Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CyNode
org.cytoscape.application.swing This package defines the various interfaces, abstract classes, and enums that represent the Cytoscape Swing Application API. This package provides an API for creating and managing groups in Cytoscape. This package contains the various events and listeners related to group management, creation, and destruction. 
org.cytoscape.model This package has the core interfaces of network and table data structures that are foundational to Cytoscape. This package contains the event interfaces necessary for communicating with the classes in org.cytoscape.model. 
org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork This package contains rootnetwork and subnetwork extensions to the CyNetwork interface that provide a more complex meta-network data model. 
org.cytoscape.task This package provides base classes for common task factory types as well as their associated task types found in Cytoscape. 
org.cytoscape.view.layout This package provides access to the available layout algorithms, as well as provides abstract layout classes and layout information containers for the convenience of implementing other layout algorithms. 
org.cytoscape.view.model Module for View Models and Visual Properties. Definitions for View-Model related events and their listeners. 

Uses of CyNode in org.cytoscape.application.swing

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.application.swing with type arguments of type CyNode
 CyMenuItem CyNodeViewContextMenuFactory.createMenuItem(CyNetworkView netView, View<CyNode> nodeView)
          This method should return a CyMenuItem to be added to the context menu of the specified node view.

Uses of CyNode in

Methods in that return CyNode
 CyNode CyGroup.getGroupNode()
          Return the CyNode that represents this group in the network.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CyNode
 List<CyNode> CyGroup.getNodeList()
          Returns the list of nodes contained within this group.

Methods in with parameters of type CyNode
 CyGroup CyGroupFactory.createGroup(CyNetwork network, CyNode node, boolean register)
          Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network from an existing CyNode.
 CyGroup CyGroupFactory.createGroup(CyNetwork network, CyNode node, List<CyNode> nodes, List<CyEdge> edges, boolean register)
          Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network from an existing CyNode.
 CyGroup CyGroupManager.getGroup(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Return the group the corresponds to a particular node in a CyNetwork.
 List<CyGroup> CyGroupManager.getGroupsForNode(CyNode node)
          Return the list of CyGroups this node is in.
 List<CyGroup> CyGroupManager.getGroupsForNode(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Return the list of CyGroups this node is in for a particular network.
 boolean CyGroupManager.isGroup(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Test to see if this node represents a CyGroup in a particular CyNetwork.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type CyNode
 void CyGroup.addNodes(List<CyNode> nodes)
          Add a list of nodes and their edges
 CyGroup CyGroupFactory.createGroup(CyNetwork network, CyNode node, List<CyNode> nodes, List<CyEdge> edges, boolean register)
          Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network from an existing CyNode.
 CyGroup CyGroupFactory.createGroup(CyNetwork network, List<CyNode> nodes, List<CyEdge> edges, boolean register)
          Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network initially populated with the supplied nodes.
 void CyGroup.removeNodes(List<CyNode> nodes)
          Remove a set of nodes and their edges from a group

Uses of CyNode in

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNode
GroupNodesAddedEvent(CyGroup source, CyNode node)
          Constructs event.
GroupNodesRemovedEvent(CyGroup source, CyNode node)
          Constructs event.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type CyNode
GroupNodesAddedEvent(CyGroup source, List<CyNode> nodes)
          Constructs event.
GroupNodesRemovedEvent(CyGroup source, List<CyNode> nodes)
          Constructs event.

Uses of CyNode in org.cytoscape.model

Methods in org.cytoscape.model that return CyNode
 CyNode CyNetwork.addNode()
          This method is used to create and add a node to this network.
 CyNode CyNetwork.getNode(long suid)
          Return the CyNode that has the SUID.
 CyNode CyEdge.getSource()
          Returns the source node determining this edge.
 CyNode CyEdge.getTarget()
          Returns the target node determining this edge.

