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
save(Properties) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
SAVE - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
SAVE_PLUGIN_STATE - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SAVE_VIZMAP_PROPS - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
saveBookmark(Bookmarks, String, DataSource, FileOutputStream) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
saveBookmark(URL, String, DataSource) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
saveBookmark(Bookmarks, File) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
Write the bookmarks object into a file
saveBookmark(Bookmarks, OutputStream) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
Write the bookmarks object into an outputstream
saveBookmark(Bookmarks, String, DataSource) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.BookmarksUtil
saveButton - Variable in class
saveDir - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
savedMapping - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
savedPropertyMap - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
savedPropertyMap - Variable in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
SaveImageTask - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
SaveImageTask(File, String, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.SaveImageTask
saveNewPositions() - Method in class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
saveOldPositions() - Method in class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
saveProperties() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
saveProperties is used to add modified properties to the Cytoscape properties so they can be saved in the properties file.
saveProperties() - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
saveProperties is used to add modified properties to the Cytoscape properties so they can be saved in the properties file.
saveSelectedNodeNames(CyNetworkView, CyNetwork, String) - Static method in class
Saves all selected nodes in the current view to a file with the given name.
SaveSessionAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Save Session action.
Write current states into a CYS file.
SaveSessionAction(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SaveSessionAction
SaveSessionAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SaveSessionAction
This is mainly for the toolbar icon button.
SaveSessionAsAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Same as SaveSessionAction, but always opens file chooser.
SaveSessionAsAction(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SaveSessionAsAction
SaveSessionAsAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SaveSessionAsAction
Creates a new SaveSessionAsAction object.
saveSessionStateFiles(List<File>) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.CytoscapePlugin
saveVisibleNodeNames(CyNetwork, String) - Static method in class
Saves all nodes in the given network to a file with the given name.
scale(double[], double, double) - Method in class cytoscape.util.AbstractScaler
scale(Collection<Double>, double, double) - Method in class cytoscape.util.AbstractScaler
scale(float[], float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.util.AbstractScaler
scale(Collection<Float>, float, float) - Method in class cytoscape.util.AbstractScaler
scale(double[], double, double) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.Scaler
scale(Collection<Double>, double, double) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.Scaler
scale(float[], float, float) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.Scaler
scale(Collection<Float>, float, float) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.Scaler
scaledFonts - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.FontChooser
Scaler - Interface in cytoscape.util
Used to scale a list of values to [a,b]
ScalerFactory - Class in cytoscape.util
ScalerFactory() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.ScalerFactory
ScalingMethod - Enum in cytoscape.util
SConvNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing an conversion to a string
SConvNode(Node) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.SConvNode
searchRange(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
Returns an enumeration of all entries in the range [xMin, xMax] currently in this tree, duplicates included.
segmentPaint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the paint of the edge segment.
segmentStroke(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
segmentThickness(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the thickness of the edge segment.
select() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
select() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
select() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
This draws us as selected
SELECT_EDGES_ONLY - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SELECT_NODES_AND_EDGES - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SELECT_NODES_ONLY - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SelectAdjacentEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
SelectAdjacentEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SelectAdjacentEdgesAction
Creates a new SelectAdjacentEdgesAction object.
SelectAllAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
SelectAllAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllAction
Creates a new SelectAllAction object.
selectAllEdges(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
selectAllEdges() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Sets the selected state of all edges in this CyNetwork to true
selectAllEdges() - Method in class
Sets the selected state to true for all Edges in the GraphPerspective.
selectAllEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
selectAllEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Sets the selected state of all edges in this CyNetwork to true
SelectAllEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
SelectAllEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllEdgesAction
Creates a new SelectAllEdgesAction object.
selectAllNodes(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
selectAllNodes() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Sets the selected state of all nodes in this CyNetwork to true
selectAllNodes() - Method in class
Sets the selected state to true for all Nodes in the GraphPerspective.
selectAllNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Sets the selected state of all nodes in this CyNetwork to true
SelectAllNodesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
SelectAllNodesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SelectAllNodesAction
Creates a new SelectAllNodesAction object.
selectColor() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor
SelectConnectedNodesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
select every node connected to the current selected edges.
SelectConnectedNodesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SelectConnectedNodesAction
Creates a new SelectConnectedNodesAction object.
selectDefault() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.LicenseDialog
selectedEdges - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
SelectedEdges - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SelectedEdges() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.SelectedEdges
selectEdgesByName(TreePath) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
selectedNetworks - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
The list analog to the currentNetworkID
selectedNetworkViews - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
The list analog to the currentNetworkViewID
selectedNodes - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
SelectedNodes - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SelectedNodes() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.SelectedNodes
selectedOnly - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
selectedPanel - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
SelectEvent - Class in
Events that are fired when the selected state of a Node or Edge, or a group of Nodes or Edges, is changed.
SelectEvent(SelectFilter, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class
Standard constructor.
SelectEventListener - Interface in
Listener for SelectEvents fired by a SelectFilter object.
SelectFilter - Class in
This class implements the ability to set the selected state of every node or edge in a GraphPerspective.
SelectFilter(GraphPerspective) - Constructor for class
Standard Constructor.
selectFilter - Variable in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
The default object to set the selected state of nodes and edges
selectFirstNeighbors(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
SelectFirstNeighborsAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
select every first neighbor (directly connected nodes) of the currently selected nodes.
SelectFirstNeighborsAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SelectFirstNeighborsAction
Creates a new SelectFirstNeighborsAction object.
selectFont() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyFontPropertyEditor
selectGraphViewEdges(GraphView, Edge[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It selects the edges in the array in the given giny.view.GraphView object.
selectGraphViewNodes(GraphView, Node[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It selects the nodes in the array in the given giny.view.GraphView object.
SelectionModeAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
SelectionModeAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SelectionModeAction
selectNodesStartingWith(CyNetwork, String, CyNetworkView) - Static method in class
Selects every node in the current view whose canonical name, label, or any known synonym starts with the string specified by the second argument.
selectNull() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor
selectOtherEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.GinyEdgeControlDialog
selectThumbAtPosition(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
Semantics - Class in
This class defines names for certain data attributes that are commonly used within Cytoscape.
Semantics() - Constructor for class
seName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
SeparateArrowStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
SeparateArrowStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.SeparateArrowStroke
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.cytoscape.equations.BooleanList
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.cytoscape.equations.DoubleList
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.cytoscape.equations.LongList
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.cytoscape.equations.StringList
server - Variable in class
Server - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Server() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.Server
server - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
SESSION_CHANGED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SESSION_CLOSED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SESSION_EXT - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.OpenSessionAction
SESSION_EXT - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.SaveSessionAction
SESSION_EXT - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.SaveSessionAsAction
SESSION_LOADED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SESSION_NEW - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SESSION_OPENED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
SESSION_SAVED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
sessionFile - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
sessionNote - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
sessionState - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
SessionState - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SessionState() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
set(GridBagConstraints, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
set(GridBagConstraints, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
set(GridBagConstraints, int, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.MiscGB
set(VisualPropertyType, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
Sets the appearance for the specified VisualPropertyType.
set(VisualPropertyDependency.Definition, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency
Sets the state of the specified definition to the specified value.
setAboveValue(Number) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
setAcceleratorCombo(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
setAllEdgePropertyData(int, Object[]) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setAllEdgePropertyData(int, Object[]) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Set All Data For an Edge
Big Bold Faced Warning
Talk to rowan before using.
setAllNodePropertyData(int, Object[]) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setAllNodePropertyData(int, Object[]) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Set All Data For a NOde Big Bold Faced Warning
Talk to rowan before using.
setAllPluginVector(Vector, boolean, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginIndex
setAnchor(Position) - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
setAnchor(Position) - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
setArgName(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Sets the 'argName'.
setArgName(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Sets the display name for the argument value.
setArgs(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Sets the number of argument values this Option can take.
setAttribute(String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface
Sets an id/attributeName pair of type Boolean.
setAttribute(String, String, Integer) - Method in interface
Sets an id/attributeName pair of type Integer.
setAttribute(String, String, Double) - Method in interface
Sets an id/attributeName pair of type Double.
setAttribute(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Sets an id/attributeName pair of type String.
setAttribute(String, String, Equation) - Method in interface
setAttribute(String, String, Equation, byte) - Method in interface
setAttribute(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class
setAttribute(String, String, Integer) - Method in class
setAttribute(String, String, Double) - Method in class
setAttribute(String, String, String) - Method in class
setAttribute(String, String, Equation) - Method in class
setAttribute(String, String, Equation, byte) - Method in class
setAttributeDescription(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets a human readable description of a specific attribute.
setAttributeDescription(String, String) - Method in class
setAttributes(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
Set list of attributes currently available for Cytoscape.
setAttributeValue(String, String, Object, Object[]) - Method in interface
Binds an attribute value to an object.
setAutoDispose(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Enables/Disables Auto-Dispose Feature.
setAvailableIcons(Icon[]) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyComboBoxPropertyEditor
setAvailableValues(Object[]) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyComboBoxPropertyEditor
setBackground(Color) - Method in class ding.view.DingCanvas
Set the component background color.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class
Set the background color for the style we build.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
setBackgroundPaint(Paint) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Sets the background color on the canvas.
setBackgroundPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setBelowValue(Number) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
setBookmarks(Bookmarks) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
setBool(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.MutableBool
setBorder(Stroke) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setBorder(Stroke) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setBorderPaint(Paint) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setBorderPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setBorderWidth(float) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setBorderWidth(float) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setBottomPadding(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
This is overridden to set the height to match that of the JTable.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.InternalFrameComponent
Our implementation of Component setBounds().
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ding.view.ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas
Our implementation of JComponent setBounds.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ding.view.BirdsEyeView
This used to be called reshape, which is deprecated, so I've changed it to setBounds.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
setButton(JButton) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ApplyLayoutAction
setButtonColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
setCancel(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Call to externally control whether the cancel button is enabled or disabled.
setCategory(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
setCategory(Category) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
setCenter(double, double) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setCenterLabel(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JStatusBar
setClientStub(S) - Method in interface
Set stub to this client.
setClientStub(S) - Method in class
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.CyCollapsiblePanel
Collapses or expands the panel.
setColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
setColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint.ColorPaintFactory
setColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.BelowAndAbovePanel
setColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Set icon color.
setContent(String) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Attribute
Sets the value of the content property.
setContext(T) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.RenderingContext
setControllingAttributeName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
setControllingAttributeName(String, CyNetwork, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.AbstractMapping
setControllingAttributeName(String, CyNetwork, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
Deprecated. Will be removed in 2.8. Use setControllingAttributeName(final String controllingAttrName) instead.
setControllingAttributeName(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.mappings.ObjectMapping
Set controlling attribute of this mapping.
setCurrentCalculator(VisualStyle, Calculator) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Sets the current calculator for the visual attribute for this type and the specified visual style.
setCurrentNetwork(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
setCurrentNetworkView(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
setCurrentSessionFileName(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Set the current session name.
setCurrentVS(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
setCustomGraphicsPosition(CustomGraphic, ObjectPosition) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setCytoPanelContainer(CytoPanelContainer) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Sets CytoPanelContainer interface reference.
setCytopanels(Cytopanels) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
Sets the value of the cytopanels property.
setDBReference(DBReference) - Method in class
Add a database reference object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Set the debug status.
setDebugging(boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
setDefault(VisualStyle, Object) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Sets the default value for the visual attribute for this type in the specified visual style.
setDefaultAppearance(EdgeAppearance) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearanceCalculator
setDefaultAppearance(NodeAppearance) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
setDefaultBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
setDefaultColor(String, Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
setDefaultMenuSpecifier(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
setDefaultNodeSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearanceCalculator
setDescPadding(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Sets the 'descPadding'.
setDescription(String) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
Sets the value of the description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface
Set description for this service.
