Cytoscape 3.0.1 API


This package provides factory interfaces to be used by anyone wishing to provide export or writing capabilities to the rest of Cytoscape.


Interface Summary
CyNetworkViewWriterFactory A specialization of CyWriterFactory that allows a CyNetworkView or CyNetwork to be specified and written to an OutputStream.
CyNetworkViewWriterManager A CyWriterManager specific to writing CyNetworkView objects.
CyPropertyWriterFactory A specialization of CyWriterFactory that allows a property Object to be specified and written.
CyPropertyWriterManager A CyWriterManager specific to writing property objects.
CySessionWriterFactory A specialization of CyWriterFactory that allows a CySession to be specified and written.
CySessionWriterManager A CyWriterManager specific to writing CySession objects.
CyTableWriterFactory A specialization of CyWriterFactory that allows a CyTable to be specified and written.
CyTableWriterManager A CyWriterManager specific to writing CyTable objects.
CyWriter A marker interface used to identify tasks involved in writing data.
CyWriterFactory A marker interface used to identify factories that create CyWriter instances.
CyWriterManager<W extends CyWriterFactory> A CyWriterManager aggregates CyWriterFactory services for specific DataCategories and provides a mechanism for choosing the CyWriterFactory given a particular file type.
PresentationWriterFactory A specialization of CyWriterFactory that allows a View rendered by the specified RenderingEngine to be specified and written.
PresentationWriterManager A CyWriterManager specific to writing View objects.
VizmapWriterFactory A specialization of CyWriterFactory that allows a VisualStyle to be specified and written.
VizmapWriterManager A CyWriterManager specific to writing VisualStyle objects.

Package Description

This package provides factory interfaces to be used by anyone wishing to provide export or writing capabilities to the rest of Cytoscape. To provide writing capabilities an App writer will implement an instance of CyWriterFactory that creates a fully configured task. Part of implementing CyWriterFactory involves providing a CyFileFilter, an interface used to define file extensions and types of data that can be written.
This package is useful primarily when used within the Task/TaskFactory framework used throughout Cytoscape. To simply write files from an App, consult the interfaces found in the Core Task API (org.cytoscape.task.*).

Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

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