Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CyNetwork
cytoscape Core Cytoscape Classes. 
cytoscape.actions UI classes that are attached to menu items in the menu or tool bar of the window. Basic data classes used by Cytoscape. Reader classes for the basic data types in   
cytoscape.dialogs UI classes for performing some action, generally more complicated than those contained in the cytoscape.actions package. 
cytoscape.layout Classes providing some kind of graph layout functionality. 
cytoscape.plugin Classes related to Cytoscape plugins. 
cytoscape.util This package contains utility classes which are deemed generally useful, but which do not clearly belong to any other package. 
cytoscape.view Classes that provide a window to display a graph and UI components connected to that window, such as the menus. 
cytoscape.visual Framework for generalized mappings from graph attributes to visual attributes. 
cytoscape.visual.calculators Objects that calculate from the data attributes the value for one visual attribute, such as color, shape, or size. 
cytoscape.visual.mappings The Mappings are used by Calculators to map graph attributes to visual attribute values. 

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape

Fields in cytoscape declared as CyNetwork
protected static CyNetwork Cytoscape.nullNetwork
          A null CyNetwork to give when there is no Current Network

Fields in cytoscape with type parameters of type CyNetwork
protected static Map<String,CyNetwork> Cytoscape.networkMap
protected static LinkedList<CyNetwork> Cytoscape.selectedNetworks
          The list analog to the currentNetworkID

Methods in cytoscape that return CyNetwork
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(Collection nodes, Collection edges, String title)
          Creates a new Network.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(Collection nodes, Collection edges, String child_title, CyNetwork parent)
          Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(Collection nodes, Collection edges, String child_title, CyNetwork parent, boolean create_view)
          Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(GraphReader reader, boolean create_view, CyNetwork parent)
          Creates a from a reader.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(int[] nodes, int[] edges, String title)
          Creates a new Network.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(int[] nodes, int[] edges, String child_title, CyNetwork parent)
          Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(int[] nodes, int[] edges, String child_title, CyNetwork parent, boolean create_view)
          Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(String title)
          Creates a new, empty Network.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(String title, boolean create_view)
          Creates a new, empty Network.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(String title, CyNetwork parent, boolean create_view)
          Creates a new, empty Network.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetworkFromFile(String location)
          Creates a CyNetwork from a file.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetworkFromFile(String loc, boolean create_view)
          Creates a CyNetwork from a file.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetworkFromURL(URL url, boolean create_view)
          Creates a CyNetwork from a URL.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.getCurrentNetwork()
          Return the Network that currently has the Focus.
 CyNetwork CyNetworkEvent.getNetwork()
          DOCUMENT ME!
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.getNetwork(String id)
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.getNullNetwork()

Methods in cytoscape that return types with arguments of type CyNetwork
protected static Map<String,CyNetwork> Cytoscape.getNetworkMap()
          This Map has keys that are Strings ( network_ids ) and values that are networks.
static Set<CyNetwork> Cytoscape.getNetworkSet()
          Return a List of all available CyNetworks
static List<CyNetwork> Cytoscape.getSelectedNetworks()
          Returns the list of selected networks.