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
setDescription(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Sets the human readable description of this filter.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Sets the self-documenting description of this Option
setDesktop(Desktop) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
Sets the value of the desktop property.
setDesktopSize(DesktopSize) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Desktop
Sets the value of the desktopSize property.
setDiscreteProps(VisualPropertyType, Map<K, V>, Set<K>, DefaultProperty) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.DiscretePropertySetter
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Set human readable display name.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
setDocumentVersion(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Sets the value of the documentVersion property.
setDoDecoding(boolean) - Method in class
setDoEncoding(boolean) - Method in class
setDoFullEncoding(boolean) - Method in class
setDone() - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Indicates that the worker task is done processing.
setDownloadableURL(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
setEdgeAppearanceCalculator(EdgeAppearanceCalculator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Set the EdgeAppearanceCalculator for this visual style.
setEdgeAttributeValue(Edge, String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return the requested Attribute for the given Edge
setEdgeAttributeValue(int, String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return the requested Attribute for the given Edge
setEdgeBooleanProperty(int, int, boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setEdgeBooleanProperty(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setEdgeDoubleProperty(int, int, double) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setEdgeDoubleProperty(int, int, double) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setEdgeFloatProperty(int, int, float) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setEdgeFloatProperty(int, int, float) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setEdgeIdentifier(String, int) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeFingRootGraph
setEdgeIdentifier(String, int) - Method in interface cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeRootGraph
setEdgeIntProperty(int, int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setEdgeIntProperty(int, int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setEdgeLabelAnchor(int) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setEdgeObjectProperty(int, int, Object) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setEdgeObjectProperty(int, int, Object) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setEdgeReverseSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
setEdgeSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
setError(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
setEstimatedTimeRemaining(long) - Method in interface cytoscape.task.TaskMonitor
This is a hook for a child process to report to its parent application estimated time until task completion.
setEstimatedTimeRemaining(long) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Sets Estimated Time Remaining.
setException(Throwable, String) - Method in interface cytoscape.task.TaskMonitor
Indicates to a parent application that a task has encountered an error while processing.
setException(Throwable, String, String) - Method in interface cytoscape.task.TaskMonitor
Indicates to a parent application that a task has encountered an error while processing.
setException(Throwable, String) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Reports an Error in Task Processing.
setException(Throwable, String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
setExceptionThrown(Exception) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInquireAction
If the thread has thrown an exception while running PluginManager#inquireThread(String, PluginInquireAction) it will be set here.
setExportTextAsFont(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.export.PDFExporter
setExportTextAsFont(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.export.PSExporter
setExportTextAsFont(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.export.SVGExporter
setExpressionData(ExpressionData) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
setExtensionListInDescription(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Determines whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
setFileList(List<String>) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
Sets a list of files (prefer full paths) installed with this plugin.
setFilename(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the filename property.
setFileNature(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CyFileFilter
Sets the nature of the files for this filter.
setFiletype(PluginInfo.FileType) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
Jar or Zip are currently supported.
setFitRatio(float) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
setFitRatio(float) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
setFlag(int) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method can be used to set a flag for this Tunable
setFocus(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
TODO: We should remove one of this event!
setFocus(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Sets the focus of the passed network, if possible The Network ID corresponds to the CyNetworkView.getNetwork().getIdentifier()
setFont(Font) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setFont(Font) - Method in interface giny.view.Label
Set the font of this PText.
setFormat(String) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
Sets the value of the format property.
setFrameID(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Sets the value of the frameID property.
setGeneDescriptors(Vector) - Method in class
Sets a List of Gene Descriptors.
setGeneNames(Vector) - Method in class
Sets a List of Gene Names.
setGlobalAppearanceCalculator(GlobalAppearanceCalculator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Set the GlobalAppearanceCalculator for this visual style.
setGraphLOD(GraphLOD) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setGraphPerspective(GraphPerspective) - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
setGraphPerspective(GraphPerspective) - Method in interface giny.model.Node
Deprecated. Don't use this method because the behavior of the input GraphPerspective with respect to changing meta-children of this Node is ill-defined; use RootGraph.addNodeMetaChild(int, int) and RootGraph.addEdgeMetaChild(int, int) instead.
setGraphViewHandler(GraphView, GraphViewHandler) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
If the given giny.view.GraphView object belongs to this GraphViewController, then its GraphViewHandler is set to the given one.
setGraphViews(GraphView[]) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Sets the array of giny.view.GraphView objects that this GraphViewController will keep synchronized with their corresponding giny.model.GraphPerspective objects available through their getGraphPerspective() method, the DEFAULT_GRAPH_VIEW_HANDLER is set for all the views.
setGraphViews(GraphView[], Map) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
Sets the array of giny.view.GraphView objects that this GraphViewController will keep synchronized with their corresponding giny.model.GraphPerspective objects available through their getGraphPerspective() method, the cytoscape.view.GraphViewHandler objects for the GraphViews are obtained from the given Map, if a GraphView in the array is not a key in the Map then DEFAULT_GRAPH_VIEW_HANDLER is used.
setGreekThreshold(double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setGreekThreshold(double) - Method in interface giny.view.Label
Sets the current greek threshold.
setGroupName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Set the name of this group
setGroupViewer(CyGroup, String, CyNetworkView, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupManager
Set the viewer for a group
setGUI(U) - Method in interface
Set GUI for this service.
setGUI(U) - Method in class
setHandles(List) - Method in interface giny.view.Bend
Given a list of points removes all existing handles/handlePoints and adds new ones for those specified in the List.
setHeight(BigInteger) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.DesktopSize
Sets the value of the height property.
setHeight(BigInteger) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Sets the value of the height property.
setHeight(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Set height of Custom Graphics.
setHeight(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
setHeight(double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setHeight(double) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
TODO: Reconcile with Border Methods
setHiddenEdges(HiddenEdges) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the hiddenEdges property.
setHiddenNodes(HiddenNodes) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the hiddenNodes property.
setHiddenObject(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperProperty
setHref(String) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
Sets the value of the href property.
setHref(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
Sets the value of the href property.
setIconHeight(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
setIconHeight(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Set height.
setIconName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton
setIconObject(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IconPopupButton
setIconWidth(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.NodeIcon
setIconWidth(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Set width.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Child
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Node
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Panel
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Parent
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Plugin
Sets the value of the id property.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
Set the identifier for this edge
setIdentifier(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Can't Change
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
imlements Reidentifiable
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setIdentifier(String) - Method in interface giny.model.GraphObject
There is no check to make sure that this is a unique id
setIdentifier(String) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setImmutable(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method can be used to set the "immutable" boolean, which essentially get's mapped to the appropriate mechanism for allowing a value to be editted.
setInstallLocation(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
This is meant to only get set by the PluginManager.
setInt(int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField
setInt(String, int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
setInt(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.MutableInt
setIntAtIndex(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntArray
Sets the specified value at specified index.
setInteger(Integer) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.IntegerEntryField
setInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
setInteraction(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
Sets the value of the interaction property.
setInterpolator(Interpolator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.ContinuousMapping
Sets the Mapping Interpolator.
setJustify(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
setJustify(int) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setJustify(Justification) - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
setJustify(int) - Method in interface giny.view.Label
setJustify(Justification) - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
setLabelAnchor(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
setLabelOffsetX(double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setLabelOffsetX(double) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setLabelOffsetX(double) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setLabelOffsetY(double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setLabelOffsetY(double) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setLabelOffsetY(double) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setLabelPosition(ObjectPosition) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setLabelPosition(ObjectPosition) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Set current label position.
setLabelText(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.IndeterminateProgressBar
setLabelWidth(double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setLabelWidth(double) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setLabelWidth(double) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setLayoutAttribute(String) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Set the name of the attribute to use for attribute dependent layout algorithms.
setLayoutAttribute(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Sets the attribute to use for node- or edge- based attribute layouts
setLayoutAttribute(String) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
Sets the attribute to use for node- or edge- based attribute layouts
setLeftLabel(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JStatusBar
setLeftPadding(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Insert space on the left.
setLeftPadding(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Sets the 'leftPadding'.
setLicense(URL) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
Sets the license information for the plugin.
setLicense(String, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
Sets the license information for the plugin.
setLineType(int) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setListAttribute(String, String, List) - Method in interface
Sets a simple list of attributes.
setListAttribute(String, String, Equation) - Method in interface
Sets a simple list of attributes.
setListAttribute(String, String, List) - Method in class
setListAttribute(String, String, Equation) - Method in class
setLongOpt(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Sets the long name of this Option.
setLongOptPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Sets the 'longOptPrefix'.
setLowerBound(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to set the lowerBound for this Tunable.
setMapAttribute(String, String, Map) - Method in interface
Sets a 'simple' map of attribute values.
setMapAttribute(String, String, Map) - Method in class
setMax(VisualPropertyType, Double) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.EditorValueRangeTracer
setMessage(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
Sets a message to be shown to the user regarding the plugin management actions.
setMessage(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginUpdateDialog
setMetadata(MetadataEntries, String) - Method in class
setMillisToPopup(int) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Sets Milliseconds until JTask Dialog Box is Displayed.
setMin(VisualPropertyType, Double) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.EditorValueRangeTracer
setModal(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Enables modality of the JTask Dialog box.
setMode(CytoPanelState, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.BiModalJSplitPane
Sets the BiModalJSplitframe mode.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.FilterHistoryJList
setModified(CyNetwork, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager
set the state of the network
setModuleType(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
setMRUD(File) - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
setMRUF(File) - Static method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeInit
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Attribute
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Category
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.DataSource
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Set the name of this calculator.
setName(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
Set calculator name.
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Set human-readable name of this icon.
setName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Set the name of this visual style.
setNavigator(Component) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
setNestedNetwork(GraphPerspective) - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
Assign a graph perspective reference to this node.
setNestedNetwork(GraphPerspective) - Method in interface giny.model.Node
Assign a graph perspective reference to this node.
