Cytoscape 2.2 (c) 2004 ISB, MSKCC, UCSD

Class AbstractLayout

  extended bycytoscape.layout.AbstractLayout
All Implemented Interfaces:
LayoutAlgorithm, MonitoredTask
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractLayout
extends Object
implements LayoutAlgorithm

The AbstractLayout provides nice starting point for Layouts written for Cytoscape.

Constructor Summary
AbstractLayout(CyNetworkView networkView)
          The Constructor is null
Method Summary
 void advancePositions()
          Implementors must override this method in order to create a Layout.
 void cancel()
          Gets called when the user clicks on the Cancel button of the progress monitor.
abstract  Object construct()
 void doLayout()
 boolean done()
          Returns true if the task is done.
 boolean dontMove(NodeView nv)
 void forceMove(NodeView picked, double x, double y)
          Forcibly moves a vertex to the (x,y) location by setting its x and y locations to the inputted location.
 int getCurrent()
          Returns the currentProgress parameter.
 Dimension getCurrentSize()
          Returns the current size of the visualization space, accoring to the last call to resize().
 int getLengthOfTask()
          Returns the lenghtOfTask parameter.
 String getMessage()
          Returns a String, possibly the message to be printed on a dialog.
 String getName()
 NodeView getNodeView(double x, double y)
 String getStatus()
          {@inheritDoc} By default, an AbstractLayout returns null for its status.
 String getTaskName()
          Returns a String, possibly the message that describes the task being performed.
 void go(boolean wait)
          Initializes currentProgress (generally to zero) and then spawns a SwingWorker to start doing the work.
 void incrementProgress()
          Increments the progress by one
 void initialize()
          Initializer, calls intialize_local and initializeLocations to start construction process.
 void lockNode(NodeView v)
          Adds the NodeView to the DontMove list
 void lockNodes(NodeView[] nodes)
 void move(double x, double y)
 void resize(Dimension size)
          When a visualizetion is resized, it presumably wants to fix the locations of the vertices and possibly to reinitialize its data.
 void restart()
          Restarts the visualization entirely, as if the the user had pressed the "scramble" button.
 void setSingle(double x, double y)
 void stop()
          Stops the task by simply setting currentProgress to lengthOfTask, or if a boolean "done" variable is used, setting it to true.
 void unlockNode(NodeView v)
          Removes the NodeView from the DontMove list
 boolean wasCanceled()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractLayout(CyNetworkView networkView)
The Constructor is null

Method Detail


public abstract Object construct()


public String getMessage()
Description copied from interface: MonitoredTask
Returns a String, possibly the message to be printed on a dialog. Example: "Completed 12%"

Specified by:
getMessage in interface MonitoredTask


public String getTaskName()
Description copied from interface: MonitoredTask
Returns a String, possibly the message that describes the task being performed. Example: "Calculating connecting paths."

Specified by:
getTaskName in interface MonitoredTask


public String getName()


public boolean done()
Description copied from interface: MonitoredTask
Returns true if the task is done. Otherwise false. This can be done by either returning (currentProgress == lengthOfTask) or having a boolean "done" variable that is set to true in the code whenever the task is done, and returning it here.

Specified by:
done in interface MonitoredTask


public void cancel()
Gets called when the user clicks on the Cancel button of the progress monitor.

Specified by:
cancel in interface MonitoredTask


public boolean wasCanceled()
Specified by:
wasCanceled in interface MonitoredTask
whether the task was canceled while running or not.


public void stop()
Description copied from interface: MonitoredTask
Stops the task by simply setting currentProgress to lengthOfTask, or if a boolean "done" variable is used, setting it to true.

Specified by:
stop in interface MonitoredTask


public void incrementProgress()
Description copied from interface: MonitoredTask
Increments the progress by one

Specified by:
incrementProgress in interface MonitoredTask


public int getCurrent()
Description copied from interface: MonitoredTask
Returns the currentProgress parameter.

Specified by:
getCurrent in interface MonitoredTask


public int getLengthOfTask()
Description copied from interface: MonitoredTask
Returns the lenghtOfTask parameter.

Specified by:
getLengthOfTask in interface MonitoredTask


public void go(boolean wait)
Initializes currentProgress (generally to zero) and then spawns a SwingWorker to start doing the work.

Specified by:
go in interface MonitoredTask
wait - whether or not the method should wait for the task to be done before returning if true, should call SwingWorker.get() before returning


public void doLayout()
Specified by:
doLayout in interface LayoutAlgorithm


public boolean dontMove(NodeView nv)
if the given NodeView is static


public void initialize()
Initializer, calls intialize_local and initializeLocations to start construction process.


public String getStatus()
{@inheritDoc} By default, an AbstractLayout returns null for its status.


public void advancePositions()
Implementors must override this method in order to create a Layout. If the Layout is the sort that only calculates locations once, this method may be overridden with an empty method.

Note that "locked" vertices are not to be moved; however, it is the policy of the visualization to decide how to handle them, and what to do with the vertices around them. Prototypical code might include a clipping like

 		for (Iterator i = getVertices().iterator(); i.hasNext() ) {
 			Vertex v = (Vertex);
 			if (! dontmove.contains( v ) ) {
 				... // handle the node
 			} else { // ignore the node

See Also:


public Dimension getCurrentSize()
Returns the current size of the visualization space, accoring to the last call to resize().

the current size of the screen


public void move(double x,
                 double y)


public void setSingle(double x,
                      double y)


public void resize(Dimension size)
When a visualizetion is resized, it presumably wants to fix the locations of the vertices and possibly to reinitialize its data. The current method calls initializeLocations followed by initialize_local. TODO: A better implementation wouldn't destroy the current information, but would either scale the current visualization, or move the nodes toward the new center.


public void restart()
Restarts the visualization entirely, as if the the user had pressed the "scramble" button. Calls initializeLocation for each vertex. TODO: Is this enough? Should it call the whole initialization process? Why does resize do more?


public NodeView getNodeView(double x,
                            double y)
the closest NodeView to these coords.


public void forceMove(NodeView picked,
                      double x,
                      double y)
Forcibly moves a vertex to the (x,y) location by setting its x and y locations to the inputted location. Does not add the vertex to the "dontmove" list, and (in the default implementation) does not make any adjustments to the rest of the graph.


public void lockNodes(NodeView[] nodes)
Specified by:
lockNodes in interface LayoutAlgorithm


public void lockNode(NodeView v)
Adds the NodeView to the DontMove list

Specified by:
lockNode in interface LayoutAlgorithm


public void unlockNode(NodeView v)
Removes the NodeView from the DontMove list

Specified by:
unlockNode in interface LayoutAlgorithm