Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CyNetwork
org.cytoscape.application This package provides Cytoscape version number, application-wide setting, basic access to current network, selected networks, views and rendering engines. This package provides application events/listeners, including Cytoscape startup/shutdown, setCurrentNetwork/setCurrentNetworkView/ setSelectedNetwork. This package provides an API for creating and managing groups in Cytoscape. This package contains the various events and listeners related to group management, creation, and destruction. Handle importing Cytoscape data (network, attributes, session, properties, etc) from files/URLs. This package provides factory interfaces to be used by anyone wishing to provide export or writing capabilities to the rest of Cytoscape. 
org.cytoscape.model This package has the core interfaces of network and table data structures that are foundational to Cytoscape. This package contains the event interfaces necessary for communicating with the classes in org.cytoscape.model. 
org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork This package contains rootnetwork and subnetwork extensions to the CyNetwork interface that provide a more complex meta-network data model. 
org.cytoscape.session This package contains the interfaces and classes necessary to capturing, storing, and retrieving the state of a Cytoscape session. 
org.cytoscape.task This package provides base classes for common task factory types as well as their associated task types found in Cytoscape. 
org.cytoscape.task.edit This package include a set of task factory interfaces that allow the modification or editing of various objects within Cytoscape. This package includes a set of task factory interfaces for selecting, de-selecting and inverting selections of nodes, edges, or combinations of both based on specific criteria. 
org.cytoscape.view.layout This package provides access to the available layout algorithms, as well as provides abstract layout classes and layout information containers for the convenience of implementing other layout algorithms. 
org.cytoscape.view.model Module for View Models and Visual Properties. 
org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui This package provides access to GUI component of VizMap GUI, and interfaces of mapping related managers. 

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.application

Methods in org.cytoscape.application that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork CyApplicationManager.getCurrentNetwork()
          Provides access to the current network.

Methods in org.cytoscape.application that return types with arguments of type CyNetwork
 RenderingEngine<CyNetwork> CyApplicationManager.getCurrentRenderingEngine()
          Returns the rendering engine associated with the current network view.
 List<CyNetwork> CyApplicationManager.getSelectedNetworks()
          Returns the list of selected networks.

Methods in org.cytoscape.application with parameters of type CyNetwork
 void CyApplicationManager.setCurrentNetwork(CyNetwork net)
          Sets the current network to the specified network.

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.application with type arguments of type CyNetwork
 void CyApplicationManager.setCurrentRenderingEngine(RenderingEngine<CyNetwork> engine)
          Sets the current rendering engine.
 void CyApplicationManager.setSelectedNetworks(List<CyNetwork> nets)
          Sets the networks specified as selected.

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork SetCurrentNetworkEvent.getNetwork()
          Returns the network associated with this event.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CyNetwork
 List<CyNetwork> SetSelectedNetworksEvent.getNetworks()
          Returns the list of networks selected.
 RenderingEngine<CyNetwork> SetCurrentRenderingEngineEvent.getRenderingEngine()
          Return the rendering engine (presentation) that has been set as current.

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNetwork
SetCurrentNetworkEvent(CyApplicationManager source, CyNetwork net)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type CyNetwork
SetCurrentRenderingEngineEvent(CyApplicationManager source, RenderingEngine<CyNetwork> engine)
SetSelectedNetworksEvent(CyApplicationManager source, List<CyNetwork> networks)

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork CyGroup.getGroupNetwork()
          Returns the network referenced by this group.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CyNetwork
 Set<CyNetwork> CyGroup.getNetworkSet()
          Return the list of CyNetworks this group is in.

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetwork
 void CyGroup.addGroupToNetwork(CyNetwork network)
          Add a group to an additional network.
 void CyGroup.collapse(CyNetwork network)
          Collapse this group in the designated network.
 CyGroup CyGroupFactory.createGroup(CyNetwork network, boolean register)
          Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network.
 CyGroup CyGroupFactory.createGroup(CyNetwork network, CyNode node, boolean register)
          Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network from an existing CyNode.
 CyGroup CyGroupFactory.createGroup(CyNetwork network, CyNode node, List<CyNode> nodes, List<CyEdge> edges, boolean register)
          Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network from an existing CyNode.
 CyGroup CyGroupFactory.createGroup(CyNetwork network, List<CyNode> nodes, List<CyEdge> edges, boolean register)
          Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network initially populated with the supplied nodes.
 void CyGroup.expand(CyNetwork network)
          Expand this group in the designated network.
 CyGroup CyGroupManager.getGroup(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Return the group the corresponds to a particular node in a CyNetwork.
 Set<CyGroup> CyGroupManager.getGroupSet(CyNetwork network)
          Provides the set of all the groups known to the groups manager in a particular network.
 List<CyGroup> CyGroupManager.getGroupsForNode(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Return the list of CyGroups this node is in for a particular network.
 boolean CyGroup.isCollapsed(CyNetwork network)
          Return whether this group is expanded or collapsed in the designated network.
 boolean CyGroupManager.isGroup(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Test to see if this node represents a CyGroup in a particular CyNetwork.
 boolean CyGroup.isInNetwork(CyNetwork network)
          Check to see if this group is defined in a particular network.
 void CyGroup.removeGroupFromNetwork(CyNetwork network)
          Remove a group from a network.