SetNestedNetworkDialog - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
SetNestedNetworkDialog(JFrame, boolean, NodeView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.SetNestedNetworkDialog
SetNestedNetworkDialog(JFrame, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.SetNestedNetworkDialog
setNestedNetworkView(DGraphView) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setNetwork(CyNetwork, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Set the network for this group
setNetwork(CyNetwork, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Set (or change) the network fro this group
setNetworkFrames(NetworkFrames) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Desktop
Sets the value of the networkFrames property.
setNetworkID(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeNode
setNetworkTree(NetworkTree) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Sets the value of the networkTree property.
setNetworkView(CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
setNewLine(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Sets the 'newLine'.
setNewNetwork(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
setNodeAppearanceCalculator(NodeAppearanceCalculator) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Set the NodeAppearanceCalculator for this visual style.
setNodeAttributeDoubleValue(int, String, double) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeDoubleValue(Node, String, double) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeDoubleValue(int, int, double) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeObjectValue(int, String, Object) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeObjectValue(Node, String, Object) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeObjectValue(int, int, Object) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeStringValue(int, String, String) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeStringValue(Node, String, String) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeStringValue(int, int, String) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeValue(Node, String, Object) - Static method in class
setNodeAttributeValue(Node, String, Object, int) - Static method in class
Attempts to set the value for a node, for a given attribute.
setNodeAttributeValue(Node, String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return the requested Attribute for the given Node
setNodeAttributeValue(int, String, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Return the requested Attribute for the given Node
setNodeBooleanProperty(int, int, boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setNodeBooleanProperty(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setNodeDoubleProperty(int, int, double) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setNodeDoubleProperty(int, int, double) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setNodeFloatProperty(int, int, float) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setNodeFloatProperty(int, int, float) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setNodeIdentifier(String, int) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeFingRootGraph
setNodeIdentifier(String, int) - Method in interface cytoscape.giny.CytoscapeRootGraph
setNodeIntProperty(int, int, int) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setNodeIntProperty(int, int, int) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setNodeLabelAnchor(int) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setNodeLabelAnchor(int) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setNodeObjectProperty(int, int, Object) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setNodeObjectProperty(int, int, Object) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
setNodePosition(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setNodePosition(boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
moves this node to its stored x and y locations.
setNodeReverseSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
setNodeSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.GlobalAppearance
setNodeSizeLocked(boolean) - Method in class
This method lock/unlock the size object (Node Width, Node Height) in NodeAppearanceCalculator If unlocked, we can modify both width and height of node
setNodeSizeLocked(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearance
Deprecated. Use VisualStyle.getDependency().set(VisualPropertyDependency.Definition .NODE_SIZE_LOCKED,b) instead. Will be removed Jan 2011.
setNodeSizeLocked(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearanceCalculator
Deprecated. Use VisualStyle.getDependency().set(VisualPropertyDependency.Definition.NODE_SIZE_LOCKED,b) instead. Will be removed Jan 2011.
setNodesRequiredItemsEnabled() - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Deprecated. Will be removed April 2008. Item state is now handled by Actions directly. Don't use this.
setObjectUrl(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
setObjectVersion(double) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
setOffset(double, double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setOffset(double, double) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setOffsetX(double) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
setOffsetX(double) - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
setOffsetX(double) - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
setOffsetY(double) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
setOffsetY(double) - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
setOffsetY(double) - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
setOntology(Ontology) - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
setOntology(Ontology) - Method in class
setOntologyRootID(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
setOntologyServer(OntologyServer) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Server
Sets the value of the ontologyServer property.
setOntologySources(Map<String, URL>) - Method in class
setOntologyType(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Ontology
Sets the value of the ontologyType property.
setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DingCanvas
Sets opacity of component
setOptionalArg(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Sets whether this Option can have an optional argument.
setOptPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Sets the 'optPrefix'.
setOverviewEnabled(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Deprecated. Will be removed April 2008. Item state is now handled by Actions directly. Don't use this.
setOwner(Container) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTaskConfig
Specifies the Owner of the JTask.
setPanels(Panels) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Sets the value of the panels property.
setPanelState(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Sets the value of the panelState property.
setParameter(TableModel, String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
setParameters(Object[]) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
setParent(TreeNode) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Sets this nodes parent to newParent, child list does not change.
setParent(Parent) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the parent property.
setParent(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
setPercentCompleted(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.task.TaskMonitor
This is a hook for a child process to report to its parent application what percentage of a task it has completed.
setPercentCompleted(int) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Sets Percentage Complete.
setPluginClassName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
Sets the plugin class name.
setPluginFileMap(HashMap) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
setPluginManageDirectory(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
setPlugins(Plugins) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
Sets the value of the plugins property.
setPosition(ObjectPosition) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Set posiiton of this graphics.
setPosition(ObjectPosition) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
setPosition(ObjectPosition) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setPosition(ObjectPosition) - Method in interface giny.view.Label
Set position of label.
setPositionHint(int) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setPreferredButtonGroup(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
setPreferredIndex(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
setPreferredMenu(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
setPrintingTextAsShape(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setPrintingTextAsShape(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
setProjectUrl(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo
Sets the url of a site describing this plugin project
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
setPropertySpinner() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
setProps(ModuleProperties) - Method in interface
Set props used by Tunable.
setProps(ModuleProperties) - Method in class
setRange(BoundaryRangeValues) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingPoint
Sets BoundaryRangeValues.
setRatio(double) - Method in class
setReleaseDate(String) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
TODO - would probably be better to use a date object
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Sets whether this Option is mandatory.
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
setResults(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Set all of the results for this execution.
setRightLabel(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JStatusBar
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable
Overridden to pass the new rowHeight to the tree.
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Sets the row height of the tree, and forwards the row height to the table.
setRunInBackground(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec
setSavedProperty(String, String) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
setSavedProperty(String, String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
setSelected(Node, boolean) - Method in class
If the first argument is a Node in the referenced GraphPerspective, sets its selected state to the value of the second argument.
setSelected(Edge, boolean) - Method in class
If the first argument is an Edge in the referenced GraphPerspective, sets its selected state to the value of the second argument.
setSelected(CyNode[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
setSelected(NodeView[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
setSelected(CyEdge[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
setSelected(EdgeView[]) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
setSelected(Integer, Boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Used to set selected state of given node.
setSelected(CyNode[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Deprecated. this method is not working, use Cytoscape.CyNetwork#setSelectedNodeState(Collection, boolean)
setSelected(NodeView[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Deprecated. this method is not working, use Cytoscape.CyNetwork#setSelectedNodeState(Collection, boolean)
setSelected(CyEdge[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Deprecated. this method is not working, use CyNetwork.setSelectedEdgeState(Collection, boolean)
setSelected(EdgeView[]) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Deprecated. this method is not working, use CyNetwork.setSelectedEdgeState(Collection, boolean)
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
When we are selected then we draw ourselves red, and draw any handles.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setSelected(Option) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
set the selected option of this group to name.
setSelectedEdges(Collection<Edge>, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the selected state defined by the second argument for all Edges contained in the first argument, which should be a Collection of Edge objects contained in the referenced GraphPerspective.
setSelectedEdges(SelectedEdges) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the selectedEdges property.
setSelectedEdgeState(Collection, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Sets the selected state of a collection of edges.
setSelectedEdgeState(Edge, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Sets the selected state of a single edge.
setSelectedEdgeState(Collection, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Sets the selected state of a collection of edges.
setSelectedEdgeState(Edge, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Sets the selected state of an edge.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Sets the selected index on the CytoPanel.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Sets the selected index on the CytoPanel.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.TriangleThumbRenderer
Set the the currently selected index
setSelectedItems(List<String>) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.CheckBoxJList
setSelectedNetworks(List<String>) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Sets the list of selected networks.
setSelectedNetworkViews(List<String>) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Sets the selected network views.
setSelectedNodes(Collection<Node>, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the selected state defined by the second argument for all Nodes contained in the first argument, which should be a Collection of Node objects contained in the referenced GraphPerspective.
setSelectedNodes(SelectedNodes) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the selectedNodes property.
setSelectedNodeState(Collection, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Sets the selected state of a collection of nodes.
setSelectedNodeState(Node, boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Sets the selected state of a single node.
setSelectedNodeState(Collection, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Sets the selected state of a collection of nodes.
setSelectedNodeState(Node, boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Sets the selected state of a node.
setSelectedOnly(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Set the flag that indicates that this algorithm should only operate on the currently selected nodes.
setSelectedOnly(boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Sets the "selectedOnly" flag
setSelectedOnly(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
Sets the "selectedOnly" flag
setSelectedPaint(Paint) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setSelectedPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
This really refers to the Stroke, TODO: Make separte stroke methods
setSelectedPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
This sets the Paint that will be used by this node when it is painted as selected.
setSelectedPanel(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cytopanel
Sets the value of the selectedPanel property.
setSelectedValue(Number) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
setSelecting(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
setSelectionMode(int) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Sets the specified selection mode on all views.
setSelectionMode(int, GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
Utility method to set the selection mode on the specified GraphView.
setServer(Server) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.SessionState
Sets the value of the server property.
setSessionFile(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.CyMain
Provides access to the session file parsed from arguments intercepted by CyStartupListener
setSessionNote(String) - Method in class
Set session note.
Session note can be anything, it is just like a memo pad for the session.
setSessionNote(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Sets the value of the sessionNote property.
setSessionState(int) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
setSessionState(SessionState) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Cysession
Sets the value of the sessionState property.
setShape(ArrowShape) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
setShape(int) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setShape(int) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Set a new shape for the Node, based on one of the pre-defined shapes Note: calling setPathTo( Shape ), allows one to define their own java.awt.Shape ( i.e.
setSidePanelIconColor(Color, Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
setSignificance(double) - Method in class
setSiteName(String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
Set the name of the site the available plugins are from.
setSource(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
Sets the value of the source property.
setSourceEdgeEnd(int) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Sets the Drawing style for the edge end.
setSourceEdgeEndPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setSourceEdgeEndSelectedPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setSourceEdgeEndStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setSpinner() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
setSpinners() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
setStandardInput(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.Exec
setState(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Set the state of the group
setState(int) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Set the state of the group.
setState(CytoPanelState) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanel
Sets the state of the CytoPanel.
setState(CytoPanelState) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Sets the state of the CytoPanel.
setStateLocation(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Plugin
Sets the value of the stateLocation property.
setStatus(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.task.TaskMonitor
This is a hook for a child process to report to its parent application a short one-line text description (not exceeding, say, 60 characters, even though that is not enforced) of the current phase of processing.
setStatus(String) - Method in class cytoscape.task.ui.JTask
Sets the Status Message.
setStatusBarMsg(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Sets the Status Bar Message.
setString(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.MutableString
setStroke(Stroke) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setStrokeWidth(float) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setSynonym(List<String>) - Method in class
setSyntaxPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Sets the 'syntaxPrefix'.
setTable() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataTableModel
Set table data based on the Map object returned by the data parser.
setTarget(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
Sets the value of the target property.
setTargetAnchor(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
setTargetAnchor(Position) - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
setTargetAnchor(Position) - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
setTargetEdgeEnd(int) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Sets the Drawing style for the edge end.
setTargetEdgeEndPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setTargetEdgeEndSelectedPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setTargetEdgeEndStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.actions.LoadNetworkTask
Sets the Task Monitor.
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class
Set the task monitor to use for this reader
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class
Sets the task monitor we want to use
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class
Sets the task monitor we want to use
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class
Sets the task monitor we want to use
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class
Sets the task monitor we want to use
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutTask
Sets the task monitor to be used for the layout.
