Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use Options
cytoscape Core Cytoscape Classes. 
org.apache.commons.cli Commons CLI 1.0 

Uses of Options in cytoscape

Fields in cytoscape declared as Options
protected  Options CyMain.options

Uses of Options in org.apache.commons.cli

Methods in org.apache.commons.cli that return Options
 Options Options.addOption(Option opt)
          Adds an option instance
 Options Options.addOption(String opt, boolean hasArg, String description)
          Add an option that only contains a short-name.
 Options Options.addOption(String opt, String longOpt, boolean hasArg, String description)
          Add an option that contains a short-name and a long-name.
 Options Options.addOptionGroup(OptionGroup group)
          Add the specified option group.
static Options PatternOptionBuilder.parsePattern(String pattern)
          Returns the Options instance represented by pattern.

Methods in org.apache.commons.cli with parameters of type Options
protected  String[] PosixParser.flatten(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          An implementation of Parser's abstract flatten method.
protected abstract  String[] Parser.flatten(Options opts, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          Subclasses must implement this method to reduce the arguments that have been passed to the parse method.
protected  String[] GnuParser.flatten(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          This flatten method does so using the following rules: If an Option exists for the first character of the arguments entry AND an Option does not exist for the whole argument then add the first character as an option to the processed tokens list e.g.
protected  String[] BasicParser.flatten(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          A simple implementation of Parser's abstract flatten method.
 CommandLine Parser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments)
          Parses the specified arguments based on the specifed Options.
 CommandLine CommandLineParser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options.
 CommandLine Parser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          Parses the specified arguments based on the specifed Options.
 CommandLine CommandLineParser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options.
 CommandLine Parser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, Properties properties)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
 CommandLine CommandLineParser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, Properties properties)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
 CommandLine Parser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, Properties properties, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
 CommandLine CommandLineParser.parse(Options options, String[] arguments, Properties properties, boolean stopAtNonOption)
          Parse the arguments according to the specified options and properties.
 void HelpFormatter.printHelp(int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, String footer)
          Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
 void HelpFormatter.printHelp(int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, String footer, boolean autoUsage)
          Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
 void HelpFormatter.printHelp(PrintWriter pw, int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, int leftPad, int descPad, String footer)
          Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
 void HelpFormatter.printHelp(PrintWriter pw, int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, int leftPad, int descPad, String footer, boolean autoUsage)
          Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
 void HelpFormatter.printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, Options options)
          Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
 void HelpFormatter.printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, Options options, boolean autoUsage)
          Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
 void HelpFormatter.printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, String footer)
          Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
 void HelpFormatter.printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, String footer, boolean autoUsage)
          Print the help for options with the specified command line syntax.
 void HelpFormatter.printOptions(PrintWriter pw, int width, Options options, int leftPad, int descPad)
          Print the help for the specified Options to the specified writer, using the specified width, left padding and description padding.
 void HelpFormatter.printUsage(PrintWriter pw, int width, String app, Options options)
          Prints the usage statement for the specified application.
protected  StringBuffer HelpFormatter.renderOptions(StringBuffer sb, int width, Options options, int leftPad, int descPad)
          Render the specified Options and return the rendered Options in a StringBuffer.

Cytoscape 2.8.2 API

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