Methods in cytoscape with parameters of type CyNetwork
static void Cytoscape.addNetwork(CyNetwork network, String title, CyNetwork parent, boolean create_view)
          Add a network to Cytoscape's internal list of networks.
 void CyNetwork.appendNetwork(CyNetwork network)
          Appends all of the nodes and edges in the given Network to this Network
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(Collection nodes, Collection edges, String child_title, CyNetwork parent)
          Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(Collection nodes, Collection edges, String child_title, CyNetwork parent, boolean create_view)
          Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(GraphReader reader, boolean create_view, CyNetwork parent)
          Creates a from a reader.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(int[] nodes, int[] edges, String child_title, CyNetwork parent)
          Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork.
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(int[] nodes, int[] edges, String child_title, CyNetwork parent, boolean create_view)
          Creates a new Network, that inherits from the given ParentNetwork
static CyNetwork Cytoscape.createNetwork(String title, CyNetwork parent, boolean create_view)
          Creates a new, empty Network.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network)
          Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network, String title)
          Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network, String title, CyLayoutAlgorithm layout)
          Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network, String title, CyLayoutAlgorithm layout, VisualStyle vs)
          Creates a CyNetworkView that is placed placed in a given visual style and rendered with a given layout algorithm.
static void Cytoscape.destroyNetwork(CyNetwork network)
          destroys the given network
static void Cytoscape.destroyNetwork(CyNetwork network, boolean destroy_unique)
          destroys the given network
static void Cytoscape.destroyNetworkView(CyNetwork network)
          destroys the networkview, including any layout information
static boolean CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager.isModified(CyNetwork net)
static void CytoscapeModifiedNetworkManager.setModified(CyNetwork net, String state)
          set the state of the network

Constructors in cytoscape with parameters of type CyNetwork
CyNetworkEvent(CyNetwork source, int type)
          Creates a new CyNetworkEvent object.

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.actions

Methods in cytoscape.actions with parameters of type CyNetwork
static void CreateNetworkViewAction.createViewFromCurrentNetwork(CyNetwork cyNetwork)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetwork
static void Semantics.applyNamingServices(CyNetwork network)
static boolean Semantics.areSynonyms(String firstName, String secondName, CyNetwork network)
static void Semantics.assignCommonNames(CyNetwork network, BioDataServer bioDataServer)
static void Semantics.assignSpecies(CyNetwork network)
static List Semantics.getAllSynonyms(String name, CyNetwork network)
static String Semantics.getInteractionType(CyNetwork network, Edge edge)
          Returns the interaction type of the given edge.
static String[] Semantics.getInteractionTypes(CyNetwork network)
          Returns an array containing all of the unique interaction types present in the network.
static Set Semantics.getSpeciesInNetwork(CyNetwork network)
static boolean CyNetworkUtilities.saveSelectedNodeNames(CyNetworkView networkView, CyNetwork network, String filename)
          Saves all selected nodes in the current view to a file with the given name.
static boolean CyNetworkUtilities.saveVisibleNodeNames(CyNetwork network, String filename)
          Saves all nodes in the given network to a file with the given name.
static boolean CyNetworkUtilities.selectNodesStartingWith(CyNetwork network, String key, CyNetworkView networkView)
          Selects every node in the current view whose canonical name, label, or any known synonym starts with the string specified by the second argument.

Uses of CyNetwork in

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNetwork
GeneOntology(String name, String curator, String description, CyNetwork dag)
Ontology(String name, String curator, String description, CyNetwork dag)

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork OntologyReader.getDag()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 CyNetwork OBOFlatFileReader.getDag()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CyNetwork
 List<CyNetwork> NestedNetworkReader.getNetworks()
          Returns all networks, whether nested or not.
 List<CyNetwork> NNFReader.getNetworks()
          Returns root network.
protected  List<CyNetwork> NNFParser.getNetworks()

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetwork
 void XGMMLReader.doPostProcessing(CyNetwork network)
          This method does all of our postprocessing after reading and parsing the file
 void InteractionsReader.doPostProcessing(CyNetwork net)
 void GraphReader.doPostProcessing(CyNetwork network)
          Execute whatever post-processing is required.
 void GMLReader.doPostProcessing(CyNetwork net)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void AbstractGraphReader.doPostProcessing(CyNetwork network)
          Executes post-processing: no-op.
 void GMLWriter.writeGML(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView view, List oldList)
          Given an object tree given in oldList, update it with the information provided in network and optional view (if view is not null).