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManagerInquireTask
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.task.sample.SampleTask
Sets the Task Monitor.
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in interface cytoscape.task.Task
Lets this Task know who it should report to regarding task progress, errors, status description, etc.
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.PersistImageTask
Sets the Task Monitor.
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.RestoreImageTask
Sets the Task Monitor.
setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.RedrawTask
setText(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
setText(String) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setText(String) - Method in interface giny.view.Label
Set the text for this node.
setTextAnchor(int) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setTextAnchor(int) - Method in interface giny.view.Label
setTextColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
setTextFont(Font) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.LineTypeIcon
setTextPaint(Paint) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setTextPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.Label
Set the paint used to paint this nodes text.
SettingsAction - Class in cytoscape.layout.ui
SettingsAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.ui.SettingsAction
setTitle(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Can Change
setTitle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
setTitle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Can Change Throws a PropertyChangeEvent if the title has changed with a CyNetworkTitleChange object that contains the network id and the name.
setTitle(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
Sets the Title of this View
setTitleComponentText(String) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.CyCollapsiblePanel
setToolTip(String) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setToolTip(String) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Sets what the tooltip will be for this EdgeView
setToolTip(String) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Sets what the tooltip will be for this NodeView
setTransparency(float) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setTransparency(float) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setType(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Sets the type of this Option.
setUnselectedPaint(Paint) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setUnselectedPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
This really refers to the Stroke, TODO: Make separte stroke methods
setUnselectedPaint(Paint) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Set the deafult paint of this node
setup() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider
setupLookAndFeel() - Method in class cytoscape.CyMain
setUpperBound(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to set the upperBound for this Tunable.
setUsedInCurrentSession(CyCustomGraphics, Boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsManager
setUserEditable(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the specified boolean to indicate whether or not the specified attribute should be editable by the end user.
setUserEditable(String, boolean) - Method in class
setUserVisible(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the specified boolean to indicate whether or not the specified attribute should be made visible to the end user.
setUserVisible(String, boolean) - Method in class
setValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method is used to set the value for this Tunable.
setValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CustomGraphicsPropertyImpl
setValue(Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.CustomGraphicsProperty
setValue(Double) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.continuous.ContinuousMappingPoint
Sets Point Value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.BelowAndAbovePanel
setValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor.AsInt
setValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorPropertyEditor
setValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyComboBoxPropertyEditor
setValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyCustomGraphicsEditor
setValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyObjectPositionPropertyEditor
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataTableModel
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModel
Sets the value for node node, at column number column.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkTreeTableModel
setValueSeparator(char) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Sets the value separator.
setVersion(BigDecimal) - Method in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
Sets the value of the version property.
setViewableNodes(ViewableNodes) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the viewableNodes property.
setViewAvailable(Boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the viewAvailable property.
setViewer(String) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Set the viewer for this group.
setViewportChanged(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
setViewValue(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Set the viewValue for the group
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.logger.LoggerDialog
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DingCanvas
Show or hides this component depending on value of parameter.
setVisualMapperEnabled(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
setVisualMapperEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
setVisualMapperItemsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CyMenus
Deprecated. Will be removed April 2008. Item state is now handled by Actions directly. Don't use this.
SetVisualPropertiesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
SetVisualPropertiesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SetVisualPropertiesAction
Creates a new SetVisualPropertiesAction object.
SetVisualPropertiesAction(ImageIcon) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SetVisualPropertiesAction
Creates a new SetVisualPropertiesAction object.
SetVisualPropertiesAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.SetVisualPropertiesAction
The constructor that takes a boolean shows no label, no matter what the value of the boolean actually is.
setVisualStyle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
setVisualStyle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.Network
Sets the value of the visualStyle property.
setVisualStyle(String) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
setVisualStyle(VisualStyle) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Deprecated. use VisualMappingManager.setVisualStyle(VisualStyle style) instead.
setVisualStyle(VisualStyle) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Sets a new visual style, and returns the old style.
setVisualStyle(String) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Sets a new visual style.
setWidth(BigInteger) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.DesktopSize
Sets the value of the width property.
setWidth(BigInteger) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Sets the value of the width property.
setWidth(int) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.CyCustomGraphics
Set width of Custom Graphics.
setWidth(int) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
setWidth(double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setWidth(double) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
TODO: Reconcile with Border Methods
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
Sets the 'width'.
setX(BigInteger) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Sets the value of the x property.
setXPosition(double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setXPosition(double, boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setXPosition(double) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setXPosition(double, boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Set udpdate to false in order to do a layout, and then call updateNode on all the nodes..
setY(BigInteger) - Method in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
Sets the value of the y property.
setYPosition(double) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setYPosition(double, boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
setYPosition(double) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
setYPosition(double, boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Set udpdate to false in order to do a layout, and then call updateNode on all the nodes..
setZoom(double) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Set the zoom level and redraw the view.
setZoom(double) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
shape(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.NodeDetails
Returns a GraphGraphics.SHAPE_* constant (or a custom node shape that an instance of GraphGraphics understands); this defines the shape that this node takes.
shape - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
SHAPE_DIAMOND - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
SHAPE_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
SHAPE_HEXAGON - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
SHAPE_OCTAGON - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
SHAPE_PARALLELOGRAM - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
SHAPE_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Node shape constants
SHAPE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
SHAPE_TRIANGLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
SHAPE_VEE - Static variable in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
ShapeCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete
ShapeCellRenderer(VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.ShapeCellRenderer
Creates a new ShapeCellRenderer object.
ShapeStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
ShapeStroke(Shape[], float, LineStyle, float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ShapeStroke
shortString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
shortString() - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
shortString() - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
SHOW - Static variable in class cytoscape.actions.CytoPanelAction
ShowAllAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ShowAllAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ShowAllAction
Creates a new ShowAllAction object.
showContinousEditor() - Method in class
showContinousEditor() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
showContinuousEditor() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Display continuous value editor.
showCredits(URL, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.CreditScreen
ShowCustomGraphicsManagerAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
Display Custom Graphics Manager GUI.
ShowCustomGraphicsManagerAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ShowCustomGraphicsManagerAction
Creates a new SetVisualPropertiesAction object.
showDialog(int) - Static method in class
Show a dialog of hte specified type, see above constants
showDialog() - Static method in class
Display this standard GUI.
showDialog(Dialog) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceValueDialog
showDialog(Component, String, Color) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.CyColorChooser
showDialog(String, Icon, String) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AboutDialog
showDialog(int, int, String, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2CMappingEditor
showDialog(int, int, String, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2DMappingEditor
showDialog(int, int, String, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.GradientEditorPanel
showDialog(Frame, Font) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupFontChooser
showDialog(Dialog, Font) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupFontChooser
showDialog() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupIconChooser
showDialog(Window, ObjectPosition, VisualPropertyType) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupObjectPositionChooser
showDialog(Component, String, String, Object, byte) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.PopupStringChooser
showDialog(VisualPropertyType, Window) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.ValueSelectDialog
Static method to show dialog and get a value from user.
showDiscreteEditor() - Method in class
showDiscreteEditor() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.VisualProperty
showDiscreteEditor() - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Display discrete value editor for this visual property.
showDiscreteEditor(Object) - Method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Display editor with default value.
showEdgeDialog() - Static method in class
Show a dialog box to save edge attributes
showEdges(GraphView, NodeView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
Shows all edges for "nodeView" found that are part of the network associated with "view".
ShowGraphicsDetailsAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ShowGraphicsDetailsAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ShowGraphicsDetailsAction
Creates a new ShowGraphicsDetailsAction object.
ShowGraphicsDetailsAction(boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ShowGraphicsDetailsAction
Creates a new ShowGraphicsDetailsAction object.
showGraphObject(Object) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
showGraphObject(Object) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
use this to show a node or edge
showGraphObjects(List) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
showGraphObjects(List) - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Only to be used for homogenous groups!!!!
showMaps() - Method in class
showNestedNetwork(boolean) - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
Set the visibility of a node's nested network when rendered.
showNestedNetwork(boolean) - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
Set the visibility of a node's nested network when rendered.
showNodeDialog() - Static method in class
Show a dialog box to save node attributes
showResult() - Method in class
showSplash(ImageIcon, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
showSplash(ImageIcon, int, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
showSplash(JComponent, int) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
showSplash(JComponent, int, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
showValueSelectDialog(VisualPropertyType, Component) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
ShrinkExpandGraph - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
This class shifts the nodes to shrink or expand the graph: it averages the coordinates of all the nodes to find the center it translates the graph to a center at (0,0) it multiplies each node coordinate by a factor m it translates the graph back to the original center
ShrinkExpandGraphUI - Class in cytoscape.dialogs
ShrinkExpandGraphUI() - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.ShrinkExpandGraphUI
SIFFileFilter - Class in cytoscape.util
FileFilter for Reading in Cytoscape SIF Files.
SIFFileFilter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.SIFFileFilter
Sign - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Sign() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sign
significanceType - Variable in class
Sin - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Sin() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sin
SineWaveStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
SineWaveStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.SineWaveStroke
SINGLE_EDGE - Static variable in class
Static constant indicating a change to a single Edge.
SINGLE_NODE - Static variable in class
Static constant indicating a change to a single Node.
Sinh - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Sinh() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sinh
size() - Method in class
Deprecated. total number of classifications.
size() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class cytoscape.geom.rtree.RTree
Returns the number of entries currently in this R-tree.
size() - Method in interface cytoscape.geom.spacial.SpacialIndex2D
Returns the number of entries (objKeys) currently in this structure.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntBTree
Returns the number of elements currently in this structure.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntHash
Returns the number of elements currently in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntIntHash
Returns the number of key/value pairs currently in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntObjHash
Returns the number of key/value pairs currently in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntQueue
Returns the number of integers that are currently in this queue.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntStack
Returns the number of integers that are currently on this stack.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntTHash
Returns the number of key/value pairs currently in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.LongLongHash
Returns the number of key/value pairs currently in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Returns the number of elements currently in this heap.
slider - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
SList - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
SList() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.SList
SMALL_FONT - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.VizMapperTrackRenderer
sName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
SolidStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
SolidStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.SolidStroke
sort() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceTableModel
sort(List) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.ManagerUtil
sort(Collection<TopoGraphNode>) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.TopologicalSort
sortByCategory(List<DownloadableInfo>) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.ManagerUtil
sortByClass(List<PluginInfo>) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.ManagerUtil
sortByID(List<PluginInfo>) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.ManagerUtil
sortLayoutList(List<CyLayoutAlgorithm>) - Static method in class cytoscape.layout.ui.LayoutMenuManager
SOURCE - Static variable in class
SOURCE - Static variable in class
source - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
SOURCE_ARROW - Static variable in class
SOURCE_BOUND - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
SOURCE_INDEX - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
sourceArrow(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns a GraphGraphics.ARROW_* constant; this defines the arrow to use when rendering the edge endpoint touching source node.
sourceArrowPaint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the paint of the arrow at edge endpoint touching source node.
sourceArrowSize(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the size of the arrow at edge endpoint touching source node.