Uses of CyNetwork in

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNetwork
GroupAboutToBeRemovedEvent(CyGroup source, CyNetwork network)
          Constructs event.
GroupAboutToCollapseEvent(CyGroup source, CyNetwork network, boolean collapsing)
          Constructs event.
GroupAddedToNetworkEvent(CyGroup source, CyNetwork network)
          Constructs event.
GroupCollapsedEvent(CyGroup source, CyNetwork network, boolean collapsed)
          Constructs event.

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork[] CyNetworkReader.getNetworks()
          Returns an array of networks read after executing the run() method of Task.

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetwork
 CyNetworkView CyNetworkReader.buildCyNetworkView(CyNetwork network)
          A method to build a CyNetworkView from one of the networks just read.

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetwork
 CyWriter CyNetworkViewWriterFactory.createWriter(OutputStream os, CyNetwork network)
          Creates a single Task that will write the specified network to the specified OutputStream.
 CyWriter CyNetworkViewWriterManager.getWriter(CyNetwork network, CyFileFilter filter, File file)
          Returns the CyWriter Task that will attempt to write the specified network to the specified file of the specified file type.
 CyWriter CyNetworkViewWriterManager.getWriter(CyNetwork network, CyFileFilter filter, OutputStream os)
          Returns the CyWriter Task that will attempt to write the specified network to the specified output steam of the specified file type.

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.model

Methods in org.cytoscape.model that return CyNetwork
 CyNetwork CyNetworkFactory.createNetwork()
          Returns a new, empty CyNetwork object.
 CyNetwork CyNetworkFactory.createNetwork(SavePolicy policy)
          Returns a new, empty CyNetwork object.
 CyNetwork CyNetworkFactory.createNetworkWithPrivateTables()
          Returns a new, empty CyNetwork object where the associated default tables are private.
 CyNetwork CyNetworkFactory.createNetworkWithPrivateTables(SavePolicy policy)
          Returns a new, empty CyNetwork object where the associated default tables are private.
 CyNetwork CyTableMetadata.getNetwork()
          Returns all the networks associated with this object's table.
 CyNetwork CyNetworkManager.getNetwork(long id)
          Returns the network corresponding to the provided ID
 CyNetwork CyNode.getNetworkPointer()
          Returns the network referenced by this node.

Methods in org.cytoscape.model that return types with arguments of type CyNetwork
 Set<CyNetwork> CyNetworkTableManager.getNetworkSet()
          Returns a read-only set of all networks managed by this instance.
 Set<CyNetwork> CyNetworkManager.getNetworkSet()
          Provides the set of all the networks known to the network manager.

Methods in org.cytoscape.model with parameters of type CyNetwork
 void CyNetworkManager.addNetwork(CyNetwork network)
          Registers a network with the network manager.
 void CyNetworkManager.destroyNetwork(CyNetwork network)
          Destroys a network.
static List<CyEdge> CyTableUtil.getEdgesInState(CyNetwork net, String columnName, boolean state)
          A utility method that returns a list of edges that have a boolean attribute in the DEFAULT_ATTRS namespace specified by columnName and are in the specified state.
static List<CyNode> CyTableUtil.getNodesInState(CyNetwork net, String columnName, boolean state)
          A utility method that returns a list of nodes that have a boolean attribute in the DEFAULT_ATTRS namespace specified by columnName and are in the specified state.
 CyTable CyNetworkTableManager.getTable(CyNetwork network, Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> type, String namespace)
          Returns the table with the specified namespace and type from the network.
 Map<String,CyTable> CyNetworkTableManager.getTables(CyNetwork network, Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> type)
          Returns a read-only map of all of the tables for the specified type from the network.
 void CyNetworkTableManager.removeAllTables(CyNetwork network)
          Removes all tables associated with the given network.
 void CyNetworkTableManager.removeTable(CyNetwork network, Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> type, String namespace)
          Removes the table with the specified namespace and type from the network.
 void CyNode.setNetworkPointer(CyNetwork network)
          Allows a network reference for this node to be set.
 void CyNetworkTableManager.setTable(CyNetwork network, Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> type, String namespace, CyTable table)
          Associates the given table to the network using the specified namespace and type.

Uses of CyNetwork in

Constructors in with parameters of type CyNetwork
AboutToRemoveEdgesEvent(CyNetwork source, Collection<CyEdge> edges)
          Constructs event.
AboutToRemoveNodesEvent(CyNetwork source, Collection<CyNode> nodes)
          Constructs event.
AddedEdgesEvent(CyNetwork source, Collection<CyEdge> edges)
          Constructs event.
AddedNodesEvent(CyNetwork source, Collection<CyNode> nodes)
          Constructs event.
NetworkAboutToBeDestroyedEvent(CyNetworkManager source, CyNetwork net)
          Constructs event.
NetworkAddedEvent(CyNetworkManager source, CyNetwork net)
          Constructs event.
RemovedEdgesEvent(CyNetwork source)
          Constructs event.
RemovedNodesEvent(CyNetwork source)
          Constructs event.
SetNetworkPointerEvent(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Constructs event.
UnsetNetworkPointerEvent(CyNode node, CyNetwork network)
          Constructs event.

