What is Systems Biology?

Lab Members' Research Projects

Assembling Network Models

Network-based Diagnosis and Personalized Medicine

Comparative Network Analysis

Cytoscape Software

Error Analysis and Modeling of DNA microarrays

Application to the Study of Pathogens and Disease

Galactose Utilization as a Model System



We have adopted an integrated, systematic approach to assess, refine, and extend the galactose-utilization (GAL) pathway in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. First, the GAL pathway was exposed to a battery of twenty perturbations, in which key genes were deleted from the yeast genome and/or key environmental stimuli were altered. Next, whole-genome DNA microarrays and global proteomics were used to track changes in mRNA and protein.  

Galactose Pathway

To address expression changes in genes outside of the GAL pathway, we have constructed a network of all known molecular interactions in yeast, drawing data from publicly-accessible databases of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. To date, we have been able to explain 20-40% of all gene expression changes, most of which occur in various metabolic pathways, with plausible physical interactions in the network.

© University of California, San Diego