SOUTH - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
SOUTHEAST - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
southEastName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
southName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
SOUTHWEST - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
southWestName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
SpacialEntry2DEnumerator - Interface in cytoscape.geom.spacial
An enumeration over a set of entries in a SpacialIndex2D structure.
SpacialIndex2D - Interface in cytoscape.geom.spacial
A spacial index for objects in two dimensions.
species - Variable in class
species - Variable in class
SPECIES - Static variable in class
splashContent - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
splashWindow - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
Sqrt - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Sqrt() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sqrt
start() - Method in class cytoscape.util.SwingWorker
Start the worker thread.
startMonitor(boolean) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeProgressMonitor
Starts the monitor by running the monitoredTask.
startTime - Variable in class
startupPerformed(String) - Method in class cytoscape.CyStartupListener
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NewSlider.MJSlider
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl.SliderListener
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method is public as a byproduct of the implementation.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelImp
Our implementation of the ChangeListener interface, to determine when new tab has been selected
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Deprecated. Will no longer support ChangeListener. Will be removed August 2008.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel
Listening to Visual Style states.
stateLocation - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Plugin
StaticLayoutMenu - Class in cytoscape.layout.ui
StaticLayoutMenu provides a simple menu item to be added to a layout menu.
StaticLayoutMenu(CyLayoutAlgorithm, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.ui.StaticLayoutMenu
Creates a new StaticLayoutMenu object.
staticNodes - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
status - Class in
status() - Constructor for class
statusBar - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
StDev - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
StDev() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.StDev
stop() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
Stops the task by simply setting currentProgress to lengthOfTask, or if a boolean "done" variable is used, setting it to true.
stopCellEditing() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractCellEditor
stopListening() - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
It temporarily removes this GraphViewController as a listener for all giny.model.GraphPerspective objects that it currently listens to
stopListening(GraphView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.GraphViewController
It temporarily removes this GraphViewController listener from the giny.model.GraphPerspective object that the given giny.view.GraphView views.
storeAmongAllCommonNames(String, String) - Method in class
storeCatalog(CalculatorCatalog, File) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorIO
Writes the contents of a CalculatorCatalog to the specified file as a properties file.
storeCatalog(CalculatorCatalog, Writer) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.CalculatorIO
Writes the contents of a CalculatorCatalog to the specified writer as a properties file.
STR_LENGTH - Static variable in class cytoscape.task.ui.StringUtils
String Length.
STRAIGHT_LINES - Static variable in class
STRAIGHT_LINES - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Draws straight lines for edges.
StraightenSelectedEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
StraightenSelectedEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.StraightenSelectedEdgesAction
Creates a new StraightenSelectedEdgesAction object.
STRING - Static variable in class
When getting a vector, used to specify the type for the contained objects
STRING - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Tunables of type STRING allow data entry of text.
STRING_TYPE - Static variable in class
STRING_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
String class
StringConstantNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing an integer constant.
StringConstantNode(int, String) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.StringConstantNode
StringList - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
StringList(String[]) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.StringList
StringParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Implements the ValueParser interface for String return values, by simply returning the supplied argument.
StringParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.parsers.StringParser
StringRangeValueCalculator - Class in cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators
StringRangeValueCalculator() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.mappings.rangecalculators.StringRangeValueCalculator
StringUtils - Class in cytoscape.task.ui
Misc Utilities for Formatting Times and Strings.
StringUtils() - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.ui.StringUtils
stringValue() - Method in class
Get the value of this node as a String
StringWrap - Class in cytoscape.task.util
StringWrap() - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.util.StringWrap
STROKE1 - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.VizMapperTrackRenderer
STROKE2 - Static variable in interface cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.VizMapperTrackRenderer
styleBoxIndex - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
SubjectBase - Class in cytoscape.visual
Abstract Base Class for Subject in the Subject / Observer Pattern.
SubjectBase() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.SubjectBase
Substitute - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Substitute() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Substitute
successful() - Method in class cytoscape.command.CyCommandResult
Return true if the execution was successful, false if it failed.
Sum - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Sum() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Sum
supportsEdgeAttributes() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Returns the types of edge attributes supported by this algorithm.
supportsEdgeAttributes() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.algorithms.GridNodeLayout
supportsEdgeAttributes() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Tests to see if this layout supports doing a layout based on edge attributes.
supportsEdgeAttributes() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
Tests to see if this layout supports doing a layout based on edge attributes.
supportsNodeAttributes() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Returns the types of node attributes supported by this algorithm.
supportsNodeAttributes() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.algorithms.GridNodeLayout
supportsNodeAttributes() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Tests to see if this layout supports doing a layout based on node attributes.
supportsNodeAttributes() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
Tests to see if this layout supports doing a layout based on node attributes.
supportsSelectedOnly() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
These methods should be overridden
supportsSelectedOnly() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.algorithms.GridNodeLayout
supportsSelectedOnly() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Tests to see if this layout supports doing a layout on a subset of the nodes in this network view.
supportsSelectedOnly() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
Tests to see if this layout supports doing a layout on a subset of the nodes in this network view.
supportsVersion(float) - Method in interface cytoscape.command.CyCommandNamespace
Check to see if this namespace supports a particular version of the command handlers.
SVGExporter - Class in cytoscape.util.export
SVG exporter by the batik library.
SVGExporter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.export.SVGExporter
SwingMenuSorter - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
This class is called from CyMenus to sort the plugins menu to make it easier to find a particular plugin from a long list.
SwingMenuSorter(JMenu, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.SwingMenuSorter
SwingWorker - Class in cytoscape.util
This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
SwingWorker() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.SwingWorker
Start a thread that will call the construct method and then exit.
switchDownloadSites() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
Call this when changing download sites to clear out the old available list in order to create a new one.
swName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
SYNONYM - Static variable in class
SynonymReader - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo
The purpose of this class is to convert a 'gene_association.*' file (for example 'gene_association.sgd') into a crufty old '*.syno' file that Cytoscape's BioDataServer understands.
SynonymReader(String, Reader) - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.SynonymReader
Creates a new SynonymReader object.
SynonymTester - Class in cytoscape.cruft.obo.test
SynonymTester() - Constructor for class cytoscape.cruft.obo.test.SynonymTester


T - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.NetworkMetaDataDialog
Taggable - Interface in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
tags - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
takeArgs(String[]) - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
Tan - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Tan() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tan
Tanh - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Tanh() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Tanh
TARGET - Static variable in class
TARGET - Static variable in class
target - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Edge
TARGET_ARROW - Static variable in class
TARGET_BOUND - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
TARGET_INDEX - Static variable in interface giny.view.GraphView
targetAnchor - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
targetArrow(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns a GraphGraphics.ARROW_* constant; this defines the arrow to use when rendering the edge endpoint at the target node.
targetArrowPaint(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the paint of the arrow at edge endpoint touching target node.
targetArrowSize(int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.EdgeDetails
Returns the size of the arrow at edge endpoint touching target node.
Task - Interface in cytoscape.task
Represents a task that can be terminated prematurely by the same entity that started the task - tasks are started with and tasks are terminated prematurely [and asynchronously] with Task.halt().
TaskManager - Class in cytoscape.task.util
Utility class used to execute tasks and visually monitor their progress.
TaskManager() - Constructor for class cytoscape.task.util.TaskManager
taskMonitor - Variable in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
TaskMonitor - Interface in cytoscape.task
Interface for monitoring the progress of a task.
taxIdToName(String, BufferedReader) - Method in class cytoscape.util.BioDataServerUtil
TeeArrow - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.arrow
TeeArrow() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.arrow.TeeArrow
TERM_TAG - Static variable in class
termHash - Variable in class
terminal - Variable in class
True if this node is a terminal.
testAddRemove(RootGraph, int[], int[], int[], boolean[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.RootGraphPerformanceTest
testAdjacentEdges(RootGraph, int[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.RootGraphPerformanceTest
testConnectingEdges(RootGraph, int[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.RootGraphPerformanceTest
testConnectingWeb(RootGraph, int[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.RootGraphPerformanceTest
testNodeNeighbors(RootGraph, int[]) - Static method in class fing.model.test.RootGraphPerformanceTest
TEXT - Static variable in interface cytoscape.init.CyInitParams
Headless mode (no gui) were cytoscape acts like a normal command line app and exits once finished processing.
Text - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Text() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Text
TEXT_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Value of CLOption.getId() when the option is a text argument.
textAsShape(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphAllLOD
textAsShape is called to determine if the text labels should be converted from fonts to text
textAsShape(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.ding.CyGraphLOD
Determines whether or not to draw text as shape when rendering node and edge labels.
textAsShape(int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.render.stateful.GraphLOD
Determines whether or not to draw text as shape when rendering node and edge labels.
textAsShape(int, int) - Method in class ding.view.PrintLOD
TextFileReader - Class in
TextFileReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new TextFileReader object.
TextHttpReader - Class in
TextHttpReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new TextHttpReader object.
TextJarReader - Class in
TextJarReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new TextJarReader object.
TexturePaintFactory - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint
TexturePaintFactory(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.paint.TexturePaintFactory
ThemeInfo - Class in cytoscape.plugin
ThemeInfo() - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
See DownloadableInfo.DownloadableInfo() Initializes a ThemeInfo object with the following defaults: setName("Unknown"); setDescription("No description"); setObjectVersion("0.1"); setCytoscapeVersion( cytoscape.cytoscapeVersion.version ); setCategory("Theme");
ThemeInfo(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.plugin.ThemeInfo
See DownloadableInfo.DownloadableInfo(String)
thesauri - Variable in class
Thesaurus - Class in
todo (pshannon, 25 oct 2002): there may be multiple canonicalNames for the same common name.
Thesaurus(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Thesaurus object.
ThesaurusFlatFileReader - Class in
Read synonyms from flat file.
ThesaurusFlatFileReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new ThesaurusFlatFileReader object.
ThesaurusFlatFileReader(BufferedReader, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new ThesaurusFlatFileReader object.
title - Variable in class cytoscape.actions.CytoPanelAction
title - Variable in class
TITLE - Static variable in class
title - Variable in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
titleLabel - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.AttributeImportPanel
toBufferedImage(Image) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ImageUtil
toByte(String) - Static method in class
Return a byte representation of the various CyAttributes types returned by methods like CyAttributes.getType() and MultiHashMapDefinition.getAttributeKeysapceDimensionTypes().
Today - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Today() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Today
ToggleVisualMapperAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
This class implements two menu items that allow enabling and disabling the visual mapper.
ToggleVisualMapperAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ToggleVisualMapperAction
Creates a new ToggleVisualMapperAction object.
toggleVisualMapperEnabled() - Method in class cytoscape.ding.DingNetworkView
toggleVisualMapperEnabled() - Method in interface cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView
toHex(Color) - Static method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.discrete.CyColorCellRenderer
Token - Enum in org.cytoscape.equations
Tokeniser - Class in org.cytoscape.equations
Tokeniser(String) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
TopoGraphNode - Interface in cytoscape.util
Represents a node in a topological graph.
