Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use SavePolicy
org.cytoscape.model This package has the core interfaces of network and table data structures that are foundational to Cytoscape. 
org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork This package contains rootnetwork and subnetwork extensions to the CyNetwork interface that provide a more complex meta-network data model. 

Uses of SavePolicy in org.cytoscape.model

Methods in org.cytoscape.model that return SavePolicy
 SavePolicy CyTable.getSavePolicy()
          Returns how (or if) this CyTable should be saved.
 SavePolicy CyNetwork.getSavePolicy()
          Returns how (or if) this CyNetwork should be saved.
static SavePolicy SavePolicy.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static SavePolicy[] SavePolicy.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.cytoscape.model with parameters of type SavePolicy
 CyNetwork CyNetworkFactory.createNetwork(SavePolicy policy)
          Returns a new, empty CyNetwork object.
 CyNetwork CyNetworkFactory.createNetworkWithPrivateTables(SavePolicy policy)
          Returns a new, empty CyNetwork object where the associated default tables are private.
 void CyTable.setSavePolicy(SavePolicy policy)
          Sets how (or if) this CyTable should be saved.

Uses of SavePolicy in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork

Methods in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork with parameters of type SavePolicy
 CySubNetwork CyRootNetwork.addSubNetwork(Iterable<CyNode> nodes, Iterable<CyEdge> edges, SavePolicy policy)
          Create a CySubNetwork containing the specified CyNodes and CyEdges.
 CySubNetwork CyRootNetwork.addSubNetwork(SavePolicy policy)
          Create an empty CySubNetwork which can have a different save policy from that of this root network, as long as the root network's policy is not DO_NOT_SAVE.

Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

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