Cytoscape 2.8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use CytoscapeAction
cytoscape.actions UI classes that are attached to menu items in the menu or tool bar of the window. 
cytoscape.dialogs UI classes for performing some action, generally more complicated than those contained in the cytoscape.actions package. 
cytoscape.view Classes that provide a window to display a graph and UI components connected to that window, such as the menus. 

Uses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.actions

Subclasses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.actions
 class AlphabeticalSelectionAction
 class ApplyLayoutAction
 class ApplyVisualStyleAction
          Apply Visual Style for a set of selected networks.
 class BackgroundColorAction
          Deprecated. Use vizmapper gui to edit background color. Will be removed 5/2008
 class BendSelectedEdgesAction
 class BirdsEyeViewAction
          Deprecated. This class is no longer used since the BirdsEyeView is now always part of the NetworkPanel. BirdsEyeView creation and event handling is done by the BirdsEyeViewHandler and initialized in CytoscapeDesktop This class will be removed 5/2008.
 class BookmarkAction
 class CloneGraphInNewWindowAction
 class CreateNetworkViewAction
 class CytoPanelAction
 class DeleteAction
          action for deleting selected Cytoscape nodes and edges
 class DeselectAllAction
 class DeSelectAllEdgesAction
 class DeSelectAllNodesAction
 class DestroyNetworkAction
 class DestroyNetworkViewAction
 class ExitAction
 class ExportAction
 class ExportAsGMLAction
 class ExportAsGraphicsAction
          Action for exporting a network view to bitmap or vector graphics.
 class ExportAsInteractionsAction
          write out the current graph to the specified file, using the standard interactions format: nodeA edgeType nodeB.
 class ExportAsXGMMLAction
          This action is for exporting network and attributes in XGMML file.
 class ExportEdgeAttributesAction
 class ExportNetworksAsNNFAction
          This action is for exporting network and attributes in XGMML file.
 class ExportNodeAttributesAction
 class ExportVizmapAction
          Export visual styles as a vizmap.props file
 class FitContentAction
 class GraphObjectSelectionAction
 class HelpAboutAction
 class HelpContactHelpDeskAction
 class HelpContentsAction
          Really just a wrapper for the CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource action.
 class HideSelectedAction
 class HideSelectedEdgesAction
 class HideSelectedNodesAction
 class ImportEdgeAttributesAction
 class ImportExpressionMatrixAction
          User has requested loading of an Expression Matrix File.
 class ImportGraphFileAction
          Imports a graph of arbitrary type.
 class ImportNodeAttributesAction
 class ImportVizmapAction
 class InvertSelectedEdgesAction
 class InvertSelectedNodesAction
 class ListFromFileSelectionAction
          Select nodes from a text list of node IDs.
 class LoggerAction
          Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 class MemoryUsageAction
 class NewNetworkAction
          creates a new network and associates an editor with it
 class NewSessionAction
 class NewWindowSelectedNodesEdgesAction
 class NewWindowSelectedNodesOnlyAction
 class OpenSessionAction
          Call the session reader and read everything in the zip archive.
 class PluginManagerAction
 class PluginUpdateAction
 class PreferenceAction
 class PrintAction
 class ProxyServerAction
 class SaveSessionAction
          Save Session action.
Write current states into a CYS file.
 class SaveSessionAsAction
          Same as SaveSessionAction, but always opens file chooser.
 class SelectAdjacentEdgesAction
 class SelectAllAction
 class SelectAllEdgesAction
 class SelectAllNodesAction
 class SelectConnectedNodesAction
          select every node connected to the current selected edges.
 class SelectFirstNeighborsAction
          select every first neighbor (directly connected nodes) of the currently selected nodes.
 class SetVisualPropertiesAction
 class ShowAllAction
 class ShowCustomGraphicsManagerAction
          Display Custom Graphics Manager GUI.
 class ShowGraphicsDetailsAction
 class StraightenSelectedEdgesAction
 class ToggleVisualMapperAction
          This class implements two menu items that allow enabling and disabling the visual mapper.
 class UnHideSelectedEdgesAction
 class UnHideSelectedNodesAction
 class WebServiceNetworkImportAction
 class ZoomAction
 class ZoomSelectedAction

Uses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.dialogs

Subclasses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.dialogs
 class ShrinkExpandGraph
          This class shifts the nodes to shrink or expand the graph: it averages the coordinates of all the nodes to find the center it translates the graph to a center at (0,0) it multiplies each node coordinate by a factor m it translates the graph back to the original center

Uses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.layout.ui

Subclasses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.layout.ui
 class SettingsAction

Uses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.util.undo

Subclasses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.util.undo
 class RedoAction
          An action that calls redo for the most recent edit in the undoable edit stack.
 class UndoAction
          An action that calls undo for the most recent edit in the undoable edit stack.

Uses of CytoscapeAction in cytoscape.view

Methods in cytoscape.view with parameters of type CytoscapeAction
 void CyMenus.addAction(CytoscapeAction action)
          Add the menu item.
 void CyMenus.addAction(CytoscapeAction action, int index)
          Add the menu item in a specific position
 void CyMenus.addCytoscapeAction(CytoscapeAction action)
          Takes a CytoscapeAction and will add it to the MenuBar or the Toolbar as is appropriate.
 void CyMenus.addCytoscapeAction(CytoscapeAction action, int index)
          Add the menu item in a specific position

Cytoscape 2.8.0 API

Copyright 2010 Cytoscape Consortium. All rights reserved.