TopologicalSort - Class in cytoscape.util
Implements topological sorting of nodes in a graph.
TopologicalSort() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.TopologicalSort
toss(int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Tosses a new element onto the heap.
toss(int[], int, int) - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.MinIntHeap
Tosses a bunch of new elements onto the heap at once.
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.CyEdge
Return the "name" of an edge
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNetworkTitleChange
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.CyNode
Return the "name" of a node
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.CytoscapeVersion
toString() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
toString() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
toString() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
toString() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
toString() - Method in class
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
toString(byte) - Static method in class
Return a String representation of the various CyAttributes types returned by methods like CyAttributes.getType() and MultiHashMapDefinition.getAttributeKeysapceDimensionTypes().
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Return the string representation of this GMLNode.
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in class
Get string representation
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this object's data.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog.CommonError
toString() - Method in enum cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog.PluginInstallStatus
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Gets string representation of this node as 'title: total leaves'
toString() - Method in interface cytoscape.groups.CyGroup
Provide the default toString method
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.groups.CyGroupImpl
Provide the default toString method
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
toString is used to get the user-visible name of the layout
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.algorithms.GridNodeLayout
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to return a string representation of this Tunable, which is essentially its name.
toString() - Method in enum cytoscape.logger.LogLevel
toString() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.Category
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableInfo
toString() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo.FileType
toString() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginProperties.PluginProperty
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeMenuBar
Delegates to CytoscapeMenuBar.getIdentifier().
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MinMaxDouble
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.util.MinMaxInt
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelState
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.Arrow
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Get the name of this calculator.
toString() - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.calculators.Calculator
Gets calculator name.
toString(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.ColorConverter
toString(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.FontConverter
toString(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.NodeShapeConverter
toString(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.ObjectPositionConverter
toString(Object) - Method in interface cytoscape.visual.converter.ValueToStringConverter
Convert given value to VizMap compatible string.
toString(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.converter.ValueToStringConverterManager
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.NullCustomGraphics
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.BoundaryRangeValues
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.DashDotStroke
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.EqualDashStroke
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.LongDashStroke
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ShapeStroke
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.SolidStroke
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZeroStroke
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZigzagStroke
toString() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Returns the name of this object, as returned by getName.
toString() - Method in class ding.view.ObjectPositionImpl
toString() - Method in interface giny.view.ObjectPosition
toString() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOption
Convert to String.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.avalon.CLOptionDescriptor
Convert to String.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
Dump state, suitable for debugging.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup
Returns the stringified version of this OptionGroup.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.commons.cli.Options
Dump state, suitable for debugging.
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Equation
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BinOpNode
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.BooleanConstantNode
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FConvNode
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FloatConstantNode
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.FuncCallNode
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.IdentNode
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.Node
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.SConvNode
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.StringConstantNode
toString() - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.UnaryOpNode
TrackerException - Exception in cytoscape.plugin
TrackerException() - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.TrackerException
TrackerException(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.TrackerException
TrackerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.TrackerException
TrackerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.TrackerException
Transform - Class in cytoscape.util
Apply XSLT to an XML document
Transform(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.Transform
Creates a new Transform object.
transform(ObjectPosition, DNodeView, CustomGraphic) - Static method in class ding.view.CustomGraphicsPositionCalculator
translateObjectType(Object) - Static method in class org.cytoscape.equations.FunctionUtil
Tries to map "input" to one of Double, Long, Boolean or String.
traverseAttributeValues(String, String, CyAttributes, AttributeValueVisitor) - Static method in class
Traverse all the values of a given attribute applying an AttributeValueVisitor to each value.
tree - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable
A subclass of JTree.
TreeCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
TreeCellRenderer(Icon, Icon) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeCellRenderer
TreeCellRenderer - Class in cytoscape.view
TreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class cytoscape.view.TreeCellRenderer
TreeNode - Class in cytoscape.dialogs.plugins
TreeNode(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Creates a TreeNode with given title, no parent and allows children.
TreeNode(String, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Creates a TreeNode with given title, no parent and allows children if specified.
TreeNode(DownloadableInfo) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Creates a TreeNode with given PluginInfo object, no parent and does not allow children.
TreeNode(DownloadableInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.TreeNode
Creates a TreeNode with given PluginInfo object, no parent and allows children if specified.
TreeTableModel - Interface in cytoscape.util.swing
TreeTableModel is the model used by a JTreeTable.
TreeTableModelAdapter - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
This is a wrapper class takes a TreeTableModel and implements the table model interface.
TreeTableModelAdapter(TreeTableModel, JTree) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.TreeTableModelAdapter
Creates a new TreeTableModelAdapter object.
TRIANGLE - Static variable in class
TRIANGLE - Static variable in class
TRIANGLE - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
TriangleNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
TriangleNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.TriangleNodeShape
TriangleThumbRenderer - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
TriangleThumbRenderer(JXMultiThumbSlider) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.TriangleThumbRenderer
Creates a new TriangleThumbRenderer object.
Triple - Class in
Extract partial graph structure.
Triple(Term, Term, Term, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Triple object.
Trunc - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Trunc() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Trunc
truncateOrPadString(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.task.ui.StringUtils
Truncates a String to a specific length or pads it with extra spaces.
Tunable - Class in cytoscape.layout
Tunables are typed objects that maintain properties and an easy way to generate a settings panel to allow user manipulation of them.
Tunable(String, String, int, Object) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Constructor to create a Tunable with no bounds information, and no flag.
Tunable(String, String, int, Object, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Constructor to create a Tunable with no bounds information, but with a flag.
Tunable(String, String, int, Object, Object, Object, int) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Constructor to create a Tunable with bounds information as well as a flag.
Tunable(String, String, int, Object, Object, Object, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Deprecated. Use the IMMUTABLE flag directly rather than this special constructor.
tunableChanged(Tunable) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutProperties
tunableChanged(Tunable) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.TunableListener
The tunableChanged method is called whenever a tunable value has been changed by the user (as opposed to programmatically).
TunableListener - Interface in cytoscape.layout
The TunableListener interface provides a way to encapsulate CyLayoutAlgorithm property and settings values.
tunablesList - Variable in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
tunablesMap - Variable in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
type - Variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.calculators.AbstractCalculator
Type of this visual property.
type - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to java.lang.Boolean.
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to java.lang.Boolean.
TYPE_COMPLEX - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to a data structure of arbitrary complexity, e.g.
TYPE_FLOATING - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to java.lang.Double.
TYPE_FLOATING_POINT - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to java.lang.Double.
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to java.lang.Integer.
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to java.lang.Integer.
TYPE_SIMPLE_LIST - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to a 'simple' list.
TYPE_SIMPLE_MAP - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to a 'simple' hash map.
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to java.lang.String.
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to java.lang.String.
TYPE_UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface
This type corresponds to an attribute which has not been defined.
TypeHandler - Class in org.apache.commons.cli
This is a temporary implementation.
TypeHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.cli.TypeHandler


UnaryOpNode - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree
A node in the parse tree representing a unary operator application.
UnaryOpNode(int, Token, Node) - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.parse_tree.UnaryOpNode
undefineAttribute(String) - Method in interface
WARNING: All bound attribute values on objects will go away in this attribute namespace when this method is called.
UNDIRECTED_EDGE - Static variable in interface cytoscape.graph.dynamic.DynamicGraph
A nonnegative quantity representing undirectedness of an edge.
UNDIRECTED_EDGE - Static variable in interface cytoscape.graph.fixed.FixedGraph
A nonnegative quantity representing undirectedness of an edge.
undo - package undo
undo() - Method in class cytoscape.util.undo.CyAbstractEdit
undo() - Method in class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
Applies the original state to the view.
Undo - Class in undo
Rudimentary support for undo.
Undo() - Constructor for class undo.Undo
UndoAction - Class in cytoscape.util.undo
An action that calls undo for the most recent edit in the undoable edit stack.
UndoAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.undo.UndoAction
Constructs the action.
undoManager - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.undo.CyUndo
ungetToken(Token) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.Tokeniser
unHideAll(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
unHideAllEdges(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
unHideNodesAndInterconnectingEdges(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
UnHideSelectedAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
UnHideSelectedAction(CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.UnHideSelectedAction
Creates a new UnHideSelectedAction object.
unHideSelectedEdges(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
UnHideSelectedEdgesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
UnHideSelectedEdgesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.UnHideSelectedEdgesAction
Creates a new UnHideSelectedEdgesAction object.
unHideSelectedNodes(GraphView) - Static method in class cytoscape.actions.GinyUtils
UnHideSelectedNodesAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
UnHideSelectedNodesAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.UnHideSelectedNodesAction
Creates a new UnHideSelectedNodesAction object.
UnifiedNetworkImportDialog - Class in
Default GUI component for network import web service clients.
UnifiedNetworkImportDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates new form NetworkImportDialog
UNINITIALIZED - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
constant that specifies the number of argument values has not been specified
uninstall() - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
uninstall() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
uninstall() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
UNION - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
The different types of network graph operations
unionizeEdges(List) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Perform a simple set union on the sets of nodes
unionizeNodes(List) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.GraphSetUtils
Makes nodes request overtime pay.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class cytoscape.CyNetworkEvent
This type is used when the requested type is unknown to this class.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
Significance value: UNKNOWN.
UNLIMITED_VALUES - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.Option
constant that specifies the number of argument values is infinite
unlockAllNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Unlock all nodes
unlockAllNodes() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Unlock all of the nodes.
unlockAllNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
unlockNode(NodeView) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Unlock this node
unlockNode(NodeView) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
Unlock this node.
unlockNode(NodeView) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
unlockNode(NodeView) - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.LayoutAlgorithm
UnrecognizedOptionException - Exception in org.apache.commons.cli
Exception thrown during parsing signalling an unrecognized option was seen.
UnrecognizedOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.cli.UnrecognizedOptionException
Construct a new UnrecognizedArgumentException with the specified detail message.
unselect() - Method in class ding.view.DNodeView
unselect() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
unselect() - Method in interface giny.view.NodeView
This draws us as unselected
unselectAllEdges() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Sets the selected state of all edges in this CyNetwork to false
unselectAllEdges() - Method in class
Sets the selected state to false for all Edges in the GraphPerspective.
unselectAllEdges() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Sets the selected state of all edges in this CyNetwork to false
unselectAllNodes() - Method in interface cytoscape.CyNetwork
Sets the selected state of all nodes in this CyNetwork to false
unselectAllNodes() - Method in class
Sets the selected state to false for all Nodes in the GraphPerspective.
unselectAllNodes() - Method in class cytoscape.giny.FingCyNetwork
Sets the selected state of all nodes in this CyNetwork to false
unselectGraphViewEdges(GraphView, Edge[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It unselects the edges in the array in the given giny.view.GraphView object
unselectGraphViewNodes(GraphView, Node[]) - Static method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
It unselects the nodes in the array in the given giny.view.GraphView object
unsetFocus() - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Used to unset the focus of all the views.
unzip(String, String, TaskMonitor) - Static method in class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
Unzips the given zip file and returns a list of all files unzipped
update(DownloadableInfo) - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
update(DownloadableInfo, TaskMonitor) - Method in interface cytoscape.plugin.Installable
update(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
update(DownloadableInfo, TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallablePlugin
update(DownloadableInfo, TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
update(DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.InstallableTheme
update(DownloadableInfo, DownloadableInfo) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Finds the given version of the new object, sets the old object for deletion and downloads new object to temporary directory
update(DownloadableInfo, DownloadableInfo, TaskMonitor) - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Finds the given version of the new object, sets the old object for deletion and downloads new object to temporary directory
update() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientOvalLayer
update() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector.GradientRoundRectangleLayer
update(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.BirdsEyeView
update(Graphics) - Method in class ding.view.InnerCanvas
updateBackgroungColor(Color) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.DefaultViewPanel
updateCytoscape() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
updateEdgeView() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
This is the main method called to update the drawing of the edge.
updateFocus(String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
updateGraphView(GraphView) - Method in class cytoscape.view.BasicGraphViewHandler
Updates the given graph_view to contain node and edge visual representations of only nodes and edges that are in its GraphPerspective
updateGraphView(GraphView) - Method in interface cytoscape.view.GraphViewHandler
Updates graph_view so that it is synchronized with its giny.model.GraphPerspective Useful if GraphPerspectiveChangeEvents haven't been handled, and a graph_view must be made synchronized with its GraphPerspective.
updateLine() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Draws the Edge
updateMap() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.C2DMappingEditor
updateMap() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
updateMax() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousTrackRenderer
updateNetworkTitle(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
updateNetworkTitle(CyNetwork, String) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Method to update the network title on the JInternalFrame, but not in the network panel.
updatePending - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
updateSettings() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
Property handling -- these must be overridden by any algorithms that want to use properties or have a settings UI.
updateSettings() - Method in interface cytoscape.layout.CyLayoutAlgorithm
This method is used to ask the algorithm to get its settings from the settings dialog.
updateSettings() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutAdapter
This method is used to ask the algorithm to get its settings from the seetings dialog.
updateSliders() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.PhoebeNodeControl
updateSourceArrow() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Draws the EdgeEnd, also sets the Source/Target Points to values such that the edge does not "go through" the end
updateTargetArrow() - Method in interface giny.view.EdgeView
Draws the EdgeEnd, also sets the Source/Target Points to values such that the edge does not "go through" the end
updateTitle(CyNetwork) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
update a network title
updateTunablePanel() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.LayoutProperties
This method is called to update the panel for this property sheet.
updateUI() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
updateUI is overridden to set the colors of the Tree's renderer to match that of the table.
updateUI() - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable
Overridden to message super and forward the method to the tree.
updateValue() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method is called to extract the user-entered data from the JPanel and store it as our value.
updateValueListeners() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Method to call all of the value listeners.
updateValues() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.ModuleProperties
This method calls the updateValues method of each Tunable that is part of this LayoutProperty.
updateValues() - Method in class cytoscape.util.ModulePropertiesImpl
This method calls the updateValues method of each Tunable that is part of this LayoutProperty.
updateView() - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.DefaultViewPanel
updateView() - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
Repaint network canvas.
updateView() - Method in interface giny.view.GraphView
Do a global redraw of the entire canvas
updating - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
UPPER - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.mappings.FlatInterpolator
Upper - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Upper() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Upper
url - Variable in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
URL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder
URL class
URLImageCustomGraphics - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap
URLImageCustomGraphics(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap.URLImageCustomGraphics
URLImageCustomGraphics(Long, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap.URLImageCustomGraphics
URLImageCustomGraphics(String, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.bitmap.URLImageCustomGraphics
URLImageCustomGraphicsParser - Class in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic
Create instance of URLImageCustomGraphics object from String.
URLImageCustomGraphicsParser() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.URLImageCustomGraphicsParser
urlPattern - Static variable in class cytoscape.util.FileUtil
A string that defines a simplified java regular expression for a URL.
URLUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
URLUtil() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.URLUtil
useCheckBoxMenuItem - Variable in class cytoscape.util.CytoscapeAction
USESLIDER - Static variable in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
For INTEGER or DOUBLE tunables, preferentially use a slider widget -- this will *only* take effect if the upper and lower bounds are provided.
usingWebstartManager() - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginManager
Returns true/false based on the System property.


VALID_CYTOSCAPE_VERSION_PATTERN - Static variable in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginVersionUtils
validateArgTypes(Class[]) - Method in class org.cytoscape.equations.AbstractFunction
validateArgTypes(Class[]) - Method in interface org.cytoscape.equations.Function
validatedPluginData(Component, String) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PreferenceValueDialog
Deprecated. no longer used by anyting. Will leave this world Dec 2007.
validateNewPlugins(String, Vector, Vector) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.PluginsTableModel
Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
validator - Variable in class
value - Variable in class
value() - Method in enum cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableType
Value - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Value() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Value
VALUE_NOT_A_DOUBLE - Static variable in class
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog
Enables the delete/install buttons when the correct leaf node is selected
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginUpdateDialog
Enables the delete/install buttons when the correct leaf node is selected
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.preferences.BookmarkDialog
Called by ListSelectionListener interface when a table item is selected.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.SetNestedNetworkDialog
valueChanged() - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
Returns the changed state of the value.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.layout.Tunable
This method is public as a byproduct of the implementation.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.CheckBoxJList
Update the list items.
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkPanel
This method highlights a network in the NetworkPanel.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.ui.CustomGraphicsDetailPanel
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.ManagerModel
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class cytoscape.util.swing.AbstractTreeTableModel
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog.CommonError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog.PluginInstallStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.groups.CyGroupChangeListener.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.groups.CyGroupViewer.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.logger.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo.FileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginProperties.PluginProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginXml
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.util.ScalingMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.view.ColumnTypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager.Arrange
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.LineStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.strokes.PipeStroke.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer.EditorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel.DefaultEditor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency.Definition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ding.view.DGraphView.Canvas
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ding.view.DGraphView.ShapeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ding.view.ViewChangeEdit.SavedObjs
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum giny.view.Justification
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum giny.view.Position
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.ArgType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter.Instruction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.Token
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
ValueParser - Interface in cytoscape.visual.parsers
Interface to classes that parse a String value into a particular class of object.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog.CommonError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.dialogs.plugins.PluginManageDialog.PluginInstallStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.groups.CyGroupChangeListener.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.groups.CyGroupViewer.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.logger.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.DownloadableType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginInfo.FileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginProperties.PluginProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.plugin.PluginXml
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntIntHash
Returns an enumeration of values in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
values() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntObjHash
Returns an iteration of values in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
values() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.IntTHash
Returns an iteration of values in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
values() - Method in class cytoscape.util.intr.LongLongHash
Returns an enumeration of values in this hashtable, ordered arbitrarily.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.util.ScalingMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.view.ColumnTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.view.CyDesktopManager.Arrange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.view.cytopanels.CytoPanelName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ArrowShape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.LineStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.mappings.MappingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.strokes.PipeStroke.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer.EditorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.EditorDisplayer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel.DefaultEditor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyDependency.Definition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ding.view.DGraphView.Canvas
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ding.view.DGraphView.ShapeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ding.view.ViewChangeEdit.SavedObjs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum giny.view.Justification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum giny.view.Position
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.ArgType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.interpreter.Instruction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cytoscape.equations.Token
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valuesAsString() - Static method in enum cytoscape.visual.NodeShape
ValueSelectDialog - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Visual Property selector for discrete values
valueSpinner - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.ContinuousMappingEditorPanel
ValueToStringConverter - Interface in cytoscape.visual.converter
Provide special type of toString for the given class.
ValueToStringConverterManager - Class in cytoscape.visual.converter
Replacement for ObjectToString.
Var - Class in org.cytoscape.equations.builtins
Var() - Constructor for class org.cytoscape.equations.builtins.Var
VectorCustomGraphics - Interface in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.vector
VEE - Static variable in class
VEE - Static variable in interface giny.view.NodeView
VeeNodeShape - Class in cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape
VeeNodeShape() - Constructor for class cytoscape.render.immed.nodeshape.VeeNodeShape
VELLIPSIS - Static variable in class
version - Variable in class cytoscape.bookmarks.Bookmarks
version - Static variable in class cytoscape.CytoscapeVersion
VERSION - Static variable in class
VERSION_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginVersionUtils
versionOk(String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginVersionUtils
VerticalSlashStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
VerticalSlashStroke(float, PipeStroke.Type) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.VerticalSlashStroke
viewableNodes - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
ViewableNodes - Class in cytoscape.generated
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ViewableNodes() - Constructor for class cytoscape.generated.ViewableNodes
viewAvailable - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
ViewChangeEdit - Class in ding.view
A Ding specific undoable edit.
ViewChangeEdit(DGraphView, String) - Constructor for class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
ViewChangeEdit(DGraphView, ViewChangeEdit.SavedObjs, String) - Constructor for class ding.view.ViewChangeEdit
ViewChangeEdit.SavedObjs - Enum in ding.view
viewExists(String) - Static method in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
viewportChanged(int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class ding.view.ArbitraryGraphicsCanvas
Our implementation of ViewportChangeListener.
viewportChanged(int, int, double, double, double) - Method in interface ding.view.ViewportChangeListener
This gets fired upon graph redraw when zoom is changed or the graph center is changed or the view component is resized.
ViewportChangeListener - Interface in ding.view
visibleRow - Variable in class cytoscape.util.swing.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Last table/tree row asked to renderer.
visitingAttributeValue(String, String, CyAttributes, Object[], Object) - Method in interface
Perform whatever operations are desired on the given attribute value.
VISUAL_STYLE - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
VisualMappingManager - Class in cytoscape.visual
Top-level class for controlling the visual appearance of nodes and edges according to data attributes, as well as some global visual attributes.
VisualMappingManager(CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
Creates a new VisualMappingManager object.
VisualProperty - Interface in cytoscape.visual
Represents a visual property.
VisualPropertyDependency - Interface in cytoscape.visual
Define dependency of visual properties.
VisualPropertyDependency.Definition - Enum in cytoscape.visual
An enum that lists the possible dependencies.
VisualPropertyIcon - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.icon
Icon created from Shape object passed from rendering engine.
This icon is scalable (vector image).
VisualPropertyIcon(String, Color) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Creates a new VisualPropertyIcon object.
VisualPropertyIcon(Shape, int, int, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Constructor without Color parameter.
VisualPropertyIcon(Shape, int, int, String, Color) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
Constructor with full parameter set.
VisualPropertyType - Enum in cytoscape.visual
Enum for calculator types.
This will replace public constants defined in VizMapperUI class.
This Enum defines visual attributes used in Cytoscape.
visualStyle - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.Network
VisualStyle - Class in cytoscape.visual
This class encapsulates a full set of visual mapping specifications for Cytoscape.
VisualStyle(String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Simple constructor, creates default node/edge/global appearance calculators.
VisualStyle(String, NodeAppearanceCalculator, EdgeAppearanceCalculator, GlobalAppearanceCalculator) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Full constructor.
VisualStyle(VisualStyle) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Copy constructor.
