Cytoscape 2.8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TaskMonitor
cytoscape.actions UI classes that are attached to menu items in the menu or tool bar of the window. Basic data classes used by Cytoscape. Reader classes for the basic data types in   
cytoscape.layout Classes providing some kind of graph layout functionality. 
cytoscape.plugin Classes related to Cytoscape plugins. 
cytoscape.task Cytoscape Task Framework. 
cytoscape.task.sample Sample task, used to illustrate the Task framework. 
cytoscape.task.ui UI code related to task control. 
cytoscape.util This package contains utility classes which are deemed generally useful, but which do not clearly belong to any other package. 
cytoscape.visual.ui Top-level UI components for the cytoscape.visual package. 

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.actions

Methods in cytoscape.actions with parameters of type TaskMonitor
 void LoadNetworkTask.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Sets the Task Monitor.

Uses of TaskMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type TaskMonitor
 void ExpressionData.copyToAttribs(CyAttributes nodeAttribs, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Copies ExpressionData data structure into CyAttributes data structure.
 File ImportHandler.downloadFromURL(URL url, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Download a temporary file from the given URL.

Constructors in with parameters of type TaskMonitor
ExpressionData(String filename, String keyAttributeName, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
ExpressionData(String filename, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)

Uses of TaskMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type TaskMonitor
 void XGMMLReader.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
          Sets the task monitor we want to use
 void NNFReader.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
          Sets the task monitor we want to use
 void InteractionsReader.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
          Sets the task monitor we want to use
 void GMLReader.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
          Sets the task monitor we want to use
 void AbstractGraphReader.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
          Set the task monitor to use for this reader

Constructors in with parameters of type TaskMonitor
CytoscapeSessionReader(String fileName, TaskMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new CytoscapeSessionReader object.
CytoscapeSessionReader(URL sourceName, TaskMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for remote file (specified by an URL)
GMLReader(String filename, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
InteractionsReader(String filename, TaskMonitor monitor)
          Creates an interaction reader based on the string file name.
InteractionsReader(String zip_entry, TaskMonitor monitor, boolean is_zip)
          Creates an interaction reader based on a string consisting of data that has been read from a zip file.
NNFReader(String filename, TaskMonitor monitor)
          Creates an interaction reader based on the string file name.
XGMMLReader(String fileName, TaskMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new XGMMLReader object.

Uses of TaskMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type TaskMonitor
static String InteractionWriter.getInteractionString(CyNetwork network, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Returns a SIF formatted string of the specified network.
static void InteractionWriter.writeInteractions(CyNetwork network, Writer writer, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Writes a SIF formatted string of the specified network to the specified writer.

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.layout

Fields in cytoscape.layout declared as TaskMonitor
protected static TaskMonitor AbstractLayout.nullTaskMonitor
protected  TaskMonitor AbstractLayout.taskMonitor

Methods in cytoscape.layout with parameters of type TaskMonitor
abstract  void LayoutAdapter.doLayout(CyNetworkView networkView, TaskMonitor monitor)
          This method performs the layout on the current network, but assumes that the layout is part of an existing monitored task
 void CyLayoutAlgorithm.doLayout(CyNetworkView networkView, TaskMonitor monitor)
          This method performs the layout on the current network, but assumes that the layout is part of an existing monitored task
 void AbstractLayout.doLayout(CyNetworkView nview, TaskMonitor monitor)
          doLayout on specified network view with specified monitor.
 void LayoutTask.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
          Sets the task monitor to be used for the layout.

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.plugin

Methods in cytoscape.plugin with parameters of type TaskMonitor
 DownloadableInfo Obj, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Downloads given object to the temporary directory.
 boolean InstallableTheme.install(TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
 boolean InstallablePlugin.install(TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
 boolean Installable.install(TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
 boolean InstallableTheme.installToDir(File dir, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
 boolean InstallablePlugin.installToDir(File dir, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
 boolean Installable.installToDir(File dir, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
 void PluginManagerInquireTask.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
 void PluginManager.update(DownloadableInfo currentObj, DownloadableInfo newObj, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Finds the given version of the new object, sets the old object for deletion and downloads new object to temporary directory
 boolean InstallableTheme.update(DownloadableInfo newInfoObj, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
 boolean InstallablePlugin.update(DownloadableInfo newInfoObj, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
 boolean Installable.update(DownloadableInfo newObj, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.task

Methods in cytoscape.task with parameters of type TaskMonitor
 void Task.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
          Lets this Task know who it should report to regarding task progress, errors, status description, etc.

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.task.sample

Methods in cytoscape.task.sample with parameters of type TaskMonitor
 void SampleTask.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Sets the Task Monitor.

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.task.ui

Classes in cytoscape.task.ui that implement TaskMonitor
 class JTask
          Common UI element for visually monitoring task progress.

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.util

Methods in cytoscape.util with parameters of type TaskMonitor
static void urlString, File downloadFile, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Download the file specified by the url string to the given File object
static InputStream FileUtil.getInputStream(String name, TaskMonitor monitor)
          DOCUMENT ME!
static List<String> ZipUtil.unzip(String zipName, String unzipDir, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Unzips the given zip file and returns a list of all files unzipped

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic

Methods in cytoscape.visual.customgraphic with parameters of type TaskMonitor
 void RestoreImageTask.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Sets the Task Monitor.
 void PersistImageTask.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor taskMonitor)
          Sets the Task Monitor.

Uses of TaskMonitor in cytoscape.visual.ui

Methods in cytoscape.visual.ui with parameters of type TaskMonitor
 void RedrawTask.setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor taskMonitor)

Cytoscape 2.8.0 API

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