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork

Subinterfaces of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork
 interface CyRootNetwork
          CyRootNetwork is an interface for managing Cytoscape's meta-network implementation.
 interface CySubNetwork
          A CySubNetwork is a CyNetwork that is contained within a parent CyNetwork.

Methods in org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork with parameters of type CyNetwork
 boolean CyRootNetwork.containsNetwork(CyNetwork n)
          Returns true if the network to be checked is a subnetwork of this root network and returns false otherwise.
 CyRootNetwork CyRootNetworkManager.getRootNetwork(CyNetwork n)
          Converts a CyNetwork to a CyRootNetwork

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.session

Methods in org.cytoscape.session that return types with arguments of type CyNetwork
 Set<CyNetwork> CySession.getNetworks()
          Returns a set of all CyNetwork objects contained in this Session.

Methods in org.cytoscape.session with parameters of type CyNetwork
 String CyNetworkNaming.getSuggestedSubnetworkTitle(CyNetwork parentNetwork)
          Generates a unique title for a subnetwork based on a parent network.

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.session with type arguments of type CyNetwork
 CySession.Builder CySession.Builder.networks(Set<CyNetwork> networks)
          Returns an instance of Builder that has at least been configured with the specified networks.

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.task

Fields in org.cytoscape.task declared as CyNetwork
protected  CyNetwork
          The network that descendants of this class will operate on.

Fields in org.cytoscape.task with type parameters of type CyNetwork
protected  Collection<CyNetwork> AbstractNetworkCollectionTask.networks
          The collection of networks that descendants will operate on.

Methods in org.cytoscape.task with parameters of type CyNetwork
 TaskIterator NetworkTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(CyNetwork network)
          Provisions this factory with the CyNetwork that will be passed into any task created by it.
 boolean NetworkTaskFactory.isReady(CyNetwork network)
          Returns true if this task factory is ready to produce a TaskIterator.
 boolean AbstractNetworkTaskFactory.isReady(CyNetwork network)
          Returns true if the supplied network is not null.

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.task with type arguments of type CyNetwork
 TaskIterator NetworkCollectionTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(Collection<CyNetwork> networks)
          Provisions this factory with the collection of networks that will be passed into any task created by it.
 boolean NetworkCollectionTaskFactory.isReady(Collection<CyNetwork> networks)
          Returns true if this task factory is ready to produce a task iterator.
 boolean AbstractNetworkCollectionTaskFactory.isReady(Collection<CyNetwork> networks)
          Returns true if the supplied collection is not null.

Constructors in org.cytoscape.task with parameters of type CyNetwork
AbstractNetworkTask(CyNetwork network)
          Base class for tasks that need to operate on a CyNetwork

Constructor parameters in org.cytoscape.task with type arguments of type CyNetwork
AbstractNetworkCollectionTask(Collection<CyNetwork> networks)
          Base Constructor for a task that will operate on a collection of networks

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.task.edit

Methods in org.cytoscape.task.edit with parameters of type CyNetwork
 TaskIterator EditNetworkTitleTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(CyNetwork network, String title)
          Creates a task iterator for editing a network's title.

Method parameters in org.cytoscape.task.edit with type arguments of type CyNetwork
 TaskIterator MapTableToNetworkTablesTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(CyTable globalTable, boolean selectedNetworksOnly, List<CyNetwork> networkList, Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> tableType)
 TaskIterator JoinTablesTaskTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(CyTable globalTable, boolean selectedNetworksOnly, List<CyNetwork> networkList, CyRootNetwork rootNetwork, CyColumn targetJoinColumn, Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> tableType)

Uses of CyNetwork in

Methods in with parameters of type CyNetwork
 TaskIterator SelectFromFileListTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(CyNetwork network, File file)
          Creates a task iterator for selecting items of a network based on a file.

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.view.layout

Methods in org.cytoscape.view.layout with parameters of type CyNetwork
protected  void LayoutPartition.addNode(CyNetwork network, View<CyNode> nv, boolean locked)
          Add a node to this partition.

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.view.model

Methods in org.cytoscape.view.model with parameters of type CyNetwork
 CyNetworkView CyNetworkViewFactory.createNetworkView(CyNetwork network)
          Create a CyNetworkView from a CyNetwork object.
 Collection<CyNetworkView> CyNetworkViewManager.getNetworkViews(CyNetwork network)
          Returns a collection of network views corresponding to the specified network, if found.
 boolean CyNetworkViewManager.viewExists(CyNetwork network)
          Determines whether a network view for the specified network is known to the network view manager.

Uses of CyNetwork in org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui

Methods in org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui that return types with arguments of type CyNetwork
 RenderingEngine<CyNetwork> DefaultViewPanel.getRenderingEngine()
          Get dummy network view.

Cytoscape 3.0.1 API

Copyright 2011 Cytoscape Consortium. All rights reserved.