Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractCyEvent This package provides application events/listeners, including Cytoscape startup/shutdown, setCurrentNetwork/setCurrentNetworkView/ setSelectedNetwork. This package defines the various events fired by the Cytoscape Swing Application API. 
org.cytoscape.event This package contains the basic interfaces necessary for defining, firing, and listening for Cytoscape events. This package contains the various events and listeners related to group management, creation, and destruction. This package defines events/listeners related to data query/import from web services. This package contains the event interfaces necessary for communicating with the classes in org.cytoscape.model. This package provides a general property service interface for providing access to different types of property objects as OSGi services. This package contains the interfaces and classes necessary to capturing, session change events. Definitions for View-Model related events and their listeners. Event implementations and listener interfaces for the Presentation layer. Events for Visual Mappings. 
org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui.event Provides events and listeners of LexiconState, visual style switch and vizMap event, as well as VizMap event handler manager. 

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class CyShutdownEvent
          An event fired immediately before Cytoscape will be shutdown.
 class CyStartEvent
          An event fired after Cytoscape startup mostly complete (but not necessarily 100 percent).
 class SetCurrentNetworkEvent
          An event signaling that the a network has been set to current.
 class SetCurrentNetworkViewEvent
          An event indicating that a network view has been set to current.
 class SetCurrentRenderingEngineEvent
          This event signals that a RenderingEngine has been set as current.
 class SetSelectedNetworksEvent
          An event indicating the a collection of networks has been selected.
 class SetSelectedNetworkViewsEvent
          An event that indicates that a collection of network views has been selected.

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class CytoPanelComponentSelectedEvent
          The event fired to indicate that a CytoPanelComponent has been selected.
 class CytoPanelStateChangedEvent
          An event to indicate that a CytoPanel has changed state.
 class PreferencesUpdatedEvent
          An event indicating that system preferences have been updated.

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in org.cytoscape.event

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in org.cytoscape.event
 class AbstractCyPayloadEvent<T,P>
          A base implementation of CyPayloadEvent that can be used by events.

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class GroupAboutToBeDestroyedEvent
          This event signals that a group is about to be destroyed -- i.e.
 class GroupAboutToBeRemovedEvent
          This event signals that a group is about to be removed from a network, but not completely deleted.
 class GroupAboutToCollapseEvent
          This event signals that a group is either about to be expanded or collapsed in a particular network.
 class GroupAddedEvent
          This event signals that a new group has been added.
 class GroupAddedToNetworkEvent
          This event signals that an existing group has been added to a new network.
 class GroupCollapsedEvent
          This event signals that a group has either been expanded or collapsed in a particular network.
 class GroupEdgesAddedEvent
          This event signals that edges have been added to the network.
 class GroupEdgesRemovedEvent
          This event signals that edges have been removed from the network.
 class GroupNodesAddedEvent
          This event signals that edges have been added to the network.
 class GroupNodesRemovedEvent
          This event signals that edges have been removed from the network.

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class DataImportFinishedEvent<T>
          An event indicating that data has been successfully imported.
 class SearchFinishedEvent<T>
          An event that indicates a search has completed.

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class AboutToRemoveEdgesEvent
          Fired before an edge is actually removed so that listeners have a chance to clean up before the edge object disappears.
 class AboutToRemoveNodesEvent
          Fired before a node is actually removed so that listeners have a chance to clean up before the node object disappears.
 class AddedEdgesEvent
          An event fired when an edge is added to a network.
 class AddedNodesEvent
          Event for upper layers.
 class ColumnCreatedEvent
          This event signals that a column has been created.
 class ColumnDeletedEvent
          This event signals that a column has been deleted.
 class ColumnNameChangedEvent
          This event signals that a columns name has been changed.
 class NetworkAboutToBeDestroyedEvent
          This event signals that a network is about to be destroyed.
 class NetworkAddedEvent
          This event signals that a network has been added.
 class NetworkDestroyedEvent
          This event signals that a Network has been destroyed.
 class RemovedEdgesEvent
          Just a signal in case anyone wants to resync after an edge has been removed.
 class RemovedNodesEvent
          Just a signal in case anyone wants to resync after a node has been removed.
 class RowsCreatedEvent
          This event signals that rows have been created.
 class RowsSetEvent
          This event signals that rows have been set.
 class SetNetworkPointerEvent
          Used to track setting of nested networks on nodes.
 class TableAboutToBeDeletedEvent
          This event signals that a table is about to be deleted.
 class TableAddedEvent
          This event will be fired when new table is added to CyTableManager.
 class TableDeletedEvent
          This event signals that a table has been deleted.
 class TablePrivacyChangedEvent
          This event is fired when a table privacy is changed from public to private or vice versa.
 class TableTitleChangedEvent
 class UnsetNetworkPointerEvent
          Used to track removing of nested networks from nodes.

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class PropertyUpdatedEvent
          This event signals that a CyProperty is updated.

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class SessionAboutToBeSavedEvent
          This event is fired synchronously by the CySessionManager at beginning of the CySessionManager.getCurrentSession() method.
 class SessionLoadedEvent
          This event is fired after a new session has been set in the CySessionManager.setCurrentSession(CySession, String) method and is used to notify interested parties in the change of state.
 class SessionSavedEvent
          TODO: Missing documentation

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class AboutToRemoveEdgeViewsEvent
          When edge Views are about to be removed from a CyNetworkView, this event will be fired.
 class AboutToRemoveNodeViewsEvent
          When node Views are about to be removed from a CyNetworkView, this event will be fired.
 class AddedEdgeViewsEvent
          When edge View is added to a CyNetworkView, this event will be fired.
 class AddedNodeViewsEvent
          When node View is added to a CyNetworkView, this event will be fired.
 class FitContentEvent
          Fit network visualization to the given container.
 class FitSelectedEvent
          Fit only selected graph object views to the container.
 class NetworkViewAboutToBeDestroyedEvent
          When a CyNetworkView is about to be destroyed, this event will be fired.
 class NetworkViewAddedEvent
          When a CyNetworkView is added to a CyNetworkViewManager, this event will be fired.
 class NetworkViewDestroyedEvent
          When a CyNetworkView is destroyed, this event will be fired.
 class UpdateNetworkPresentationEvent
          If something has been changed in the view model, presentation layer should catch the event and update its visualization.

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class RenderingEngineAboutToBeRemovedEvent
          When presentation (rendered graphics) is destroyed, this event should be fired.
 class RenderingEngineAddedEvent
          When new presentation is created, its factory always creates a RenderingEngine).

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in
 class SetCurrentVisualStyleEvent
 class VisualMappingFunctionChangedEvent
          VisualMappingFunctions should fire this event when the contents of the mapping modified.
 class VisualStyleAboutToBeRemovedEvent
          This event will be fired when VisualStyle object is removed from VisualMappingManager.
 class VisualStyleAddedEvent
          When new VisualStyle is added to the VisualMappingManager, it fires this event.
 class VisualStyleChangedEvent
          When contents (default values or mappings) of an existing VisualStyle is modified, this event should be fired.
 class VisualStyleSetEvent
          Event fired when a VisualStyle is set to a network view through VisualMappingManager.setVisualStyle(VisualStyle, org.cytoscape.view.model.CyNetworkView).

Uses of AbstractCyEvent in org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui.event

Subclasses of AbstractCyEvent in org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui.event
 class LexiconStateChangedEvent
          Tell listeners a enabled/disabled visual properties.

Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

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