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNetwork
MetadataParser(CyNetwork network)
MetadataParser(CyNetwork network, String metadataLabel)

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetwork
static String InteractionWriter.getInteractionString(CyNetwork network)
          Returns a SIF formatted string of the specified network.
static String InteractionWriter.getInteractionString(CyNetwork network, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Returns a SIF formatted string of the specified network.
static void InteractionWriter.writeInteractions(CyNetwork network, Writer writer)
          Writes a SIF formatted string of the specified network to the specified writer.
static void InteractionWriter.writeInteractions(CyNetwork network, Writer writer, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Writes a SIF formatted string of the specified network to the specified writer.

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNetwork
XGMMLWriter(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView view)
Initialize data objects to be saved in XGMML file.
XGMMLWriter(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView view, boolean noCytoscapeGraphics)
Initialize data objects to be saved in XGMML file.

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.dialogs

Methods in cytoscape.dialogs that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork SetNestedNetworkDialog.getSelectedNetwork()

Constructors in cytoscape.dialogs with parameters of type CyNetwork
NetworkMetaDataDialog(Frame parent, boolean modal, CyNetwork network)
          Creates new form MetadataDialog
NetworkMetaDataTableModel(CyNetwork network)
          Constructor for the network metadata table model.

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.ding

Methods in cytoscape.ding that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork DingNetworkView.getNetwork()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Constructors in cytoscape.ding with parameters of type CyNetwork
DingNetworkView(CyNetwork network, String title)
          Creates a new DingNetworkView object.

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.giny

Classes in cytoscape.giny that implement CyNetwork
 class FingCyNetwork
          FinhCyNetwork provides an implementation of the CyNetwork interface, as well as the GraphPerspective inteface, and also provides the functionality formally provided by GraphObjAttributes.

Methods in cytoscape.giny that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork CytoscapeRootGraph.createNetwork(Collection nodes, Collection edges)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 CyNetwork CytoscapeFingRootGraph.createNetwork(Collection nodes, Collection edges)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 CyNetwork CytoscapeRootGraph.createNetwork(int[] node_indices, int[] edge_indices)
          Uses Code copied from ColtRootGraph to create a new Network.
 CyNetwork CytoscapeFingRootGraph.createNetwork(int[] nodeInx, int[] edgeInx)
          Uses Code copied from ColtRootGraph to create a new Network.
 CyNetwork CytoscapeRootGraph.createNetwork(Node[] nodes, Edge[] edges)
          Uses Code copied from ColtRootGraph to create a new CyNetwork.
 CyNetwork CytoscapeFingRootGraph.createNetwork(Node[] nodes, Edge[] edges)
          Creates a new Network

Methods in cytoscape.giny with parameters of type CyNetwork
 void FingCyNetwork.appendNetwork(CyNetwork network)
          Appends all of the nodes and edges in teh given Network to this Network

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.groups

Methods in cytoscape.groups that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork CyGroupImpl.getGraphPerspective()
          Return a CyNetwork that represents the internal components of this group
 CyNetwork CyGroup.getGraphPerspective()
          Get the graph (network) that represents this network
 CyNetwork CyGroupImpl.getNetwork()
          Get the network this group is a member of
 CyNetwork CyGroup.getNetwork()
          Get the network for this group

Methods in cytoscape.groups with parameters of type CyNetwork
static CyGroup CyGroupManager.copyGroup(CyGroup group, CyNetwork network)
          Create a copy of a group, potentially in a new network, and name the copy automatically.
static CyGroup CyGroupManager.copyGroup(String newName, CyGroup group, CyNetwork network)
          Create a copy of a group, potentially in a new network, and name the copy with the provided new name.
static CyGroup CyGroupManager.createGroup(CyNode groupNode, List<CyNode> nodeList, String viewer, CyNetwork network)
          Create a new group with a list of nodes as initial members, and a precreated group node.
static CyGroup CyGroupManager.createGroup(String groupName, List<CyNode> nodeList, List<CyEdge> innerEdgeList, List<CyEdge> outerEdgeList, String viewer, CyNetwork network)
          Create a new group by specifying all components.
static CyGroup CyGroupManager.createGroup(String groupName, List<CyNode> nodeList, String viewer, CyNetwork network)
          Create a new group with a list of nodes as initial members.
static CyGroup CyGroupManager.createGroup(String groupName, String viewer, CyNetwork network)
          Create a new, empty group.
static List<CyGroup> CyGroupManager.getGroupList(CyNetwork network)
          Return the list of all groups for this network
 void CyGroupImpl.setNetwork(CyNetwork network, boolean notify)
          Set (or change) the network fro this group
 void CyGroup.setNetwork(CyNetwork network, boolean notify)
          Set the network for this group

