Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CyNetworkView
cytoscape Core Cytoscape Classes. 
cytoscape.actions UI classes that are attached to menu items in the menu or tool bar of the window. Basic data classes used by Cytoscape. Reader classes for the basic data types in   
cytoscape.dialogs UI classes for performing some action, generally more complicated than those contained in the cytoscape.actions package. 
cytoscape.layout Classes providing some kind of graph layout functionality. 
cytoscape.view Classes that provide a window to display a graph and UI components connected to that window, such as the menus. 
cytoscape.visual Framework for generalized mappings from graph attributes to visual attributes. 

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape

Fields in cytoscape declared as CyNetworkView
protected static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.nullNetworkView
          A null CyNetworkView to give when there is no Current NetworkView

Fields in cytoscape with type parameters of type CyNetworkView
protected static Map<String,CyNetworkView> Cytoscape.networkViewMap
protected static LinkedList<CyNetworkView> Cytoscape.selectedNetworkViews
          The list analog to the currentNetworkViewID

Methods in cytoscape that return CyNetworkView
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network)
          Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network, String title)
          Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network, String title, CyLayoutAlgorithm layout)
          Creates a CyNetworkView, but doesn't do anything with it.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network, String title, CyLayoutAlgorithm layout, VisualStyle vs)
          Creates a CyNetworkView that is placed placed in a given visual style and rendered with a given layout algorithm.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.getCurrentNetworkView()
          Return the CyNetworkView that currently has the focus.
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.getNetworkView(String network_id)
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.getNullNetworkView()

Methods in cytoscape that return types with arguments of type CyNetworkView
static Map<String,CyNetworkView> Cytoscape.getNetworkViewMap()
          This Map has keys that are Strings ( network_ids ) and values that are networkviews.
static List<CyNetworkView> Cytoscape.getSelectedNetworkViews()
          Returns the list of currently selected networks.

Methods in cytoscape with parameters of type CyNetworkView
static void Cytoscape.destroyNetworkView(CyNetworkView view)
          Destroys the network view.

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape.actions

Constructors in cytoscape.actions with parameters of type CyNetworkView
AlignHorizontalAction(CyNetworkView networkView)
          Creates a new AlignHorizontalAction object.
AlignVerticalAction(CyNetworkView networkView)
          Creates a new AlignVerticalAction object.
AnimatedLayoutAction(CyNetworkView networkView)
          Deprecated. Creates a new AnimatedLayoutAction object.
EdgeManipulationAction(CyNetworkView networkView)
          Creates a new EdgeManipulationAction object.
RotateSelectedNodesAction(CyNetworkView networkView)
          Creates a new RotateSelectedNodesAction object.
UnHideSelectedAction(CyNetworkView networkView)
          Creates a new UnHideSelectedAction object.

Uses of CyNetworkView in

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetworkView
static boolean CyNetworkUtilities.saveSelectedNodeNames(CyNetworkView networkView, CyNetwork network, String filename)
          Saves all selected nodes in the current view to a file with the given name.
static boolean CyNetworkUtilities.selectNodesStartingWith(CyNetwork network, String key, CyNetworkView networkView)
          Selects every node in the current view whose canonical name, label, or any known synonym starts with the string specified by the second argument.

Uses of CyNetworkView in

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetworkView
 void GMLReader.layout(CyNetworkView myView)
          layout the graph based on the GML values we read
 void GMLWriter.writeGML(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView view, List oldList)
          Given an object tree given in oldList, update it with the information provided in network and optional view (if view is not null).

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNetworkView
GMLTree(CyNetworkView networkView)
          Create a GMLTree from the information contained in this GraphView.

Uses of CyNetworkView in

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNetworkView
XGMMLWriter(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView view)
Initialize data objects to be saved in XGMML file.
XGMMLWriter(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView view, boolean noCytoscapeGraphics)
Initialize data objects to be saved in XGMML file.

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape.dialogs

Constructors in cytoscape.dialogs with parameters of type CyNetworkView
GinyEdgeControlDialog(CyNetworkView networkView, HashMap edgeNamesHash, String title)
          Creates a new GinyEdgeControlDialog object.