Methods in org.cytoscape.model that return types with arguments of type CyNode
 List<CyNode> CyNetwork.getNeighborList(CyNode node, CyEdge.Type edgeType)
          Get the list of nodes that neighbor this node where the definition of "neighbor" is a node that is connected to this node by the passed edgeType.
 List<CyNode> CyNetwork.getNodeList()
          Return a list of the nodes in this network.
static List<CyNode> CyTableUtil.getNodesInState(CyNetwork net, String columnName, boolean state)
          A utility method that returns a list of nodes that have a boolean attribute in the CyNetwork.DEFAULT_ATTRS namespace specified by columnName and are in the specified state.

Methods in org.cytoscape.model with parameters of type CyNode
 CyEdge CyNetwork.addEdge(CyNode source, CyNode target, boolean isDirected)
          This method is used to create and add an edge to this network.
 boolean CyNetwork.containsEdge(CyNode from, CyNode to)
          Determine if this CyNetwork contains an edge between two nodes.
 boolean CyNetwork.containsNode(CyNode node)
          Determine if this CyNetwork contains a particular node.
 Iterable<CyEdge> CyNetwork.getAdjacentEdgeIterable(CyNode node, CyEdge.Type edgeType)
          Gets an Iteable of edges that connect to this node.
 List<CyEdge> CyNetwork.getAdjacentEdgeList(CyNode node, CyEdge.Type edgeType)
          Get the list of edges that connect to this node.
 List<CyEdge> CyNetwork.getConnectingEdgeList(CyNode source, CyNode target, CyEdge.Type edgeType)
          Get the list of edges that connect two nodes.
 List<CyNode> CyNetwork.getNeighborList(CyNode node, CyEdge.Type edgeType)
          Get the list of nodes that neighbor this node where the definition of "neighbor" is a node that is connected to this node by the passed edgeType.

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.model with type arguments of type CyNode
 boolean CyNetwork.removeNodes(Collection<CyNode> node)
          Remove a node from the network and delete the node (if it only exists in this network).

Uses of CyNode in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CyNode
 Collection<CyNode> AboutToRemoveNodesEvent.getNodes()
          Returns the collection of nodes about to be removed.

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNode
SetNetworkPointerEvent(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Constructs event.
UnsetNetworkPointerEvent(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Constructs event.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type CyNode
AboutToRemoveNodesEvent(CyNetwork source, Collection<CyNode> nodes)
          Constructs event.
AddedNodesEvent(CyNetwork source, Collection<CyNode> nodes)
          Constructs event.

Uses of CyNode in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork

Methods in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork that return CyNode
 CyNode CySubNetwork.addNode()
          A shortcut method that Creates a new CyNode in both this subnetwork AND in the CyRootNetwork.

Methods in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork with parameters of type CyNode
 CyEdge CySubNetwork.addEdge(CyNode source, CyNode target, boolean directed)
          A shortcut method that Creates a new CyEdge in both this subnetwork AND in the CyRootNetwork.
 boolean CySubNetwork.addNode(CyNode node)
          Adds a node to this CySubNetwork.

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork with type arguments of type CyNode
 CySubNetwork CyRootNetwork.addSubNetwork(Iterable<CyNode> nodes, Iterable<CyEdge> edges)
          Create a CySubNetwork containing the specified CyNodes and CyEdges.
 CySubNetwork CyRootNetwork.addSubNetwork(Iterable<CyNode> nodes, Iterable<CyEdge> edges, SavePolicy policy)
          Create a CySubNetwork containing the specified CyNodes and CyEdges.
 boolean CySubNetwork.removeNodes(Collection<CyNode> node)
          Removes a node from this CySubNetwork but not from the CyRootNetwork.

Uses of CyNode in org.cytoscape.task

Fields in org.cytoscape.task with type parameters of type CyNode
protected  View<CyNode> AbstractNodeViewTask.nodeView
          The node view that descendants of this class will operate on.

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.task with type arguments of type CyNode
 TaskIterator NodeViewTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(View<CyNode> nodeView, CyNetworkView networkView)
          Provisions this factory with the node view and its associated network view, both of which will be passed into any task that will be created by this factory.
 boolean NodeViewTaskFactory.isReady(View<CyNode> nodeView, CyNetworkView networkView)
          Returns true if the node view and network view are in a state that is ready to be processed by the generated tasks and false otherwise.
 boolean AbstractNodeViewTaskFactory.isReady(View<CyNode> nodeView, CyNetworkView networkView)
          Returns true of the supplied network and node views are not null.