Constructors in cytoscape.groups with parameters of type CyNetwork
CyGroupImpl(CyNode groupNode, List<CyNode> nodeList, List<CyEdge> internalEdges, List<CyEdge> externalEdges, CyNetwork network)
          Constructor to create an empty group.

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.layout

Fields in cytoscape.layout declared as CyNetwork
protected  CyNetwork

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.plugin

Methods in cytoscape.plugin that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork CytoscapePlugin.interpretScript(String[] args, CyNetwork network)
          Take a CyNetwork as input along with some arguments, and return a CyNetwork, which can be the same, or different, it doesn't really matter, and is up to the individual plugin.

Methods in cytoscape.plugin with parameters of type CyNetwork
 CyNetwork CytoscapePlugin.interpretScript(String[] args, CyNetwork network)
          Take a CyNetwork as input along with some arguments, and return a CyNetwork, which can be the same, or different, it doesn't really matter, and is up to the individual plugin.

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.util

Methods in cytoscape.util that return CyNetwork
static CyNetwork GraphSetUtils.createDifferenceGraph(List networkList, boolean copyView, String title)
          Create a new graph which is the difference of multiple graphs.
static CyNetwork GraphSetUtils.createDifferenceGraph2(List networkList, boolean copyView, String title)
          The way this works is that the 2nd and optional additional networks will be subtracted from the 1st network.
static CyNetwork GraphSetUtils.createIntersectionGraph(List networkList, boolean copyView, String title)
          Create a new graph which is the intersection of multiple graphs.
static CyNetwork GraphSetUtils.createUnionGraph(List networkList, boolean copyView, String title)
          Create a new graph which is the union of multiple graphs.
protected static CyNetwork GraphSetUtils.performNetworkOperation(List networkList, int operation, boolean copyView, String title)
          Protected helper function that actually does the heavy lifting to perform the set operations.

Methods in cytoscape.util with parameters of type CyNetwork
static void CyNetworkNaming.editNetworkTitle(CyNetwork network)
          This will prompt the user to edit the title of a given CyNetork, and after ensuring that the network title is not already in use, this will assign that title to the given CyNetwork
static String CyNetworkNaming.getSuggestedSubnetworkTitle(CyNetwork parentNetwork)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.util.swing

Methods in cytoscape.util.swing that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork NetworkSelectorPanel.getSelectedNetwork()
          If selected, return selected network.

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.view

Methods in cytoscape.view that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork CyNetworkView.getNetwork()
          Returns the network displayed by this object.

Methods in cytoscape.view with parameters of type CyNetwork
 void CytoscapeDesktop.setNewNetwork(CyNetwork newNetwork)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void NetworkViewManager.updateNetworkTitle(CyNetwork network)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void NetworkViewManager.updateNetworkTitle(CyNetwork network, String title)
          Method to update the network title on the JInternalFrame, but not in the network panel.
 void NetworkPanel.updateTitle(CyNetwork network)
          update a network title