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape.ding

Classes in cytoscape.ding that implement CyNetworkView
 class DingNetworkView
          Extended version of DGraphView defined in Ding.

Methods in cytoscape.ding that return CyNetworkView
 CyNetworkView DingNetworkView.getView()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape.groups

Methods in cytoscape.groups with parameters of type CyNetworkView
 void CyGroupViewer.groupCreated(CyGroup group, CyNetworkView myView)
static void CyGroupManager.setGroupViewer(CyGroup group, String viewer, CyNetworkView myView, boolean notify)
          Set the viewer for a group

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape.layout

Fields in cytoscape.layout declared as CyNetworkView
protected  CyNetworkView AbstractLayout.networkView

Methods in cytoscape.layout with parameters of type CyNetworkView
 void LayoutAdapter.doLayout(CyNetworkView networkView)
          This method performs the layout on the current network.
 void CyLayoutAlgorithm.doLayout(CyNetworkView networkView)
          This method performs the layout on the current network.
 void AbstractLayout.doLayout(CyNetworkView nview)
          doLayout on specified network view.
abstract  void LayoutAdapter.doLayout(CyNetworkView networkView, TaskMonitor monitor)
          This method performs the layout on the current network, but assumes that the layout is part of an existing monitored task
 void CyLayoutAlgorithm.doLayout(CyNetworkView networkView, TaskMonitor monitor)
          This method performs the layout on the current network, but assumes that the layout is part of an existing monitored task
 void AbstractLayout.doLayout(CyNetworkView nview, TaskMonitor monitor)
          doLayout on specified network view with specified monitor.

Constructors in cytoscape.layout with parameters of type CyNetworkView
LayoutTask(CyLayoutAlgorithm layout, CyNetworkView view)
          Creates the task.

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape.util.export

Methods in cytoscape.util.export with parameters of type CyNetworkView
 void SVGExporter.export(CyNetworkView view, FileOutputStream stream)
 void PSExporter.export(CyNetworkView view, FileOutputStream stream)
 void PDFExporter.export(CyNetworkView view, FileOutputStream stream)
 void Exporter.export(CyNetworkView view, FileOutputStream stream)
          Export a view as graphics to a stream.
 void BitmapExporter.export(CyNetworkView view, FileOutputStream stream)

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape.view

Methods in cytoscape.view that return CyNetworkView
 CyNetworkView CyNetworkView.getView()
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Methods in cytoscape.view with parameters of type CyNetworkView
protected  void NetworkViewManager.createContainer(CyNetworkView view)
          Contains a CyNetworkView.
 JInternalFrame NetworkViewManager.getInternalFrame(CyNetworkView view)
          Given a CyNetworkView, returns the internal frame.
 InternalFrameComponent NetworkViewManager.getInternalFrameComponent(CyNetworkView view)
          Given a CyNetworkView, returns the InternalFrameComponent that wraps it.
protected  void NetworkViewManager.removeView(CyNetworkView view)

Uses of CyNetworkView in cytoscape.visual

Methods in cytoscape.visual that return CyNetworkView
 CyNetworkView VisualMappingManager.getNetworkView()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in cytoscape.visual with parameters of type CyNetworkView
 void VisualMappingManager.applyEdgeAppearances(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView network_view)
          Recalculates and reapplies all of the edge appearances.
 void VisualMappingManager.applyGlobalAppearances(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView network_view)
          Recalculates and reapplies the global visual attributes.
 void VisualMappingManager.applyNodeAppearances(CyNetwork network, CyNetworkView network_view)
          Recalculates and reapplies all of the node appearances.
 void VisualMappingManager.setNetworkView(CyNetworkView new_view)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void VisualMappingManager.vizmapEdge(EdgeView edgeView, CyNetworkView network_view)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void VisualMappingManager.vizmapNode(NodeView nodeView, CyNetworkView network_view)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Constructors in cytoscape.visual with parameters of type CyNetworkView
VisualMappingManager(CyNetworkView networkView)
          Creates a new VisualMappingManager object.

Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

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