VisualStyle(VisualStyle, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle
Copy constructor with new name.
VisualStyleBuilder - Class in
Based on the graph/node/edge view information, build new Visual Style.
VisualStyleBuilder(String) - Constructor for class
Build a new VisualStyleBuilder object whose output style will be called "name".
VisualStyleBuilder(String, Map, Map, Map) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. this should no longer be used and is not functional. Use VisualStyleBuilder(String) instead and then call addProperty for each value
VisualStyleBuilder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Build a new VisualStyleBuilder object whose output style will be called "name".
VIZMAP_ENABLED - Static variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
VIZMAP_LOADED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
VIZMAP_PROPS - Static variable in class
VIZMAP_RESTORED - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
VizMapBypassNetworkListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Adds NodeView and EdgeView vizmap bypass listeners to network views as the views are created.
VizMapBypassNetworkListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapBypassNetworkListener
vizmapEdge(EdgeView, CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
vizmapNode(NodeView, CyNetworkView) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager
VizMapperMainPanel - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
New VizMapper UI main panel.
VizMapperMainPanel.CopyStyleListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
VizMapperMainPanel.CopyStyleListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel.CopyStyleListener
VizMapperMainPanel.CreateLegendListener - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
VizMapperMainPanel.CreateLegendListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperMainPanel.CreateLegendListener
VizMapperMainPanel.DefaultEditor - Enum in cytoscape.visual.ui
VizMapperProperty - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui
Extended version of DefaultProperty which accepts one more value as hidden object.
VizMapperProperty() - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperProperty
VizMapperTrackRenderer - Interface in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
vizmapperUI - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
New VizMapper UI
vizmapProps - Variable in class cytoscape.CyMain
vizProps - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.Appearance
VMM - Static variable in class cytoscape.Cytoscape
vmm - Variable in class cytoscape.view.CytoscapeDesktop
Provides Operations for Mapping Data Attributes of CyNetworks to CyNetworkViews


W - Static variable in class
warn(String) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a warning message.
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a warning message.
warning(String) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a warning message.
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class cytoscape.logger.CyLogger
Log a warning message.
wasCanceled() - Method in interface cytoscape.util.MonitoredTask
WEBSERVICE_THEME - Static variable in class
WebServiceClient<S> - Interface in
Web service client wrapper for Cytoscape.
WebServiceClientGUI<U extends Container> - Interface in
Web service client which has custom component should implements this interface.
WebServiceClientGUI.IconSize - Enum in
Defines icon type.
WebServiceClientImpl<S> - Class in
Abstract class for all web service clients.
WebServiceClientImpl() - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebServiceClientImpl object.
WebServiceClientImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebServiceClientImpl object.
WebServiceClientImpl(String, String, WebServiceClientManager.ClientType[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebServiceClientImpl object.
WebServiceClientImpl(String, String, WebServiceClientManager.ClientType[], ModuleProperties) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebServiceClientImpl object.
WebServiceClientImpl(String, String, WebServiceClientManager.ClientType[], ModuleProperties, S) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebServiceClientImpl object.
WebServiceClientImplWithGUI<S,U extends Container> - Class in
Client with GUI.
WebServiceClientImplWithGUI(String, String, WebServiceClientManager.ClientType[], ModuleProperties, S, U) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebServiceClientImpl object.
WebServiceClientManager - Class in
Web Service Client Manager manages available web service clients in Cytoscape.
WebServiceClientManager.ClientType - Enum in
ClientType defines types/characteristics of the web service clients.
WebServiceContextMenu - Class in
Context menu for web service clients.
WebServiceContextMenu() - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebServiceContextMenu object.
WebServiceContextMenuListener - Class in
WebServiceContextMenuListener() - Constructor for class
WebServiceNetworkImportAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
WebServiceNetworkImportAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.WebServiceNetworkImportAction
Creates a new FitContentAction object.
WebServiceThemeInstall - Class in
WebServiceThemeInstall(UnifiedNetworkImportDialog) - Constructor for class
WebServiceThemeInstall(PluginManager) - Constructor for class
WebstartException - Exception in cytoscape.plugin
This exception is used when methods that can't be used from the PluginManager if webstart is running are called.
WebstartException() - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.WebstartException
WebstartException(String) - Constructor for exception cytoscape.plugin.WebstartException
WEST - Static variable in interface giny.view.Label
westName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
whetherField2IsEnabled() - Method in class cytoscape.dialogs.JointIntegerEntry
WHITE_ARROW - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
WHITE_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
WHITE_DELTA - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
WHITE_DIAMOND - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
WHITE_T - Static variable in interface giny.view.EdgeView
WidestStringComboBoxModel - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
WidestStringComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Class Constructor.
WidestStringComboBoxModel(Object[]) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Class Constructor specifying an array of Objects to form the model.
WidestStringComboBoxModel(Vector<?>) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxModel
Class Constructor specifying a vector of Objects to form the model.
WidestStringComboBoxPopupMenuListener - Class in cytoscape.util.swing
WidestStringComboBoxPopupMenuListener() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.swing.WidestStringComboBoxPopupMenuListener
WidestStringProvider - Interface in cytoscape.util.swing
WIDTH - Static variable in class
width - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.DesktopSize
width - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
width - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.customgraphic.impl.AbstractDCustomGraphics
width - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ShapeStroke
width - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.ui.icon.VisualPropertyIcon
WidthStroke - Interface in cytoscape.visual.strokes
A simple extension of Stroke that allows Stroke objects to be coupled with LineStyle enum values and allows the width of the stroke to be adjusted.
windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Deprecated. Will no longer support WindowFocusListener. Will be removed August 2008.
windowLostFocus(WindowEvent) - Method in class cytoscape.view.NetworkViewManager
Deprecated. Will no longer support WindowFocusListener. Will be removed August 2008.
windowMenu - Variable in class cytoscape.actions.ImportExpressionMatrixAction
windowMenu - Variable in class cytoscape.actions.ImportGraphFileAction
windowMenu - Variable in class cytoscape.actions.OpenSessionAction
WindowUtilities - Class in cytoscape.util.shadegrown
WindowUtilities keeps track of open windows and may close down the JVM when all primary windows are closed (see #setExitJVMWhenAllWindowsClose and #addPrimaryWindow( Window )).
WindowUtilities() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.shadegrown.WindowUtilities
withArgName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created will have the specified argument value name.
withDescription(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created will have the specified description
withLongOpt(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created will have the following long option value.
withType(Object) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created will have a value that will be an instance of type.
withValueSeparator(char) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created uses sep as a means to separate argument values.
withValueSeparator() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder
The next Option created uses '=' as a means to separate argument values.
wName - Static variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
wrap(String, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class cytoscape.task.util.StringWrap
Wraps a single line of text, identifying words by ' '.
write(Writer) - Method in class
Write the XGMML file.
This method creates all JAXB objects from Cytoscape internal
data structure, and them marshall it into an XML (XGMML) document.
write() - Method in class cytoscape.plugin.PluginTracker
Writes doc to file
writeAttributes() - Method in class
Write out the state for the given attributes
writeGML(CyNetwork, CyNetworkView, List) - Method in class
Given an object tree given in oldList, update it with the information provided in network and optional view (if view is not null).
writeInteractions(CyNetwork, Writer, TaskMonitor) - Static method in class
Writes a SIF formatted string of the specified network to the specified writer.
writeInteractions(CyNetwork, Writer) - Static method in class
Writes a SIF formatted string of the specified network to the specified writer.
writeOut() - Method in class cytoscape.util.RecentlyOpenedTracker
Writes the list of recently opened files to the file specified by the constructor argument.
writeSessionToDisk() - Method in class
Write current session to a local .cys file.
writeToFile() - Method in class cytoscape.util.JnlpWriterUtil
writeToObject(Object) - Method in class cytoscape.visual.ui.VizMapperProperty
WRONG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in class
WSImportResultDialog - Class in
WSImportResultDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates new form SearchResultDialog


X - Static variable in class
x - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
xformComponentToNodeCoords(double[]) - Method in class ding.view.DGraphView
xformImageToNodeCoords(double[]) - Method in class cytoscape.render.immed.GraphGraphics
Uses the current transform to map the specified image coordinates to node coordinates.
XGMML_EXT - Static variable in class
XGMMLException - Exception in
Exception for XGMML Reader.
XGMMLException(String) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new XGMMLException object.
XGMMLFileFilter - Class in cytoscape.util
FileFilter for Reading in XGMML Files.
XGMMLFileFilter() - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.XGMMLFileFilter
XGMMLReader - Class in
XGMML file reader.
This version is Metanode-compatible.
XGMMLReader(String) - Constructor for class
This is for local XGMML file.
XGMMLReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class
This is usually used for remote file loading.
XGMMLReader(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
This is usually used for remote file loading.
XGMMLReader(String, TaskMonitor) - Constructor for class
Creates a new XGMMLReader object.
XGMMLWriter - Class in
Write network and attributes in XGMML format and
marshall it in a streme.
XGMMLWriter(CyNetwork, CyNetworkView) - Constructor for class
Initialize data objects to be saved in XGMML file.
XGMMLWriter(CyNetwork, CyNetworkView, boolean) - Constructor for class
Initialize data objects to be saved in XGMML file.
xOffset - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition


Y - Static variable in class
y - Variable in class cytoscape.generated.NetworkFrame
YED_DELTA - Static variable in class
YED_DIAMOND - Static variable in class
YED_SHORT - Static variable in class
YED_SOURCE_ARROW - Static variable in class
YED_STANDARD - Static variable in class
YED_TARGET_ARROW - Static variable in class
YED_WHITE_DELTA - Static variable in class
YED_WHITE_DIAMOND - Static variable in class
yOffset - Variable in class cytoscape.visual.LabelPosition
YValueLegendPanel - Class in cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous
YValueLegendPanel(VisualPropertyType) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.ui.editors.continuous.YValueLegendPanel
Creates a new IconPanel object.


ZeroStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
Rather than handle strokes of width 0 for all implementations of WidthStroke, use this wrapper class that, when the width is less than or equal to 0 a BasicStroke is returned, whereas when the width is greater than 0, return the specified actual WidthStroke.
ZeroStroke(WidthStroke) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZeroStroke
ZigzagStroke - Class in cytoscape.visual.strokes
ZigzagStroke(float) - Constructor for class cytoscape.visual.strokes.ZigzagStroke
ZipUtil - Class in cytoscape.util
Compression-related methods mainly for Session Writer.
The created zip files can be decompressed by any zip utilities.
ZipUtil(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
ZipUtil(String, String[], String, String) - Constructor for class cytoscape.util.ZipUtil
zoom() - Method in class cytoscape.actions.ZoomAction
ZoomAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ZoomAction(double) - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ZoomAction
Creates a new ZoomAction object.
ZoomSelectedAction - Class in cytoscape.actions
ZoomSelectedAction() - Constructor for class cytoscape.actions.ZoomSelectedAction
Creates a new ZoomSelectedAction object.

Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

Copyright 2010 Cytoscape Consortium. All rights reserved.