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.visual

Methods in cytoscape.visual that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork VisualMappingManager.getNetwork()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in cytoscape.visual with parameters of type CyNetwork
 void VisualMappingManager.applyEdgeAppearances(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView network_view)
          Recalculates and reapplies all of the edge appearances.
 void VisualMappingManager.applyGlobalAppearances(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView network_view)
          Recalculates and reapplies the global visual attributes.
 void VisualMappingManager.applyNodeAppearances(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView network_view)
          Recalculates and reapplies all of the node appearances.
 Color GlobalAppearanceCalculator.calculateBackgroundColor(CyNetwork network)
          Currently no calculators are supported for global visual attributes, so this method simply returns the default background color.
 void EdgeAppearanceCalculator.calculateEdgeAppearance(EdgeAppearance appr, Edge edge, CyNetwork network)
          Using the rules defined by the default values and calculators in this object, compute an appearance for the requested Edge in the supplied CyNetwork.
 EdgeAppearance EdgeAppearanceCalculator.calculateEdgeAppearance(Edge edge, CyNetwork network)
          Using the rules defined by the default values and calculators in this object, compute an appearance for the requested Edge in the supplied CyNetwork.
 Color GlobalAppearanceCalculator.calculateEdgeReverseSelectionColor(CyNetwork network)
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 Color GlobalAppearanceCalculator.calculateEdgeSelectionColor(CyNetwork network)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 GlobalAppearance GlobalAppearanceCalculator.calculateGlobalAppearance(CyNetwork network)
          Constructs a new GlobalAppearance object containing the values for the known global visual attributes.
 void GlobalAppearanceCalculator.calculateGlobalAppearance(GlobalAppearance appr, CyNetwork network)
          The supplied GlobalAppearance object will be changed to hold new values for the known global visual attributes.
 void NodeAppearanceCalculator.calculateNodeAppearance(NodeAppearance appr, Node node, CyNetwork network)
          Using the rules defined by the default values and calculators in this object, compute an appearance for the requested Node in the supplied CyNetwork.
 NodeAppearance NodeAppearanceCalculator.calculateNodeAppearance(Node node, CyNetwork network)
          Using the rules defined by the default values and calculators in this object, compute an appearance for the requested Node in the supplied CyNetwork.
 Color GlobalAppearanceCalculator.calculateNodeReverseSelectionColor(CyNetwork network)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Color GlobalAppearanceCalculator.calculateNodeSelectionColor(CyNetwork network)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.visual.calculators

Methods in cytoscape.visual.calculators with parameters of type CyNetwork
 void Calculator.apply(Appearance appr, Edge e, CyNetwork net)
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 void AbstractCalculator.apply(Appearance appr, Edge e, CyNetwork net)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void Calculator.apply(Appearance appr, Node n, CyNetwork net)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void AbstractCalculator.apply(Appearance appr, Node n, CyNetwork net)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected  JPanel AbstractCalculator.getUI(CyAttributes attr, JDialog parent, CyNetwork network)
          Deprecated. will be removed in the next release (2.8 or 3.0)
 JPanel Calculator.getUI(JDialog parent, CyNetwork network)
          Deprecated. replaced by new VizMap GUI components. Will be removed in 2.8 or 3.0
 JPanel AbstractCalculator.getUI(JDialog parent, CyNetwork network)
          Deprecated. Will be removed next release (2.8 or 3.0)

Constructors in cytoscape.visual.calculators with parameters of type CyNetwork
AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI.AttributeSelectorListener(JDialog parent, CyNetwork network, int mapIndex, int yPos, JPanel mapperUI)
          Constructs an AttributeSelectorListener for the ObjectMapping at index mapIndex.
AbstractCalculator.CalculatorUI(CyAttributes attr, JDialog parent, CyNetwork network)

Uses of CyNetwork in cytoscape.visual.mappings

Methods in cytoscape.visual.mappings with parameters of type CyNetwork
 JPanel ObjectMapping.getUI(JDialog parent, CyNetwork network)
 JPanel AbstractMapping.getUI(JDialog parent, CyNetwork network)
 void ObjectMapping.setControllingAttributeName(String attrName, CyNetwork network, boolean preserveMapping)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in 2.8. Use setControllingAttributeName(final String controllingAttrName) instead.
 void AbstractMapping.setControllingAttributeName(String attrName, CyNetwork network, boolean preserveMapping)

Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

Copyright 2010 Cytoscape Consortium. All rights reserved.