Constructor parameters in org.cytoscape.task with type arguments of type CyNode
AbstractNodeViewTask(View<CyNode> nodeView, CyNetworkView netView)
          Base class constructor for all tasks that need to operate on a node view and possibly its associated network view.

Uses of CyNode in org.cytoscape.view.layout

Fields in org.cytoscape.view.layout with type parameters of type CyNode
static Set<View<CyNode>> CyLayoutAlgorithm.ALL_NODE_VIEWS
          A convenience declaration for an empty set signifying that all node views should be laid out when creating the task iterator.
protected  Set<View<CyNode>> AbstractLayoutTask.nodesToLayOut
          The node views that will be laid out by the algorithm.

Methods in org.cytoscape.view.layout that return CyNode
 CyNode LayoutNode.getNode()
          Accessor function to return the Node associated with this LayoutNode.

Methods in org.cytoscape.view.layout that return types with arguments of type CyNode
 View<CyNode> LayoutNode.getNodeView()
          Accessor function to return the View associated with this LayoutNode.

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.view.layout with type arguments of type CyNode
protected  void LayoutPartition.addNode(CyNetwork network, View<CyNode> nv, boolean locked)
          Add a node to this partition.
 TaskIterator CyLayoutAlgorithm.createTaskIterator(CyNetworkView networkView, Object layoutContext, Set<View<CyNode>> nodesToLayOut, String layoutAttribute)
          Creates a task iterator containing the layout tasks.
 boolean CyLayoutAlgorithm.isReady(CyNetworkView networkView, Object layoutContext, Set<View<CyNode>> nodesToLayOut, String layoutAttribute)
          Returns true if the task factory is ready to produce a task iterator.
 boolean AbstractLayoutAlgorithm.isReady(CyNetworkView view, Object tunableContext, Set<View<CyNode>> nodesToLayout, String attributeName)
static List<LayoutPartition> PartitionUtil.partition(CyNetworkView networkView, Collection<CyNode> nodeSet, EdgeWeighter edgeWeighter)
          Partition the graph -- this builds the LayoutEdge and LayoutNode arrays as a byproduct.

Constructor parameters in org.cytoscape.view.layout with type arguments of type CyNode
AbstractLayoutTask(String displayName, CyNetworkView networkView, Set<View<CyNode>> nodesToLayOut, String layoutAttribute, UndoSupport undo)
AbstractPartitionLayoutTask(String displayName, boolean singlePartition, CyNetworkView networkView, Set<View<CyNode>> nodesToLayOut, String layoutAttribute, UndoSupport undo)
          Creates a new AbstractPartitionLayoutTask object.
LayoutNode(View<CyNode> nodeView, int index, CyRow row)
          The main constructor for a LayoutNode.
LayoutPartition(CyNetworkView networkView, Collection<View<CyNode>> nodeSet, EdgeWeighter edgeWeighter)
          LayoutPartition: use this constructor to create a LayoutPartition that includes the entire network.

Uses of CyNode in org.cytoscape.view.model

Methods in org.cytoscape.view.model that return types with arguments of type CyNode
 View<CyNode> CyNetworkView.getNodeView(CyNode node)
          Returns a View for a specified Node.
 Collection<View<CyNode>> CyNetworkView.getNodeViews()
          Returns a list of Views for all CyNodes in the network.

Methods in org.cytoscape.view.model with parameters of type CyNode
 View<CyNode> CyNetworkView.getNodeView(CyNode node)
          Returns a View for a specified Node.

Uses of CyNode in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CyNode
 Collection<View<CyNode>> AddedNodeViewsEvent.getNodeViews()
          Returns new node view object.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type CyNode
AboutToRemoveNodeViewsEvent(CyNetworkView source, Collection<View<CyNode>> payload)
          Creates the event for about to be removed node views.
AddedNodeViewsEvent(CyNetworkView source, Collection<View<CyNode>> nodeViews)
          Creates the event for a new node view.

Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

Copyright 2011 Cytoscape Consortium. All rights reserved.