Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use VisualStyle
cytoscape Core Cytoscape Classes.   
cytoscape.view Classes that provide a window to display a graph and UI components connected to that window, such as the menus. 
cytoscape.visual Framework for generalized mappings from graph attributes to visual attributes. 
cytoscape.visual.ui Top-level UI components for the cytoscape.visual package. 

Uses of VisualStyle in cytoscape

Methods in cytoscape with parameters of type VisualStyle
static CyNetworkView Cytoscape.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network, String title, CyLayoutAlgorithm layout, VisualStyle vs)
          Creates a CyNetworkView that is placed placed in a given visual style and rendered with a given layout algorithm.

Uses of VisualStyle in

Methods in that return VisualStyle
 VisualStyle NetworkImportWebServiceClient.getDefaultVisualStyle()
          Return default vixual style for this network import client.

Uses of VisualStyle in cytoscape.ding

Methods in cytoscape.ding that return VisualStyle
 VisualStyle DingNetworkView.getVisualStyle()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in cytoscape.ding with parameters of type VisualStyle
 boolean DingNetworkView.applyVizMap(CyEdge edge, VisualStyle style)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 boolean DingNetworkView.applyVizMap(CyNode node, VisualStyle style)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 boolean DingNetworkView.applyVizMap(EdgeView edge_view, VisualStyle style)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 boolean DingNetworkView.applyVizMap(NodeView node_view, VisualStyle style)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void DingNetworkView.applyVizmapper(VisualStyle style)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of VisualStyle in cytoscape.view

Fields in cytoscape.view declared as VisualStyle
protected  VisualStyle CytoscapeDesktop.defaultVisualStyle

Methods in cytoscape.view that return VisualStyle
 VisualStyle CyNetworkView.getVisualStyle()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 VisualStyle CytoscapeDesktop.setVisualStyle(VisualStyle style)
          Deprecated. use VisualMappingManager.setVisualStyle(VisualStyle style) instead.

Methods in cytoscape.view with parameters of type VisualStyle
 boolean CyNetworkView.applyVizMap(CyEdge edge, VisualStyle style)
          Applies the given edge to the given vizmapper
 boolean CyNetworkView.applyVizMap(CyNode node, VisualStyle style)
          Applies the given node to the given vizmapper
 boolean CyNetworkView.applyVizMap(EdgeView edge_view, VisualStyle style)
          Applies the given edge to the given vizmapper
 boolean CyNetworkView.applyVizMap(NodeView node_view, VisualStyle style)
          Applies the given node to the given vizmapper
 void CyNetworkView.applyVizmapper(VisualStyle style)
 VisualStyle CytoscapeDesktop.setVisualStyle(VisualStyle style)
          Deprecated. use VisualMappingManager.setVisualStyle(VisualStyle style) instead.

Uses of VisualStyle in cytoscape.visual

Methods in cytoscape.visual that return VisualStyle
 VisualStyle VisualMappingManager.getVisualStyle()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 VisualStyle CalculatorCatalog.getVisualStyle(String name)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 VisualStyle CalculatorCatalog.removeVisualStyle(String name)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 VisualStyle VisualMappingManager.setVisualStyle(String newVSName)
          Sets a new visual style.
 VisualStyle VisualMappingManager.setVisualStyle(VisualStyle vs)
          Sets a new visual style, and returns the old style.

Methods in cytoscape.visual that return types with arguments of type VisualStyle
 Collection<VisualStyle> CalculatorCatalog.getVisualStyles()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in cytoscape.visual with parameters of type VisualStyle
 void CalculatorCatalog.addVisualStyle(VisualStyle vs)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Calculator VisualPropertyType.getCurrentCalculator(VisualStyle style)
          Gets the current calculator for the visual attribute for this type and the specified visual style.
 Object VisualPropertyType.getDefault(VisualStyle style)
          Gets the current default value for this type in the specified visual style.
 void VisualPropertyType.setCurrentCalculator(VisualStyle style, Calculator c)
          Sets the current calculator for the visual attribute for this type and the specified visual style.
 void VisualPropertyType.setDefault(VisualStyle style, Object c)
          Sets the default value for the visual attribute for this type in the specified visual style.
 VisualStyle VisualMappingManager.setVisualStyle(VisualStyle vs)
          Sets a new visual style, and returns the old style.

Constructors in cytoscape.visual with parameters of type VisualStyle
VisualStyle(VisualStyle toCopy)
          Copy constructor.
VisualStyle(VisualStyle toCopy, String newName)
          Copy constructor with new name.

Uses of VisualStyle in cytoscape.visual.ui

Methods in cytoscape.visual.ui with parameters of type VisualStyle
static JPanel LegendDialog.generateLegendPanel(VisualStyle visualStyle)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Constructors in cytoscape.visual.ui with parameters of type VisualStyle
LegendDialog(Dialog parent, VisualStyle vs)
          Creates a new LegendDialog object.
LegendDialog(JFrame parent, VisualStyle vs)
          Creates a new LegendDialog object.

Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

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